Blame The TEA Party For The Van Bomb

The evidence is mounting that the person who left a van with a poorly constructed bomb in Times Square had ties to the Middle East but that has not stopped people from trying to point the finger at TEA Party types who are fed up with big government. Mayor Bloomberg of New York City believes that the person who did this acted alone, one of the McVeigh types Bill Clinton discussed when he was painting the TEA Party movement as violent. In an interview with Perky Katie Couric, Moronic Mayor Bloomberg had this exchange:

Bloomberg later told CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric that the suspect behind the bombing attempt could be a domestic terrorist angry at the government who acted alone.

“If I had to guess 25 cents, this would be exactly that. Homegrown, or maybe a mentally deranged person, or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything,” he said. WCBSTV

Admittedly, he did say it could be anything but he specifically mentioned the types disgruntled with government and conveniently left out the possibility that it could be an act of terror from one of our enemies.

The left always tries to portray the TEA Party movement and the right wing as radical people who are prone to violence despite the fact that none of these people have participated in any violence. All of the violence has come from the left particularly by the thugs at SEIU and other unions.

This weekend the violence came from left wing Communist wanna be morons and those opposed to a crackdown on ILLEGAL immigration (all caps to differentiate from LEGAL immigration). The left wing loons broke windows and attacked the police. Anyone see this on the state run media news programs?

Perhaps we can help Bloomberg and point him in the right direction:

The News learned from sources that forensic evidence found in the Pathfinder points to the possibility that whoever prepared the car bomb has links to foreign terrorists. NY Daily News

An FBI-led terrorism task force has taken over the investigation of the failed car bombing in Times Square because of indications it was connected to international terrorism, a senior law enforcement source said Monday. Washington Post

I think anybody that has the type of material that they had in a car in Times Square, I would say that that was intended to terrorize, absolutely. Breitbart (video of Robert Gibbs who uttered the T word. Did he mean man made disaster?)

Sources tell CBS News the last registered owner of the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder – found in Times Square Saturday night – told authorities he recently sold the vehicle to a “Middle Eastern” or “Hispanic” looking man for $1,300 cash in $100 bills on Craigslist. CBS Evening News

Evidence is mounting that this was an attempt by one of our enemies with ties to the Middle East but that has not stopped the state run media from looking at the “homegrown” TEA Party “terror” group. This is how the left, in true Alinsky style, works to isolate the target.

These are the same morons who could not call Nadal Hasan a terrorist after he shouted Allah Akbar and went on a shooting spree that resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen people at Fort Hood. Obama called that isolated as they did with the underwear bomber.

But find a bomb in New York and the first people they look at are the peaceful patriots in this country.

The members of the TEA Party and those on the right are not going to set up bombs that would end up killing innocent people. This is the group of people who said that this was evil when the Middle Eastern terrorists did it on 9/11 unlike those on the left who tried to find excuses while discussing blow back and blaming America.

If the liberals spent as much time going after the real enemies of this country as they do going after those with whom they disagree politically then we would not have to worry about such attacks.

How is that diplomacy working out for you Barack?

How is that hope and change working for you liberals? Still think they hated us because Bush was president?

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Terrorists Do Not Fear Obama

“We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority,”Barack Obama presidential debate on October 7.

Like him or not one thing can be said for George W. Bush and that is the terrorists feared him. Osama bin Laden, as has been recently discovered, underestimated the response from Bush when planning the attacks of 9/11. Bush unleashed pure hell and bin Laden was not prepared for that. After years of Clinton lobbing Cruise Missiles in response to any act against the US, bin Laden was convinced that America would do nothing more than that after 9/11.

That was a very costly mistake on his part.

There can be no doubt that 9/11 was the result of inaction during the Clinton Administration. Bin Laden has told us as much and his refusal to believe that the response to 9/11 would be brutal shows that the impression he formed during the Clinton years was that we would not respond in any meaningful way.

When George Bush unleashed the hounds of war the terrorists were taken aback and many of them died. Bin Laden went into hiding and we were not able to find him. Barack Obama told us he would find and kill bin Laden but he has not done so and he probably never will.

During Bush’s years there were no attacks on us though many efforts were thwarted. Obama came into office with promises that he would extend his open hand and that the world would love us. We would not be targets because Barry is a man of the world. He understands the Muslim world, we were told, because he spent so much time there.

Unfortunately, reality has reared its ugly head and that head shows us that the terrorists do not fear Obama.

We suffered two terrorists attacks in the US involving our soldiers. One was in Little Rock and the other at Fort Hood. Obama refused to see Fort Hood as a terrorist event and has refused to release the study of the incident. Luck and only luck prevented a disaster on Christmas Day when a terrorist was unable to detonate the explosives in his underwear. The inept Obama regime got very lucky that day. If the underwear bomber had been successful a lot of people would have been killed. Only dumb luck prevented that from happening.

Dumb luck was again responsible for preventing disaster. A vehicle rigged to explode was left in Times Square New York and the only thing that prevented disaster was a vendor who noticed smoke coming from the vehicle and alerted police. Pakistani Taliban have taken credit for the bomb (of course, it could have been a TEA Party member or McVeigh wanna be) and a New York station reported that a 911 call around 4 am informed of the bomb and indicated that it was a diversion for a larger explosion.

This is how the terrorists respond to his weakness. This is how the terrorists to whom Obama would extend that open hand answer his offer of an olive branch.

Terrorists do not respect weakness and they will exploit it. The enemy feared George Bush because he said we would attack them and we did and we did it by raining hell down upon them.

Barack Obama, on the other hand is not feared. He is looked at as a weak man who does not have the courage to engage our enemies in battle. His waffling with regard to Iran has emboldened those who wondered how he would respond to adversity. They now know he sets deadlines but allows them to lapse and they also know that he might talk tough but does not back it up.

And to think Hillary said Bush was all hat and no cattle…

The US has had some dumb luck in recent events but that luck cannot hold out. Luck is not proper mission planning but it has been Obama’s best friend thus far. This will not continue and eventually the terrorists will be successful.

I pray that day never comes but the rational part of me says it is only a matter of time before we get hit again.

The Obama regime practically guarantees it.

History News Network

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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A Lesson On Taxes

The state of New York has notified a number of taxpayers that refunds they were expecting will be delayed for at least a month. The state is in a cash crunch and does not have the money to give back to its rightful owners.

New York is not the only state delaying refunds by issuing an IOU.

When a person receives a refund of taxes from the government it is not government money. It is money that people overpaid, it belongs to them and the states have no right to hold up that money.

Part of the problem lies with people who think a tax refund is free money from the government. Too many people do not grasp the concept that this is their money and that they paid too much. They do not understand that this money represents a free loan to the government.

The best thing people can do is to work out their deductions so that they do not owe or get a refund. This is nearly impossible and I am satisfied if I am plus or minus $200. I do not want them using my money for free especially when I can be investing it and getting interest.

If more people did this they would be able to actually save.

People should also keep in mind that this is a one way street. If taxpayers owe the government money the government expects it to be paid when it is due and if it is not then interest and penalties will accrue (unless you are a member of Obama’s administration). The government does not really care how poor your financial situation is, you are expected to pay what you owe and to pay it on time.

Funny, government works to help people who can’t pay their mortgages, can’t pay their car payments, can’t pay their other bills (tough economic times you know) and even allows itself to delay payments of your money back to you.

God forbid you should have trouble paying the taxes you owe.

They will send a hit squad for you even if you only owe 4 cents (an amount you are not obligated to pay).

Big Dog


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Try The Terrorists In America

The Obama Justice Department wants to try some of the terrorists in America and have chosen New York as the site. This was done with Obama’s consent but without the advice of Congress or the people of New York. There are a lot of concerns with this plan especially security, gridlock and the possibility that they will be found not guilty and released here in America. Some members of Congress are balking at the idea and there are calls to move the trial.

I say that it should be moved but it should remain in America.

The people who are in favor of having the trial here tell us that it is important to do it here to show we are a nation of laws and that holding the tirals in New York will put the accused in the vicinity of the Trade Center Towers. A nice idea but it does not display us as a nation based on justice.

I think in order to do this right we need to move the trials to Washington DC. That is the seat of power in this country and it is where our national laws originate. It is where our military leaders are located and the Pentagon, which was also attacked, is not far away. Surely there is a federal court in Washington DC.

This would absolutely demonstrate to the terrorists that they are in a place where the rule of law is important. It will also allow those who imposed the debacle on New York to be affected more intimately, like they wanted for New York.

This is a great idea. There is already a ton of security in DC and access to it is more easily controlled. It is a win, win because Eric Holder gets to reap what he has sown and the people of New York will be spared the circus.

The only rules are that Holder and all his people plus all the people in the Obama administration must continue to work there each day. They must not move their families out of the area and Obama’s kids must still go to school each and every day. In addition, either Obama or Biden must be in town while the trial is in progress.

Let’s propose this alternative and see if they still think it is a great idea.

Those of you who support the idea of having the trials in New York, how do you feel about them being in DC?

Big Dog


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Obama Gambles With Terror Trial In New York

Pat Buchanan has an interesting article out today that asks if America is at war. Then he goes on to say that if we are at war then why are we bringing terrorists who committed war crimes into our country to be tried in a court of law. He asks why we are granting Constitutional rights to people who are not entitled to them and who should be tried in military courts.

Buchanan’s opinion is that if things go badly with this trial it will be the end of Obama’s occupation of the White House.

I agree with this perspective. I have wondered why it is that these people are taking such a huge gamble. What happens if, for some reason, they are found not guilty or if the case is dismissed for some technical procedure?

It is not beyond imagination that some such thing could happen and some of the terrorists could walk out free men just like Obama’s pal Bill Ayers.

The other thing I wonder is, if they are found anything but guilty where will we send them? Will they be released into the general public? What else can we do with them? If we have had such a difficult time getting homes for those detained at Gitmo then what will change to make countries suddenly willing to take them? It is possible that the monsters who killed our fellow citizens could walk for one reason or another.

And if they walk, Obama can pack his bags because he will not get a second stint.

This is a huge gamble for Obama and if things work out he will look like a hero but if they don’t then things are going to get very ugly for him.

Treating acts of war as a crime issue is one of the things that led to the attack on 9/11.

Treating these terrorists as regular criminals is a big mistake that could have serious consequences both for Obama and for the country as well.

Big Dog


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