Obamacare Bait And Switch

If you like your health insurance you can keep it, period. These were the words of Barack Hussein Obama and those words were repeated time and again as the snake oil salesman pushed the passage of the (UN)Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare. Obama assured people that they could not only keep their plans but their doctors as well.

Now, as Obamacare stumbles out of the gate millions of people are losing their health insurance coverage. People, who like their plans, are being told their plans will be cancelled because they do not meet the minimum standards of Obamacare. Those grandfathered in are dropping like flies because the HHS wrote rules to ensure folks grandfathered would eventually lose their plans as well.

Barack Obama and his regime all knew years ago that millions of people would lose their insurance and be forced to go without or to sign up under the Obamacare exchanges. THEY KNEW IT. Even so, Obama was out telling people they would not lose their plans.

Now there are cracks in the wall of Obamacare as people are being cancelled because they don’t have plans deemed acceptable to Obama. The original you can keep it if you like it mantra contained no caveats about plans not meeting a standard. Obama simply stated that if you like it you can keep it.

Now the regime is throttling back on some of that rhetoric and claiming that MOST people will keep their insurance. Jay Carney, the Obama spokes puppet admitted that some folks will not be able to keep their insurance.

The regime is saying that people will get better insurance or that what they had was inadequate. My question is according to whom? The government is claiming that these plans are not adequate for those who have them but the people chose them and decided that those plans were what they wanted and were adequate for their needs.

It all boils down to; who is better qualified to decide what is adequate, you or the government? How can government decide what is best for individuals? People know their own situations, their own health and their own needs as well as their ability to pay. People should make their own decisions when it comes to what they purchase.

Government no more belongs deciding what is adequate for a family with regard to health insurance than it does deciding how many children a family should have, what size house it should live in or what kind of car it drives.

These are personal choices and should be left up to the individual.

Those choices should also include NOT buying health insurance. My only condition is if one chooses not to have health insurance than that person is responsible for the bills generated for health care received. How they pay for it is their business so long as they pay for it.

Other than that the choice is theirs and theirs alone.

As an aside, that is my position on having children. Have as many as you want as long as YOU pay for them.

[note]Why is a woman’s body hers and hers alone with all decisions affecting her body made solely by her but the rest of us are not free to choose what we do with our bodies and for that matter with our lives in general? We should be as free with our health care decisions as women are with decisions affecting their bodies and government should give our choices as much weight.[/note]

Unfortunately we live in a society where personal freedoms are being eroded each and every day. The government intrudes in our lives more and more and each time there is an intrusion freedom slips further away.

I am capable of running my own budget, deciding what kind of car to drive, whether I need health insurance or not and what kind I need if I choose to have it. I do not need the government to interfere with those things. Neither do most people.

Look at how members of Congress and the rest of the elected government live their lives and then ask yourself if these are really the folks to be deciding what is best in your life.

Barack Obama and his regime knew all along that people would lose their health insurance and yet they kept telling us if we liked it we could keep it.

They lied to us and it is up to us to take them to task for that.

Those who fail to fight for their freedom deserve the weight of the chains that will hold them in bondage.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Excellent Letter To Liberals

Jeremy Choate at Sufficient Reason has written a brilliant letter to liberals entitled “Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile” and it is spot on. The portion dealing with people’s rights is well thought and clearly explained so that anyone should be able to understand.

Here is a snippet:

If you’re moderately intelligent and intellectually honest, you’ll quickly see what separates the rights laid out in the real Bill of Rights from those laid out in FDR’s misguided list — none of the rights listed above [Bill of Rights] require the time, treasure, or talents of another human being. Your right to speak requires nothing from anyone else. Your right to practice your religion requires nothing from any of your fellow citizens. Your right to bear arms means that you are allowed to possess weapons to defend yourself and your family, but it makes no demand that a weapon be provided to you by anyone. A true human right is one that you possess, even if you’re the only person on the entire planet — and it is unconditional.

The entire letter is here and I highly recommend it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Harry Reid Planned The Shutdown

For those unfamiliar with the appropriations process in Congress the whole thing can be confusing. But one thing that is easy to understand is that the process involves sending about a dozen appropriations bills from the House to the Senate where the Senate changes them and sends them back. The two chambers hash out differences and then a final bill is passed and sent to the White House.

Notice that the process does not involve one bill that funds the entire government. The process involves separate appropriations bills for different parts of the government.

So when Harry Reid told you (and Barack Obama emphasized) that they would not accept piecemeal bills from the House because, according to them, that is not how you fund government, they were lying.

The reality is they did not pass a budget and they were not trying to pass a budget. They were trying to pass a continuing resolution. That is basically a bill that admits Congress is unable to do its Constitutional duty and pass a budget so they pass a CR to keep open.

In fact, there has not been a budget the entire time Obama has been in office because Harry Reid in the Senate has refused to pass one. He has gone as far as ignoring the bills sent from the House and he did that for a reason.

Reid has conspired with the White House to shut down the government. Democrats think a shutdown benefits them in 2014. They want to keep the Senate and get the House back so they can spend the last two years of Obama’s term passing gun control and amnesty and as many other socialist dreams they can fit in.

As I stated, Harry Reid has deliberately ignored the budget process and has refused to take up the appropriations bills sent from the House. He did that earlier this year. The House of Representatives passed all of the appropriations bills required to fund the government earlier this year (in the March-May time frame). Note that they did not pass one bill funding the entire government as Obama and Reid would have you believe is the norm, they passed the package of separate appropriations as has been the practice for centuries.

Harry Reid refused to take them up in the Senate. If Reid had done his job those bills would have been considered by the Senate, changes made, differences worked out, and then a compromise passed and sent to the President for his signature.

But Reid did as he has done for years; he ignored those bills and he neglected to do his duty.

Why would Reid do this? He wanted to force a showdown with Republicans in the House in order to shut down the government. Reid ensured that absolutely no bill presented by Republicans would pass. That the first bill would fail is a given because it defunded Obamacare and Democrats would rather collapse the country than admit that law is a disaster. The subsequent bills only delayed the individual mandate so people would get the same consideration as the big businesses Obama helped out (illegally, I might add). That too was rejected.

Then the House sent a bill giving Democrats all that they wanted but removed the special carve out for Congress. They keep telling you that there is no carve out but there is. The Obamacare law requires members of Congress to be in the Exchanges. They all are going to be in the exchanges. But people in the exchanges do not get an employer contribution; they either get a subsidy or are ineligible for a subsidy. Members of Congress are not eligible because of income so they would have to pay it all. Obama had OPM make a ruling that provides for an employer contribution for the wealthy people in Congress. While Joe Six Pack is getting socked with tens of thousands of dollars in premiums the members of Congress got a carve out.

In any event, Harry Reid rejected this as well. So the House then did what it has done for decades and what it did just this past spring. It passed individual appropriations to fund the government. Reid rejected this as not the way to do business. He referred to Americans as anarchists and radicals while members of the liberal establishment labeled us as terrorists and hostage takers (as an aside, Harry Reid is a coward who will call people names on TV and while he has security. He has not the balls to actually tell a person these things to his face).

The only real hostage takers were the people on the left led by chief terrorist Harry Reid. Reid rejected everything so that he could get the government shut down. He carried out the plan orchestrated by Valerie Jarrett, the Communist who tells Obama what to do. Jarrett is skilled at carrying out the Rules for Radicals that Alinsky put in place. She plans for Obama and has her henchmen in the party carry out those plans.

[note]The bill passed by the Senate and accepted by the surrender monkeys weakens the ability of Congress to control the debt ceiling. Like I wrote about yesterday, they can now spend freely and claim to have voted against it or not to have voted for it.[/note]

Harry Reid carried out the plan to shut down government so the Democrats could gain an advantage going onto the 2014 midterm elections. They want the House back and they will stop at nothing to get it.

The real losers in all of this are the Americans who work each and every day to make a better life for themselves and their families. People work hard and pay more and more in taxes to see that money go to welfare. There are far too many folks on welfare and government encourages more to join the roles each day.

This too is part of the grand plan to gain control. Look at how many people went nuts when the food stamp program went down for a few hours. These leeches are threatening to riot if they don’t get “their” money. Got to keep the Obama base happy and keep paying so they stay on the liberal plantation.

This is all part of the plan to fundamentally transform this nation.

Obama is a Communist and he wants to bring America down. Harry Reid is one of the terrorists charged with ensuring that happens.

I pray for my country.

Part of the deal that reopened the 17% of government that was shut down includes a death benefit for the wife of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. I would be willing to have our government provide such a benefit for all liberals if they would be so kind as to join Senator Lautenberg. We can give the same deal to RINOs who supported this mess. McCain and McConnell can say hi to Ted Kennedy…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Kick The Can Down The Road

The budget impasse seems to be nearing an end, at least for now, as an alleged bipartisan agreement has been reached to fund the government for a few months and to raise the debt limit for a few more. Democrats have no sense of fiscal responsibility and Republicans have no spine so we ended up with a deal that allows them to kick the can down the road for a few more months.

The world will sigh with relief as it proclaims that America averted a disaster by not defaulting. Of course this is a false narrative because there is no chance of default. We take in enough money each month to pay the interest on the debt and as long as we pay that we will not default. The reality is they would have to cut from other places and the most likely places, given Obama’s history of deliberately causing harm, would be Social Security and Veteran’s programs. Since the leeches on welfare are threatening to riot if their food stamps are cut off Obama can’t afford to cheese off the base.

The reality of the situation is the Democrats orchestrated the shutdown in order to position themselves to win the House back in 2014. They need to have control for Obama’s last two years so they can inflict maximum damage to the nation. They are pushing us closer and closer to another civil war and they need total control of government to do that.

Republicans, actually some conservatives, took a principled stance to get spending under control and to reign in or eliminate Obamacare. In 2010 Republicans took control of the House based on promises to do everything they possibly could to get rid of Obamacare because it is bad for the nation, was forced on us against a huge majority of people who disliked it then and dislike it now and because it is a violation of our freedom.

When push came to shove many of those Republicans who promised to do everything they could to get rid of Obamacare backed down. They violated the trust the American people placed in them when they promised to do so if we would only elect them. Most of them are spineless cowards who are only concerned with keeping their jobs.

Sure, they took a number of votes to get rid of it but when they had the chance to hold the debt ceiling over the heads of the liberal commies they folded. Liberals will now get what they want and will spend like there is no tomorrow. I predict that they will hit the ceiling again before the next deadline limit but even if we don’t reach that ceiling we will once again be in the same place as before.

Word is out that there is a provision in this newest bill to make it harder to use the debt ceiling to influence policy. It is reported that Congress will have to vote NOT to raise the ceiling and if they don’t it will automatically go up. Keep in mind that this is what they did with their pay raises.

They don’t vote NOT to get one and it is automatic. How many times have they voted not to get a pay raise?

We will now have no limit, no hammer, and no weapon to use to keep the government from out of control spending.

Those who think the world was going to end because we hit some arbitrary ceiling are going to be in for a rude awakening when this nation is no longer able to borrow money to pay the bills. Over 50% of the budget is for social welfare programs and we do not take in enough money to sustain the current rate of spending. The Democrats want to raise taxes to cover the spending and if they gain control of the House they will do just that.

Obama has been a failure. His regime has hastened the demise of this great nation. Plans for a post apocalyptic America need to be replaced with plans for a post Obama America.

If we even have a nation by then.

Soon patriots will need to have a say in all of this. Once government loses control, and it is nearly there now, patriots will step in to fill the void. The veteran march on DC demonstrated that people who risk their lives for this nation are not afraid of a few baton twirling cops. They were not afraid to walk up to the White House and dump Obama’s gates in front of the place.

They will not be afraid to do what is necessary to regain the nation our Founders gave us.

God help us.

We are going to need it.

In the mean time, prepare for another showdown in December, just before the holidays and during the shopping season. Prepare for another intense debate with warnings of dire circumstances and then prepare for the low life members of Congress and the Bozo in the White House to pass some spending bill that does what they all want so they can slap each other on the ass, pour a few drinks and laugh at us.

God bless America.

She needs it now more than ever because the enemy is within.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama And Reid Holding Gun To Our Heads

The mantra from Obama and his minions has been that the Republicans are holding a gun to their heads and they [Democrats] will not negotiate. They want a clean continuing resolution and a clean debt ceiling increase (by clean they mean without condition). The Republicans want a delay in the Obamacare individual mandate so that bugs in the system can be fixed and people will have a year before they are taxed for not having health insurance. This is particularly necessary now that the Obamacare roll out has been a huge failure.

Make no mistake; Republicans also want to delay this so they can work on defunding or repealing. A delay would also push Obamacare up against the 2014 midterm elections. Everything Obama has done to delay has pushed things past that election. He wants the votes before the bad stuff hits.

When Ted Cruz filibustered for 21 hours he made the comment that unions were trying to get a delay in Obamacare and that delay had been rejected but he (Cruz) suspected that once the budget was taken care of the delay for unions would not be far behind. Obama wants to help his union buddies but he does not want to do so until after he gets what he wants.

Funny thing because the clean CR the Democrats scream for is not so clean now and the gun being held is in their hands and against our heads.

When Harry Reid said he would not pass anything but a clean CR he only meant clean by Democrat standards. That means he gets to add what he wants, he gets to set the terms and he expects the Republicans to just do it. The newest deal calls for a delay for unions.

Say it isn’t so! The clean CR would actually be dirtied with a provision that would help the unions out. Reid and Obama REFUSED to delay the individual mandate for everyone else so much so that they shut the government down.

Yes folks, contrary to what the liberal media are telling you, Obama and Reid shut down the government. Harry Reid rejected a CR that delayed the individual mandate and then he rejected a CR that removed all waivers and forced Obamacare to be implemented as passed.

They rejected the first because they do not care about the individual and they rejected the second because Democrats do not want to have to fall under Obamacare like everyone else is required to do. Get that? Obamacare is good enough for you but not for members of Congress and the special groups Obama has granted waivers to.

[note]I know members of Congress are required to sign up under the exchanges. The issue is that they were required to do it based on the subsidy (which none would be eligible for) and not receive the employer contribution. This is the law as they passed it. Obama had the rules changed to allow the taxpayer to foot 75% of the bill for members of Congress and their staff. This is why government shut down. Democrats do not want to follow the law they are forcing on the rest of us.[/note]

So the CR is not so clean and the union exemption is not the only thing the Democrats are pushing. They want to do away with the sequester cuts and increase the debt limit another 1.2 TRILLION dollars. That’s right folks, King B. Hussein Obama is not content with accumulating more debt than nearly all other presidents combined, he wants to make sure he has spent more in his tenure than in the entire history of this nation.

This tactic will undo the things Obama agreed to the last time the debt ceiling was raised. The sequester was an axe over the heads of Congress to come up with a plan. This was a deal struck in order to raise the debt ceiling the last time. Congress failed to act and the sequester cuts took place. Now Obama and his Democrats want to undo all that in this go round.

So the clean CR and clean debt ceiling increase is not so clean after all.

Never trust a Democrat. They lie and they will screw you every chance they get.

If the Republicans cave and allow this without getting AT LEAST the delay in the individual mandate then there needs to be a new Speaker of the House.

And a lot of Republicans need to have primary opponents.

Remember what Obama said when he was a Senator and George Bush wanted the debt ceiling raised:

Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem.

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.

Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. That is “trillion” with a “T.” That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next 5 years, between now and 2011, the President’s budget will increase the debt by almost another $3.5 trillion.

Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the Federal Government will spend $220 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we’ll spend on Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation, and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated gulf coast in a way that honors the best of America.

And the cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the Federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and States of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on. Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities. Instead, interest payments are a significant tax on all Americans — a debt tax that Washington doesn’t want to talk about. If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we would see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies.

But we are not doing that. Despite repeated efforts by Senators Conrad and Feingold, the Senate continues to reject a return to the commonsense Pay-go rules that used to apply. Previously, Pay-go rules applied both to increases in mandatory spending and to tax cuts. The Senate had to abide by the commonsense budgeting principle of balancing expenses and revenues. Unfortunately, the principle was abandoned, and now the demands of budget discipline apply only to spending. As a result, tax breaks have not been paid for by reductions in Federal spending, and thus the only way to pay for them has been to increase our deficit to historically high levels and borrow more and more money. Now we have to pay for those tax breaks plus the cost of borrowing for them. Instead of reducing the deficit, as some people claimed, the fiscal policies of this administration and its allies in Congress will add more than $600 million in debt for each of the next 5 years. That is why I will once again cosponsor the Pay-go amendment and continue to hope that my colleagues will return to a smart rule that has worked in the past and can work again.

Our debt also matters internationally. My friend, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, likes to remind us that it took 42 Presidents 224 years to run up only $1 trillion of foreign-held debt. This administration did more than that in just 5 years. Now, there is nothing wrong with borrowing from foreign countries. But we must remember that the more we depend on foreign nations to lend us money, the more our economic security is tied to the whims of foreign leaders whose interests might not be aligned with ours.

Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.

Obama opens by telling us that the need to raise the debt limit is a failure of leadership and he closes by telling us that we are saddling our children and grandchildren with debt. The middle part describes the evils of the money problem. I will point out that all the things he paints as an evil picture with regard to Bush are much worse under him.

We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem and a lot of it involves welfare. The food stamp program went off line this weekend and millions panicked. They then were able to shop without any limit so they spent much more than they had on their cards. We paid for that.

There is a woman who has 15 children by a bunch of baby daddies and she says somebody needs to be held accountable and pay for her children. You get that? She says it is the responsibility of society to pay for the 15 kids she has. Newsflash, if you can’t support them don’t have them. If she had a job she would be too tired to open her legs when she went to bed.

A single mother in Pennsylvania is eligible for $80,000 in government “benefits”. That means she gets more in welfare than a lot of people make working.

We do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem and most of it is in the form of welfare. You know, modern slavery led by the taskmasters in the Democrat Party.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
