Democrat Promises Never Change, Neither Do the Results
Jan 26, 2013 Political
Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr. was the father of Nancy Pelosi and he was as big a left wing liberal Democrat as she is today. His positions and his political life influenced her political life and certainly on her view of America. D’Alesandro was born in Baltimore Maryland and served in a number of elected offices including Maryland House of Delegates, Mayor of Baltimore, and US House of Representatives. He dropped out of the race for Maryland Governor because he did not report money he took from someone who was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. He also ran for the US Senate in 1958. That year brings us some information about Democrats, their promises and the failures of those promises.
His son, Thomas III was a politician and his daughter, Nancy Pelosi still is. That family has lived off the taxpayer (and gotten rich off them) for decades.
A friend informed me that he was cleaning out an old Maryland property he had obtained and he found a 1958 campaign flyer from D’Alesandro’s Senate campaign. On that flyer, Tommy declares (among other things) that he will end the recession and restore America to full employment, strengthen the educational system to make our children the best educated int he world, and wipe out slums, raise the standard of living, guarantee decent housing to millions of Americans who are entitled [emphasis mine] to greater opportunities.
These promises are the same ones that have been made by progressives (regardless of party) for decades. They always promise they are going to do these things and lift people out of poverty and give them what they deserve (as if you deserve something for nothing). Nancy Pelosi is no different than her corrupt daddy. He lived off the taxpayer and so does she. They live off our money and push policies to get millions of others living off the taxpayer and this is done for two reasons. It is done to keep people in poverty and to ensure votes.
These progressives have determined that they are the ruling class and that the rest of us need them in charge. This is what Obama believed as a young man growing up and he lives that out each and every day. You are not smart enough to make it on your own and you are not able to survive without your betters providing for you. We will keep giving you these things and you keep voting for us.
The uninformed are kept that way by an educational system that teaches revised history aimed at making the youth of any given day the progressive soldiers of the future. The institutes of alleged higher learning are indoctrinating those youths into radical progressives who Occupy Wall Street in the name of their slave masters.
Make no mistake about it. Our system, as designed by progressives, is designed to keep people uninformed and begging for their Obamaphones and Obamacare, their birth control and their abortions all of which are provided in exchange for votes. Illiterate people are kept that way and encouraged to breed new generations of welfare recipients who will some day vote for their handouts. Yes, these people are not Republicans or Democrats they are Gimmiedats.
Look at the brochure from 1958 (pdf file) and tell me how the promises, or the “…Things for which I Stand” part is any different from what progressives say today. There is always some underrepresented class that progressives are looking to help with their promises. The goal is to enslave these people to government so that they are always a reliable vote.
People from both parties are involved in this game and the only voices opposed are those of the truly conservative folks in Congress. There are conservatives in both parties who believe in small government and adherence to the Constitution. There are not enough of these voices because the slaves have been allowed to vote in more and more slave masters who will throw them a phone or two along the way.
The problem is that this will likely not get any better anytime soon since there is a growing number of illiterate people. Rush Limbaugh calls them the low information voters but I call them what they are, illiterate. The slaves held on plantations were denied education because education allows freedom. The educational system today is designed to produce illiterate people who are indoctrinated in progressive ideologies. They are functionally illiterate. They can’t tell the difference between right and wrong and they lack the ability to take informed choices when picking leaders.
They vote for the masters who promise them stuff. Gimmiedat!
Those of you who are happy with the government providing for you keep in mind that you are supposed to be in charge of the government, not the other way around. If you relinquish your power government will be happy to take it.
“Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you’re ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don’t understand that we also dream.” ~ Ronald Reagan
Yes, you can be provided everything and be a prisoner or a slave. Slaves and prisoners have another thing in common, they are deprived of the right to keep and bear arms.
Why do you think the slave masters are working so hard to ban and/or restrict guns?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: conservative, gimmiedats, gun control, lies, Obama, Pelosi, politicians, prisoners, progressives, slaves, tommy d'alesandro
Beyonce Faked It, Seems Appropriate
Jan 22, 2013 Political
There is no doubt that Beyonce is a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice. She is a gifted singer who has entertained millions of people so it was not a bad choice for her to sing the National Anthem at the second Immaculation of Barack Obama. The song is a tough one but there is no doubt that Beyonce can sing it. I heard her rendition and it was very nicely done.
However, it has been revealed that Beyonce, for some unknown reason, decided to use her prerecorded version of the National Anthem and lip synch the song. The music for these events is prerecorded in case it cannot be played live and there have been times in the past where recorded music was used such as during bad weather.
No one remembers the National Anthem being anything other than live.
Perhaps Beyonce was not feeling well or was unable to hit the notes on the cold day. Perhaps the wind was making it difficult for her or perhaps she was having trouble hearing the band. Maybe she was worried she could not remember the words (though Obama had a teleprompter she could have used). Who knows? The reality is, she is the singer and she felt it was necessary to lip synch to her recorded version.
People are making a big deal about this though I doubt anyone far enough away noticed. Hell, many were high so they probably missed the song completely while they were looking for Twinkies (and none were to be found!).
I think it is perfectly appropriate for Beyonce to have faked the song. She was faking the song at an event for a person who has been faking that he knows what he is doing for years. Fake song for fake leader…
If only we could see Obama’s lips moving with no words coming out…
That would be music to my ears…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: beyonce, immaculation, lip synch, national anthem, Obama
The Modern American Gunfight
Jan 17, 2013 Political
Time to Stand and Fight
The NRA has an ad pointing out that Barack Obama’s children attend a school with armed guards but he refuses to allow the same protection for our children. The White House was upset that Obama’s children were used in such fashion. Funny though, Obama did not mind exploiting the dead children from Connecticut and he certainly did not mind using other people’s kids to push his agenda yesterday when he used his Imperial position to impose gun restrictions.
Here is a new ad from the NRA. It is right on point and it shows many in the media attacking Wayne LaPierre for saying that schools should have armed guards (a position most Americans agree with). It is crazy, they say, to suggest putting more guns in schools (yeah, because right now the only ones that make it there are carried by crazy people).
Keep in mind that the media all attacked LaPierre for his suggestion. That same media fawned over Obama’s proposals. Here is one of those proposals (I agree in principle with the idea here though I doubt this is a federal responsibility):
The president will also push for federal funds for more school counselors and mental health aides and for schools and school districts that want to hire armed and trained security officers CBS News
Why is that same media not attacking Obama for providing money for MORE guns in schools? Where are all those who attacked LaPierre for his proposal now that Obama has included that very idea in his package?
This is about advancing gun control. Make no mistake, gun control is not about guns but control of the people. The camel’s nose will get under the tent and pretty soon there will be a push for an all out ban.
It works this way. There is gun violence, the government makes rules that infringe upon those of us who did not commit that violence (while ignoring the fact that criminals don’t obey the law) and then when that does not work they come back and say the only thing that will work is a complete ban.
The time to fight is now. We cannot allow them to violate the Constitution and the other laws that have been passed to protect gun owners and our rights.
As an aside, Obama said that nothing in Obamacare keeps doctors from asking about guns. Section 2716 on page 2308 of Obamacare specifically says otherwise.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: gun control, lies, nra, Obama, socialism, wayne lapierre
Letters From The Children To The Fuhrer
Jan 16, 2013 Political
The man child running the country has released a few letters from children asking for gun control. He did this ahead of his big announcement where he will trample on our rights. He will be surrounded by children as he makes his announcement which should come as no surprise since he has trampled on the graves of the dead children in Connecticut in order to bring us gun control. This is a tactic Hitler used. Surround yourself with children and claim what you are doing is in their best interests and people will give up most anything.
Not me.
My children deserve freedom as do all the children of this country. The freedom they deserve is a birthright paid for with the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of patriots who endured many hardships so that we might be free.
Now that freedom is in peril as the Socialist in the White House works to disarm us. All tyrants first disarm people because unarmed people are slaves who can be forced to do anything. Jews were disarmed under Hitler and then 6 million of them were murdered because they did not have the means to resist.
This is the legacy of governments that disarm their citizens. This is the legacy of many regimes that have disarmed people and then systematically murdered them by the millions.
This can happen here unless patriots stand firm and refuse to be disarmed. This is the only way to keep our children safe and FREE.
I know Obama is using children and their letters as props to advance his anti American agenda. Does anyone actually think he gives a rip what children think? How many wrote him letters saying gun control was not the answer? Bet you will never see those.
In any event, if the man child in DC is listening to children on policy issues then we need to mobilize.
Our children need to write letters by the millions asking him to cut spending to protect them from the burden of massive debt. All of our children and our grandchildren (and even their children and grandchildren) have been saddled with huge amounts of debt and they will be slaves to government their entire lives. Children born today enter the world owing tens of thousands of dollars.
We need our kids to write letters demanding that spending be cut so that they can be free of the burden of government debt.
If Obama truly cares what children think and truly responds to their letters then he needs to get millions of them.
Of course you know he would ignore those. Children are only props to him. Make no mistake people; Obama does not care about your children. He allows them to be murdered by the bushel before they are born. He does not care if your kids are safe.
Children are only useful to him when he has an agenda. That is why he had a kid present when he signed Obamacare and it is why he will have kids present today.
Hitler did it and look how that turned out.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: children, gun control, Hitler, Obama, propaganda
Governing By Executive Order
Jan 15, 2013 Commentary, Political
Imperial President Barack Obama is set to use Executive Orders to violate the Constitution in order to push gun control. While Obama is not the first leader to abuse Executive Orders he is the only one in recent memory to use them to so blatantly abuse the power of his office and to violate the rights of US citizens. Obama will have children present when he makes his big announcement.
He is walking on the graves of those kids murdered in Connecticut and he is using the children at his announcement as props to garner sympathy. He has no shame and will do anything to push his Socialist agenda.
Executive Orders have their place and that place is to issue orders to agencies of the Executive Branch in order to manage their operations. Executive Orders can also be used by Presidents in order to pursue Acts of Congress which have delegated some power to him.
Executive Orders CANNOT be used to enact a new law, change an old law or govern the American people.
The reason Barack Obama is using EOs is because he will not be able to get what he wants through Congress and that does not suit him. He will, instead, do an end run around Congress. This is a violation of his authority and the Constitution and it is the duty of Congress to ensure he does not get away with this.
There is one Republican lawmaker who has vowed to file articles of impeachment against Obama if he tires this power grab. Unfortunately, many Democrats are urging Obama to usurp their authority because they do not believe any bills violating the Second Amendment will pass through Congress.
In any event, nothing he tries to impose via EO will apply to the public and accordingly, I refuse to comply.
I will not comply with any order or law that violates my rights. Other citizens are free to do as they wish, comply or not, but I will not. I see how things work. They will impose some rule and rush to remove guns from society and then the issue will make it to the courts and by the time the issue is ruled in favor of the Constitution all the surrendered firearms will have been melted into plows. People will never get their property back and will have no recourse. Additionally, once you allow one right to be taken the rest will fall if they interfere with government’s desires. The Second Amendment is the one that protects all others.
The oath I took to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic does not have an expiration date and I intend to uphold my oath under all circumstances.
Obama and many in this government are working to violate our Constitution and that means they are domestic enemies.
Additionally, I will not follow any law enacted at the state level if that law violates the US Constitution. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment requires the states to provide equal protection to all people of the state. Basically, states can’t do things in violation of the US Constitution and enacting laws that violate the Second Amendment violates the law.
What harm could a little EO do?
Keep in mind that it was an Executive Order that led to the unlawful confinement of Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II.
The Second Amendment is not about hunting and it is not about sport shooting. It is there to protect the means citizens have to keep their government in check. It allows us to shoot at tyrants in our own government.
But, Piers Morgan and other liberals say this is nonsense and that the US government will not abuse it people.
Really? What about the previously mentioned Japanese Americans? What about the blacks who were brought here and sold as slaves? These folks were denied their liberty and it was sanctioned by the government. It was eventually changed but how long did our government allow people to be held in bondage before it changed? If one thinks the government would not do bad things to a disarmed population should ask the Native Americans how things worked out. Government massacred them.
Then, after it changed, southern states tried to deny blacks the right to keep and bear arms. It is easier to round up people and lynch them when they are not armed.
Governments will eventually become corrupt. Look at how massive and corrupt our government is now. Imagine how bad things would get if those in charge knew they could do what they wanted because people lacked the means to resist.
Executive orders and unconstitutional laws are detrimental to society and I refuse to follow them.
I and many others will honor our oath, period.
One last point. I keep hearing the question; “why do you need a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?” I need it because I want it and I am free. I need it because that is what the military has and I am to be armed as well as the individual soldier.
My question is why does Obama need so many people with guns protecting him? Won’t one guy or maybe two do the trick? Why does Governor O’Malley of Maryland need an armed detail of at least six police officers to protect him? Won’t one guy with a gun suffice? Hell, why are we paying for their protection when they are working so hard to deny us ours?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: enemies, executive order, law, lies, oath keepers, Obama, Second Amendment