Keep Your Mouths Shut Soldiers…
Jun 4, 2014 Military
The people who served with Bowe Bergdahl knew he deserted. The Pentagon knew he deserted and Obama probably knew it (he does watch the news…) so why would soldiers be told to keep quiet about it?
A soldier claims that he was told by his chain of command to not say anything about Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walking off an Afghan base in 2009.
Retired Army Spc. Josh Fuller told Fox News Wednesday that he was told to keep quiet about Bergdahl leaving his post and getting captured by the Taliban. CBS DC
Perhaps it was commanders trying to keep the lid on poor morale in their unit (a speculation, I do not know what their morale was), or perhaps they did not want a black mark on their records. But the Pentagon never listed Bergdahl as a POW and since the Pentagon HAD to know he was missing it is unlikely that anyone thought he was anything other than a deserter.
I don’t know why soldiers would be told not to talk about it but that is a curious thing. It was widely known among the soldiers involved so it is not like they were keeping secrets from each other and America knew he was missing so that was not a secret.
So why tell people to keep quiet?
Fortunately, many of those who were given these orders are no longer serving and they are breaking their silence. Their voices add reality to the story and prevent the Obama regime from getting away with more lies.
Susan Rice said Bergdahl served with honor and distinction and perhaps she is on to something. Betraying America is honorable to liberals so in her mind Bergdahl is a hero.
When (if) this ever gets investigated I would like that investigation to extend to finding out who gave the keep quiet order and why.
That would be interesting to discover…
Death before dishonor.
If you can’t live by that then don’t serve.
Tags: bergdahl, dishonor, keep quiet, lies, Obama
With Honor And Distinction?
Jun 3, 2014 Military
SGT Bowe Bergdahl is back in US control and I am happy for him and for his family because he is home. He is an American citizen and it is good for him and his family that he is back.
However, Bergdahl is not a hero and he is not a Prisoner of War who happened to be repatriated. He deserted the military when he walked (or rode) out of the compound and into the wilderness. He was not captured while on a mission or on guard duty or even out on an authorized absence. He was captured because he left his unit without any intention of returning and he was captured by the Taliban.
Of this there is no doubt.
Sometime after midnight on June 30, 2009, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl left behind a note in his tent saying he had become disillusioned with the Army, did not support the American mission in Afghanistan and was leaving to start a new life. He slipped off the remote military outpost in Paktika Province on the border with Pakistan and took with him a soft backpack, water, knives, a notebook and writing materials, but left behind his body armor and weapons — startling, given the hostile environment around his outpost. New York Times
Members of our military had to stop their missions to look for this guy and some of those brave troops died while doing so. The Pentagon and the political hacks can say otherwise but the people who had their boots on the ground are saying something different and they, above all others, know what went on.
Bergdahl is in a military hospital recovering from his ordeal, an ordeal of his own making, and will soon be reunited with his family. He needs time to heal. He needs time to acclimate and he needs time with his family.
Then he needs to be held accountable for what he did. The military must investigate what he did and must be honest with the citizens of this nation, particularly those who serve and who have served, about the circumstances. If he is found to be a deserter, and there is a lot of evidence to show just that, then he needs to be punished. Yes, he was held captive for five years but that was because of what HE did.
[note]Military members know we are not bargaining chips and that we will not be negotiated free. Troops will try to rescue us but we will not be the objects of negotiations. That is just part of the package. But Obama played it differently in order to put the VA scandal on the back burner. He thought he would be hailed as a wonderful guy for getting a deserter back but most are not looking at it this way. He has left a Marine to rot in a Mexican prison while negotiating with terrorists over a deserter. One last thing. The Taliban murder captured soldiers. Why is Bergdahl alive?[/note]
All levels of government in this nation routinely hold people accountable for things they have done even though they have suffered hardship as a result of their own acts. If you rob a bank and run into traffic and get hit by a car ending up in a coma for six months they don’t say you had a hard enough time and let you go.
Bergdahl took a decision to walk away from his unit and he was captured because of that. Now that he is home he needs to be held accountable here for what he did.
He cost us a lot. Barack Obama negotiated with terrorists for his release and circumvented Congress to get it done. Obama broke the law to get Bergdahl back and in the process made it an even more dangerous place for us and particularly for our troops who will now be seen as bargaining chips.
Obama needed to put the VA scandal out of the news so he quickly acted on this deal (that has been in the works for some time) claiming that Bergdahl’s health was in question. Susan Rice said it so it must be true. This is the lie used to break the law and bypass Congress. The truth is this was politically motivated to refocus our attention from yet another Obama scandal (he learned well from Bill Clinton). I am surprised Rice did not just blame it all on a You Tube video.
Time will tell if the Pentagon has the testicular fortitude to do what is necessary to hold Bergdahl accountable. I would not hold my breath as the Pentagon has been turned into a paper tiger under Obama. It must be politically correct in order to serve its master. Given Obama’s love of the Muslim faith and given the Bergdahl family seems to be sympathetic to it, it is doubtful Obama will want to pursue any action against the deserter.
Many folks are angry at what Bergdahl did and at what Obama did to get him released. Going into a midterm election this will not sit well with voters. Obama won’t have to worry about the active duty folks because he will lose their ballots but millions of veterans will go to the polls.
Politics aside, Bergdahl must be given ample time to recover and then he MUST be held accountable.
He dishonored himself, his unit, the military and the nation (no wonder Obama negotiated for him) and he is a disgrace to the uniform he wears.
Susan Rice can say he served with honor and distinction but that does not make it so. The honorable are those who stayed and did their jobs in the face of danger.
As well as those who risked (or lost) their lives trying to rescue the man who turned his back on them and his nation.
McClatchy DC
I J Review
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bergdahl, deserter, dishonor, lies, Obama, taliban, terrorists
More VA Problems Exposed
May 28, 2014 Military, Obamacare
The single payer, government run health care system known as the VA is in a shambles. It has been a boondoggle since its inception but has gotten worse over the years. While Democrats will claim that the problem is the large influx of patients because of the wars they voted for, the reality is the system did not run well when we were not at war.
The problems at the VA predate Obama (and Bush though Democrats think the history of bad starts with him) and as such Obama does not shoulder the blame for the problems there. He shoulders the blame because they are still there and are worse.
Candidate Obama blasted President Bush and the VA system and President elect Obama promised to fix things. He did not fix them. In fact things are much worse now and Obama is responsible for that. He was aware of the problems (despite his claims to the contrary) and he did NOT fix them as he promised.
There is now a news story that the problems at the VA in Phoenix are much worse than originally reported. Forty veterans are reported to have died while on a secret waiting list designed to allow administrators to claim great patient wait times and collect bonuses. Veterans died while waiting for care as administrators received bonuses for the great jobs they were doing. The Phoenix VA, according to an Inspector General’s report, has as many as 1,700 veterans awaiting care but who are not on the official waiting list.
This means that they might never receive care. Additionally, their absence from the list is designed to show the VA in a favorable light.
For more on how the scheme works read this article about the VA in Texas. There are supporting documents to show the top person cancelled and manipulated appointments in order for him and other executives to receive bonuses. Fifty percent of their bonus rating is based upon patient wait times so they manipulated those times to appear as if they were in compliance. They did not care about the veterans, only their own money and careers. These folks should end up in jail.
The Texas run system even received an award despite being investigated for these criminal acts in the past. There is overwhelming evidence that the top person was involved and made the changes but the conflicts were blamed on low level employee error which was than touted as something discovered and fixed (it was not). Looks like these folks follow Obama’s example of leadership; blame others…
There is another report that involves the VA but is about police brutality and not directly related to the scheduling scandal (but part of a corrupt culture nonetheless). An elderly vet was beaten and stomped by VA cops and suffered a stroke that subsequently resulted in his death.
America, is this how we should be treating our veterans?
Ideally, veterans should receive their care in the open market (with the bill paid for by the government) and not be restricted to government run socialized medicine. But if that will not happen then the VA should hire veterans to run its facilities. Veterans who have health care experience should be hired to work in those facilities. And veterans who served as military police should be police officers in the VA. These folks know what their fellow veterans have gone through and what kind of treatment they deserve.
The government should also remove all bonuses. This scheme only encourages people to cook the books.
If I ran any VA hospital I would not accept a bonus and I would not cook the books. I would demand the highest standards of care and fire anyone who did not comply.
If the government can’t run a system that has been in place for decades and only involves a small part of the overall population why does anyone think government run health care for all is a good idea? What makes anyone think that eventually Obamacare will be any different?
Government run care will always end up like this. People become a burden to the system and are abused because of it.
Look out America; you will soon be subject to this.
Let’s pass a law that all members of Congress and the Obama regime MUST receive their health care at a VA facility with no VIP treatment whatsoever.
I bet it would get fixed then… (Big Dog salute to Marcus Luttrell)
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bonus, Obama, scandal, single payer, socialism, VA, veterans
Founders Leveled Playing Field, Obama Does Not Like
May 24, 2014 Political
Barack Obama champions himself as an advocate for the poor and he truly believes that it is government’s job to take from those who have and give to those who don’t. He thinks government should make sure that everyone is equal. This is quite different from the idea that we all have equal opportunity (which we can either use or squander) in that Obama thinks that things must be made equal. He believes in equal outcome not equal opportunity. If you have a great health care plan then you need to pay more so that someone who cannot afford one gets his fair share. You make a lot of money then you must pay more in taxes to pay your fair share to help those who do not make as much.
The Founders had an equality item and they enacted it and Obama does not like it.
The Great Compromise settled an issue that nearly derailed the completion of the Constitution. The Founders decided that each state would have a number of Representatives based on population. This proportionality would give states with greater numbers of people more votes in the People’s House. That House is closest to the People and they are elected every two years so that they are (in theory) held accountable.
The compromise was that the upper chamber, the Senate, would have equal representation in each state. Originally Senators were selected by the state legislatures and represented the states to the federal government. This changed with the 17th Amendment which made Senators elected by the popular vote in each state. The Senators were to represent he states but the people and not the legislatures of the states selected them.
But, there are still two from each state. Barack Obama does not like this level playing field. He says that this allows all states to have an equal say regardless of population so things are gridlocked in Congress. He says that it is not fair that states with large populations have the same representation in the Senate as states with small populations.
“Obviously, the nature of the Senate means that California has the same number of Senate seats as Wyoming. That puts us at a disadvantage,” Mr. Obama said. Washington Times
For a Constitutional scholar he seems to miss the idea that this was the point of the Great Compromise. The equality in the upper chamber was to allow each state to have equal representation (originally selected by the states and not the people) while the lower chamber, the House, had proportional representation.
Simply put, the House represents the interests of the PEOPLE and the Senate represents the interests of the STATES and it remains that way regardless of how the Senators are selected.
Notice he claims it puts US at a disadvantage, meaning the Democrats. Senators are not in place to give an advantage to Democrats they are there to ensure that the federal government cannot run roughshod over smaller states because each state, all being equal in the Union, had equal representation in the Senate.
It is funny how Obama dismisses this because it does not help Democrats. He has already stated the Constitution hampers government (which it was intended to do) and he does not like that. Now he claims that even though Republican ideas are rejected, it is hard to get things done because of the Constitution.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,”
That was the whole idea of the Constitution, to limit government. The federal government already involves itself in issues that do not concern it and that have no basis in the Constitution. This is, partly, because Senators are no longer selected by the states. If the Senators were beholden to the states then they would do what the states want rather than strike deals to infringe on the rights of the states and then get the low information voters to put them back in office claiming they bring home the bacon. Vote for me because I got you stuff.
Obama claims he was a Constitutional law professor (though it is more claim than fact) and that he knows the Constitution. Perhaps he has read it but he certainly does not understand it. He has no clue why we have it and what it is designed to do. He ignores it and he has violated it.
Will no one hold him accountable?
You are hampered Barry, because people, despite your claims to the contrary, reject your ideas. The large states with hoards of liberals have given us things you championed that have NEVER been popular with the people. Obamacare has never polled higher (in actual scientific polls) than the opposition to it.
I also notice that Barry has no issue with three or four heavily populated places with lots of House representation deciding things for the rest of the nation. He is not concerned that New York and California along with several other heavily populated liberal states (usually just a few cities in those states) are able to give all their electoral votes to a presidential candidate even though most counties in those states are not Democrat.
Look at a map of the US broken down by counties and the entire country is red with swatches of blue. If you want it to be fair then we should look at that rather than population clusters.
As an aside, my idea for the electoral vote would be that they are given based on how the District voted. If a state has 10 electoral votes and 4 voted for the Democrat and 4 for the Republican then that is how the EVs should be awarded (the other 2 are the EVs for the Senators and they would go to the candidate who won the popular vote in the state). That would negate population clusters from affecting an entire state as even California and New York would award more to Republicans than Democrats.
The entire issue is that the Constitution was set up a certain way and Obama does not like it. He took an oath to uphold it but he is not. He violates it all the time and he should be impeached.
Thank goodness our Founders agreed to the Great Compromise or we would be a third world nation with a banana republic. Though we are getting there because of people like Obama.
Next time Obama talks about a level playing field remind him the Great Compromise gave us one and he does not like it…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, founders, great compromise, house, loies, Obama, Senate
Barack Obama Is Lazy
May 23, 2014 Political
Notice to the race baiters, I did not say he is shiftless which would indicate that in addition to being lazy he is indolent and lacks ambition. No one gets to be president without ambition particularly those with such a thin resume as Obama. He has a lot of ambition and it is directed toward changing this country into a socialist nation.
Sean Hannity interviewed Sarah Palin (the woman the liberals waged a war on but who was right in all of her predictions about Obama) and he asked her why Obama did not hold people accountable. Palin responded that Obama, by his own admission, was lazy and that it takes a lot of effort to hold people accountable.
Well, a couple of reasons. One is, when you hold someone accountable, it takes some energy and resource and Barack Obama is lazy. In fact, he warned us that he was lazy and attributed that to having been brought up in Hawaii. It’s his words, not mine! And another thing is that Barack Obama still doesn’t see what the main problem is.
The main problem is government. It’s not the solution like Ronald Reagan said. It is the problem. He doesn’t recognize that. So he will continue to do what he’s doing, the status quo is fine with him. He’s not called out as often as he should be, because the media, the referee in this, again ‘game of politics’ isn’t doing its job and holding him accountable. TPNN
I do not disagree with Palin’s assessment that Obama is lazy. He told us he was and she is right, it takes energy to do a tough job.
But, Obama is also a political machine and he knows that if he starts holding people accountable for what they have done the house of cards will begin to fall. The public will see (more clearly) that often the things in question lead back to Obama.
He was directly involved in Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting of conservatives and the decisions that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi among many other things.
As for the problems at the VA (the topic of the Hannity interview), Obama is not responsible for those problems. They were happening long before he took office but he is responsible for the problems continuing. He made it a point to blame George Bush for the VA issues when he was a candidate and he said he would fix them. He was informed of the problems in detail when he was transitioning into the White House and he claimed that veterans were a priority.
He did nothing to stop the problems and now the pot that was simmering is boiling over and it is his fault. He did not address the issues and he did not fix the things like he promised he would.
Perhaps he did not fix them, in part, because he is lazy but it is also true he (like many progressives) does not care for the military.
Obama is busy pushing for health care to every person in this nation whether they are here legally or not and he wants everyone under the thumb of the government. While he is running around saying how much everyone deserves and has a right to health care (we do have a right to access but not to have it paid for) he is neglecting the very people who have a right to it because they earned it with their blood.
The offshoot of this is that the VA scandal is demonstrating what single payer, government provided health care becomes. It starts out big and expensive and morphs into an unaccountable monster that is concerned with costs and bonuses at the expense of those it is supposed to serve.
Right now veterans are dying because the government run health care system is murdering them.
The general public will be next when Obamacare is in full bloom.
Get rid of Obamacare and privatize the VA system so that we will be free and veterans will get the care they not only deserve but that they earned.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: lazy, lies, Obama, obamacare, progressive, single payer, socialism, VA