Crikey! Filming ‘Deadliest’ Turns Deadly

Steve Irwin, the man known around the world as the Crocodile Hunter was killed today when the barb from a Stingray’s tail struck him in the chest. Irwin was filming a documentary entitled Ocean’s Deadliest and was swimming over top a Stingray when its tail lashed out and the barb struck him in the chest. The barb punctured Irwin’s heart and he likely died instantly.

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I’d Make Them Sign A Waiver

The FDA today decided that it will now be OK for women to get the morning after pill without a prescription so long as they are older than 18. This super hormone pill has been linked to problems and use of the drug more often than recommended can cause serious illness (in addition to the illness caused by use as prescribed). Advocacy groups are already lining up to petition to allow girls of all ages to buy the drug.

What the FDA has done is now allow women to buy and use a potentially dangerous medication as often as they want without proper medical monitoring. What will happen if this drug, when used inappropriately, causes death or serious medical problems? We all know, people will sue the drug maker. If I made this drug I would require each person who bought it to sign a waiver stating that she would not sue the company for any reason. If she refused to sign a waiver she would not get the drug. Remember the mad cow scare? They made people sign waivers if they wanted beef cooked in any fashion other than well done. If we have to sign waivers to eat rare meat then they can make women sign before they can get the pills.

Watch and learn. I am sure you will see women having medical problems because of this drug. Potential problems have not been greatly explored because this medication has not been widely used. The drug is dispensed 1.5 million times a year but that does not mean that this many people take it. The drug must be dispensed by a pharmacist to doctors and clinics so that they can dispense it. When women can buy it over the counter the problems will surface and all of the sudden women will be suing the drug companies. That is why a waiver is needed.

You think it will not happen? Read the warnings that come with regular birth control pills and then figure out what will happen when women take super concentrated doses of that medication.

My Way News

How Not To Impress A Judge

A man who was in court for his second DUI had his 30 day sentence revoked and will receive a longer jail term. His offense? He arrived in court for his DUI with a blood alcohol level of 0.20 (more than twice the legal limit).

The man was involved in a car accident while intoxicated and he received 30 days to six months . He was drunk at the hearing and now must petition the court to be released. Something seems wrong when a charge of contempt of court carries a more severe penalty than the second DUI. I suppose this could be a cumulative term.

In any event, alcoholism is a disease. The guy needs jail time but the fact that he had 2 DUIs and showed up to court drunk is an indicator he has a big problem. His claim to drink a half a case a beer a day “and then some” is also a hint he needs help.

I think that while he is in jail he needs to get counseling and attend some kind of alcohol abuse classes. The court has already shown it will not tolerate his drunken behavior. I mean, who does he think he is, a Kennedy?


Right Bump Is Coming

A service to allow conservative bloggers to promote their posts is coming. The service is Right Bump and it will launch on 1 September 2006. Go to the site and check out the screen shots. I will provide updates as they become available.

It Is About National Security

NMallory has a post up about the visas of 100 or so Iranians being revoked while they were on their way to some University reunion in Santa Clara. I don’t necessarily agree with her assertion that the US let them get on the plane to come here since we do not allow people on planes in other countries but she makes a valid point that they were cleared originally. My question would be how old is the passport and visa and how long has it been revoked. The US will not disclose the reason that the visas were revoked so there might be a very legitimate reason. Perhaps a reason like this:

Eleven Egyptian students who were supposed to travel to a Montana university after flying to JFK airport late last month disappeared in New York, spurring federal authorities to issue a nationwide alert, officials said yesterday. New York Post

There is no indication that these 11 students are up to no good and they might have been victims of some kind of crime. Until we find them we will not know. Their visas have been revoked and there is a search for them now taking place. Let us hope these are not people who are parts of sleeper cells that intend to do us harm.

National Security is not something to take lightly. The student incident shows how easy it would be to get in. Hell, the open Southern border demonstrates that every day. I will side with Mallory about revoking the visas of people coming from Iran by saying this; we should not be revoking their visas until we are just as willing to close the Southern border and deport those sneaking in from Mexico.