Too Little Too Late
Nov 19, 2013 Obamacare, Political
A new poll by the Washington Post/ABC News shows that if the 2012 election were held today Mitt Romney would have an edge over Barack Obama 49-45. Perhaps this is because the lie Obama told to get reelected has now been revealed and millions of Americans are getting screwed because of it.
There were lots of lies by Obama in 2012 and we are seeing that many of the things Romney predicted, which were dismissed by Obama and his obedient media, have come true. Romney was right about foreign affairs and he was right about millions of people losing their health insurance. Obama dismissed all of this and he received cover from the media that was so eager to see him reelected.
This change of heart among voters is too little too late. They needed to be engaged before the last election and they needed to do their own research. They needed to cut through the bull and recognize that Obama was not being truthful.
Instead millions of voters were either eager to get their free health insurance (which is not so free) or were happy to keep what they had voted for Obama because he said things they liked and he was not some evil Republican.
Mitt Romney was not the most ideal candidate for the job but he was many times better than Obama. Mitt got things right while Obama lied to get reelected.
It is obvious that Obama knew he was lying but did it in order to continue his path of destruction in America.
There are a lot of liberals who voted for Obama who are now lying in that path of destruction. They have been used and are now discarded and suffering the consequence of Obama’s lies.
Democrats loved to tell us that Romney lived in the past and his ideas were decades old. While this characterization was off the mark one can only wonder how much better off we would be if we lived based on the lessons of the past.
One thing is certain; America’s future under Obama will not be so good.
But hey, at least they have their Obamaphones…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obamacare Is Settled Law, So?
Nov 13, 2013 Political
The left keeps telling us Obamacare is settled law and it should be left alone. That is, of course, unless B. Hussein Obama wants to alter it to help his friends. He is OK with granting exemptions and delaying certain provisions that help donors or base groups. He, I might add, is not allowed to change a law but then again the Constitution has never gotten in his way.
To strengthen his argument Obama tells us that John Roberts (an alleged conservative) and the Supreme Court have told us that Obamacare is settled and therefore we must leave it alone.
This guy is supposed to be a Constitutional law professor but he never gets it right. The Supreme Court only stated that Obamacare was Constitutional, not that it had to be left alone. The Court is charged with deciding if something is legal, the Congress is charged with introducing and changing laws and it has that authority no matter how long a law has been in place.
[note]It is also important to point out the SCOTUS violated the Constitution when deciding Obamacare. The Court rewrote the law to make the penalty a tax and thus make it legal under Congress’ taxing authority. The law never calls it a tax; it calls the money a penalty. Remember, Obama was vehement that this was not a tax (until it was).[/note]
In any event, we are supposed to just sit back and allow Obamacare to destroy the nation because it is settled law. Well a funny thing happened on the way to Obamacare, the Democrats who rammed it through are now in a bad position because it is not working and millions of people are losing the plans they like and were promised they could keep. The rollout of the exchanges was a disaster and the website will likely not be working correctly by the end of November as Obama promised. Democrats want to change the law, you know the one that is settled and must be left alone.
When Republicans were debating the budget issues they pushed for many things. One of the compromises was a year delay of the individual mandate. The Democrats refused to negotiate and allowed the government to shut down over the issue. Now that things are going badly many of them (particularly those up for reelection) are seeking a delay of a year in implementing many parts of Obamacare including the individual mandate. Think about it. Democrats refused to do this and allowed the government to (partially) shutdown and now they are asking for it in order to protect them in the next election.
I like the way Obama and his toadies scream about settled law. Why is it that a settled law means nothing to them when they don’t like it?
Case in point, the Second Amendment. The law regarding arms has been settled law since December 15th, 1791 and yet liberals, including Obama, keep trying to change it.
The Second Amendment protects a preexisting right for an individual to keep and bear arms. This is only in dispute from those who want to get rid of firearms. History, SCOTUS rulings and the writings of the Founders all make it perfectly clear that individuals have the right to own and carry firearms for personal protection and any other legal purpose.
But liberals are not happy with this settled law. They want to change it even though it has been in effect just shy of 222 years.
So don’t fall for the mindless prattle of liberals who declare Obamacare settled law that can’t be changed.
You can change any law. Obamacare can be changed by Congress and the President and the Second Amendment can be changed by the people (through the Amendment process).
Ironically, liberal/progressive/socialists want Obamacare upheld and the Second Amendment repealed for the very same reason.
To control people.
[note]This video shows black conservative leaders discussing gun control[/note]
This is how tyrants work. Control people’s lives (like their health care) and remove their means to fight tyranny and you can run roughshod over them.
History is full of examples of this.
Let’s not allow America to be added to that list.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Democrats, gun control, liberals, lies, Obama, obamacare, settled law, socialists, tyranny
Nov 12, 2013 Political
ACORN was the community agitating group that worked for liberal causes and helped people to register to vote multiple times. It is the group that was allegedly disbanded because its workers across the nation were caught on video telling people how to lie in order to hide illegal activities and avoid paying taxes. Acorn was “destroyed” by these actions.
[note]Destroyed as ACORN. The group is still working on lots of things and being led by the same people.[/note]
The videos in question were shot by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles. O’Keefe has been doing these kinds of stings for a few years and has caught a lot of wrongdoing.
O’Keefe has set his sights on the navigators of Obamacare. In his most recent videos an investigator records workers telling people how to scam the law. A navigator tells the investigator not to report he is a smoker or he will pay a higher premium (“You lie because your premiums will be higher”). A navigator also tells the investigator, who claims to have unreported income that might affect his subsidies, not to report it now.
“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”
The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”
“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.” National Review
It looks like the name has changed but the players are still the same.
Not only that, the lies and the cheating are still the same. These people should be in jail.
Of course it goes without saying that this is all by design…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: acorn, defraud, james o'keefe, lies, Obama, obamacare navigator, scam
Barack Hussein Obama LIED
Nov 5, 2013 Obamacare
And he is now lying to cover the lie…
There is no getting around the facts and the facts show that Barack Obama lied to everyone about being able to keep insurance plans and doctors. As Marc Thiessen points out, Obama’s people knew the statement that if you like your insurance plan you can keep it was a lie. Obama and his regime took the decision to keep telling the lie in order to get Obamacare passed and in order to keep momentum while it was being implemented.
Barack Obama is now out telling people he never really said if you liked your plan you could keep it. He is telling people that what he really said was if you like your plan and it has not changed since the law was passed, well then you could keep it.
This is a lie to cover up the first lie and that is ALL that it is. Obama lied to people on nearly 30 occasions when he told them that if they liked their plan they could keep it. He did not provide a caveat. In fact he emphasized his statement by adding the word PERIOD to the end. The truth is he made the statement and he made it an absolute by adding the word period to the end. He further stated that no one will take it away NO MATTER WHAT which further cements the statement as an absolute.
“If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
Is there any way that any reasonable person could listen to this and conclude that there were ways to lose a plan that was liked? Is there anyway a person who heard this would think well I might lose my plan if it changes?
The answer is no because Obama and his team decided to lie in order to get what he wanted and to keep Obamacare rolling.
Let me be clear again, Barack Obama LIED. He did not misspeak, he did not make a mistake he was not in error, he LIED, PERIOD and the fact he lied will not change, no matter what [he now says] (see how I did that).
His people knew that Americans would lose insurance coverage and Obama knew that people would lose coverage. They decided to lie about it.
[note]Here is a video of Obama denying he said if you like it you can keep it. From the article; “What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.
That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new “if it hasn’t changed” exception.[/note]
Obama LIED. [Here is another video of Obama LYING]
Democrats are entirely responsible for Obamacare so they are just as culpable as Obama for the lies. Not once did any Democrats stand up and tell us that Obama was not being truthful. None of the Democrats who are now pushing for a delay to Obamacare’s individual mandate stood up and supported that when Republicans wanted it during the budget negotiations. The refusal of Democrats to speak up led to the government being shutdown. The Democrats who shutdown government for political reasons while neglecting constituents are now calling for a delay to save their own careers. Keep that in mind when you vote next November.
[note]In Virginia you all should keep this in mind today as you vote. Terry McAuliffe supports Obamacare and wants to expand it even further in Virginia. Do not vote for him![/note]
We now have Democrats pushing for a law that basically says if you liked your insurance you can keep it despite Obamacare. These Democrats are pushing to solve a problem that they helped to institute. They are pushing to do something to help the millions of people who are losing their insurance despite Obama’s promises because they are worried how it will affect them in next year’s election.
Here is a question for you. If Obama always said that you could keep your plan if it has not changed (which he is now claiming despite the evidence to the contrary) then why would Democrats need to introduce legislation to allow people to keep their plans? If Obama was above board then all of this should not matter.
Answer: Obama LIED and he is now trying to cover the lie with another lie. Democrats in Congress are trying to cover their asses by introducing legislation to undo what Obama swore would not happen.
The sad thing is that there are still members of the media who support Obama and cover his lies. The sadder thing going on is that there are people in this country who still believe Obama and now believe him when he says he never told them they could keep their insurance PERIOD. They believed the old lie and now they believe the new one.
Here is what Obama should have said:
If I like your insurance you can keep it.
It would have been accurate. It would have reflected what Obama and his people knew all along and isn’t that how tyrants are supposed to talk anyway?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: caveat, communism, cya, Democrats, election, insurance cancel, lies, new lie, Obama, obamacare, tyranny
News From Around The Asylum
Oct 31, 2013 Commentary
Barry Barry bo arry banana fanna fo fairy, fee fi mo marry, Barry.
Every day is blame day in DC as Barack Obama finds someone or something to blame. Everything that happens that is bad is the fault of someone or something Barry chooses to assign blame to. George Bush is a favorite target of Obama who blames all that is bad on Bush even though the blame lies squarely on Obama’s shoulders.
[note]Obama always takes credit when good things happen. To hear him you would think he was the one who killed Bin Laden.[/note]
Today Barry is blaming the “bad apple” insurance companies for people having their insurance cancelled. The linked article points out that fact checkers have ruled that Obama lied (they use the term not being truthful) about being able to keep your insurance if you like it. Obama claims that the terrible insurance plans offered by bad apple insurance companies are the culprits because they were too cheap and dastardly to offer the generous plans Obamacare requires.
Never mind that people put those plans together, liked them and could afford them. No, his majesty B. Hussein Obama has decreed that they are not sufficient to meet your needs and they must go.
But it isn’t his fault the companies cancelled you. It is the insurance company’s fault for offering substandard plans. It matters not to Obama what you like or what you want because you are too stupid to know what is good for you.
Pelosi Says No Deals If Your Taxes Being Raised Are Not Part Of The Deal
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that House Democrats will not support any agreements to end the sequester that do not include new revenue. New revenue is political speak for taxes. Nancy Pelosi refuses to address the sequester cuts unless she gets to raise taxes. To Nancy, who said the cupboard is bare, we do not have a spending problem, we have a “revenue” problem. In other words the budget mess is not because government spends too much it is because it taxes too little.
Pelosi is a typical progressive in that she never met a tax she didn’t hike. Couple this with her refusal to make actual cuts in spending and you have the recipe for a disaster and that disaster is currently sitting at 17 TRILLION dollars.
The reality is we have plenty of money coming in and would have tons more if the 90 million people who have dropped out of the workforce were employed. Think about that for a moment. If the people counted in the 7.2% unemployment number plus the 90 or so million who have quit looking for work were employed we would have over 100 million people paying taxes which would increase the amount of money taken in quite a bit.
I think I agree with Pelosi in that we need a tax to make things work. My idea is vastly different than hers because she undoubtedly wants to tax the rich even more. I think Republicans can tell Nancy they will agree to a tax increase and then submit a plan that taxes the 47% of workers who pay no federal taxes. When Pelosi cries about fair share and all the other BS she spouts she can be reminded that paying nothing is not a fair share.
Hell now is a great time for Republicans to push a flat tax that everyone pays. Make the tax rate a flat 11% for each and every wage earner. We could eliminate most of the IRS and filing taxes would be so easy. Eliminate ALL deductions and charge people 11% of all income. Then eliminate the Social Security and Medicare taxes (11% of all income will pay for those programs) and include a provision that the rate cannot be raised unless 75% of Congress votes to do so and it must be raised for all wage earners. In other words, any tax decrease or increase must apply to all wage earners. That should stop them from raising taxes so willingly.
The last thing to do is include a provision that any tax money over the amount required to run government must go to pay the debt until the debt is eliminated.
It would be nice to include a provision for a balanced budget but it is unlikely that would have teeth without an Amendment to the Constitution.
Imagine how Pelosi would react if she is promised a tax increase and then that increase includes everyone.
Put it back on her. If the tax increase does not include all wage earners then there is no deal. Or in Obama parlance, no negotiations.
I guess being a terrorist holding people hostage with a gun to their heads is OK as long as it is a Democrat doing it.
Speaking Of Revenue And The Budget
More proof that we do not have a “revenue” problem but a spending problem is revealed in the latest news. The budget deficit in the US is at a 5 year low. The government took in 2.77 TRILLION dollars last fiscal year but it spent 3.45 TRILLION. So even with increased “revenue” government failed to cut spending.
The progressives will tell you that all the cuts that can be made have been made but this is a blatant lie. These people use baseline budgeting and have a number of programs that are on autopilot.
“We’ve made a lot of fiscal progress in the U.S. because of the sequester cuts, tax rates going back to historic norms and the economy improving,” said Bricklin Dwyer, an economist at BNP Paribas in New York. “Politicians have, thus far, avoided the most difficult choices — addressing unsustainable spending on entitlements such as Medicare and Medicaid.”
There are programs that are duplicated all over the government. In some cases there are dozens of agencies that do the same things. There are billions of dollars in waste and unnecessary spending that could be cleaned up to take care of the shortfall.
Until we make the government smaller and get adults running the show things will only get worse.
While a report like this lets the sane among us know the problem is our government spends too much, the progressives will say it indicates we need to tax more.
I agree. See the above item…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.