The Federal Government Looking Out For You

The fact that Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) refuses to secure the border and has chosen to sue Arizona rather than do his job clearly demonstrates his contempt for America. He is working on a plan for backdoor amnesty and his Immigration services are not aggressively tackling the illegal immigrant issue.

If the government took the illegal alien problem seriously then one nun would not be dead and two in critical condition. An illegal who had been released on his own recognizance by immigration services, following his third drunk driving incident, hit a car carrying the nuns.

The man suspected of drunken driving and killing a Catholic nun in Prince William County this weekend is an illegal immigrant who was awaiting deportation and who federal immigration authorities had released pending further proceedings, police said Monday. Washington Times

One function of the federal government is to protect the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, Obama and his Democrats are more interested in increasing their voter base than ensuring the citizens of this country are safe.

Jan Brewer of Arizona has the right idea. Unfortunately the guy who rides around in an armored vehicle surrounded by a plethora of armed guards cares little about those of us who have no such protection.

And yes, I know that the nuns could have been hurt by a citizen but the fact is if the government were doing its job then this accident would not have happened.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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How Could Eric Holder Forget This?

Attorney General and terrorist sympathizer Eric Holder seems to have neglected to include about seven legal briefs he signed in the packet of stuff he provided to the Senate when he went through the confirmation process.

I understand that a politician lawyer like Holder is busy and probably signs a lot of things but two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court. A lot of attorneys go through their entire career and do not submit stuff to the SCOTUS so one would think this is not the kind of stuff that would be forgotten. What else could make him neglect to send them?

Two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court for Jose Padilla, who sought release from a military prison in South Carolina where he was being held after then-President George W. Bush designated him an “enemy combatant.” al-Reuters

Oh, more on the terror support front, got it.

Holder is a little weasel. He has been involved in a number of pardons of bad people like Marc Rich, members of the FALN and of the Weather Underground (yes the Bill Ayers terrorist group). He is just a low life weasel who has little regard for the law and sees it more as a vehicle to enact social justice.

Yes, he has a sordid past and yes he deliberately withheld information from the Senate.

He is a pathetic little man who should resign his position and slither back under the rock he emerged from.

And he can save some room for that cretin Obama as well.

Other Holder hits:
OKC Bombing cover-up
Waco cover-up
Torture of US Citizen cover-up

How do we allow pieces of cow dung like this guy to be anywhere near our political system?

Big Dog


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Obama Gambles With Terror Trial In New York

Pat Buchanan has an interesting article out today that asks if America is at war. Then he goes on to say that if we are at war then why are we bringing terrorists who committed war crimes into our country to be tried in a court of law. He asks why we are granting Constitutional rights to people who are not entitled to them and who should be tried in military courts.

Buchanan’s opinion is that if things go badly with this trial it will be the end of Obama’s occupation of the White House.

I agree with this perspective. I have wondered why it is that these people are taking such a huge gamble. What happens if, for some reason, they are found not guilty or if the case is dismissed for some technical procedure?

It is not beyond imagination that some such thing could happen and some of the terrorists could walk out free men just like Obama’s pal Bill Ayers.

The other thing I wonder is, if they are found anything but guilty where will we send them? Will they be released into the general public? What else can we do with them? If we have had such a difficult time getting homes for those detained at Gitmo then what will change to make countries suddenly willing to take them? It is possible that the monsters who killed our fellow citizens could walk for one reason or another.

And if they walk, Obama can pack his bags because he will not get a second stint.

This is a huge gamble for Obama and if things work out he will look like a hero but if they don’t then things are going to get very ugly for him.

Treating acts of war as a crime issue is one of the things that led to the attack on 9/11.

Treating these terrorists as regular criminals is a big mistake that could have serious consequences both for Obama and for the country as well.

Big Dog


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Was It His My Pet Goat Moment?

There was a terrible incident at Fort Hood today where a soldier opened fire with several weapons and killed 11 people while wounding 31 others. The post was locked down as emergency services responded to the scene. A civilian DOD police officer shot and wounded the assailant, identified as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who was initially reported as killed in the gunfight.

Let me start by saying the thoughts and prayers of the Big Dog family go out to those affected by this terrible incident. May God give you strength and comfort and may he welcome with open arms those brave souls who were taken from us.

Barack Obama was informed of this and he spoke to it at a conference on Native American issues being held by the Department of the Interior. I think the words that he spoke were heartfelt and appropriate but I do have a problem with how he addressed the issue.

He arrived at the conference and thanked people for attending and then he had a “shout out” to someone there. He then discussed how important the issues were blah, blah, blah. Then he spoke about Hood.

Perhaps, and maybe it is just me, he should have mentioned the Fort Hood incident first. Would it have been too difficult to say something like; “Before I address the conference I want to talk about the incident at Fort Hood. By now you have heard about the horrific incident where 11 soldiers were killed by a fellow soldier. Let me say a few words about what has taken place.” Then he could say the words that he spoke and then move on to the shout outs.

It seemed to me that the soldiers involved in this incident and the people of Fort Hood were second in his mind and that he gave the shout outs a higher priority. He is supposed to be the Commander in Chief and that role should have guided him to speak of the issue first. Perhaps he is not as qualified for the job as he led us to believe.

Was this incident Obama’s My Pet Goat moment? He was more interested in addressing the attendees of the event than actually addressing the tragedy at hand. Kind of like when the left said Bush was more interested in reading a book to children than responding to the 9/11 attacks.

In any event, there will be lots of questions over the next few days and weeks and perhaps we can sort out what went wrong.

Particular attention will likely be paid to statements Hasan has reportedly made about Muslims rising against occupiers as well as other statements allegedly made with regard to his opposition to the war. His radical views were of concern to others who worked with him in the past.

I am glad he was not killed. We need some answers from him. I also hope he is the first soldier to get the death penalty in quite some time. Nothing would be better than saving this coward from death only to make him face his accusers and then have to contemplate his demise.

Prayers to Fort Hood.

Big Dog


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Late Term Abortion Performed At Church

A gunman reportedly shot and killed Dr. George Tiller a man who performs(ed) late term abortions. The local authorities have not released the name of the victim but it is being reported as Tiller. Police are looking for the murderer (besides Tiller).

I don’t think this is the way to settle problems and despite how meathead takes my rants I would never kill someone to settle a dispute unless the dispute involved the potential and immediate harm to me or my family. I would shoot someone who broke in my home but would not shoot a neighbor with whom I disagreed. This is an important distinction because some less intelligent people take it literally when you say someone should be shot or hanged for some infraction.

If they catch this guy he should claim that he was guilty of practicing medicine without a license. He could say that he wanted to perform a late term abortion but since he has no medical training he did not know how late “late term” was. He could claim that he performed a late term abortion on Tiller but lacked any training to determine when it was too late.

Tiller can now rot in hell where he belongs. What was that guy doing in church in the first place?

This picture is what Tiller did for a living. (disturbing photo)

Fox News

UPDATE: This is in a news story: The shooting prompted U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to direct federal marshals to “offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation,” according to a statement from the Department of Justice.

The Marine recruiting office in Berkeley has been under attack for years but I have never seen US Marshals deployed to protect the facility or the people working there. Of course, the Marines can do a much better job than the US Marshals if we just let them handle it…

One guy is murdered and Holder is offering protection all over.

Big Dog

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