Racism At The NAALCP

Last week the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People (NAALCP) passed a resolution condemning racism in the TEA Party and stating that the TEA Party had to disavow its racist elements. The TEA Party, despite claims to the contrary, is not a racist organization and there are no racist elements. George Soros tried to show the racist side by airing an ad that has a supposed TEA Party member proudly claiming to be a racist. The entire video, the one from which Soros chopped the piece, shows TEA Party members condemning the man and telling him he is not part of them and that he does not represent their views. They had to use deceit in order to show a racism that does not exist.

And who is the NAALCP to call out the TEA Party? I did not see any resolution condemning the New Black Panther Party, a group of black men who all happen to be racists. The NAALCP is selective in its approach to shouting racist because it is trying to gain some kind of relevance or meaning. It was once an important player in the fight for civil rights but has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party. The NAALCP injects racism into most elections in order to drum up votes for Democrats. It has been reduced to the dealer in a game of race cards.

The ironic thing is that the NAALCP has had plenty of speakers who have uttered racist things. The members routinely call conservative blacks “Uncle Toms” and sell outs and their assessment of white America is nothing but rants about racism.

Even more ironic is that during the very week the NAALCP was passing its anti TEA Party resolution videos were presented that showed a federal appointee under the Obama administration, Shirley Sherrod, telling an audience at an NAALCP event that she engaged in racism. She went into great detail to show how she had neglected helping a farmer because he was white and how she passed him off to a white lawyer, or as she put it, one of his own kind.

Andrew Breitbart once again came through with the video and he posted it on his site, Big Government. The video is damning. Here is what we heard:

“The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he took a long time talking but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing, but he had come to me for help. What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was, I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him,” Sherrod said.

“I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough,” Sherrod said. “So that when he, I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.”

In the video, Sherrod also spoke of referring the white farmer to a white lawyer, thinking the latter would be more sympathetic because of race. “So I took him to a white lawyer that had attended some of training that we had provided because Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farm. So I figured if I take him to one of them, that his own kind would take care of him.” WCBSTV

So far the left and the NAALCP (redundant, I know) have struck out. Soros tries to show TEA Party members as racist but the uncut video shows the truth and TEA Party members attack the racist who shows up at their event and the NAALCP condemns the TEA Party racism but can’t show racism and uses a now discredited story (read lie) about black members of Congress being spat upon and called the N word. There is no meat to the story and the resolution is baseless. It was only issued to help Obama and the Democrats by increasing tension among the races.

We do know and have absolute proof of racism from the New Black Panthers and from someone speaking at an NAALCP event. I certainly would not paint the entire black community with the racist brush based upon the New Black Panthers racist views but I would expect the NAALCP to condemn their acts just like TEA Party members condemned the racist shown in the Soros ad. This is what a true civil rights organization would do.

I would also expect the NAALCP to make sure its house is in order before it starts making claims about any other organization and when it does decide to make accusations I would expect it to have some proof.

The NAALCP allowed a racist to speak at its event. It did nothing to condemn the racist and it made no apologies for the racist language used. In short, it failed to do what it resolved for the TEA Party to do and that is to condemn the racist elements of its organization.

Big difference is that we have proof of the racism at the NAALCP but there is none associated with the TEA Party. And if you see a racist sign keep in mind the left has people who made no secret of their plans to infiltrate events and act like racists. You are gonna need more than a few signs. Video proof like Breitbart supplies would be good, if you can find it. But leave the Soros doctored stuff at home.

Another very funny thing about this event is that Sherrod also says that there are jobs at the USDA and that people of color should apply for them because it is impossible to be fired from the federal government.

Today, Shirley Sherrod resigned from the USDA. True, that is not fired but we all know she was allowed to resign in lieu of being fired. The USDA issued a statement and from the words it is clear she could quit or be fired:

“There is zero tolerance for discrimination at USDA, and I strongly condemn any act of discrimination against any person,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a written statement. “We have been working hard through the past 18 months to reverse the checkered civil rights history at the department and take the issue of fairness and equality very seriously.” Big Government

The only entity we have not heard from since the news of Sherrod’s racist rant is the NAALCP. She made her statements at the NAALCP’s event and she has since lost her job but they have not yet issued a statement about the incident. They have not issued a resolution either.

Perhaps they are too busy issuing a resolution condemning America for calling it the White House…

FOX News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Racist NAACP

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon is in some legal trouble. She has been indicted on 9 counts relating to theft and perjury. The mayor maintains her innocence and it is up to the legal system to sort it out. If they find her guilty then she must pay and if they find her not guilty then she can move on. But if she is found guilty she will need to be replaced.

This is where the NAACP has concerns. The Baltimore Chapter is concerned that if Dixon is convicted the Governor might appoint a white person to fill her seat.They also have concerns that she might be replaced by a Republican though that is unlikely since the current Governor is a Democrat. Of course, if he loses next year then that might be a different story.

Except, the Governor does not have the authority to replace the Baltimore Mayor. The state law leaves it up to Baltimore charter which states the City Council President will fill the vacancy (as far as I know that person is black). This is how Dixon originally got the job. Current Governor Martin O’Malley was Baltimore Mayor before being elected Governor and Dixon was City Council President. Incidentally, O’Malley is white and the NAACP did not have a problem with him being mayor.

Imagine how it would have played out if a group publicly stated that they were concerned that an indicted white mayor might be replaced with a black person. The very NAACP that made the racist statement regarding Dixon’s possible replacement would be the same organization shouting from the mountain tops about racism.

Marvin L. Cheatham, the president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP, introduced the resolution because he heard an attorney on a radio program discussing a lack of clarity on succession if Dixon were to be convicted and sentenced.

“Our concern is who would the governor appoint?” Cheatham said. “Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? … Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?” Baltimore Sun

Does Cheatham even realize how racist that statement is? Is he suggesting that any city that is predominantly white but has a black mayor would be justified in asking the black person to step down?

The elected official in any jurisdiction is in office to represent EVERY person living there regardless of color. For Cheatham and the NAACP to suggest that a predominantly black city needs a black mayor is racist and demeans the entire system of government.

Let’s take Cheatham’s statement to the next level. The United States is predominantly white. Barack Obama is black. Is it Cheatham’s contention that Obama should not be the leader of this country because he does not fully represent the majority white population of the country? This is his worry in the case of Baltimore.

It amazes me that every person who opposes the positions of Barack Obama is labeled racist but Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as well as the NAACP have made careers (and lots of money) peddling racism in this country and their statements smack of their own racist attitudes. And then they have the gall to label whites (particularly Republicans and Conservatives) as racist.

I imagine if McCain supporters (or Hillary supporters in the primary) had made the claim that Obama should not be elected because he is black and does not fully represent the majority white population the NAACP would be condemning the claim (and rightly so) and Cheatham would be in front of the crowd calling for the head of the racist who dared to say such a thing.

I believe that the people who are elected are put in office to represent every constituent regardless of color (or any other demographic). For some reason I figured this was common knowledge (though we could argue whether they actually represent us, color is not an issue in that debate). I also believe that people in a job can succeed or fail at the job regardless of color and that color is not a qualification for a job (affirmative action be damned).

I thought we settled that separate but equal nonsense a long time ago.

Maybe Cheatham didn’t get the memo.

Big Dog Salute to Flopping Aces

Big Dog

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Maryland Hotel Becomes Target Of Obamabots

Prince Georges County Maryland is infested with liberals. The county is one of the heavily populated liberal counties in Maryland that ensure Democrats always win. Out of 23 sub divisions, four or five of them are densely populated and liberal so their votes always decide the elections even though the rest of the state votes Republican. Prince Georges is one of those infested areas.

The Colony South Hotel made a serious mistake on Sunday night when a marquee was programmed with the words: Country First: McCain/Palin.

On Monday morning the moonbats were going to work and saw the sign. They started making phone calls and the hotel, the NAACP (why in hell are they involved) and God knows who else were inundated with calls concerning this affront to their way of life. Threats were made, pulling Democratic events from the hotel was discussed, and by midday the hotel had taken down the offensive words.

I imagine that the heavily black population felt this was some racist attack so they had to call the NAACP. It is well known that the Obama storm troopers will assault anything they see as offensive to their Dear Leader and in this case, it was no different.

A community activist said that businesses had to respect the sentiments in their marketing areas and the sign was viewed as blatant disrespect. A University of Maryland professor said [displaying the marquee in] “an area that is strongly African American was like putting a stink bomb in the middle of the living room.” In other words, Obama is black and there should be NO black people supporting the white guy.

Businesses are free to put up any signs they want and it is certainly true that people are free to stop using those businesses. However, I can’t help wondering what would have happened if this had been a hotel in Alabama and the marquee said Obama/Biden. If local residents complained and the sign came down, how long would it be before Obama was decrying the racism, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were on TV organizing protests and the NAACP was issuing statements about the racists in the south.

I have patronized businesses with Obama signs. They are free to support who they want and I actually feel sorry for the misguided twits who are so ignorant that they support the guy. If he wins and their tax increases make prices go up then they will wish they had considered something else but by then it will be too late.

I am not a big fan of signs on lawns and on the streets. I would not be inclined to put stuff like that on my lawn or my vehicle. I certainly would not do it in Maryland because when you display stuff like that in liberal areas (which I have to travel through) they vandalize your stuff. And though I am not opposed to shooting someone who needs it, I would just as soon not have to do that.

I am thankful that where I live people are normal so there are few Obama supporters.

Big Dog

Hold NAACP’s Doc Cheatham to His Word

In the middle part of November a noose was found at a Baltimore City fire station by two paramedics, one black and one white. According to Henry Burris, the president of the Vulcan Blazers, a black firefighters group, there was a note with the noose that read; “We can’t hang the cheaters but we can hang the failures.” This was evidently in reference to a promotion exam given in the fire department in which several blacks placed in the top of the people who took the test. There were allegations that the test was leaked and that cheating was involved.

This noose, of course, caused a big stink. Nooses are taboo in our society because they bring up memories about a terrible past that no one alive today has been forced to live. Black leaders all over were indignant about this crime. Baltimore Mayor Shelia Dixon said that the hanging of the noose was a “deplorable act of hatred and intimidation.” WBAL Radio

Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP is an interesting character who sees racism in everything and makes allegations but is never man enough to apologize when he is off the mark has trouble learning from his mistakes. Last May it was alleged that a Moose head in a fire station had an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Cheatham discussed the racism and how horrible this was and gave his usual white people are bad mantra. However, a firefighter called in to a radio station and said it was a deer head, had a straight hair wig and that a black guy put the gold tooth in it. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations and statements and had this to say; “there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department.” WBAL Radio

Why is this important? Because Doc Cheatham chimed in on the discovery of the noose. He indicated that the noose was evidently a message about the probe into the exam and possible cheating and then he said:

“We’re going to demand that this be handled as a hate crime,” Cheatham said. “This thing really needs to end here in Baltimore city.”

So, not content that he blew it with the “moose head” Cheatham is demanding that this be treated as a hate crime and that it “end here.” I could not agree more and I am holding Doc Cheatham to his words though that might be tough since he has never been man enough to stand for the right thing. You see, it was discovered that a BLACK paramedic hung the noose. Cheatham never considered that it could have been a black guy because only whites are racist hate mongers.

Yep, that slap is going to leave a mark. It was reported that Gary Maynard (identified as Donald in another story), one of the two who found the noose, confessed to police that he left the noose and the note (it was a noose when they found it and was reported as a rope now that a black guy confessed). Maynard has been suspended but has not been charged with a crime (you know a white guy would have been charged right away) but I am demanding that he be charged with the hate crime that Doc Cheatham demanded it be “handled as.” Fire Chief William Goodwin stated that this scheme was “meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner.”

Therefore, it was designed to create an atmosphere of racial hatred and intolerance. So it was a hate crime and I DEMAND that it be treated as such just as Cheatham demanded when he thought the perp was white. I want this guy to lose his job, to have to attend racial diversity training and to be given whatever jail time is permitted and would have been given if he were white.

I am taking bets that Cheatham will dismiss this and go back on his demand that it be handled as a hate crime. He will somehow try to blame it on white people in the department for making this guy feel so bad that he put up the noose to draw attention to the plight of blacks in the department. I am willing to bet that Cheatham will NOT pursue this as he would have if a white guy confessed.

Cheatham will, instead, find a way to show how this proves there is a racial divide in the Baltimore fire department that needs to be corrected.

Perhaps he could start by explaining why black firefighters have their own group (Vulcan Blazers) and then demand it be abolished as racist and separatist, or perhaps he could explain if the evil white guys have their own firefighter’s group as a balance.

In any event Cheatham needs to stick with his original demand. If he does not he will be nothing more than a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson (an opinion I have held of him for some time).

Then again, saying he is in the NAACP and a race hustler might be redundant.

UPDATE: The Baltimore Sun has the story and of course refer to the noose as a “knotted rope.” I bet that description would not fly in Jena, LA. Mayor Dixon thinks that since a black guy did it, it is “not a threat of that nature.” So, since a black guy did it, it is not as bad?

Marvin “Doc” Cheatham did not let me down. He blamed the acts of the criminal on the Fire Department:

But Marvin L. “Doc” Cheatham, president of the NAACP’s Baltimore chapter, said the fact that such an incident could occur shows that pervasive racial problems persist in the department.

“It really saddens us to hear that evidently things have reached a stage that even an African-American does an injustice to himself and his own people as a result of a negative culture in that department,” Cheatham said when asked to respond to the unions.

Cheatham is definitely a race hustler.

Other Source:

Big Dog