When Bush Did It The Left Went Nuts

Let me start off by saying I agree with bombing ISIS and any other terror group and I think the US should keep it up. I would say to bomb them back to the Stone Age but since they already live in that era I say bomb them back to before they existed. I have no problem with attacking them where they live rather than waiting for them to come here. I have no problem with preemptive strikes.

But I am not the problem here because I never held the view that we should not attack them.

Barack Obama and ALL the Democrats who opposed George Bush did though. They derided Bush for waging war in Iraq when they claimed Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and never attacked us. Afghanistan was the good war, they said.

So during Bush’s terms we had Code Pink and the rest of the anti war crowd along with the Democrats screaming about Bush’s War and George Bush attacking a nation that never attacked us, blah, blah.

Barack Obama arrived on the scene fresh from his community organizing state and US Senate gigs to claim the mantle of anti war hero and to stop George Bush’s illegal wars.

The US, along with coalition partners, has begun bombing ISIS and other terror groups in Syria. Syria has never attacked us and ISIS has never attacked out country. Yes, they murdered some Americans but they did not come to our home nation and attack us. Do I think we should avenge their deaths? Certainly but then again, I am not the problem.

The problem lies with those who were so vocal in their opposition to George Bush who now remain silent as their messiah attacks an enemy in a sovereign nation, one that did not attack us. The problem lies with those very groups who said we should not be at war and who told us to try and understand the other guy’s side of things.

Where are these groups now? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Where is Harry Reid? Where are the protest groups that were so up in arms about the Iraq war? Where are these people when Barack Obama is basically doing the same thing they attacked Bush for?

They are curiously silent on the matter.

George Bush got Congressional approval before he waged war and Barack Obama did not. George Bush told us exactly what would happen if we announced the date we were leaving and pulled completely out of the region and what he said would happen, did.

Barack Obama was against the war in Iraq and he campaigned on ending it. Barack Obama campaigned on what he perceived to be the lawless and unconstitutional acts of Bush and now he is doing the very things he campaigned against.

These people are hypocrites and it would do the nation well for them to lose their jobs in November (for those up for reelection). Barack Obama is a disgrace to this nation. Is he doing the right thing now? I think it is right to attack the enemy but I always did.

He did not. This is what happens when you have a progressive Alinskyite with no work experience, no military experience (and who actually loathes the military) and no real life experience running things.

Community organizers are rabble rousers, not leaders.

The left remains silent because it is their messiah who is doing the things they previously opposed.

We need to rally as a nation while we are at war but that does not mean we can’t question the integrity of the leader who took us to war.

If the nation had questioned that integrity during the campaign we might not have a hypocrite and first class amateur running things now.

And in all likeliness there would be no need for more war because the enemies would fear us.

No one fears Obama because he lacks anything resembling manhood and he is certainly not a warrior.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s War Posture Is Bush’s Fault

Barack Obama justified his use of force against ISIS by citing the Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution that was signed by George Bush in 2001. Obama is claiming that he does not need any further authorization to engage ISIS because he is authorized under the AUMF. While some say he is evading Congress (which he most certainly is) he is probably correct about his authority under the AUMF.

[note]Seems that Democrats have no trouble with Obama using the AUMF when they routinely claimed that Bush exceeded his authoruty when he was using it.[/note]

The real issue here is that Obama has been trying to repeal the very statute he is citing as his authorization. Obama claimed the law was dated and could be used as a way to involve America in more wars.

The AUMF is now nearly 12 years old,” he said. “Unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight, or continue to grant presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states. Washington Times

As recently as last week a National Security Council spokesperson stated that the goal was to “refine and ultimately replace” the AUMF so that Obama can “take America off a permanent war footing.”

Isn’t it convenient that Obama is using the very thing he wants to repeal to justify his actions? I think it would be fairly easy to get Congress to authorize the use of force against ISIS given that the group has beheaded two Americans.

Remember though, with Obama it is all about optics and politics. He is not upset that he played golf after discussing a beheading only that he failed to anticipate the optics of doing so.

In the case of the use of force politics is at play. If Obama uses a law signed by Bush he can avoid signing anything that would link him to the war against ISIS. The linked article points this out and goes on to indicate that Obama would prefer to work with Congress but if he went to that body and was rejected it would be “politically damaging.”

Since Obama never takes responsibility for anything (but takes credit whether he deserves it or not) it is no surprise that he would rather use something he can pin on George Bush.

While it will be easy for Obama to avoid blame and to point fingers I think it is just fine. I am thankful that Bush had the foresight to have an AUMF in place.

You see, Obama is a weak person (I can’t say leader because he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building) and without something already in place it is very unlikely he would have been able to muster the courage to get something done in order to strike ISIS.

Obama is probably happy that he does not have to spend a lot of time getting authorization because that would be a real burden.

To his golf outings…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Who Is Holding America?

Right now America is run by the liberal progressives under the “leadership” of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama has held the White House for about six years and that means all that is going on belongs to him and his followers. Sure, Republicans have held the House for two years but they have been able to do nothing more than slow the Obama agenda. None of their initiatives make it past Harry Reid in the Senate because he is there to protect what Obama has done.

The phrase the Tea Party and others have used describing removing the liberal progressives from power is “take America back.”

This phrase has been deemed racist by Barack Obama and Eric Holder. Yes, the racists known as Obama and Holder think it is just racist that anyone would want to take their country back and they assure us this phrase is code for; remove the black men from power. It does not cross their minds that no one is concerned with their color but rather their ideology.

In any event, they have held the power for six years and they do not like when people say they want to take the country back. No, according to them all is peachy keen.

Joe Biden gave a little speech on Labor Day (to union types) and he used the phrase “take back America”. He was not rushed off as a racist who wants to remove the black man. He was well received by the union members in attendance.

I don’t really care what liberals think about the phrase “take America back.” To them everything is racist and they get their panties in a wad over nothing in order to gin up the base. All well and good because I just don’t care.

What I want to know is from whom does Joe Biden think we need to take the country? Obama and Biden along with their merry band of idiots have been running the country for six years. If there are problems and the country needs to be taken back (there are and it does) then does that not mean Biden wants us to take the country back from him and Obama?

The left keeps telling us how wonderful things are and how much better they are getting but the reality is they know it is bad. They blame it on everyone and everything but they are responsible so when Joe tells us that country needs to be taken back he is asking us to save the country from him, his boss and their party of half-wit progressives.

We really do need to take the country back from them and we need to get on the right path before an all out collapse takes place.

We can start by retaking the Senate in November and work from there.

Joe Biden is senile and should not be out in public without a soft helmet but on this issue I agree with him because he actually got it right.

We need to take the country back from them before things can get better.

Liberal progressives have been promising to make things better for decades if only the public would elect them. They have been in charge for most of the past five decades and things are not better. Their policies have enslaved minorities (particularly blacks) and they have saddled our children and grandchildren with massive debt. They have removed any sense of personal responsibility from millions of Americans who only know how to stand around with their hands out and they have ensured that those millions vote for the liberals in order to keep getting “free” stuff.

In all that time things have not gotten better but liberals still claim we need to vote for them to make things better.

Let’s listen to Joe and take the country back from him and his ilk.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe If They Blow Up A Golf Course

There are rumblings that one of the Al Qaeda offshoot groups is planning to attack somewhere in the US. An Al Quada magazine has posted instructions on how to make a car bomb and suggests targets of casinos (particularly in Vegas), oil tankers and military colleges. ISIS has stated several times that it is coming here and that the streets will run with our blood.

I am sure that many in the government are paying attention to these threats. I wonder though, if Obama is paying attention.

He is protected around the clock and he lives in a bubble. The rest of us are open to the world and if you live in a place like Maryland you are a target for any bad guy because the governor and his minions have infringed on our Second Amendment right.

I don’t think Obama takes this stuff seriously. If he did Benghazi might never have happened. He is wrapped up in his own little world where he thinks he is well liked and looked at with respect. Hell, he probably has some sympathies for the causes of those who are out to harm us.

I imagine the only way these terrorists will get his attention is if they start blowing up golf courses.

Once that happens Obama will lose his mind. Thousands of citizens blown up would be no big deal to him but let the bad guys start destroying golf courses and all bets are off.

I can see Obama now standing on top of Golf Cart One with a bullhorn screaming; “I hear you, the putting greens hear you and pretty soon the terrorists who blew up this golf course will hear you.”

The problem is not so much that Obama is on the golf course as much as it is he has his head buried in the sand trap.

I guess if we are attacked he has his fallback position.

Its Bush’s fault…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Gets The Silent Treatment

They give him a pity clap at the end…

Perhaps it is time for the rest of society to stop applauding the empty rhetoric and incompetence….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
