Obama Has No Clue
Jan 8, 2014 Commentary
After a 4 million dollar vacation that was extended for his wife (at a cost to taxpayers) B. Hussein Obama, Imperial Leader, returned home to talk about how much he hated income inequality. Granted, the taxpayer footed most of the bill for his vacation but since Obama is a millionaire his words are insincere.
The Obama family has income in addition to his $400,000 a year salary and their combined income places them in the highest tax bracket. Ironically, Obama paid an effective rate of about 18% last year which is only four percent higher than Mitt Romney paid and Democrats had a field day over the Romney tax bill.
Obama is pushing for an extension of unemployment benefits to people who are out of work. He thinks that Congress should pass another extension, something they did not do in the last budget deal. Obama thinks that unemployment creates jobs and sparks the economy but he is wrong.
Many folks do not look for real work because the jobs they can get pay less than the unemployment they receive for doing nothing.
You cannot solve an unemployment problem by giving people money not to work. The Imperial Leader had an East Room event on Tuesday where he brought out unemployed people for show while he made his case.
How did they get there? Who paid for that? Seems to me they should have been looking for a job.
The economy will never recover as long as we have record numbers of people on unemployment and welfare. There is no incentive to work when there is money for nothing.
The best way for people to get money is to work for it.
Here is an idea. How about we make people take the jobs illegals are doing? We can put them to work and send the illegals back where they came from.
Might not pay as much as unemployment but who cares? The people will either have to work for the money the employer pays or get no money at all.
It is time to clean up the economy and put people to work and that means, in some cases, we will have to force them into jobs by refusing them continued unemployment.
Unfortunately, the Imperial Leader has no clue. How could he when he only cares about income inequality that does not affect his bottom line…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obama Warned Of High Temperatures
Jan 7, 2014 Political
In November of 2013 Barack Obama signed an Executive order on Climate change. In that EO Obama said that excessively high temperatures are already harming public health nationwide.
Temperatures have been low for the past decade (or more) and now the nation is plunged into an arctic nightmare with sub zero temperatures and massive snow and ice storms. These things are causing all kinds of havoc across the nation as nearly all states suffer unusually cold temperatures.
Global warming is a hoax perpetrated on us by people using an alleged concern for the environment in order to spend taxpayer money and to get rich in the process. Global Warming nuts always look like fools. Look at how well the recent global warming adventures have played out with regard to the polar ice. The climate do-gooders went to check on the shrinking ice and got stuck in the GROWING ice. Then two ice breakers got stuck trying to rescue the fools.
Think about how much carbon was produced by this misadventure.
B. Hussein Obama, the Imperial Leader, was in toasty Hawaii over the holidays and his carbon footprint was huge. The rest of us were freezing in spite of the excessively high temperatures Obama invented…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: executive order, frigid temps, global warming, lies, Obama
Obama Is Generous With Our Money
Jan 6, 2014 Commentary
Imperial Leader B. Hussein Obama went on vacation to his alleged home of Hawaii (he has a perfectly good home in Chicago, ask Tony Rezko) and a lot of taxpayer money was spent for him and his family to bask in the warm Hawaiian sun while the folks back east suffer the cold.
OK, so leaders deserve vacations. Perhaps though, the millions of people who are looking for work would just like the guy to work on the economy so they can earn money to pay their bills much less take a vacation.
In any event, the amount of money spent and whether it was a wise use of tax dollars can be debated from both sides with little resolve.
One thing is clear though, leaving Michelle Obama back in Hawaii so she can spend her 50th birthday with friends is not appropriate use of taxpayer dollars.
The Imperial Leader gave his wife a birthday present of allowing her to stay in Hawaii. The problem is that part of the cost (her security and travel) will be borne by taxpayers. The last time she traveled separately the estimated cost was between $63,000 and $100,000.
B. Hussein Obama is very generous with OUR money. Seems to me if he took a decision like this and there is no good reason for it (some emergency where he had to leave his family behind) that the Obama family should have to reimburse the government for the additional costs.
Liberals are always generous with other people’s money.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
GM To Taxpayers: SUCKERS!
Dec 17, 2013 General
The CEO of Government Motors (GM) does not think his company should pay the government (read taxpayers) the 10 BILLION dollars that were lost when the Treasury sold its interest in the company. According to Dan Akerson the Treasury knew it was taking a risk, the same risk as anyone who purchases stock, when it spend billions of taxpayer dollars to keep the company from going bankrupt.
Akerson points out that the bailout helped prevent the loss of the company and kept jobs from being lost. But he also points out that Treasury took a chance when it infused money into the company by purchasing stock.
So what this guy is saying is, you took a chance with taxpayer dollars and that chance did not pan out to the tune of a 10 BILLION dollar loss. He does not feel the need to reimburse the taxpayers whose money kept the company around.
Isn’t it funny that this guy feels the government took a chance that had a risk associated with it and lost so it has no obligation to pay the money but he had no problem with taxpayers spending money to bail his company out. Owning and running a business has certain risks associated with it and one of those risks is going bankrupt. But Akerson does not feel his company should have to suffer the consequences of the risk associated with owning or running a company.
He feels his problems should be paid for by others but that any loss those folks suffered was their problem and not his.
The bankruptcy of GM was not the problem of the taxpayer. It was the problem of GM.
Mitt Romney said GM and other auto companies should not receive a bailout and should go through bankruptcy and solve THEIR problems that way.
Obama and his followers hammered Romney and said if it was up to him the auto companies would have gone under.
Romney had it right. GM bit the hand that fed it and we lost 10 BILLION dollars in the process.
Ford did not take a bailout and was able to work through tough times. That is why my new car is a Ford.
I loved my Jeep but could not replace it with another after Chrysler took a bailout.
Remember that you suffered a 10 BILLION dollar loss when you are out shopping for a new car. Do not buy a GM product.
No sense in rewarding a company that took advantage of the people who were forced to spend their hard earned money enriching executives and keeping union workers employed so they could continue voting Democrat.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: 10 billion, akerson, bailout, gm, lies, Obama, screwed, unions
What You Get With Obama
Dec 13, 2013 Political
No religious freedom (unless you are a Muslim)
The issue with the Mount Soledad Cross has been going on for over two decades but the Obama regime is the one not fighting for what is right:
Originally, the U.S. Justice Department defended the cross memorial. However, when President Barack Obama was elected, the government’s defense of the memorial under Attorney General Eric Holder seemed to become lackluster, and the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Association stepped in to bolster the defense. Breitbart
The Just-Us Department is a joke.
Judges, on the other hand, are tyrants in black robes. Is it any wonder people want to get rid of them first when there is an uprising?
Al-Qaeda is taking charge in Iraq
Once Obama took over in the US there was no doubt he would work to end the war in Iraq. He was warned that if he telegraphed our end date and if he withdrew too soon there would be a vacuum and it would be filled by bad people. The smartest man in the world ignored this and now al-Qaeda is taking charge in Iraq:
Ten years after the capture of Saddam Hussein, Iraq is at risk of becoming a failed state again as al-Qaeda reclaims vast swathes of the country. Telegraph UK
One might think Obama is incompetent or arrogant (both are true) and that this happened because of his inexperience and inability to listen. In reality, he likes the Muslim terror groups and is happy. He probably helped this along to ensure they would regain power.
Maybe he will starve to death
Rahm “Twinkle Toes” Emanuel will fast for 24 hours to show solidarity with illegal immigrants. He believes that the time is now for immigration reform which is lib speak for amnesty for illegals. Those here legally have nothing to worry about and those who want to come here legally have nothing to fear (except that they will die waiting for government to get them cleared to enter) so “reform” is for illegals (or as we call them, new Democrats).
Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans to fast for 24 hours beginning later Thursday in support of the push for immigration reform, saying “we are sending a clear message to Congress that the time is now.” DNA Info Chicago
If he wants to show solidarity he should walk across the desert from Mexico. better yet he should walk TOWARD Mexico (and stay there).
And take this one with him
Dick Durban, idiot Senator, has decided to join the fast in order to help out new Democrat voters AKA, illegals. Perhaps Durbin can hire some of those illegals to clean his filthy house and some others to make repairs around the place. He and two fellow Senators live like pigs in a house they don’t take care of. A few illegals paid under the table might clean up the mess.
Perhaps he will kick the bucket from the fast and then a few day laborers can make a couple of bucks digging his grave.
More Obamacare Failure
Looks like the regime wants insurance companies to bail it out. With the massive failure of the Obamacare launch there is no guarantee that people will sign up, that if they do they will have insurance, and that if they have insurance they will pay anything for it when it starts. The regime wants insurance companies to insure people starting January 1, 2014 even if their plans are not in order and even if they have not paid a thing.
What Obama wants is to avoid a lot of people who think they are covered showing up to the ER or a doctor’s office and being denied for LACK of insurance. In other words, Obama wants to make it look like all is going well so that a lot of people won’t get screwed over and further highlight the failure of Obama and Obamacare.
In other words, if you applied for Obamacare, have not been enrolled, have not paid a dime, and get sick on January 1, the Obama administration now wants insurance companies to pay for your care before you ever pay a dime. Furthermore, they want you to get care for which you will not be approved under your insurance plan. Truth Revolt
As you can see there are other things Obama wants insurance companies to do to help out. Insurance companies should say NO and if people are denied then they should be told exactly why they are denied, because Obama screwed things up.
Sometimes pain is the best teacher. Obama followers need to experience a lot of pain because they are pretty dense and it will take quite a bit to get their attention.
Why should insurance companies bear the brunt of this when Obama inflicted it?
Keep in mind for 2016, Hillary is as bad as or worse than Obama…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: durbin, emanuel, fasting, Hillary, insurance, lies, Obama