Excuse The Rappers; Blame Beck Instead
Apr 8, 2009 Political
I wrote yesterday about the liberal left and its assertions that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity incite people to murder. The feeling of those on the left is that the “hate” speech of these talk show hosts incites people to go out and commit crimes, particularly murder. This is not a new thing as Bill Clinton tried to blame the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh instead of on Timothy McVeigh. The left looks everywhere to find someone to blame except the person who actually committed the crime.
The issue now is the death of three police officers in Pittsburgh who were murdered by some guy who was reportedly worried that Obama would take guns away. I have no doubt that Obama would like to do away with guns but this guy went about expressing his concern the wrong way. But he, and only he, is to blame for this terrible crime.
The rap world is full of gang bangers who sing about killing, shooting and all kinds of violence toward women and the public in general. In 1992 a song came out entitled Cop Killer. It was by a group called Body Count (with Ice T) and it was about a person who was fed up with police brutality so he took matters into his own hands. This is the first part of the song:
I got my black shirt on.
I got my black gloves on.
I got my ski mask on.
This sh*ts been too long.
I got my twelve gauge sawed off.
I got my headlights turned off.
Im bout to bust some shots off.
Im bout to dust some cops off.Im a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, f**k police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your familys grieving,
(f**k em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
Lyrics Freak
There was an uproar about this song. Police survivor groups were not happy with it but there were those who defended it particularly against the tighty whitey George H W Bush administration and their political correctness.
For what its worth I don’t care about the song. The radio has a lot of stations and I know how to work the dial and no one was ever forced to buy it. However, the question is, does not this kind of music actually, directly, incite violence against cops?
People can claim that the conservative talkers play on the emotions and fears of people and put suggestions in their heads about becoming violent. I do not see it that way. These people are not causing anyone to commit crimes. If people are doing this they are doing so on their own. I don’t believe that there are veiled messages of hate and violence from conservative talkers any more than I think Obama is sending veiled messages of violence to people he tells to get in their faces, channel their anger, or if they bring a knife he [Obama] brings a gun because they like to brawl in Philly (which is actually what they did to intimidate voters in that city).
Should we claim that Obama caused Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places with night sticks to intimidate people? If Beck and the others are responsible for the recent violence then Obama is responsible for the actions of those who threaten violence in order to help him.
Should we now start blaming Hollywood and its assorted liberal actors who perfrom in violent movies that feature a lot of people, including cops, being killed. If conservative talkers are responsible for violence then the Hollywood crowd certainly shoulders the burden of blame for violence because a lot of their movies have overt acts of aggression. Where was the liberal uproar when the film about George W Bush being assassinated was released? That certainly gave a message of violence and could have triggered all kinds of violent behavior.
People are responsible for their own actions. I know this is a difficult concept for the left because they always have to have someone to blame. There always has to be a victim class and there always has to be some evil person (usually Republican) who is to blame for it. Personal responsibility is not a strong suit of the left as finger pointing is their favorite past time.
Regardless, if conservative talkers have any blame for these acts of violence then rappers share that blame as does Barack Obama. We cannot have two sets of rules. If veiled messages from conservative talkers cause violence then the same kind of messages from Obama cause violence. If these are true then the blatant call for violence from rappers is definitely to blame for violence as is the overt violence in Hollywood productions. When a guy like 50 Cent is worshiped by young kids because he was shot 9 times then there is a problem that reaches far beyond anything conservative talkers say.
It is a tragedy that the people in Oakland, Pittsburgh and New York were murdered but the only people responsible for the deaths are the people who did the murdering.
Let’s stop the finger pointing and let’s stop trying to affix blame to people who are not responsible.
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Tags: cop killer, glenn beck, hollywood, ice t, murder, Obama, rap, Rush Limbaugh, sean hannity, violence
Obama Untruthful About Bonuses; Frank To Endanger AIG Employees
Mar 19, 2009 Political
Barack Obama and his lackeys have been running around screaming about the perfectly legal bonuses that some AIG employees received. I understand the uproar but the politicians have created an atmosphere of hatred and it is getting dangerous. Employees of AIG have been threatened as have their families and this is all because of the frenzy whipped up by the administration and the members of Congress who actually allowed the bonuses to happen.
Today the CEO of AIG was being grilled by Congress and limp wristed Barney Rubble, I mean Frank asked for the names of the employees who had received bonuses. Mr. Liddy said he would not give them unless he could be assured they would not be made public and Frank said he would make no such promise and that he would issue a subpoena for the names if he had to. Then Liddy read some of the hate mail that had been received including one that said the employees and their families should be strung up by piano wire. Frank said that he thought that it was just talk and he wanted the names.
No one treats it as just talk when people make any statement about Obama that in any way can be interpreted as a threat. I am willing to bet that if letters and emails started arriving at Frank’s office saying that he should be killed he would have protection and he would have investigations to find out who it is. And if there is anyone who should be strung up by piano wire it is that light in the loafers jackass. Frank seems not to care too much about the employees and their families.
If he releases the names and anything happens to those people Frank should be executed immediately. However, it is unlikely he would be held accountable for his actions. He is a major reason we had the economic collapse and he is still in office.
As for Obama, he is playing fast and loose with the facts. He claims that he only learned of the bonuses last week but a number of media outlets are reporting that he was aware of them before he took office. A number of people in government, many who are now feigning righteous indignation, knew about this months ago. It was not until the story enraged the public that most became upset.
The AP reports, via Yahoo News:
While administration officials insisted Tuesday that neither Obama nor Geithner learned of the impending bonus payments until last week, the problem wasn’t new. AIG’s plans to pay hundreds of millions of dollars were publicized last fall, when Congress started asking questions about expensive junkets the company had sponsored. A November SEC filing by the company details more than $469 million in “retention payments” to keep prized employees.
Back then, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, D-Md., began pumping Liddy for information on the bonuses and pressing him to scale them back. “There was outrage brewing already,” Cummings said. “I’m saying (to Liddy), ‘Be a good citizen. … Do something about this.’ ”
Around the same time, outside lawyers hired by the Federal Reserve started reviewing the bonuses as part of a broader look at retention and compensation plans, according to government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The outside attorneys examined the possibility of making changes to the company plans — scaling them back, delaying them or rescinding them. They ultimately concluded that even if AIG’s bonuses were withheld, the company would probably be sued successfully by its employees and be forced to pay them, the officials said.
Obama had to know about this or he is even more incompetent than I thought. All his players knew about it and it was part of SEC filings. The article goes on to explain how there were a number of discussions about how to stop it and that when the stimulus bill was being crafted they passed up a chance to stop the bonuses and instead inserted a Dodd amendment that allowed them. Dodd initially denied he added the amendment but today fessed up and said he was responsible for the loophole that allowed the bonuses to be paid. It looks like the Democrats are losing even more credibility by the minute.
Obama’s time line does not square with what is being reported. Like I said, he had to have known or he is completely incompetent. I think it is both but if he continues to deny knowing then he is admitting that he does not know what is going on and that is a sign of an incompetent “leader.”
Then again, he showed that he was incompetent when he signed a bill he did not read.
Obama is not getting a honeymoon period because he and his minions have used most of his political capital. The only people who are steadfastly sticking to him are the toadies who worship the ground he walks on.
Most others are starting to wake up and, like the hungover college kid who awakens next to an ugly woman, ask themselves what did I do?
Obama gets caught in a lie just about every week. He is caught breaking campaign promises just about every week and he is using the fabricated crisis to push through things that would never pass muster during times of tranquility.
One thing is certain and that is Obama and his toadies knew about the bonuses and they made them possible by adding amendments to bills and signing things that were never read.
It is a piss poor way to run a country if you ask me.
Shep Smith at Fox goes off on Congress and the Administration.
Barney Frank defended Fannie and Freddie while they were sinking but making Democrats rich and now it looks like they will be paying bonuses. Will Congress go after them as well? Stay tuned…
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Tags: aig, barney frank, bonuses, Congress, dodd, fox, lies, murder, Obama, shep smith
Obama Voted For This Kind Of Murder
Feb 5, 2009 Political
Barack Obama is in favor of infanticide, of this there can be no debate. He voted against the right to life for infants born alive after a botched abortion. What this means is that when an abortion fails and the child is born, it is left alone somewhere without care until it dies. I believe that life begins when blood begins to flow in the “product of conception” which is around 14 days after sperm meets egg. The Bible says that the life is in the blood and that is when the blood arrives. By the time most women find out they are pregnant, the blood has begun to flow and life has begun.
Reasonable people can debate this point of view and take positions in favor of or against abortion but no reasonable person could conclude that a baby who is born alive is not a human life. In reality a human exists in the womb long before it can survive outside the womb. We do not say a person on life support is no longer a human even though that person is unable to survive without help. Even when the embryo does not look like a person the DNA says that it is a human.
How does the culture of death embraced by the pro abortion groups play out? What happens when Obama’s infanticide position is put into practice? We found out from an incident in Florida.
An 18 year old woman decided to have an abortion and something went wrong. Her baby was born at 23 weeks while waiting for the death doctor to murder it. An unlicensed worker cut the umbilical cord of the live child and threw the baby in the trash. The decomposing corpse was found about a week later by police who were alerted about the incident. The autopsy shows the child had air in its lungs indicating it was alive when it was born. This child was murdered in a fashion supported by Barack Obama.
Only [Dr] Renelique didn’t arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.
What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic’s owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant’s umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.
Police recovered the decomposing remains in a cardboard box a week later after getting anonymous tips. Buffalo News
There is no way that any rational person could conclude that this child was not a human being and there is no way to deny that it was alive. This amounts to murder and the clinic should be shut down and the person who did this should be sent to prison for life for murdering this defenseless infant.
At 23 weeks it is unlikely the child would have survived but that is a decision that God and nature have to make, not some hack owner of a murder factory. Children have lived when born this early but we will never know this child would have. That chance was removed because of the same thing Obama supported when he was in the Illinois Senate.
This is disgusting and should sicken everyone who hears about it.
The sad thing is it will not.
Obama won’t be sickened. This is a guy who does not want his daughters punished with a pregnancy.
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Baltimore County Police Seeking Help
Nov 24, 2008 Political
The Baltimore County police department is investigating the murder of a 24 year old woman who had her throat slit as she stood in line at a county liquor store. Aysha Ring was standing in line at Charing Cross Liquors when a man walked up behind her and slit her throat. She died at Maryland’s Shock Trauma.
The suspect is described as a black man about 20 or 30 years old, weighing 230 pounds and standing about 6′ 1″. The police have indicated that some people who were at the store left before law enforcement arrived. They are asking for anyone who was there to contact them so they can get any information that might help solve this terrible crime.
The police are looking over video from the store surveillance and hope to release stills soon. If they release them I will try to put them up so that people in the area can be on the look out for this murderer.
What kind of person does this?
Tags: baltimore, liquor store, murder, suspect
Obama Choose One; Murder the Kids or Father them
Jun 16, 2008 Political
Barack Hussein Obama gave a speech on Father’s Day where he told black men they needed to step up and accept responsibility for their acts. He told them that any fool can have a child but raising the child is what makes one a man:
“We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception. That doesn’t make you a father,” Obama said to applause and hoots from the parishioners, “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child- any fool can have a child. That’s doesn’t make you father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” CBS
Not long ago B. Hussein Obama was defending the practice of murdering children in the womb and he said that if one of his daughters got pregnant he would not want her punished with a child. If I am to understand this correctly, Obama is saying that if a young lady wants to abort a baby she is avoiding punishment but if a young man ignores the child (his way of avoiding punishment) he is a fool and not being a man.
Obambi also used an interesting choice of words when he said that responsibility does not end at conception. Why not? To Obama and the rest of the murderers, life does not begin at conception and the product of conception is nothing more than a “blob” of cells. If, as the left contends, life does not begin at conception, how can a young man who does everything correctly actually be a father. One cannot be a father to a blob of cells so what responsibility is Obama referring to?
Why should Obama care in the first place? He advocates abortion. If we accept the argument that early abortion is not murder (I do not but for the sake of argument) then we would have to agree that a child, seconds from birth, is a human being. Obama believes in late term and partial birth abortion. Obama is all in favor of allowing a doctor to snip open the back of an about to be born child’s head and sucking its brains out. Obama even voted to allow unwanted babies to be born and left to die.
Given that Obama is all in favor of these barbaric methods of infanticide, why should we care what his views on fatherhood are? Who is he to admonish young men? Who is he to tell them that any fool can have a child but that it takes a man to raise the child? How can he say that a pregnant young lady is punished with a child but that a man must raise one?
It does take a man to raise a child and raising children properly makes that man a father. Advocating killing unborn (and in some cases just born) infants is contrary to the idea that it takes courage to raise a child. If Obama advocates killing those children then he lacks courage and he has no moral authority to tell other men to exhibit courage and raise their children.
B. Hussein’s little speech will get great play in the media (and he will not be castigated like Cosby was) and he will be treated as a man of the people who is so in touch with the problems facing the black community, a visionary, a man with great insight, a man full of hope and change. The reality is, he advocates infanticide and ignoring responsibility.
Obama does not want his daughters punished. He would rather punish an unborn child that had no say in the matter.
A society is measured by how it treats its weakest members. There are none weaker than the unborn and we are failing miserably in the way that they are treated.
It is OK to abort your child
Or so the story goes
Whether it’s for medical reasons
Or to clear up sexual woesYes it’s true, I’m sad to say
It really is no ruse
A fetus isn’t considered a life
Unless born damaged from abuseThere are many people who say out loud
It’s a woman’s right to choose
The father really has no rights
Don’t fight it, he will loseOf course it’s really different my friends
Should she choose not to abort
The man has no rights the other way
He gets socked with child supportOh what a tangled web we weave
When Pro-Choicers have their say
I wonder where they’d be right now
If their mothers felt that way.
Tags: abortion, conception, father, murder, Obama, responsibility