Muslim Immigrants Convicted In Fort Dix Plot
Dec 22, 2008 Political
Five Muslim Immigrants who were working on a plan to sneak in to Fort Dix New Jersey and kill American soldiers have been convicted and now face life in prison. The five were arrested after their group was infiltrated by an FBI informant.
The would be terrorists did not have a solid plan and they were months away from actually doing anything but they had obtained weapons and were training to kill Americans.
It is good that they were convicted and might end up behind bars for the rest of their miserable lives but I can’t help but wonder about another plot to attack Fort Dix.
Bill Ayers, unrepentant domestic terrorist and friend of Barack Obama, and his group of rag tag misfits had a plan to attack Fort Dix during the Vietnam War. They were going to set off bombs and kill soldiers and their dates attending a dance on post.
Fortunately, the bomb they were building detonated and killed three members of the group. Unfortunately, Ayers and his terrorist wife were not among them.
Now, for some strange reason, Ayers and his wife are successful in the country they declared war against and are hailed as heroes in some circles. Obama launched his political career from their home and they worked together on a program to indoctrinate children in the name of education.
The best thing would have been for them to die in the explosion but since that did not happen, why are they free? They should have been jailed for life like these five Muslims who were much farther away from killing soldiers than Ayers and his cohorts.
At least we got the five Muslims terrorists off the streets. Good thing too. Who knows what Socialist Democrat they might help get elected…
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Tags: attacks, ayers, bombings, fort dix, Muslims, terrorist
Don’t Take Flight 93 to Mecca 5-28-08
May 28, 2008 Flight 93
Plan your trip to the Flight 93 crash site for the weekend of August 2nd!
Are you thinking of visiting the Flight 93 crash site? If you plan your visit for the weekend of August 2nd, you can help stop the gigantic terrorist memorial mosque that will soon start rising from the ground there.
August 2nd is the next scheduled public meeting of the Memorial Project, where anyone can sign up to speak during the public comment period. Tom Burnett Sr. (whose son Tom Jr. broke into the cockpit of the hijacked airplane) announced last Friday that he and Alec Rawls will be traveling to Somerset for the August meeting. They will be rallying outdoors, speaking at the public meeting, and visiting the crash site.
Mr. Burnett is asking other concerned parties who can make it to please come. The crash site is a beautiful and meaningful place to visit in any case, and here is a chance to make your visit even more meaningful. It is an opportunity to in some small way follow the lead of the heroes of Flight 93 by helping to stop the re-hijacking of Flight 93.
Mr. Burnett’s announcement came on the Mancow Muller radio show, where Congressman Tancredo was also a guest. When controversy over the Crescent of Embrace design first arose back in 2005, Tom Tancredo was instrumental in forcing the Park Service to alter the design. Last fall he noted that the giant crescent remains unchanged in the so-called redesign and asked the Park Service to scrap the design entirely. On Friday he said that he would help Mancow Muller and Tom Burnett to stop the crescent design (audio, 19 seconds):
Certainly I will do everything I can to help you. I will bring it to the attention of my colleagues. I’ll use the time I have on the floor of the House to rail against it.
Mr. Burnett said that he would join Mancow in going to jail for taking sledgehammers to the crescent memorial if this tribute to the terrorists actually gets built. (Audio, 25 seconds.)
Cao has the whole segment of Mancow and the two Toms up as a YouTube video, with her own background graphics.
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Tags: crash site, Flight 93, memorial, Muslims, tancredo
Don’t take Flight 93 to Mecca 5-15-08
May 15, 2008 Political
Crescent shapes with and without Islamic intent: the Obama logo example
The two most widely recognized symbols of Islam are the crescent and the sword. Kind of amusing that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign logo can be seen to feature both a crescent and a curved Islamic scimitar:
The crescent shape in Obama’s logo has the round part on top, just like a traditional crescent shaped mihrab (the Mecca direction indicator around which every mosque is built). The animation shows the two most famous mihrabs in the world: the mihrab from the Great Mosque in Cordoba, and the Prophet’s mihrab in Medina.
The lighter vertical column in the center-bottom of the logo, presumably meant to indicate reflected light, even conveys the full vertical shape of a traditional mihrab. The scimitar in the animation is from the flag of the Bosnian regiment of the Nazi SS.
If Obama himself had come up with this crescent logo, one might suspect Islamic intent, given his Islamic heritage. But the logo was not designed by Obama. It was designed by a Chicago based branding firm named Sender, which claims credit for coming up with: “a white sunrise against a blue sky, over a landscape implied by red and white stripes.”
Obama definitely deserves to be made fun of for having a fairly obvious crescent shape in his logo, given his efforts to convince the public that he is not Muslim. This is already an uphill climb, when both his grandmother and his cousin are telling documented lies about their religion, claiming to be Christian in one venue while professing themselves Muslim in another. Lying about being Christian: it’s an Obama family tradition!
Still, there is no indication that the crescent and scimitar shapes in Obama’s logo are intended to convey any Islamic meaning. A genuine coincidence apparently. At the opposite pole is the Crescent of Embrace design for the Flight 93 memorial:
Contrast 1: Architect Paul Murdoch CALLS his crescent shaped memorial a crescent
The Crescent of Embrace name proves that the Flight 93 crescent was and is intended to be seen as a crescent. Only very reluctantly did the Memorial Project change the name, and the changes they made to the design are purely cosmetic. Every particle of the original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign.
Contrast 2: The Islamic symbolism is overt
It is not plausible that an architect, designing a memorial to people murdered by Islamic terrorists, could be oblivious to the fact that his memorial design is laid out in the shape of a bare naked Islamic crescent and star flag, readily identifiable as a crescent and star flag to airliners like Flight 93 passing overhead.
The Memorial Project simply assumes that the Islamic symbol shapes CAN’T be intentional, which is about like seeing an airliner fly into the World Trade Center and assuming it CAN’T be intentional. Do these people even remember the day they are supposed to be memorializing?
Contrast 3: The Flight 93 crescent contains still further Islamic symbolism
It turns out that the giant crescent points to Mecca. A crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca is a well known structure in the Islamic world. It is a mihrab (as seen in the above animation), which gives the direction that Muslims are to face for prayer.
Everyone at the Memorial Project is fully aware that a person facing into the giant crescent will be facing almost exactly at Mecca. This according to Flight 93 Advisory Commission member Tim Baird. Again, they all just assume that this MUST be an innocent mistake (the equivalent of seeing as SECOND airliner fly into the Trade Center, and STILL assuming it can’t POSSIBLY be intentional).
Contrast 4: Proof of intent
Paul Murdoch PROVES that the Mecca orientation is intentional by repeating it in the crescents of trees that surround the minaret like Tower of Voices. Below is an animated run-through of the repeated Mecca-orientations (2 minutes).
You can restart the animation by refreshing the page:
Animated GIF: copy and paste. You can email it! (Animation restarts each time email is opened.) Click image for larger animation, if your connection is fast enough (1MB).
Crescent of Embrace site-plan, showing both the central crescent and the Tower of Voices, here.
Contrast 5: the designer’s own thematic description is clearly terrorist memorializing
The designers of Obama’s logo offer a clearly innocent thematic description of their creation. You can tell just by looking at it what it is MEANT to signify: a white sun coming up into a blue sky over red and white rows of fruited plain. Even the uncanny intimation of the vertical sides of a traditional mihrab are fully explained by the “sun” reflecting off the red and white “landscape.”
In contrast, Paul Murdoch’s thematic account of his design is as nakedly pro-terrorist as his crescent and star layout. Murdoch says that the crescent comes from the terrorists breaking the circle. That is, they broke our liberty-loving circle, and turn it into a giant Islamic-shaped Mecca-oriented crescent.
As Tom Burnett Sr. put it in his letter to American people, asking for help with our petition to keep the crescent design off of his murdered son’s gravesite:
I don’t want to celebrate the terrorist’s circle-breaking crescent-creating feat.
And lest anyone thinks that the giant crescent is no longer present, the Park Service website makes clear that, while the redesign looks more like a circle, the circle is still broken:
The circle is broken in two places that mark the southeastern path of the plane to the crash site. The circle is broken at the entry to the memorial and at the crash site.
The breaks are in the exact same places as before and the unbroken part of the circle (the crescent) remains completely unchanged. It it still points to Mecca. It is still the world’s largest mihrab by a factor of a hundred. The only difference is that now a chunk of the broken off part of the circle is included in the design, which is perfectly consistent with its original terrorist memorializing theme. The terrorists still break our liberty-loving circle and still turn it into a giant Mecca-oriented crescent.
So there you have it. Dueling crescents! Obama’s crescent logo exemplifies innocent coincidence (however guilty Obama may be of lying about his religion). In contrast, the Flight 93 crescent exemplifies proven intent. (More of architect Paul Murdoch’s endless proofs of intent here and here.)
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Muslims are on the Warpath over Movie
Mar 30, 2008 Political

Geert Wilders of the Netherlands produced a movie that basically showed the religion of Islam for the violent cult that it is. His movie, a 15 minute or so short, showed the written word of the Koran and then had clips of Muslims whose words and deeds upheld the words of that violent book. Wilders showed that Islam is a violent religion through word and deed and now he has round the clock protection because Muslims have threatened to kill him. Seems to me that they are making the point of his movie for him. You can see the movie at Stop the ACLU.
LiveLeak, which had originally hosted the movie, has had to pull it from the servers because of threats made to its workers by Muslims who are upset with the content of the movie. One cannot blame LiveLeak for acting in the best interests of its workers but one has to see the irony in Muslims using threats of violence to pull a movie that shows Muslims are violent and that their “Holy Book” teaches that violence. The United Nations U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the movie as anti-Islamic and offensive and said their is no reason for this incitement to violence. The question is, if the movie is wrong why would there be an incitement to violence? It is simple, Muslims are stone aged barbarians who use violence to achieve their goals. If they are “offended” then they will riot in the streets and kill people in order to show how peaceful they are.
Part of the problem here is that Muslims take great offense at any knock on their religion while they routinely castigate the great and true religions of the world. It is not unusual for Muslims to talk about killing all the Jews and to slander that great and chosen religion. It is not unusual for Muslims to destroy Christian churches in Muslim countries and for them to refuse to allow churches to be built. However, they have no problem with building Mosques in Western countries and they cry, sue, and riot at any hint of objection to their plans.
The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed a resolution which talks of protecting all religions but the only religion that is named is Islam. The Human Rights Council is comprised mostly of members from Arab nations which is ironic in and of itself because they have some of the worst human rights violations in the world. The UN will allow this kind of manipulation of the system in order for Muslims to have greater leverage and in order for them to squash any opposition to their brutal religious practices. The resolution gives Muslims free reign to carry out any of their criminal activities by allowing them to challenge any opposition as a violation of UN Resolution. Everything will be seen as defamation to them when Islam is concerned but you can be certain that the Muslims will not stop defaming Israel and the Jews.
Muslims threaten death to those who refuse to buy into their claims of peace while they kill and maim everything in sight. Always on Watch has a post about Kevin of the Amboy Times blog. He has been threatened because he keeps a running list of things that offend Muslims. With as many things that offend Muslims I wonder where he gets all the bandwidth? Muslims have no problem threatening people, rioting, and killing and they have no problem talking badly about any person or country that is not Islamic but let someone talk badly about their perverted religion or their child molesting prophet and they come unhinged. I say screw them. If they want violence then let’s give it to them and let’s show them what it really is. It is time to fight back against these half baked cretins and show them that we would like to live in peace but that we will not be pushed around. No one is safe from these animals, including American Citizens.
UPDATE: This via Breitbart; “The film equates Islam with violence. We reject that interpretation,” Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said in a solemn statement a few hours after the film appeared on the LiveLeak video sharing website.
He rejects the idea that Islam is violent while calling for Muslims to exercise restraint and to not commit violent acts. The article is laced with threats from members of the cult of Islam. If Wilders was wrong there would be no fear of violence.
I Don’t Care What Offends CAIR
Feb 21, 2008 Political, Religion of Peace
There is a little bit of flack going on right now because the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has complained to the FBI about some comments made at a few blogs. The blogs in question were Little Green Footballs and Gateway Pundit and evidently a commenter left something that suggested blowing up a minaret being built in St. Louis. The comment was removed when it was discovered but CAIR complained to the FBI and asked that they investigate. Of course, the FBI takes every case of threatened violence seriously, unless those threats are against people who are not Muslims.
I personally do not give a damn if CAIR gets upset. Sure, making a comment about blowing up a structure is over the top but this is America and the person, no matter how deranged, has a right to speak his mind and Charles Johnson had the right to remove the comment. If a person wants to write those things he should do it at his own blog so that others are not affected by it. BTW, the terrible thing Gateway Pundit did was comment on how the call to prayer would go over great in St. Louis. Oh my God, call the FBI. I think it was over the top and I probably would have removed it as well because it could be perceived as a threat. If someone were to say that he wished all Muslims would get struck by lightning and disappear or that he hated all Muslims, or that it would be nice if Iran’s nukes detonated and killed all of them then that would be OK because these cannot be perceived as a threat.
CAIR would object anyway but who gives a damn about them? They are a terrorist organization that supports terrorists. Ibrahim Hooper is an idiot who uses intimidation to stifle opposition to him and his group. He is the SS for the Nazi terrorists who carry out evil deeds in the name of Mohammad, the child molesting prophet. Well screw CAIR. I just don’t give a damn about what bothers them. I don’t care if their poor feelings got hurt because someone does not like them. They are upset because someone said something that might be an indication of violence. Where are these sand fleas when Ahmadinejad calls Jews a bacteria and says that Israel should be wiped off the map?
I will give a damn about what CAIR thinks and says when I am done giving a damn about all the Muslims who make threats to the US, to Israel and to the rest of our allies. I am still a bit busy giving a damn about Muslims blowing up retarded women and killing children, sawing off people’s heads and rioting over cartoons. I am busy giving a damn about Muslims who hijacked planes and flew them into buildings killing 3000 of my countrymen. So as far as CAIR goes my give a damn is a bit overwhelmed to really care what bothers them.

Those low life, cry babies at CAIR should start worrying about why people have a bad impression of Muslims. It is not because the world is full of bigots (most of the bigots are the Muslims anyway) or that we all hate brown people. We have a bad impression because Muslims still act like they are in the stone ages. If they want to worship a child molester that is their business but all this blowing people up and rioting every time someone breaks wind makes a bad impression. Couple that with the realization that most major acts of terror committed in the last 20 years have been by Muslims and CAIR’s complaints ring hollow. They can be upset but screw them.
Start acting like human beings and maybe people will treat you like human beings. As for the FBI, perhaps they should get up off their sixes and investigate CAIR and its ties to terror. Perhaps the FBI should be working to get this group out of this country so we do not have to be subjected to harassment by our government in the name of a terrorist organization.
CAIR is no good and they should not be here. If they don’t like what I have to say, screw them because I just don’t give a damn.
Gates of Vienna
Atlas Shrugs
Tags: CAIR, complaints, harassment, Muslims, terrorists