US Government Funded Boston Terror

It looks like the Boston Bombers and their families were paid over 100 thousand dollars of US taxpayer money in the form of welfare. The bombers probably purchased the items they used to make their bombs with money from those who work hard and pay taxes. In effect, our government paid for the terror that occurred in Boston.

There are many failures in our government and the inability to weed out those who should not be here is among the most egregious of its failures. The Department of Homeland Security is supposed to be on top of things here in the “homeland” and should be focusing on the people who are here and intend to do bad things.

The reality is that the DHS would rather spend time demonizing veterans, Christians, conservatives and many other groups that have not used violence in pursuit of their agendas. Instead of looking at the illegals and those who are here legally but do bad things the DHS is stuck on attacking those who do no harm.

The Tsamaev brothers were reported as bad actors and they were checked on by federal officials. Instead of taking action the government decided to allow them to continue living here and receiving welfare money.

Our government is directly responsible for what happened in Boston from the bombing to the police state that followed.

The progressive agenda of the past 100 years has given us generational welfare and record numbers of people dependent on government (read working taxpayers). The progressive agenda is not only responsible for the bombing in Boston. The progressives and their agenda are responsible for the decay of many American cities that are run by progressives who dole out taxpayer money to people enslaved to government.

The inability of government to secure the nation and the failure of the progressive agenda has not stopped progressives from doubling down. No, the new immigration bill being floated around will ensure that millions of illegals who get a legitimate status will be allowed to get welfare. The progressives are working on building a new cadre of would be American haters who can use taxpayer money to cause chaos.

That chaos will mostly be economic where millions more on the dole will suck the last breaths from an already dying economy. But what will stop just one terrorist from getting and using taxpayer money to cause mass destruction in another US city?

We need to get a handle on the immigrants in this nation and we need to weed them out. Legally here or not we need to check to make sure they can stay here. Illegals should be sent home and those here legally but who should not be allowed to stay should be right behind them.

Until we address the number of bad people here and do something smart like getting rid of them there is no doubt we will have further attacks.

I doubt the decpticons in government really care. As long as our overlords have protection they really do not care what happens to everyone else.

Does anyone really think Obama and the rest of the progressive elitists care about dead school children or marathon runners?

If they cared about human life (other than their own) they would not support abortion and the monster in PA who murdered babies.

And they certainly would not “God Bless” Planned Parenthood…

Just so you know, I don’t disagree with everything Obama says.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Will Obama Push To Ban Muslims?

After every act of terror that involves radical Islamists we are reminded by the left not to rush to judgment and that we cannot condemn an entire religion or its followers for the acts of a few. I agree that people should be judged individually. I also know that when a large group of those people or their individual governments support their acts then it is OK to paint them with a broad brush.

Unfortunately, the very people who tell us not to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few are the same people who condemn all gun owners for the acts of a few people with guns who do bad things. The reality is that most people who do bad things with guns have already broken countless laws to do so and usually do not own the guns legally. This fact escapes the gun grabbers as they paint all gun owners, law abiding citizens who exercise a constitutionally protected right, with a broad brush.

After the Newtown shooting, where a gunman who used guns he stole to murder a number of people (mostly children,) Barack Obama wasted no time condemning the act and then vowing to pass tougher gun laws. These laws would only affect law abiding gun owners as they are the only ones who would follow them. The guns that would be banned and the hoops people would have to jump through would only infringe on the people who obey the law. The people who do bad things will still get guns, won’t worry about the gun being on some approved list, and would not go through a background check.

That did not stop Obama and his anti gun zealots from vowing to pass tough gun laws. Some states did just that and ended up only harming those who did no wrong. In fact, some people were then targeted to have their guns confiscated. This all happened to people who did no wrong.

Now we have a terrorist attack that happened in Boston during the Boston Marathon. While we were cautioned not to rush to judgment Obama’s stenographers in the media wasted no time blaming the right wing, gun owners, rednecks, people who hate taxes, white people, and any other group they could paint as a right wing entity. I did not hear Obama asking them not to rush to judgment.

It turns out the bombers are followers of Islam. That should come as no shock as most of the acts of terror are committed by followers of that religion (notice I said most – added for liberals who have trouble with comprehension). The Muslims involved in 9/11 murdered more people than the gunman in Newtown. Hell, they murdered more than the recent mass shootings combined. George Bush did not say we should ban Muslims; he just went after those who intended to do us harm.

Since Barack Obama sees fit to go after all gun owners for the acts of a few deranged people I want to know if he will now ban Muslims.

You see, he was quick on the trigger after Newtown but slow and cautious in his response to the Boston bombing. Unlike his call to action on tougher gun control after Newtown, he was vague and asked us not to rush to judgment. He did not even use the word terror in his first address.

It is now abundantly clear that those who did this are Muslims. Will B. Hussein Obama now apply the same standard he did with regard to Newtown and ask Congress to ban Muslims from the United States?

In this country when a person drives drunk we go after that person not alcohol or cars. When a person stabs a bunch of people we go after the person using the knife, not the knife. When a gun is involved things get murky because the liberals go after the guns of all citizens.

Well Muslims have murdered more Americans than gun wielding morons in mass shootings.

If Obama is to apply the same standard then he must go after Muslims and work with Congress to get them banned.

The mantra from the left is; if we only save one child…

Well, banning Muslims would do just that (so would outlawing abortion).

This might not be a popular position but neither is gun control and the fact that it is not popular has not stopped Obama and the rest of the anti gun crowd from working to disarm us. Hell, they even lie about support.

I can’t say for sure but I bet more Americans support a Muslim ban than a gun ban.

I don’t support either (I believe in going after those involved in bad stuff) but if I had to choose I know America would be a lot safer with armed citizens than it would with Muslims (especially if it was disarmed).

Obama will probably not ban Muslims. What the they do is from the same textbook his buddy Bill Ayers uses.

John Jay has an interesting post up

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Political Stunts? Obama Misses The Irony

What happened at Sandy Hook was absolutely horrific and there is no doubt that the lives of the families of the murder victims will never be the same. The people at the school were murdered by a bad person with a gun. Yes, the school was a gun free zone which is the ultimate in gun control but this guy ignored the law and, knowing there would be no armed opposition, murdered people.

The tragedy worked to excite Barack Obama and other anti gun oath breakers into frenzy. They used (and are using) the tragedy to punish people who have not broken the law with rules and laws that will not affect criminals, who by their very nature, do not obey the law.

Several states have already enacted laws that violate the Constitution and those laws will be ineffective as murder by guns will not go down. Congress has been slower to respond to this because there is some opposition to anything that would violate the Constitution AS THERE SHOULD BE. In fact, anyone who is working to violate the Constitution should be immediately removed from office.

[note]The Constitution is in place and has rules to follow. It is hard to change and takes a very long time. This is all by design in order to prevent knee jerk reactions like the one to the Sandy Hook shooting. It is designed so that despots like Obama are unable to run roughshod over We the People.[/note]

Obama is not happy that members of Congress are working to prevent the violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. He claims that they will use gimmicks to prevent legislation from moving forward. He is referring to the threat of a filibuster. Mr. Obama, a filibuster is not a gimmick. It is a legitimate parliamentary procedure that has been recognized in this country since the establishment of our government. Perhaps if you understood American history you would know that.

Obama talks about these gimmicks and fear of pro gun organizations as if he is a pure as the driven snow. Barack Obama flew the families of the murder victims on Air Force One as part of his stunt to push his anti gun agenda. That plane was used for political purposes by the guy who decries the use of such “gimmicks”.

Obama is anti American, anti Constitution, and anti gun. He is dancing on the graves of small children and using their families as props in order to get what he wants, the disarmament of Americans.

It is not about guns, it is all about control and only control.

Our children are more important that Barack Obama will ever be. He has armed people around him at all times. Our children deserve to be protected by people with guns. These people would be teachers, janitors, other workers, and parents.

Obama would have you call 911 and hope someone with a gun gets there before you are murdered.

911 is the government’s version of dial a prayer.

All these murderers have selected places with no guns for a reason.

One would think the smartest person in the world could figure it out…

Instead of flying his plane Obama should go fly a kite.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Bill Maher Is Getting What He Paid For

Bill Maher is a foul mouthed moron who loves to deride people and call them stupid. He believes that America is full of stupid people (I would think his audience might give his position merit) and Bill loves liberals and their policies.

Maher supported Barack Obama to the tune of a million dollars and has carried Obama’s water for quite some time. He attacks people like Sarah Palin relentlessly while praising his overlords on the left.

Bill has had an epiphany about taxes. He has decided that the greater than 50% he pays between the federal and state taxes is too much. He came to the realization that the very wealthy (a small portion of the population) pay nearly all the taxes in this country. He is quite late to the table as most thinking people have known this for decades. Rush Limbaugh has had the tax breakdown posted on his website for a very long time.

Yes, the guy the left loves to attack has made this information available to anyone who visits his website and yet Maher, a guy who supports politicians who call for higher taxes and for people paying their fair share, has just discovered this information. I would think that a person who is on TV would research issues before he opined on them but it appears as if Maher could not be bothered to do this.

And truthfully, while I might think a person would do that the liberal media has shown that this is not common practice as they often shoot from the hip spouting off liberal talking points to please their masters on the left.

Yes Bill, the wealthy pay most of the taxes in this nation and nearly 50% of wage earners pay nothing. Romney made that point and the left attacked him for his statements. But he WAS right. His point of course was that he would not get those votes but the smaller point was they do not pay taxes (they take instead of paying).

How come so many people on the right know this and have known it for a long time but Maher, the supposed intellectual in the room, is just finding it out?

Perhaps it is because he is now feeling even more pressure on his bottom line.

Or, perhaps he is one of the stupid people he often laments about.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Hey Bill, you have questioned Sarah Palin’s intelligence in the past. Guess what? She knew this too.

How do you feel being dumber than the people you call stupid?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

