Perhaps The Focus At The VA Was All Wrong

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel discussed the problems at the Veteran’s Administration and indicated that this is something that should have been looked at “years ago.” Hagel indicated that the problems did not start with current VA Secretary Eric Shinseki but have been a problem for a long time. Perhaps he was vaguely blaming Bush…

General Shinseki was nominated by Barack Obama to head the VA and carry out Obama’s pledge to fix the broken VA bureaucracy. If the problems are no better or are worse than Shinseki has fallen short of Obama’s goal. It is fairly simple, the issues were not fixed.

Secretary Hagel said that these are things that should have been looked at years ago (which is what Obama pledged) but it appears as if the focus was not in the right place in the Department of Defense.

Instead of working to fight and win the wars we are engaged in and instead of working to ensure the best system available for our wounded warriors the DOD focused on integrating homosexuals into the military. A lot of time and effort went into repealing don’t ask, don’t tell to allow openly gay service. Now the SECDEF is indicating that the military should review the transgender ban

The problems at the VA have been going on for a long time, and there is no doubt about this as Hagel has said so. If the DOD spent as much effort looking into these issues as it did (and is still) on integrating homosexuals it is possible the problems could have been fixed.

Instead, the warriors took a backseat to a politically motivated agenda that was designed to garner more votes from the homosexual community. The DOD played politics with the lives of those who were wounded while honorably serving in order to appease a political constituency.

It is a lack of leadership that allowed this to happen. They lost focus on our warriors in order to focus on politics.

The VA is in bad shape. It is government run health care and it is full of problems where no one is held accountable. The lives of our wounded warriors are at risk because of a massive government system that is poorly run and lacks leadership.

This is the future for everyone under Obamacare.

And no one will be held accountable for that either.

Unless, of course, we make them pay in November.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Democrat Racism

We already know about the Democrat owner of the Clippers and his racist remarks. His words were deplorable but they have known this guy’s feelings for decades. Perhaps the people who want to buy his team helped get him public attention so it would be easier to buy the team. I mean, why now, after all these years, are they so concerned? Perhaps they had to do something because this was so public they could no longer cover for him.

The Democrat Party is full of racists. The words of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton were directly racist or had racial overtones but they were ignored. The Democrat Party is, after all, the party of slavery and the party from which the KKK emerged.

There is a new Democrat racism case involving a mayoral candidate in New Jersey. Marie Strumolo Burke is running for mayor in Belleville NJ and, in case it has not been said enough, she is a Democrat.

In a recently released recording from 2013 Burke can be heard in the background making extremely racist remarks. The recording is of a message left for Councilman Kevin Kennedy from former chairman of the planning board, Sam Papa. Papa is leaving a message about taxes and Burke is heard in the background stating:

This is terrible. This is terrible. This is gonna be a f***ing n-word town.

Though Burke has denied, a number of times, that the voice is hers a forensic lab confirmed that she is the one on the recording.

Will Burke get the same level of scrutiny as the Clippers’ owner? Will she be fined and banned from politics?

Where are the Justice brothers Jesse and Al? We all know very well if this woman was a Republican they would be organizing riots so where are they now?

Why have no national Democrats spoken about this? Obama jumped right in on the NBA case but has remained silent on this issue.

The only thing uglier than these racist remarks is the silence about them from the left.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Especially With Someone Else’s Money

Moochelle Obama was talking to a group of child reporters and she told them that “splurging is the key to life.” She was talking about splurging or having an occasional snack so long as one eats healthy foods and exercises.

I know Moochelle was talking about food (and she likes to splurge on French fries and chocolate) but splurging is how she spends most of her life. I am not talking about food because I don’t care what she eats as long as she pays for it.

Which is the problem. She splurges on the taxpayer’s money. She takes a vacation about every other week and when she splurges like that it costs us millions of dollars.

So yes, she likes to splurge but she likes to do so when others foot the bill. I doubt she would be so extravagant if she had to foot the bill.

Liberals are like that. No cost is too high so long as someone else pays the bill.

Remember the liberals who had their insurance rate increase thousands of dollars because of Obamacare? Their response was that they knew it would cost money but didn’t think they would have to pay for it.

Liberals are always generous with other people’s money.

They like to splurge as long as you pay.

Look at any grocery store that accepts EBT cards and it is all the clearer.

Moochelle was telling the kids how to eat and live. To paraphrase Pink Floyd:

Hey Moochelle, leave those kids alone.

And leave our money alone as well.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did We Need A Poll To Know This?

A majority of Americans believe that Obama lies on important issues.

Sixty-one percent of respondents in the poll released Thursday said Obama lies at least some of the time on important issues. An additional 20 percent said he lies every now and then. Washington Examiner

Did we really need a poll to tell us that a majority believes Obama lies? I realize there are low information voters and an entire class of really unintelligent people but even many of them have to know that Obama lies, and not just about the important stuff.

He has been caught in a few major lies very recently (If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period).

He lied about Benghazi and he lied about Fast and Furious.

And nearly everything he said Obamacare would do was a lie.

These are major things and he has been caught lying about all of them. Even the dim witted have to see it.

So do most of us need any poll to tell us what we already know?

I guess it is good to have so Obama, who certainly does not believe it, can see what others think…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Child In The White House

I don’t mean either of Obama’s daughters who probably act more mature than their father. No, Barack Obama is a child. He acts like a child and his antics are more comparable to a sixth grader than the leader of the free world.

Obama was in Michigan and he discussed the Republican budget. In his expression of displeasure over the plan he called it a “stinkburger” and a “meanwich”. Obama was in a local deli earlier so I guess he was trying to be funny.

What he actually did was show he is childish.

The budget is no laughing matter. We are over 17 trillion dollars in debt with over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and the Republicans (who have some of the blame for the mess) are trying to pass a budget that will bring down the debt.

But to Obama, a dyed in the wool big government socialist, that is not good. The budget stinks and is mean because it cuts spending and reforms outdated and out of control programs. It also reforms the tax code giving us two tax brackets while lowering corporate taxes.

These kinds of things do not sit well with Obama because he does not understand how an economy works. He has never signed the front of a paycheck.

Instead of offering constructive criticism he resorted to childish word games worthy of a kid at recess. Is this truly the best America can do?

I understand that he was speaking to people who support him and most of them could not pour water out of a bucket if the directions were written on the bottom but his words reach the world and those who heard them had to be scratching their heads.

Obama has shown he is not up to the task of leading. Russian leader Putin made Obama his play toy and the world senses a weaker America all thanks to the testicle free mom jean wearing child running the show.

Obamacare is a disaster with a net of about 1 million people signing up and actually paying (6 million were cancelled so the net is about 1 million) and it is a huge drain on the economy. Obama and his progressives have indicated they will run from Obamacare and focus on the economy and jobs.

They have been saying that this is their focus since he was immaculated. The economy is still in the dump and despite the trillions Obama has thrown at it we are (regardless of the phony numbers) no better off than we were when he took office.

Obama showed his true inner child with his remarks. Now it is time for him to sit in the corner and let the adults handle the country.

But give him some bubble wrap to keep him occupied.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
