Obama Stole The Election
Nov 8, 2012 Political
There is no doubt in my mind that Democrats used dirty tricks and broke the law to win. I will say it up front so the liberals can guffaw and then click over to Kos and pleasure themselves. The evidence is clear that Barack Obama and his Democrats did things that were illegal in order to win.
Republican turn out was 3 million lower than in 2008 and Obama hit his numbers? There is no way this is accurate and given the number of complaints of voting machines changing votes from Romney to Obama the loss of Republican voters and Obama holding his own gets clearer. The votes were changed so his numbers went up and Romney’s went down.
How else can one explain internal polling that showed Romney winning battleground states by a comfortable margin? And yes, those internals showed Romney taking the major battleground states while Obama’s internals showed he needed to go to states that he should have held easily. The linked article discusses how the voting machines had been programmed so that a vote for Romney had to be exactly in the square but one for Obama was anywhere close (and just outside the Romney box). If millions of people did not check before submitting they were screwed.
Couple that with reports of people in Ohio being bused in to vote illegally (non English speaking being given pre filled cards or being shown what to select) and the intimidation in Philadelphia as well as the GOP election judges being thrown out (and one in Chicago wearing an Obama hat) and you can see the problems.
Barack Obama is illegitimate. He won because of fraud and this was his plan because he knew he would not win otherwise.
Only the naive would think that the network of Commies behind Obama (Soros and company) would not or could not do this. The reality is this was well planned and it worked. The usurper is back in office.
It is my understanding that James O’Keefe has documented hundreds of incidents of fraud and he is compiling the video. I wonder if there is any way to fix the problem once this has occurred?
I doubt it. The political class shields itself from the law.
Think this is all BS? You are (at least right now) entitled to that opinion but consider this. Obama did not win in ANY state that requires a photo ID to vote.
Is there any wonder why Democrats fight against voter ID laws? They need to cheat.
And even the UN observers commented that they could not believe the US does not require an ID to vote…
Why would it surprise them? They know how corrupt Democrats are.
American Third Position (a link does not indicate endorsement of their policies)
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cheating, fraud, illegals, lies, Obama, stolen election, usurper, voter machines
Bill Clinton; You Don’t Want Obama
Nov 6, 2012 Political
Serial sex offender Bill Clinton said something quite interesting and very ironic while campaigning for Barack Obama. Clinton asked the crowd if they wanted a president that repeatedly lies.
“You’re laughing, but who wants a president who will knowingly, repeatedly tell you something he knows is not true?” Daily Caller
Bill Clinton repeatedly lied to the American public regarding his affair with an intern and he continually denied that he had a sexual relationship with Gennifer Flowers. Yes, Bill Clinton repeatedly and knowingly lied to the American public.
And yet he was OK with running for election and then reelection. He had no problems with having a liar when he was the liar in question.
His allegations about Romney lying are just that. There is no proof that Romney knowingly and repeatedly said things that were not true.
But we know Obama did and continues to do so. Obama has repeatedly and knowingly lied about the murder of four Americans in Libya. Barack Obama was responsible for their deaths and he has been covering it up with one lie after another.
So Bill, you might be on to something. Obama is a liar and we do not want him.
Thanks for endorsing Mitt Romney and explaining why America should never have put you in office.
Is there nothing a Clinton won’t do or say?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bill clinton, irony, liar, libya, Obama, sex offender
Obama Endorses Romney For President
Nov 1, 2012 Political
Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast of the United States with fury and the states of New York and New Jersey took devastating blows. Hundreds of houses burned to the ground in Jersey and New York’s lower Manhattan is in the dark and under lots of water.
Barack Obama toured New Jersey with Governor Chris Christie and Obama vowed that the federal government would be there to help. In fact, Obama instituted a 15 minute rule where anyone who calls will get a return call in 15 minutes. He also said that he would not stand for delays caused by red tape:
Obama said he issued a “15 minute rule,” explaining he issued an order to his administration to respond to requests from local government officials in 15 minutes or less.
“We are not going to tolerate red tape,” Obama said. “We are not going to tolerate bureaucracy.” Politicker NJ
What Obama is admitting here is that the government, on any given day, is an obstruction to the states and by extension, the people. By telling us that he will not tolerate red tape and bureaucracy he is admitting that this is the norm from our government. He unwittingly has given an endorsement to Mitt Romney who has called for smaller, more efficient government.
When Romney calls for that Obama says he wants to take us back to the policies that got us into this mess which is a lie. The things that got us into this mess involved politicians from both parties spending too much and making rules that allowed people to borrow money they could not afford to pay back. The problems we have are the result of decades of more and more government involvement in our lives. Romney promises to have a smaller more efficient government while Obama espouses polices that will grow government (which he has grown a lot in four years).
There is a crisis on the East Coast and Obama is now touting what Romney says he will bring. Obama says he does not want the usual government way of operating to get in the way of the recovery. Romney says he wants those policies to be the way government does business every day.
Obama has endorsed Romney for president.
At least one agency within the federal government has admitted that its policies are a hindrance to business in America. The EPA will suspend gasoline blend requirements so that states affected by Sandy can get gasoline in a timely manner. By admitting that its rules are a burden the EPA has told us that it is a hindrance in our lives and it has admitted that Romney should be in charge of the country because his policies involve smaller government that is less intrusive in our lives.
Barack Obama and the EPA have endorsed Mitt Romney for president.
And I approve this message….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: big government, endorsement, epa, Obama, red tape, romney
Osama Bin Laden Supports Obama
Oct 30, 2012 Political
One would think that after Obama killed Osama (and you know he did because he keeps telling us he did) he (OBL) might not be so eager to help out Barry. It appears though as if OBL is a big Obama supporter so much so that he has donated at least $20 to the campaign. How could that be? After all, it is illegal for foreigners to donate to our political campaigns. Not to mention that OBL is dead. And let’s make no mistake, the Navy Seals killed him.
During the 2008 election Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs wrote lengthy and detailed posts about the illegal donations that were flowing into the Obama campaign. She documented the lack of security at the donation website and the huge numbers of illegal donations coming from overseas and not from Americans living overseas.
This was not looked into and one would think that in the past four years the Federal Election Commission could investigate but that never happened. Perhaps they are turning a blind eye. No matter what the reason, this should have been investigated.
Of course, we know the Attorney General would not investigate. His job depends on Obama staying in office and this guy would not prosecute the Black Panther intimidation case (note to Panthers, not a good idea to try it again). Eric Holder is a racist who does not uphold the law. He does not abide by the oath he took.
In any event, the idea that Obama is playing fast and furious, I mean loose with the campaign laws is again in the news but not as much as it should be. The media are covering for him and trying to help him get reelected.
Several people who are not American citizens have made small donations to Obama just to prove that it could be done. They proved that Obama fails to employ the industry standard website credit card security that would prevent illegal donations from coming in. To make sure they were fair they tried the same thing at the Romney website. His site rejected the donations.
To leave no doubt in anyone’s mind, a person donated in the name of Osama bin Laden, The address information was bogus (but did have a US zip code) and the credit card used was a prepaid card. The $15 donation went through and Bin Laden was added to the mailing list. This person received nine more emails requesting donations. To make sure this was not a fluke he donated $5 more and that money was accepted.
There is no doubt that Barack Obama is taking illegal donations. The names of donors who give fewer than 250 dollars are not released and a number of his donations lack information like zip codes. This is the Chicago way and Obama is a Chicago thug politician. He does not think the rules should apply to him and he is not honorable so he breaks the law. His donation process is flawed allowing him to take money from non citizens thus allowing them to have some influence in our election process.
Mitt Romney’s campaign does not do this and neither did John McCain’s. The only person doing the illegal stuff is Barack Obama. Will anyone call him out on this?
Democrats scream about voter ID Laws and claim that these laws disenfranchise people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People need IDs to get welfare and if they do not have one they can go get one free of charge. If they can get to the polling place they can get to the MVA for an ID, period.
But Democrats oppose this and they oppose it for one reason. It makes it more difficult for them to cheat. The cheating starts at the top as Obama has demonstrated and it rolls downhill. A politician’s son, who worked in his campaign, was caught on tape telling someone how to vote more than once. In Ohio the Democrats are busing in Somalis and telling them how to vote. They don’t speak English (and might not even be allowed to vote) but they are being brought in and someone is voting for them in the name of Democrats on the ticket.
This is the kind of stuff that Democrats do and have done for a long time. Nixon beat Kennedy without the fraudulent votes and Coleman beat Franken without the fraudulent votes.
This runs rampant in the Democrat party and it starts with the top guy.
Barack Obama has deliberately set up his site so that he can receive money from illegal sources.
He is a felon and should be in jail. I will settle for throwing him out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on 6 November. Then the Romney Administration can decide if he should be prosecuted.
Imagine what would happen if a Republican was caught doing this….
Cave canem!
never surrender, never submit.
Tags: campaign frad, felony, illegal donations., Obama, osama bin laden
Did Obama October Surprise Backfire?
Oct 27, 2012 Political
There is an interesting post up at The Tavern Keepers with an alternate hypothesis about the Benghazi attacks that left four Americans, including our Ambassador, dead. The blog states upfront that its post is only a hypothesis based on known facts. I think that they might be on to something. In fact, I think they might be right.
The hypothesis goes something like this. Obama wanted an October surprise in order to guarantee his reelection (or at least greatly increase his chances). Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi on 9/11 to broker an arms deal and while he was there the people Obama has gotten into bed with were supposed to abduct him and hold him hostage. Obama would broker a deal getting him and his small contingent home safely and would be a hero easily sliding into a second term. There is even supposition that release of the Blind Sheik would be part of the deal.
This explains why Obama denied increased security and why the requests of fighters on the ground to intervene were ignored. Those fighters ignored their orders and fought for seven hours while the Pentagon refused to send help. Leon Panetta said there was not enough intelligence to act on (a lie) and that he did not want to put our troops in harm’s way. I hate to break it to him but that is their job description.
This would also explain why the Pentagon did not send that help (rather than Panetta’s lame excuses) and would explain why Obama went to bed rather than save these people. He thought they would be captured and he would get a ransom call in the morning.
The problem is a few armed former Seals took it upon themselves to intervene and try to save Americans who were in trouble. The terrorists who were supposed to capture Stevens (and maybe the others) did not expect to meet resistance because they knew there would be no added security. When they did meet resistance and started dying they lit the place on fire. Since Stevens was in a secure room with no windows he suffered smoke inhalation and later died (not before he was sodomized by the terrorists).
This all blew up in Obama’s face and since that night he and his regime have been involved in one of the biggest cover ups in our history.
This is all speculation on the part of those at Tavern Keepers but I am claiming that it is true.
It is up to the Obama regime to prove that it is not true. After all, that is the standard Harry Reid used when he claimed Mitt Romney paid no taxes. He made the claim based on an anonymous source and said it was up to Romney to prove it was not true.
So, a source has claimed Obama set this up and it went awry. Now it is up to Obama to prove it is not true.
All they have to do is release everything that is associated with that night. Videos, secret emails and other communications and any other item associated with the event.
It is time for Mr. Transparency to actually be transparent and he needs to do it now. If he manages to get reelected and this all comes out after the election the American public and the Republican Congress will push for criminal prosecution of everyone involved (though that will probably happen in any event).
Man up Obama and come clean with us.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: benghazi, cover up, lies, murder, Obama, october surprise, planned event, tavern keepers