Things that Make You Wonder
Feb 18, 2008 General
I wonder what Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Muhammad Ali Jafari meant when he said that the cancerous Israel would vanish soon “by means of the Hizbullah fighters’ radiation [therapy].” If Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, what could he have meant by “radiation therapy?”
I wonder why, at the US-Islamic forum, Muslims embraced Barack Obama: Many Muslim delegates said they hoped to see Obama win the Democratic nomination and go on to be elected next November to succeed US President George W. Bush. I wonder if it is because Obama worshiped as a Muslim with his father (a child of Islam takes the religion of his father) and that we have never seen that he “changed” religions. If he did, why has there been no call for his death as is the law when one changes from Islam? What change and hope do these folks really want to see?
I wonder why we can’t get all the members of the UN to do this. A woman fell from the 16th story of the UN building (fell, jumped or thrown?). It is tragic that she died this way but given that the UN is useless, wouldn’t it have been better if all those who hate the US and those who continually work against us had jumped instead? There are a lot of people there who enjoy living here because of our freedoms but fail to embrace us as a country. They fight us every step of the way and allow people like Ahmadinejad and Chavez to come here and talk bad about our country and our president.
Tags: Ahmadinejad, Muslims, Obama, united nations
With Muslims there are no Equal Rights
Feb 7, 2008 General

It is no surprise that Muslims do not have equality between the sexes. They treat their women as having little value except as a vessel with which to repopulate. It is also true that the Muslim world does not treat non Muslims with equality. In the Muslim world they refuse to allow churches to be built and if there is one that gets damaged it is not allowed to be replaced. Never mind the idea of a synagogue. In the Muslim world non Muslims are killed because of their religion. The simple act of possessing a Bible could result in a death sentence.
Recently, an American business woman was arrested in Saudi Arabia because she sat with her male colleagues in a Starbucks coffee shop. She was arrested, taken to jail, strip searched, placed in a filthy jail cell where her clothes had been thrown in some muck and she was forced to sign a confession. All of this because some stone aged people did not like her sitting with men. It is their law so I suppose people should follow it. How do you think they would feel about imposing our laws over there? They would certainly be against it and yet they want Sharia law imposed in non Muslim countries.
The Muslims do not play by the same rules either. They come here (or other civilized countries) and if a Muslim woman is required to remove her burqa for some reason the Muslims go nuts and they threaten protests. Anytime they are required to follow a law that disagrees with their beliefs they raise a stink and CAIR shows up talking about the Muslim haters in America.
I would never let my wife go to one of those filthy places for any reason, business or not. First of all I would not want her around all those filthy, smelly, camel jockeys. Second of all I would not take kindly to my wife being treated improperly by these stone aged barbarians. I can’t understand why anyone does business there and certainly cannot understand how people tolerate the backstabbing goat herders they pass off as men.
Screw them all.
Times UK
Tags: camel jockeys, Muslims, Sharia Law, terrorists
All Suicide Bombers are Mentally Retarded
Feb 1, 2008 Political
This is from Breitbart:
Two mentally retarded women strapped with remote-control explosives—and possibly used as unwitting suicide bombers—brought carnage Friday to two pet bazaars, killing at 73 people in the deadliest day since Washington flooded the capital with extra troops last spring.
Obviously these women were used by people with remote devices either because they would not or could not detonate the devices themselves. It would seem that the terrorists used these women who had a mental problem preventing them from taking their own decisions. In other words, they were exploited, which is what Muslims do to women most of the time anyway.
I would submit that anyone who straps a bomb on and detonates it is mentally retarded. Only a complete mental midget would willingly strap on a bomb and blow himself up. People who have no brain defects do this all the time in the Muslim world and no one forces them or has to detonate the devices by remote because they do it willingly.
When one compares women with actual retardation who are exploited for this purpose and those who do it willingly one has to conclude that the retards are more sound in mind. They had no choice and if they did would probably elect not to do so. The real retards do this as if it is a badge of honor or some right of passage.
It is nothing more than the display of poor brain function. True retardation.
Related item:
Others with interesting posts:
guerrilla radio, Right Truth, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Pet Haven, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, A Newt One, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: mental retardation, Muslims, pork haters, suicide bomber
No Way in Hell I’d be a Muslim for a Day
Oct 31, 2007 General
…or for any amount of time.
A school in the UK forced faculty and students to dress up as Muslims for a day to belatedly celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid. Most of the students are Christians and only two teachers are Muslim but everyone was forced to dress as Muslims. There was also a gathering but men were not allowed there because Muslim men do not like their women mixing with other men. Many of the people involved are not happy about this but went along anyway to protect their jobs and keep from being labeled a racist.
First of all, Muslim is not a race so that is out the door but even if it were factual they could call me anything they wanted because there is no way in hell I would have gone along with this. My children are grown and out of school but I can promise that my grandson will never participate in this kind of activity. Those who chose to do this rather than fight it have already indicated they are comfortable with being Dhimmis.
Imagine what the outcry would have been had a school full of Muslims been forced to dress as Jesus to celebrate Christmas? CAIR and every other group would be crying the blues about forcing a religion on other people and I would agree with them.
We have too many double standards in this world but I, for one, would never, ever, submit to this kind of stupidity. They could fire me, call me racist and say anything they wanted but there is just no way I would submit.
The world as we know it is coming to a very abrupt end and the Dhimmis are helping it along.
Of course, it is Halloween so maybe these folks are dressed as horrible monsters. I know I said never but I might actually do it for Halloween and go with a sword and a severed head. That would surely get some attention.
The Sun UK
Tags: double standards, halloween, horrible monsters, jesus, muslim holiday, Muslims, racist, severed head, stupidity
Dhimmitude in New York, of All Places
Oct 10, 2007 Uncategorized
New York City will become the latest entity to acquiesce to the Muslims by illuminating the Empire State Building with green lights in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid. The green lights will begin Friday and mark the first time Eid has been celebrated by such an event in the Big Apple. This will also become an annual event as more of this country submits to the will of the pedophile prophet, Mohammad.
One would think New York would be a bit sensitive about anything Muslims since a bunch of Muslim radicals flew planes into buildings there and killed thousands of innocent civilians. One would think that but obviously such is not the case. I imagine this was something that was decided without much, if any, public input. Considering how many New Yorkers reacted to Ahmadinejad, one has to wonder what the city is thinking. One can only wonder what kind of riot will take place if a bulb burns out or the illumination is deemed inadequate. Muslims are sensitive that way and riot over the smallest things.
Well, at least New York made it an easier target for a night invasion by the radicals.
Tags: Commentary, Dhimma, Eid, Empire State Building, Muslims, New York, Terrorism