How Black Republicans Feel About What Reid Said

From Frances Rice, NBRA:

Wielding a sharp racial sword, Democrats ruthlessly destroy the careers of Republicans on racial matters, accepting no apologies. Yet, using a glaring double standard, those same Democrats quickly give a pass to any Democrat, such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who again displayed egregious racism.

Hardly a ripple of protest was made in 2004 when Reid shamelessly slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an incompetent Negro who could not write good English. “Slap at Thomas stinks of racism,” was the headline of the New York Daily News’ December 7, 2004 editorial.

Now, Reid has described then-Senator Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” With this racial slur, Reid denigrates not only Obama, but also the entire population of black Americans as being uneducated Negroes who cannot speak standard English, the same type of disgusting remark he made over five years ago about Justice Thomas, a graduate of Yale Law School. A tribute to Justice Thomas [link in original] that includes details about his stellar career is posted on the NBRA website. Read the rest

It strikes me that Al Sharpton said Reid’s comments disturbed him but that it was not the same as what Lott said. Lott was praising a 100 year old man and he made the comment that if Thurmond had been elected in 1948 we would not have these problems. It is only speculation as to what Lott meant but he apologized all over for offending people. Though Diane Feinstein says no Democrats jumped up and down about it she was actually one of those who did as did Barack Obama. How is it that Reid’s apology allows him a pass and Lott’s did not?

I remember Barack Obama saying that he could not be accountable for his association with a man who did despicable things when he (Barack) was only 8 years old. When Strom Thurmond ran for the presidency in 1948 Lott was 7 years old.

How can we hold him accountable for what he said about a guy who ran for president under segregation when Lott was only 7 unless we can now believe that Obama is guilty by association with Ayers?

What Lott said was wrong depending on what he meant. He never explained that. What Reid said was wrong unless he can tell us not what he meant, that has been explained, but whether he also holds those beliefs. If this had been Reid’s only foray into the world of racism then it might be excused but, as the NBRA piece points out, Reid made a racist remark about Justice Thomas.

The other thing that people miss in this is the implication of what Reid said and that is that Obama is attractive because he is not your typical black guy (before you lefties call that racist remember you gave Obama a pass on the typical white person remark).

The explanation is that Reid was saying that Obama was attractive to Americans because he is light skinned and does not speak negro. Does this not mean he believes that the racists in America will not vote for a dark skinned person who speaks negro, whatever that is.

Americans will vote for a person who can lead regardless of color (and as has been shown with Obama and Carter, they will vote for someone who can’t lead regardless of color). And since the left bashed Bush daily about his manner of speech we have to assume that speech is not a big issue with regard to getting elected.

I wish Reid were held to the same standards as a Republican but that is never going to happen as long as liberals continue to excuse racism from the left. So, since he will not be forced to step down, it will be just as much fun watching this brain damaged moron bumble his way through life and it will be even more fun watching him be removed by the voters.

Barack Obama said it would be up to Republicans to drive Lott out. They did but as Obama showed by accepting Reid’s apology, he does not hold Democrats to the same standard.

Maybe when it is all said and done Obama can have a beer summit with Reid and invite Robert Byrd to explain racism and the history of the Democrat organization known as the KKK.

Might be a bit much to ask since Reid and Byrd might expect Obama to serve the beer. After all, a few years ago he would have been getting Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy coffee

Big Dog


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Barack The Magic Negro Congers Feigned Indignation

The Democrats are as transparent as Saran Wrap. They are the party of racists, of racial intolerance and of racial inequality and they have no problems making some of the most racist statements ever uttered but when a person on the right makes a statement that can be twisted into racism, they go nuts. There is a controversy over a song parody that is nearly two years old and the reason that it is a problem is because a Republican sent it (on a CD with a number of other parodies) to some friends.

The song, Barack the Magic Negro, is a parody of an article written by a black LA Times reporter which is best described by Larry Elder in his latest Town Hall article:

David Ehrenstein, a writer who happens to be black and liberal, wrote an opinion piece in March 2007 in the Los Angeles Times called “Obama the ‘Magic Negro.'”

He argued that whites, according to sociologists, stereotype blacks as “dangerous.” But whites consider Obama accessible, likeable and “benign.” This, according to Ehrenstein, explains Obama’s “crossover” appeal.

Notice that the article called Obama the Magic Negro (a term that refers to a fictional black character, often viewed as mystical, who arrives to get the white main character out of trouble) and notice that the original piece is denigrating to both whites and blacks. It also demonstrates the racism prevalent on the left.

The parody actually takes aim at the Times article and the racism involved. It mocks the left (not Barack Obama or black people) and pokes fun at Al Sharpton. Any time you can poke fun at Sharpton it is worth the effort.

The left gets its collective panties in a wad over a song that is almost two years old and states that it demonstrates the overt racism in the Republican party, a tag that has been skillfully applied by the left who have been able to make that lie stick.

Fortunately, not everyone takes offense. The National Black Republican Association issued a press release a few days ago in which it takes the Democrats to task over the entire issue. Larry Elder, a black guy, spells it all out in the above linked article.

It will likely make no difference to the die hard left because they see racism every time a Republican breaks wind. Unfortunately, they have been assisted by several Republicans who have had negative things to say about the issue.

This is the America we live in. The left, for eight years now, has been calling George Bush a chimp. They claim he looks like a chimp and variations of the word chimp have been liberally used all this time. A guy in Georgia says that Obama looks like Curious George and has a T Shirt printed up and it is racist. I know people like Adam will say they are different circumstances and that there is a history of racism in this country, blah, blah but the truth is, if you want to be treated like an equal we cannot have two sets of rules. That is the whole issue with affirmative action, but I digress.

I encourage you to read the linked articles from the NBRA and from Larry Elder. It might also be helpful if you read the original LAT article (linked at the NBRA).

And if it makes you liberals feel any better, I don’t think there is anything magic about Obama though I have referred to him as the magic negro in the past. I thought that was what the left wanted him to be called but then I learned it was messiah.

*This post was edited to remove a sentence I decided did not belong

Big Dog

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NBRA Declares End To White Guilt

The National Black Republican Association has issued a Declaration ending white guilt for the things done to blacks in the past:

White Guilt Emancipation Declaration

We, black American citizens of the United States of America and of the National Black Republican Association, do hereby declare that our fellow white American citizens are now, henceforth and forever more free of White Guilt.

This freedom from White Guilt was duly earned by the election of Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, to be our president by a majority of white Americans based solely on the color of his skin.

Freedom is not free, and we trust that the price paid for this freedom from White Guilt is worth the sacrifice, since Obama is a socialist who does not share the values of average Americans and will use the office of the presidency to turn America into a failed socialist nation.

Granted this November 4, 2008 – the day Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the first black president and the first socialist president of the United States of America.

This makes it official and we white folks don’t have to worry about any guilt associated with what happened more than a century ago. I have never had white guilt because I have never owned anyone and I have never stood in the way of anyone, regardless of color but it is nice to have the proclamation so that we can finally get rid of the race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson. We will have race hustler Obama for at least 4 years but his election ended the bondage whites were held in.

From now on, no one will be able to use race as an excuse. Get over it and move on.

I add this Declaration to the Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon given by Walter E Williams and I am all set to live the rest of my life unencumbered by accusations of racism and other such nonsense.

The November 4th election freed the white man, finally. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.

Big Dog