Al Qaeda On The Run – Toward Us…

Four years ago Barack Obama assured us that the terror group Al Qaeda was on the run. Because Barack the Almighty had focused on them they had been vanquished. This all falls in line with the self projected image of Barack Hussein Obama being a tough guy when he took credit for killing Osama bin Laden. A side note here, the US military killed him. Obama was playing golf when the good guys were working hard to get OBL and only left the golf course long enough to watch real men at work.

Keep that golf thing in mind because it will come up again in regard to terrorism.

Anyway, Obama told us that Al Qaeda was on the run and his regime effectively removed the words “War on Terror” from our vocabulary. Can’t have the US insulting Obama’s kin now can we?

Al Qaeda is on the run BUT it was that terror group credited with the Benghazi attack and subsequent murder of four Americans (and the cover up that followed).

This past weekend 22 US embassies in the Middle East were closed and a global travel alert was issued because of a “specific threat.” First of all, if the threat was specific why close all those embassies? Unless it was specific to the extent that all of them were targets why would we need to close them all? Why issue a GLOBAL travel alert for a SPECIFIC threat?

The kicker here is that the specific threat, one described as more specific than any going back to before 9/11/2001, is a threat from Al Qaeda.

You got that? The reason we closed 22 embassies (and now that closure has increased from one day to a week) and issued a global travel alert is because a group of terrorists that Obama said is on the run has issued a specific threat.

Evidently on the run has a different meaning to Obama than it does to the rest of us. You see, to most of us if the enemy is on the run it means they are running AWAY from us. They are defeated or degraded so much so that they cannot effectively fight so they are running away.

To Barack Obama it must mean that the enemy is strong and running TOWARD us because it is strong enough to force us to close 22 embassies and issue the travel alert.

Make no mistake about this, Barack Obama touted his street creds about Al Qaeda many times, particularly during the last presidential campaign, and he gave the impression through his speeches that we had beaten that terror group. Even if his idea of on the run is different than ours he did not explain that difference so he led us all to believe that we were winning.

Obama talked about the demise of Al Qaeda 32 times since the Benghazi attack. Yes, Al Qaeda, the group Obama said was on the run four years ago attacked the compound in Benghazi. So they were not on the run then and since then Obama has talked about how that group, the group that murdered Americans, had been decimated (which is an incorrect use of the word*) even though it is evidently strong enough to cause mass chaos for our embassies and our travel.

I will not fault this regime for exercising caution because of the threat. If there is a threat it must be taken seriously and whatever actions are necessary must be executed. I take exception to all this being done in the shadow of Obama’s many claims that he had defeated the group causing the problems.

[note]The cynic in me thinks that Obama is using a red herring to take focus away from all the scandals that are not phony as he would have you believe.[/note]

I also take exception to a regime that refused to exercise the same amount of caution in Benghazi. If it had listened to requests for more security and granted those requests our people would have stood a better chance.

But how could he? He was in the middle of a campaign and needed to fool people into thinking he was making progress. He had told people Al Qaeda was on the run so he had to act like it was.

Our citizens were fodder to cover his ineptness so he could get reelected.

Now that he does not have to worry about running again he can close all the embassies and issue all the alerts he wants. It matters not if his claims about Al Qaeda have turned out to be untrue.

He is already in office and his sycophant media will not call him on the lies.

As for the golf I told you to keep in mind? Obama played golf when our troops were going after OBL.

Yesterday, amid the embassy closings and travel alert Barack Hussein Obama took it so seriously that he, you guessed it.

Played golf…

*Decimate: though many dictionaries have relented the word means to reduce by one tenth. Annihilate, obliterate, or slaughter are better choices if the intention is to convey something has been drastically reduced. Or one could simply say drastically reduced…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Supports Voter ID

But only in Africa.

It is well known that Barack Obama does not support voter ID laws in the US. He and his administration have fought every attempt at voter ID since he was elected. Hell, the lack of voter ID and the corruption of groups like ACORN are responsible for his election and reelection.

Without voter fraud Democrats have a hard time winning.

Obama was beside himself when the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act because that removed a weapon the regime had to force states into lax voter conditions. Now states will not be held to a decades old standard that probably no longer applies.

Texas jumped right in and reintroduced its voter ID requirement moments after the decision. Liberals screamed about an activist court (like one that negates the will of the people in Prop 8) and lamented about how horrible this all is. Liberals do not like voter ID because it makes it harder to cheat.

But while Obama is on his African vacation (where he will not visit his place of birth) he made a comment about the voter ID laws in Africa. He likes what they have done and the fact they have spent million of dollars to get young people ID cards, a prerequisite to voting.

Funny how Obama is all for things for other people but not the citizens of the US. He likes voter ID in Africa but not at home. He is arming the Syrian rebels (the citizens fighting against the government) but wants to disarm the American citizens [the subject of whether the animals in Syria should be armed is a different discussion].

It seems to me that there should be a huge push for voter ID laws in this country and we can cite Obama’s own words for support. As for the gun issue, he can try to take them but will fail miserably. We decided that issue in 1776 and we remember how we did it.

Read the story here.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Profiling?

If the government has a hunch that a person who looks Middle Eastern is up to no good and stops that person at the airport or as he crosses the border the Muslim groups (I know, not all Middle eastern people are Muslim) and the liberal PC crowd scream about racial profiling. Never mind the fact that Middle Eastern is not a race, the fact is people who do not fit the demographics of a terrorist are stopped and checked while those who fit the demographics of most who have committed acts of terror are waved through.

But the federal government, the one that is loathe to be associated with “racial” profiling (remember, it is not a race) has no problem taking the electronic devices of people, on a hunch, and copying all the information on those devices.

The government is arguing that is should have the right to take YOUR property and copy YOUR information to see if you have child pornography or information indicating you are a terrorist (or support terror) based on a hunch.

In other words, if you look like someone who might have that stuff on your electronic device the government thinks it has the right to take your stuff and copy it without a warrant or probable cause.

You see, if you LOOK like the people responsible for most of the terror we can’t profile you but if they have a hunch your electronics might have something illegal on them then they can stop you and take your stuff and copy it.

The government is out of control. Without probable cause they have no reason to search your stuff. If they do not have enough cause to get a warrant then they do not have enough cause to search your stuff, period.

The government is busy collecting information from Google and Verizon (while forbidding them from informing you your information is being released) without warrants, Eric Holder is snooping in the emails and phone records of reporters, the IRS is harassing conservative groups and the NSA is collecting phone records by the millions each day.

We live in a country that is rapidly becoming a totalitarian state where Big Brother snoops in all of our business. We are subject to more harassment than citizens of Germany in the 1930s.

This is a violation of our constitutionally protected rights and it needs to stop. We cannot allow them to do this and we can’t allow the courts to let them do it. Even if they pass some law or the court says it is OK it is NOT.

Everything Hitler did was legal under German law.

That did not make it right.

Take a stand America. It is time to abolish the IRS and severely limit the size, scope and power of the government.

And it is time to kick the bums out of office (and preferably to a jail cell).

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Deny Lerner 5th Amendment Protection

Lois Lerner is the IRS official who was in charge of the Tax Exempt Division when it was illegally targeting conservative groups (among others). Her division fast tracked liberal organizations but caused all kinds of problems for conservative groups. The results of an IRS IG investigation were known last year prior to the presidential election but the results were suppressed in order to help Obama win reelection.

Make no mistake; this was all suppressed in order to help Obama. Think about it. If everything going on right now had been known and took place prior to the last election do you think Obama would have won? The media covered him on Benghazi and the IRS covered him on the brewing scandal where the IRS was used to intimidate groups opposed to him.

Lois Lerner is before a Congressional Committee today to answer questions about the scandal. Yesterday we learned that she planned to invoke her right against self incrimination under the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution. It appears that she revoked her right by making a statement but that has not stopped her from refusing to answer questions.

I believe that Lerner should be denied her 5th Amendment right not to incriminate herself. Why is that?

Well, I would normally say that she has the right and all rights should be upheld but in DC not all rights apply and among liberals not all rights are viewed as equal or relevant. For instance, regular citizens are not allowed to carry a firearm in DC. Hell, it is damn near impossible to own one there. We have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms but that right is routinely dismissed by liberals in DC.

Liberals do not support the Second Amendment and they are working very hard to take our firearms away. Elijah Cummings, the head Democrat on the committee, is an anti gun nut. He does not believe we have a right to keep and bear arms and he supports anti gun legislation. Since he refuses to uphold his oath then we should deny Lerner her right. Let’s assert she has no right and get the liberals on record indicating that rights are precious and need to be upheld. Lerner violated the rights of a lot of people with her illegal activities now it is time to deny any right she invokes and eventually deny her freedom.

Now that won’t generally work because one needs a brain to apply logic and common sense. The AP and some of the other media are coming around after the regime violated the First Amendment but we have a long way to go before we get them to recognize that the Second is as important as all the others.

In fact, it is more important. Without the Second there will be no protection for the others.

As of this writing Lerner got up and left the building.

She should have been arrested. Think about this folks. Would someone from the IRS allow YOU to take the 5th and then get up and leave during an audit? Do you think the groups her division targeted could have gotten away with this when the IRS asked them the intrusive and illegal questions?

I find it ironic that the people who ignore and violate the US Constitution each and every day have suddenly decided that the Constitution is important.

Notice how they use it to cover their rear ends when they have trouble.

I have two words that will get her to talk.

Water boarding.

And keep in mind, this wench will be running the IRS division of Obamacare.

Who gave the orders?
Surprise, parties divided over scandal
No star witness?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Congress Will Use End Run, Deceive On Immigration

With the Obama regime neck deep in scandals, all of which are real and deserve scrutiny, the Senate is forging ahead with immigration reform. Read that as backdoor amnesty because Senators from both parties are working on ways to promise us one thing and do another. They are also working to pass as much as they can while our attention is focused on the Obama criminal regime.

The Senators keep telling us that these illegals will not be allowed to get taxpayer funded assistance. No welfare for them when they come out of the shadows. This is absolute BS.

First of all, the Senate Judiciary Committee has passed an amendment to the immigration legislation that will allow illegals who are magically changed to legally here eligible for welfare.

Even if this were not the case they would still get it. How is that, you ask?

Quite easy! Under the misinterpreted and misapplied 14th Amendment any child born here to these illegals will be called a US citizen. The parents, though illegal, will apply for any benefits that a child who is a US citizen can get. These people will have welfare rolling in and spend it on whatever they want (they do this now so how will it be any different when we make them legal). Those who claim that they will get no welfare will then tell us that those kids are citizens and “deserve” this.

No, we did not lie because citizens are getting your money, not those illegals we waved our amnesty wand over.

The liberals in the Senate have already balked at removing the eligibility for the Earned Income Credit (EIC) on their taxes. This credit is a wealth redistribution scheme where people who pay no taxes (or very little that they usually get back) get money because they have children. It is a scheme that allows those who pay no taxes to get what was withheld back AND THEN SOME.

The Senate passed the amendment allowing welfare so it matters not but regardless of how they approach this, the illegals will be getting taxpayer money. If that is not bad enough, the alleged fines these people will have to pay (as in fines and back taxes) is all a ruse.

As pointed out, they pay little or no taxes. How can we force them to pay back taxes when they end up not having owed any taxes? No, this is all smoke and mirrors so the government can claim that these people paid their dues.

No restriction is allowed on all of these lawbreakers. The advocates for these illegals are screaming about an amendment making conviction of a third DUI grounds for deportation. No, we can’t have such a strict thing for people whose first act in this nation was to break our law.

Look, these folks can be wonderful and hard working pillars of their shadow communities but the reality is that they are all lawbreakers. They came here illegally and now want to be rewarded for their crimes. They expect special treatment over those who are trying to do things the right way.

I personally have a friend who is highly skilled and has a job offer pending at a hospital but she cannot get here because of all the illegals and non English speaking people gumming up the works. She has been waiting for years to come here and she would be an immediate asset. She is skilled in a profession that is in short supply and she has a job offer. She would start working and begin paying taxes immediately.

But she can’t come here because of all the future Democrat voters who are demanding they be rewarded for breaking the law and because liberals in Congress are listening to them.

We need to put systems in place to flush these folks out where they self deport or we send them packing and we need to change our laws so that those who try to come here the right way AND HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER are processed quickly.

We conservatives are not against immigration. We are against illegal immigration.

We are also against members of Congress who pander to people who break the law and expect to be rewarded for it.

I have an idea. Let’s evict the United Nations, tear down the building and ship the bricks to the south. Then round up the illegals and make them build a wall between them and the US with those bricks. Once it is done we will let them walk back home without being put in jail. In exchange for their labor we will allow them to apply for legal entry in 15 years, may never become a citizen and may never vote in an election.

Even Democrats won’t want them here if they can’t vote.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
