Nothing But Zimmerman’s Death Will Make Them Happy

By now most people now that something happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in Florida and that whatever happened resulted in the death of Martin. I say we know that something happened because we don’t know all the details. The MSM has deliberately distorted what happened and has edited audio to make Zimmerman look like a racist. Yes, that is right, the MSM deliberately did this to stoke the embers and fuel racial discontent.

Even the prosecutor was involved as she did not release the evidence showing the gashes on Zimmerman’s head and the blood running from them. If she had included them then it might be pretty clear he was defending himself and that no charges should be filed.

She and the governor can claim that the charges were not the result of public pressure but they were. Let’s face it, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

Anyone remember the Duke Lacrosse case?

The people who are stoking the fires are not interested in justice. They claim they are but they are only interested in an outcome that they favor and if they do not get it they will most certainly cause civil disturbance. I imagine that riots will erupt all over the place and a lot of people will get hurt.

You see, when this all took place and the fires were being stoked by the race baiters they all claimed that they wanted Zimmerman arrested. They would be happy f he were arrested and if they did not arrest this man, well no justice no peace. Then, after the investigation, Zimmerman was arrested. He was charged and he went to jail to await a bond hearing. He got bail and was released. Now people are upset about that as the Twitter world lit up with death threats aimed at Zimmerman and the judge who allowed bail.

The people involved in this have already stated that they will now not be happy until Zimmerman is convicted and executed for murder.

All hell will break loose if anything less than this happens.

The people involved in trumping up outrage at the death of Martin are hell bent on seeing Zimmerman dead and they will not rest until that happens. If he is eventually found not guilty one of these morons will murder him.

The MSM stoked the racism. The race hustlers jumped all over it and the racists in the black community (like the New Black Pansies) got all riled up over this. It is contrived and it is over the top.

Blacks murder whites at a much higher rate than whites murder blacks and black on black crime is out of control. None of the usual suspects show up to protest when some white person is the victim of a horrific murder at the hands of a black person. None of them show up when blacks murder other blacks at an alarming rate.

No, they only show up when they can manufacture outrage and fuel the phony fire of racism.

Without that, most of them no longer have any legitimacy.

Another thing. I am tired of reading and hearing that Zimmerman shot an unarmed black man. Zimmerman did not know whether or not Martin was armed when Martin was attacking him. Martin did not need to be armed to inflict injury on Zimmerman.

I also get tired of hearing that Zimmerman disobeyed the order of a 911 operator to stand down. First of all, you are not obligated to follow what a 911 operator says. Second, this one only told Zimmerman that they did not need him tofollow Martin and third, once told that Zimmerman replied OK and stopped following Martin.

The radicals in the race hustling business will not be happy until Zimmerman is dead and from the looks of things they will do everything to make that happen.

Better buckle up folks. It is going to be a bumpy ride…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Fast And Furious Shredding Of The Constitution

Progressives are sneaky weasels who smile at you while stabbing you in the back. They will stop at nothing to impose their idea of Socialist Utopia on people and that includes ignoring or shredding the Constitution. These people look at our rule of law as an impediment to them attaining their goal of complete domination over the populace.

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes and that means there are Republican as well as Democrat progressives. One only needs to look at the bills being pushed through Congress right now, bills that will designate the US as part of the battlefield and deny Americans their Constitutional protections, to see that both parties are working toward complete domination.

The Fast and Furious gun running scheme that was sanctioned by the Obama regime and had support from the White House through the Justice Department to the ATF is a classic example of how progressives work to remove our rights.

Fast and Furious was a scheme in which the ATF asked gun dealers to allow illegal purchases to be made so the guns could be tracked to drug cartels in Mexico. The gun dealers were not happy about this and continually asked for reassurance that they would not get in trouble and that the guns would not make it south of the border.

The dealers were assured that the government had things under control. We now know this is untrue as the ATF lost track of a large number of guns, two of which were found at the scene of the murder of a border patrol agent.

The Obama regime has denied involvement and documents obtained by CBS show that the regime was interested in using the illegal purchases (purchases that were allowed ONLY at the request of the regime) to enforce more stringent gun control measures.

That’s right. The Obama regime asked gun dealers to allow illegal purchases to go through AND THEN tried to use those purchases as a reason we need tougher reporting rules, tougher gun laws. If the ATF had not asked the gun dealers to allow the illegal purchases they would not have happened.

Create a crisis, address the crisis and then trample on our rights while shredding the Constitution.

Fast and Furious was a criminal act authorized by the Obama regime that was ostensibly to track guns to drug cartels but in reality was designed to create a situation where the regime could impose more gun control.

Who knows what would have happened if the criminals in the regime had not been caught?

Eric Holder needs to go. Obama needs to go. The head of the ATF needs to go. In fact, anyone involved in this at the management level needs to go.

They all need to go to jail…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Know What It Feels Like Being Told To Submit

Joe Biden was out trying to trump up support for Stimulus II, Obama’s second attempt at doing the same thing that did not work the last time. The guy who spent nearly a trillion dollars on a stimulus for “shovel ready jobs” that turned out not to be shovel ready wants you to believe that a second stimulus will put people to work at shovel ready jobs.

So Biden is talking about crime statistics (which were all fabricated) and he discussed rape and gun crimes going up when there are fewer police officers. He said that these crimes would go up even more without Stimulus II and that he wished those who oppose knew what it was like:

I wish these guys who thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or [to have] a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit,” Biden told a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on Tuesday, adding, “Folks, it matter, it matters.” The Lonely Conservative

I don’t know how much Obama weighs so I can’t attest to the 200 pound man involved but I do know what it is like to have a big eared bean pole standing over me telling me to submit.

Obama wants Stimulus II to pay off his union buddies. He wants to use more taxpayer money to send to states so they can use it to fill gaps in their budgets (which is what happened in Stimulus I). He has been running around demanding that his bill be passed. Chants of pass the bill come from him and his adoring flocks as they demand that we submit to Obama’s wishes.

Obama has taken to ridiculing Republicans even though some of his Democrats are not on board with Stimulus II. He blames Republicans even though the Democrat controlled Senate can’t get the bill passed. Democrats will cry about filibuster threats (karma is a beyatch) but Republicans are doing nothing more than following the rules and the will of their constituents. That is what they are supposed to do. Democrats had no problems doing that when they were the minority party so they will just have to live with it.

So we have Obama demanding that we submit and he is doing it by using fear about fewer police officers and firefighters (at the point of the metaphorical gun) and he is insulting the intelligence of people who oppose by insisting they are not bright enough to understand it so they want to break it up into smaller pieces. We understand it and don’t like it but that won’t stop Obama from trying to force us to submit.

Obamacare is another example where a majority of the population opposed the legislation and it was rammed through against our wishes. We were FORCED to submit to the desires of the Socialist Democrats.

So yes Joe, we know what it is like. The difference is we are tough enough to stand up to the man standing over us and given the number of guns purchased in this country it is unlikely we will stare down a gun unless we live in an area controlled by liberals.

We need to kill the legislation because it will not do anything to create jobs (government does not create jobs). It will only allow states to keep government employees (union employees) employed by using our tax dollars to make up for the state’s inept management.

Joe, we know buddy. It does matter folks and it matters when we vote next November.

I am part of the Occupy crowd. Occupy the White House in 2012.

And send Barry Obama and Sheriff Joe packing…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Judicial System Costs A Teen Her Life

A Chicago teen, Charinez Jefferson, was murdered by a gang banger who saw her walking with a member of a rival gang. Gang banger Timothy Jones fired shots at the two and his rival ran from the scene leaving Jefferson to fend for herself (what a real man this guy is).

Jones pointed his gun at Jefferson as she begged for her life explaining that she was pregnant. Jones shot her in the head and then pumped more rounds into her body. She died and her unborn child is in critical condition.

The anti gun nuts in this country will blame the weapon for the crime but the weapon was used by a person who should not have had it (criminals do NOT obey the law) and who should have been in jail. Charinez Jefferson was the victim of a liberal judicial system that refuses to incarcerate felons. Jones has a long rap sheet.

A police source said that Jones was a “stick-up man” well known to area police. At the time of the shooting, Jones was serving 2 years of probation for a 2010 burglary conviction, Dillon said. He also has a “lengthy” juvenile record, including convictions for unlawful use of a weapon, possession of a stolen motor vehicle, and burglary. Chicago Tribune

Jones should have been in jail. He was well known to police and had a history of violence, criminal activity and use of weapons. Why was this thug on the street?

He was on the street because of a judicial system that allows judges who live in protected communities to be lenient on people who have shown they are unworthy of freedom.

Charinez Jefferson was murdered and her child is in critical condition because a judge or judges refused to put the animal who eventually murdered her in a cage where he belongs.

And since Chicago has one of the most stringent gun laws in the country, Jefferson and others are not allowed to carry guns for their own protection.

They are prey to people like Jones who refuse to obey the law and who are coddled by the lax judicial system.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Can’t We All Just Get Along?

So now that more evidence has come out that the AZ shooter was a few beers short of a six-pack, and wasn’t actually commanded or influenced by talk radio, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Hot Air, Huffington Post, OR Jesus Christ himself, some are starting to calm down (a little). The recent trends I’m seeing are now that we need to “calm the rhetoric” and do more to “get along.”

Know what? I’d like to. Seriously, I really would. But I’m not allowed to.

You see, when people say things like, “Oh, we just need to agree to disagree” and the like, that’s not good enough — especially in politics. We can talk about “differing opinions” all we like — and I have no problem with opinions. What makes today’s politics different is force: today’s government wants to use force to make me do things.

That’s not a “difference of opinion.” That’s government sending men with guns to make me do things I don’t want to do.

For example, Washington, DC is considering killing and jailing people who do not shovel their sidewalks within 8 hours of the end of a snow event. Now, when I oppose that, that’s not a “difference of opinion.” That’s supporters of that law saying, “If you don’t agree with me, I will send men to kill you.” You cannot talk about opinions, when one side is willing to use force against peaceful people who are not harming anyone.

So talk about rhetoric and opinions and divisiveness all you want — but when you use government force to get your way, or when you support government using force to get your way, don’t be surprised when others use force to defend themselves. And of course, those who defend themselves against government force will be called terrorists.


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