Those Nice Guys From Gitmo

Barry Obama wants to close Gitmo in order to appease the moonbats who think it is wrong to imprison people who want to kill us. Some of them have been cleared but that does not mean they are good people, it just means they can’t be held or put on trial. Obama promised moonbats that he would close Gitmo because he does not mind lying and he is naive so he did not have a clue as to what really goes on there.

Then he was elected and people expected him to fill that promise. Only he found that it was more difficult than he imagined because now he has to find a place for the terrorists to go. Bringing them here would be a disaster and cost him dearly especially if one of them were to be involved in an attack. How could that happen, Big Dog? These misunderstood souls are good people who were wrongly accused by George Bush.

The Pentagon reports that 61 of the former residents of Gitmo have returned to terrorism. That is right, after we released them they got back in the game and are determined to kill us. These are the kind of people Obama now needs to figure out how to handle. However, his waffling on the issue leads me to believe that since he is now realizing he is out of his league and that things look a lot different from the inside he will “close” it on paper and it will remain open for quite some time.

I wonder if this brash egomaniac who knows so much now understands that he was way off base when he said he would close it.

Then again, this is the guy who said he would IMMEDIATELY remove our troops from Iraq. I bet he does not do that on inauguration day. I bet they are still there in four years.


Big Dog

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