Surprise! Obama Is Out Of Touch
Aug 14, 2014 Commentary, Immigration
Barack Obama does two things very well. He campaigns and he vacations and he does both a lot. When he goes on his vacations we are told that he needs downtime and we are assured that he has a lot of technology that keeps him in control and in touch. It seems to me that in our world of technology there is no reason to doubt such a claim. In other words, the president can remain in touch with secure communications no matter where he is.
[note]As for needing downtime, does he really work hard enough to need a vacation? I guess 200 rounds of golf and endless fundraisers tend to take a toll on a body…[/note]
So if Obama is in touch with staff and has all the modern communication devices at his fingertips, why does he need to leave his vacation to return to DC to meet with staff? The Hill is reporting that Obama will return to DC from Martha’s Vineyard for what is described as a face to face with his staff.
Why does he need to have a face to face? He can communicate with them via the secure communications devices and save the taxpayer a lot of money. The cost for the roundtrip travel will exceed a MILLION dollars. If Obama must travel back then he is admitting he is out of touch with his staff. Seems appropriate given his lifestyle and ideology is out of touch with the rest of America
That seems like an awfully lot of money just to have a face to face with his staff particularly when he is able to communicate remotely.
Perhaps Reggie Love will be in DC and this is a million dollar booty call (another kind of face to face).
Or, perhaps Obama is going to announce some executive action on immigration or other issue. Since Congress is in recess now would be an opportune time for him to spring another rogue edict on the people. The Hill story states that Obama’s spokespeople say that they are not anticipating a major announcement but this is the Obama regime and it lies all the time. If it announced some executive action prior to his return to DC Congress would have time to react. If he just shows up for an alleged face to face he can make any announcement he wants and it will grow legs before Congress can react.
It is no secret that Obama intends to use executive action on immigration. He has not gotten his way from Congress and when that happens Obama uses his pen and his phone. The original timeline indicated he would take action after Labor Day but this is an election year and many Democrats facing tough reelection balked at the idea of doing this so close to the election. If he does it a few weeks early it will be old news by the time people start paying attention to campaigns which, by the way, is after Labor Day.
The low information voters will have forgotten all of this by the time they pig out on ribs and beer (no doubt paid for with EBT cards) and members of Congress will be caught flatfooted because they expected to take up the fight next month.
I suspect the face to face is a farce and there will be some major announcement. If that happens you can be sure it will be controversial.
Otherwise he would have waited.
This guy is lawless and he is imposing his will on the country contrary to the founding principles of this nation.
Of course all of this is speculation. For all I know he might just want to get away from that beast he is married to.
I imagine he is not the only one who would blow a million dollars to do so…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Immigration, martha's vineyard, million dollars, Obama, travel, vacation
Maybe They Want Him Hanging Around
Aug 7, 2014 Political
Barack Obama is trying to get millions of new Democrat voters into the country through his open border policy. The manufactured crisis on the southern border is of his doing and is designed for two things. It is designed to get more people (read Democrat voters) in while stoking hatred toward Republicans who oppose illegals waltzing in and it is part of the Alinsky plan to overwhelm the system to bring about socialism.
Obama is not getting anywhere with the Congress divided so he has decided to take matters into his own hands. Obama will work to grant amnesty to these illegals sometime near the end of summer.
This might sit well with the pro illegal supporters and certain members of the Hispanic community but it will not sit well with Hispanics who came here legally and it will not sit well with Democrats facing tough reelections.
Yes the end of the summer timeframe puts the Executive action right before the midterm elections so that many frustrated voters can take out their anger on Democrats.
Even if these Democrats say they are not in favor of Obama’s actions they will be tied to him because he is a Democrat. Most people will also be able to see that most of these Democrats are being less than honest when they claim not to support the actions of the guy they have sided with so many times over the past six years.
It almost seems like Obama wants Republicans to take control of the Senate. If they do and keep control of the House (a near certainty) then there will be no obstruction to impeachment.
Oh no, he said the “I” word. Yes I did. Judge Andrew Napolitano recently stated that the lawsuit filed by Republicans in the House over Obama’s abuse of power will go nowhere and is a waste of time. The only real ways to stop Obama are to impeach him or take money away from him.
Neither of those options can happen as long as Harry Reid is in charge of the Senate. If Republicans take control then both options are on the table.
The Republicans would be wise to defund as much as they can and deny Obama as much as possible to control him. That, however, does not mean he should not be impeached. They should certainly do that as well.
Obama has violated the Constitution a number of times and an Executive action on immigration would be the icing on the cake. There are plenty of reasons to impeach so the articles might be as wordy as Obamacare.
Obama seems ignorant of what is going on. He seems to think he has some mandate to do something just because he was elected. He fails to see that he is one part of a three part government where each has separate but equal powers. He is also ignorant of or ignores the fact that he is acting outside his lane.
I think most of this is purposeful because he is not stupid and his handlers have managed him well. They have him moving forward with the plan to collapse the country and his job is to soften people up (the idiots among us are already soft) and he does so by repeating things that are untrue so many times people start to believe them.
He can say that folks don’t want him just standing around as many times as he wants but that does not make it so. However, it plants the seeds for when he acts. He can then say well I told you no one wanted me standing around and Congress will not help me so I went it alone. Pat me on the back, bow down and kiss my ring and then get out of my face serf.
Did he say they don’t want him standing around or hanging around?
Business Insider
National Review
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Congress, constitution, impeach, lies, midterms, Obama, purse strings
Remarkably Healthy? And They Run Health Care…
Jul 7, 2014 Immigration
The Department of Health and Human Services (the agency that is lead on Obamacare) says that the children illegally entering our country under Obama’s manufactured crisis are remarkably healthy.
These kids are bringing in lice, scabies, chicken pox, and who knows how many other diseases and HHS says they are remarkably healthy.
As I warned, there is another dimension that threatens the US and that is drug resistant tuberculosis. The illegals are bringing TB into the country and it is spreading among the close quartered population. These people are being transported all over the country and the diseases they carry are going along for the ride.
This puts unsuspecting Americans at risk as the sick people spread across the nation and infect people everywhere they go.
Nurses are reporting TB cases even as others downplay it and say it is not as bad as the nurses claim. Given the secrecy, lies, and gag orders as well as threats of arrest for speaking out I think the nurses are a more credible source of information.
As you see the reports and the denials from the HHS keep in mind that the HHS denied there were any cases of scabies…
This is the same agency that is responsible for implementing Obamacare.
Does it make you feel safer knowing that the agency in charge of your health care is denying that there are very sick children crossing our borders?
Does it make you feel any better knowing that HHS is allowing these sick people to be filtered into our general population?
When push comes to shove the HHS is a government agency that cares not one iota about your health or the care you receive.
Unless it is for abortifacients. Then it goes balls to the walls…
Be prepared America because the epidemics are one the way.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: epidemic, hhs, illegal immigrants, lies, manufactured crisis, Obama, obamacare, tb
A Rose By Any Other Name
Jul 3, 2014 Commentary, Immigration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a memo instructing employees to no longer refer to all the illegal aliens in the country (particularly those flooding the country in the Obama manufactured humanitarian crisis) as aliens. In particular, the children who had been referred to as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) will now be referred to as unaccompanied children (all lower case unless grammatically proper to use capitals).
This is an attempt to remove some perceived stigma that arises from referring to these illegals as aliens. The reality though, is that they are aliens.
In the United States, an alien is “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.” The U.S. Government’s use of alien dates back to 1798, when it was used in the Alien and Sedition Acts. U.S. law makes a clear distinction between aliens and immigrants by defining immigrants as a subset of aliens. Wikipedia
The truth of the matter is these children are aliens. If ICE wanted to be correct about it they should be referred to as ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILDREN because all of them are here illegally.
This situation is a crisis manufactured by the petulant little man in the White House. He wants immigration reform and he is not getting his way so he is manufacturing this crisis so he can whip up a few Executive Orders to bypass Congress on the immigration issue.
It also falls well within his plan to employ the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Illegals old enough to drive have been applying for licenses and the welfare system is being flooded with applications. These illegal aliens are being absorbed into the system all over the country and will begin using resources to which they are not entitled and have never paid into.
This will help overload the social welfare system and crash the US economy (it is already on the brink) so Obama can follow through with the Cloward-Piven Strategy in which welfare would be replaced with guaranteed income, the kind of level playing field Obama loves to push.
The other reality is these ILLEGAL ALIENS (hope that helps ICE) are spreading diseases and illness across the nation. The unhealthy are being moved all over and that increases the chance for exposure.
How long before an epidemic happens because of the Obama manufactured crisis?
It matters not what we call these people the absolute truth is they do not belong here. I don’t care what any agency calls them as long as they are getting them out of here.
They belong in their native countries and if Obama had any testicular fortitude they would be.
Then again, this is just how he planned it.
Maybe we can arrange for the sickest of them to be relocated to the White House…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: coward liven, ice, illegal aliens, lies, manufactured crisis, Obama, welfare
Bill Clinton; Ambition Over Country
Jun 23, 2014 Political
Bill Clinton is the old sage of the Democrat Party. He is still very popular among the party faithful and if it were not for a young upstart named Obama Clinton might have made history as a president whose wife also won the presidency (though who knows, maybe McCain would have beat her). Anyway, Clinton does not like Barack Obama, at all.
[note]With Democrats it is party over everything. With Bill Clinton it is personal ambition over everything.[/note]
Clinton never forgave Obama for using the race card on Clinton and his ire was further fueled when it was learned that this was a strategy all along. Clinton does not like Barack Obama and thinks he is not a good president.
Bill Clinton has told people that he thinks Obama is unqualified and that he is making a mess of things. Of course this did not stop Clinton from helping Obama win reelection.
In 2011, about a year before the election, Obama’s numbers were not good and the economy was not improving (and it still isn’t). There was real concern among Democrats that he could lose the election. I think if the media had not helped Obama in at least one debate and if there was not widespread voter fraud (it is nearly impossible for one candidate to get all the votes and not possible for more people to vote than live in an area. It is also highly improbable that all registered voters would turn out in so many districts).
But I digress. The Obama team realized he was in trouble and told him he needed Bill Clinton to campaign for him. Obama did not want to enlist Clinton’s services because Obama does not like Bill Clinton. Eventually though, he asked Bill to join him for a round of golf.
Clinton accepted but he did not want to do it. Did I mention that Clinton does not like Obama (a common theme here)? Bill did it though because he wanted something in return for his help.
Clinton made it clear to Obama that Hillary would be running for the presidency in 2016 and that they wanted Obama’s support. They expected that Obama would at the least endorse her candadacy and then use his vast voter outreach program to help her. Obama was not really keen on that part of the deal but he needed Clinton to seal up a second term win.
Clinton gave a great speech at the Democrat Convention, a speech that riled Obama and his people because it took the spotlight off the chosen one.
In any event, Obama won reelection and this was, in large part, because Clinton helped him out.
The details are outlined in a new book by Edward Klein entitled Blood Feud; The Clintons vs. The Obamas. Klein gathered information from his vast network of inside sources to reveal life in the underbelly of DC politics between the Democrat’s two power families.
All of that is well and good. Anyone with eyes can see these people do not like each other. I am more concerned about this little issue;
Bill Clinton thought Obama was unqualified and not doing a good job. But he helped him out in order to get his support for Hillary in 2016. In a nutshell, Bill Clinton put his personal agenda and ambition over the best interests of the country. This is not some minor league issue where people scratch each other’s backs. This is a game where the top player makes decisions that affect the entire nation, the world, and our way of life. Obama started screwing the country up the day he took office and he kept digging after hitting rock bottom. Clinton could have declined to help Obama or endorsed another candidate for the good of the country but Clinton does not care about the country.
It should not surprise me because Clinton has already shown that he lacks integrity and that he puts his desires above all other things but I still have this idea that true patriots put the needs of the country first.
Then again, no one ever confused Bill Clinton with a patriot…
Bill sold out to help Hillary. Incidentally, Hillary sold out to give Obama cover after Benghazi.
These two are self serving and do not care what happens to the country as long as they satisfy their thirst for power.
It is really a shame because America can do better…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Clinton, hatred, lies, Obama, racism, self serving, sell out