They Should Be Happy They Did Not Try
May 22, 2012 Political
King Shamir Shabazz (sounds like a comic book character) the National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party is a racist jackass who fancies himself a real man because he has his picture taken with various firearms. He loves to blame white people for the ills of the world and he is not shy about making open threats to the crackers he hates so much.
Shabazz engaged in a number of racist rants on his radio show in which he said that he hates white people and white people should be thankful they (the NBPP) are not running around hanging crackers by nooses …yet.
Well bully for Shabazz. This twit should be happy that he and the morons who follow him have not tried to hang people. He and his followers would get their rear ends kicked from one side of town to the other. In fact, it might just be Shabazz swinging at the end of the rope if he ever tried to hang the crackers.
Shabazz is all bluster. He talks this smack time and again yet he has not been out trying to actually do the things he espouses. He is a pussy with a big mouth.
I do find one thing he said quite interesting
“You can fight this white man– and I’m not telling you to go out there and attack nobody– but in self-defense it’s okay to fight back. We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery; when he put his hand on us, we send him to the cemetery in self defense. Again, I’m not telling you to attack anyone, but if they put their hands on you and if you are a [unintelligble][sic], and in the name of your creator, and the name of our ancestors, we’re to kiss them goodbye, kiss ‘em goodbye, kiss ‘em goodbye.” The Blaze
He is not saying to attack anybody but if attacked defend yourself and send the cracker to the cemetery. Isn’t that what George Zimmerman did? He was attacked by Trayvon Martin and he defended himself and sent him to the cemetery.
Only then, the NBPP put out a hit on Zimmerman and demanded justice. Zimmerman only followed what Shabazz tells his followers to do but that was wrong in the eyes of the NBPP.
The reality is that the NBPP is only concerned with killing white people and if a black person is injured, no matter the reason, they will protest and make threats. They are a bunch of racist pussies who might say they will not start the fight but are just itching to hurt white people.
I don’t expect Eric Holder to pursue these racists for their racism toward white people but Shabazz broke a sacred rule. He used the word faggot and that will be unacceptable to the liberal establishment.
Then again, Shabazz is black so Eric Holder will let him get away with anything (think voter intimidation case).
Until the liberal establishment denounces the kind of racist rants Shabazz routinely engages in I do not want to hear them whine the next time someone uses the N word, particularly if they use it in reference to Shabazz.
This guy should be happy he and his followers have not tried to hang anyone.
Life is tough. It is even tougher when you are stupid…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cracker, liars, lynch, n word, nbpp, noose, pussies, racists, shabazz, twits
Obama Hangs In Effigy, Racism Cited
Oct 28, 2008 Political

OK, as far as I know there is no effigy of Obama hanging in the US. I would not be surprised if there were one or two but, if they exist, they must be pretty secret because if they were discovered we would have people screaming racism, Jackson and Sharpton would be marching and inciting riots and the media would have a field day discussing how racist someone must have been while demanding the justice department look into this hate crime. My friend Adam would tell me that I do not understand the history of racism and the symbolism of a noose (but I am expected to accept a burning Flag as an expression of speech regardless of the symbolism of that Flag). Even when I said it is near Halloween and it is only a decoration the cries of racism would be heard from afar.
However, we have an effigy of Sarah Palin hanging from a noose at someone’s home in California. The home even has an image of John McCain rising from a flaming chimney. People in buses ask the drivers to stop so they can get pictures and people who view it have a laugh over it. Isn’t it strange how it is OK when it is a white person who happens to be Republican?
I mean, if an Obama were hanging in effigy I am certain that there would be calls for it to come down and for investigations of hate crimes.
I have no real problem with the display. It is Halloween and this is America. What I have a problem with is the obvious double standard that exists. I know, there has been no Obama effigy so how can I say there is a double standard. Jena Louisiana and Baltimore Maryland, two places where nooses were hung, neither of which was racially motivated (the one in Baltimore was a black guy upset about something) but this did not stop the NAACP from coming down hard and demanding investigations (MD) and the camera hogs, Jackson and Sharpton from entering to stir things up (LA).
I hope someone hangs an Obama effigy so we can see how people respond. I am willing to bet that they will not laugh about it and that buses will not stop to allow pictures. I’d hang it myself but I live in the sticks. More crickets than people would see it.
No, it would not be well received if the Messiah were to be displayed in such a manner. His disciples would be up in arms.
Everyone knows that The One gets hung from a Cross…
Oh, and the picture. It is the only Hussein I could find with a noose.
Hold NAACP’s Doc Cheatham to His Word
Dec 2, 2007 General
In the middle part of November a noose was found at a Baltimore City fire station by two paramedics, one black and one white. According to Henry Burris, the president of the Vulcan Blazers, a black firefighters group, there was a note with the noose that read; “We can’t hang the cheaters but we can hang the failures.” This was evidently in reference to a promotion exam given in the fire department in which several blacks placed in the top of the people who took the test. There were allegations that the test was leaked and that cheating was involved.
This noose, of course, caused a big stink. Nooses are taboo in our society because they bring up memories about a terrible past that no one alive today has been forced to live. Black leaders all over were indignant about this crime. Baltimore Mayor Shelia Dixon said that the hanging of the noose was a “deplorable act of hatred and intimidation.” WBAL Radio
Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP is an interesting character who sees racism in everything and makes allegations but is never man enough to apologize when he is off the mark has trouble learning from his mistakes. Last May it was alleged that a Moose head in a fire station had an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Cheatham discussed the racism and how horrible this was and gave his usual white people are bad mantra. However, a firefighter called in to a radio station and said it was a deer head, had a straight hair wig and that a black guy put the gold tooth in it. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations and statements and had this to say; “there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department.” WBAL Radio
Why is this important? Because Doc Cheatham chimed in on the discovery of the noose. He indicated that the noose was evidently a message about the probe into the exam and possible cheating and then he said:
“We’re going to demand that this be handled as a hate crime,” Cheatham said. “This thing really needs to end here in Baltimore city.”
So, not content that he blew it with the “moose head” Cheatham is demanding that this be treated as a hate crime and that it “end here.” I could not agree more and I am holding Doc Cheatham to his words though that might be tough since he has never been man enough to stand for the right thing. You see, it was discovered that a BLACK paramedic hung the noose. Cheatham never considered that it could have been a black guy because only whites are racist hate mongers.
Yep, that slap is going to leave a mark. It was reported that Gary Maynard (identified as Donald in another story), one of the two who found the noose, confessed to police that he left the noose and the note (it was a noose when they found it and was reported as a rope now that a black guy confessed). Maynard has been suspended but has not been charged with a crime (you know a white guy would have been charged right away) but I am demanding that he be charged with the hate crime that Doc Cheatham demanded it be “handled as.” Fire Chief William Goodwin stated that this scheme was “meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner.”
Therefore, it was designed to create an atmosphere of racial hatred and intolerance. So it was a hate crime and I DEMAND that it be treated as such just as Cheatham demanded when he thought the perp was white. I want this guy to lose his job, to have to attend racial diversity training and to be given whatever jail time is permitted and would have been given if he were white.
I am taking bets that Cheatham will dismiss this and go back on his demand that it be handled as a hate crime. He will somehow try to blame it on white people in the department for making this guy feel so bad that he put up the noose to draw attention to the plight of blacks in the department. I am willing to bet that Cheatham will NOT pursue this as he would have if a white guy confessed.
Cheatham will, instead, find a way to show how this proves there is a racial divide in the Baltimore fire department that needs to be corrected.
Perhaps he could start by explaining why black firefighters have their own group (Vulcan Blazers) and then demand it be abolished as racist and separatist, or perhaps he could explain if the evil white guys have their own firefighter’s group as a balance.
In any event Cheatham needs to stick with his original demand. If he does not he will be nothing more than a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson (an opinion I have held of him for some time).
Then again, saying he is in the NAACP and a race hustler might be redundant.
UPDATE: The Baltimore Sun has the story and of course refer to the noose as a “knotted rope.” I bet that description would not fly in Jena, LA. Mayor Dixon thinks that since a black guy did it, it is “not a threat of that nature.” So, since a black guy did it, it is not as bad?
Marvin “Doc” Cheatham did not let me down. He blamed the acts of the criminal on the Fire Department:
But Marvin L. “Doc” Cheatham, president of the NAACP’s Baltimore chapter, said the fact that such an incident could occur shows that pervasive racial problems persist in the department.
“It really saddens us to hear that evidently things have reached a stage that even an African-American does an injustice to himself and his own people as a result of a negative culture in that department,” Cheatham said when asked to respond to the unions.
Cheatham is definitely a race hustler.
Other Source:
Tags: baltimore city fire department, doc cheatham, gold tooth, naacp, noose, racism, wbal radio
Burn a Flag, Get Extra Credit
Nov 3, 2007 General
A University of Maine student has dropped a course and filed a complaint because the professor offered extra credit for students who burned an American Flag or the US Constitution (a copy, of course). Rebekah McDade said she has a strong family background of military service and stated the Flag and Constitution are important symbols to her. She decided to drop the class and take it next semester with a different professor. The Professor, Paul Grosswiler, said that he never intended for students to actually burn anything and that hundreds of past students understood that this was designed to spark debate about free speech. This is like Al Sharpton threatening violence and then claiming he never actually meant for people to be violent when one of his supporters kills someone.

I would not have dropped the class because it would have been too much fun to harass this professor for the entire semester. Imagine how he would react to me referring to him as an idiot or as a liberal twit, all under the guise of free speech. Now I would never burn a Flag or the Constitution (though Congress figuratively burns the Constitution when it passes bills not authorized by the document) but I would participate in the extra credit exercise. I would get to class early and hang a noose up front. Then when the class and Grosswiler arrived and started the wheels of the hate crime machine turning I would say that the noose was mine and that I wanted my extra credit.
You see, Grosswiler has defended his position by claiming that refers to provocative examples to demonstrate the courage necessary to support free expression. He stated that “If they don’t tolerate thought that they hate, they don’t believe in the First Amendment.” I would be there to test the limits of how much he would tolerate. I might wear a swastika or Abortion is Murder shirt or perhaps one that reads “Their symbol is a Jackass, any questions?” just to see if he would be as accepting as he expects others to be.
A spokesman for the University said that Grosswiler’s classroom statements were not meant to be taken seriously and that no one would get extra credit for burning the items in question. So how much of the professor’s classroom comments are not to be taken seriously? Should they just ignore him or are they supposed to decipher when he is serious and when he is not?
All of this is pretty basic liberal double speak. The liberal professor gets taken to task for his words so he decides to say he never really meant it. That did not work for Imus nor has it worked for any conservative who has been accused of the wrong kind of free speech.
I just wonder why this professor felt it necessary to duck the issue. If he truly believes what he says why not exercise his free speech and say so?
Perhaps it is because he knows that words, protected or not, have consequences. Or maybe he lacks the spine to actually defend his position. In any event, this guy is what is wrong with the American educational system.
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Tags: Al Sharpton, american flag, free expression, hate crime, noose, strong family, swastika, university of maine, us constitution