Hillary Chooses Party Over Country

The murder of our citizens in Libya and the subsequent cover up by the Obama regime is an ongoing nightmare. It is now obvious that additional security was requested and denied, that Obama knew about the attacks within hours (and might have watched it), and that he did not send help to our people who were brutally murdered. Reports are that our Ambassador was repeatedly sodomized before being murdered and that the two former Seals who went to provide help were beheaded. Help was an hour away and they fought for seven hours so Obama could have gotten help there in time.

He went to bed instead. Yes, the guy who is bragging that he will stay up for more than 24 hours campaigning could not stay up on the night of the attack and send help.

After this all took place Obama and his mouth pieces went on TV and told America that this was in response to a video. They continued with this lie even as evidence to the contrary continued to see the light of day.

People died and Obama lied.

[note]Barack Obama says he will look out for YOU. How can you take him seriously when he did not look out for our citizens in Libya?[/note]

Hillary Clinton took the blame about two weeks after the attack (coincidentally just before the last debate) but evidence suggests that she actually requested additional security and that it was denied by Obama (or his regime).

Bill Clinton is urging his wife to release everything she has in order to clear her name and avoid criminal prosecution (and if anyone knows about criminal prosecution it is Bill Clinton). Bill and Hillary have had several arguments about this because Hillary is reluctant to release what she has which is believed to be enough to cost Obama his reelection bid.

While Bill Clinton wishes his wife would “exonerate” herself by releasing the documents that show she wasn’t at fault for the tragic security failure in Libya, the secretary of state refuses to do so because she doesn’t want to be viewed as a traitor to the Democratic Party. News Ninja

It comes as no surprise to those of us who know the real Hillary but it should send chills down the spines of all Americans that this woman is more concerned about betraying her party than she is about betraying her country.

This is typical of liberals. They put party before country and don’t really care how what they do affects the nation or the people as long as it benefits the party.

If Hillary has information about what happened she has a duty to release it not to exonerate herself or to hurt Obama but to let Americans know what happened and why. I know, I know, it is a pipe dream to expect a liberal, particularly a Clinton, to do the right thing.

If Hillary stands pat and refuses to release these documents and they come to light later on (via subpoena or she willingly releases them) after the election and they show Obama lied about what took place then she needs to be prosecuted for treason.

Liberals, Hillary told you she was the most qualified to handle the 3 am phone call. She screwed that up and is now involved in the biggest cover up in our history.

Remember, when Watergate happened, no one died.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Did Not Do Enough In The Last Debate

The final presidential debate was on foreign affairs and it was a snoozer when compared to the first two. Those two featured both candidates going after each other. The final debate showed Barack Obama channeling Joe Biden in petulant behavior.

Obama attacked Romney and was condescending toward him. One would not know that Obama was speaking to an accomplished businessman some 15 years his senior. It appeared to me as if Obama felt he was speaking to someone beneath him.

Mitt Romney was low keyed and agreed a number of times with Obama but he acted more presidential. I think this was his strategy for the debate. Romney knew Obama would try to paint him as a war monger who was stuck in the Cold War era. Romney would have none of it and stayed above the fray.

Obama won the debate on points but lost it on style and that is what mattered in this debate. With a terrible economy the people of this country are more concerned with that rather than foreign policy. It helped Romney greatly that he was able to bring our national security back to the economy. Obama cannot counter attacks on the economy because he has done nothing to make it better. It does not help Obama when he continues to scream that the math in Romney’s plan does not add up and that it will not lower the deficit. Obama wants us to believe that he is the one who can lower the deficit despite the fact that he has added to it in each of his four years to the tune on nearly 5 TRILLION dollars. Obama is hollow on this issue.

Obama is falling in the polls and there is a risk to his campaign that one state after another will fall into Romney’s column and this includes states that are traditionally blue. Mitt Romney is beginning to pull even or ahead in states that Obama felt little need to defend so much so that he has had to pull out of those he thought he could win in order to defend those he should easily win.

During the last debate Barack Obama needed to score a big win. He needed a knockout punch in order to stem the tide of states moving toward Romney. Obama did not get that knock out punch. He might have won the battle but the win was marginal and therefore he might end up losing the war.

As an aside, the fact checkers found about 15 items that Obama was not truthful about. It is unlikely he made mistakes or misspoke so I can only conclude that he deliberately lied to the American people.

On 6 November we can end this nightmare that is Obama and put adults back in charge of our nation.

After watching Joe Biden and Barack Obama it will be a breath of fresh air to see adults in charge once again.

One last thing. Obama spoke as if he cares about our military. If he cares so much why are he and his Democrats across the nation working had to deny the vote to our service members? If you were going to sit this one out please go to the polls and vote for the military members who are being denied the very thing they fight to protect. Vote Romney for their sake.

Let’s do it for the troops.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Can’t Secure His Donation Website So…

What Makes You Think He Can Secure This Nation Or Its Assets?

Tonight there will be a debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and the topic will be foreign policy. It remains to be seen if the moderator will be an impartial director or an Obama surrogate like Candy Crowley but in any event, Romney has a great opportunity to clean Obama’s clock.


Because Barack Obama has failed in the foreign policy arena and he has failed to provide security for this country. He runs around claiming he killed Osama bin Laden and that act has al-Qaeda on the run and in disarray. Then the attack in Libya happened and obliterated the al-Qaeda claim because it was that terror group that murdered our citizens. The subsequent cover-up has been a disaster and has demonstrated why Obama and his regime MUST go away.

Let’s look at reality. Obama was dragged off a golf course to watch our military get Bin Laden using polices from the Bush administration that Obama opposed. Obama claimed we don’t spike the football and then has mentioned the Bin Laden killing dozens of times during his reelection bid. After Libya the Obama regime claimed that some obscure movie caused the attack when, if we are to accept this spontaneous riot meme, the constant droning about Bin Laden probably caused the murders. In any event, the movie maker remains behind bars, his freedom taken because Obama is more interested in protecting his own job than protecting the First Amendment right of the movie maker.

It is obvious that Obama has failed in the security arena. The security of our nation and its assets is a BIG job and Obama is not up to the task. Let us look at a microcosm of Obama security; the security of his donation website.

The Obama donation website is not secure. It is set up so that anyone from any place using fraudulent information can donate. Foreigners have deliberately donated to his campaign using obviously phony information in order to show that anyone can donate. It is a violation of our law for campaigns to knowingly solicit or accept donations from foreign sources and yet, Obama routinely does this. In 2008 Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs ran a number of detailed posts exposing illegal donations to Obama when he first ran for office. This was ignored by the MSM and those in charge of enforcing our laws.

As an aside, the same people who made illegal donations to Obama tried doing so to Mitt Romney and their donations were rejected because they failed to pass industry standard security measures that Romney uses and Obama does not.

Barack Obama does not require credit card users to supply the security code from the card. His site does not check the address registered to the card to the one provided and therefore his lax security allows him to receive illegal donations.

If Barack Obama cannot secure something as simple as his donation website how can anyone expect him to provide adequate security for the nation and its assets?

But Big Dog, it benefits Obama to have lax security on his website. Yes, and it was to his advantage to have lax security at our Libyan Embassy because he needed to show that his support for the change in government there resulted in a safer place.

He failed in that demonstration and four Americans were murdered. If Barack Obama takes credit for the death of Bin Laden then he MUST accept responsibility for the murder of four Americans.

Obama’s foreign policy incompetence resulted in the murder of four Americans in Libya. This was not the first foreign policy that resulted in the murder of Americans. Obama’s Fast and Furious resulted in the murder of Americans as well.

Obama is involved in a cover up of the failure of his regime to secure our people and our assets. He has engaged in lying and deception and has been aided by a compliant media (ala Candy Crowley) that is more interested in helping him get reelected than it is in reporting on the failures that led to the murders of our citizens and the subsequent cover up.

Let’s recap. Barack Obama ignored a number of requests of for added security in Libya. He ignored the requests even though every other nation closed shop in Libya. He ignored those requests even though the Red Cross packed up and left. He ignored those requests even though our Embassy had been attacked several times in the past year. He ignored the requests even though the anniversary of 9/11/01 was on the horizon.

He ignored those requests and people died.

In the last debate Obama said he was offended that people would call him and his regime into question regarding this issue. Really?

Let me say this Mr. Obama. Given that your incompetence led to the murder of four Americans and given that you have been involved in a cover up of what happened I hope you will understand that I don’t give a damn what offends you.

We cannot trust Obama to do something as simple as secure his donation website so why would we expect him to be able to handle the complex security required of our nation and its assets?

Remember in November.

Obama MUST go…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe There Is Hope For The Youth

This is an email I received from the Patriot Post. It is from a 2008 Obama supporter. Maybe there is hope for the youth of America after all. Then again, maybe they are suddenly realizing they are going to have to pay the bill…

I am sick and tired of politics!

Over the last couple of years, there has been a lot of tension over politics, and that division has intruded into my relationship with family and friends — particularly now with the upcoming election.

In 2008, I voted for Obama. That was my right — I am a good person and I voted for him for good reasons. But that decision has created stress between some of us, and that has been hurtful. Yes, sometimes I have thrown Obama in your face and I am sorry about that — I truly am.

Here is the thing. I don’t think you are stupid because you voted for McCain in ’08, and I’m not stupid because I voted for Barack Obama. We both want our country to go in the right direction, but we just have a difference of opinion as to what that direction is, and I’m entitled to my opinion.

I didn’t vote for Obama because of all the “hope and change” stuff. I voted for him because I could relate to him on so many levels and I trusted him. If this guy were my neighbor, I would give him the key to my house. I admire the fact that from his very difficult childhood and struggles rose a candidate for president of the Untied States — and an African-American with an unusual name!

I could relate to his desire to help people who most need it, to help the poor and elderly, children without medical care, and women in need. It seems like Republicans want to cut the important things people need most, and help the rich get richer. I feel like Republicans think Obama supporters are stupid.

I was excited that Obama was going to end the policies of George Bush. I have to tell you, I really didn’t like George Bush, and though I still feel that way about him, after four years it’s not as clear to me why.

But Obama against McCain, that was easy. Obama is more like me, energetic, young, loves his family.

I got a glimpse of the Obama motorcade on arrival for the debates here in Denver, and that was cool — though it held up a lot of traffic, which was not cool.

I watched this year’s first presidential debate closely and was disappointed in Obama. I found him depressing.

However, the Barack Obama I saw in the second debate the other night is the Obama I voted for in ’08!

He was “hitting on all cylinders” as Dad would say … but he wouldn’t about Obama, would he. 😉

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling invigorated. I had a chance to talk about the debate with friends, and some agreed with me. That was “the real Obama” seemed to be the consensus, but my two best friends didn’t share my enthusiasm.

Later in the day, I ran into some friends who agreed that Obama won the debate — but they had some harsh criticism. One of my colleagues at the University said to me that she felt betrayed, like she had been tricked into voting for Obama the first time. A guy friend was much more callous, saying that he was now convinced that Obama was a phony and a liar.

These two people were Obama’s biggest fans in ’08. Did they watch the same debate I watched Tuesday?

Last night I had the uneasy feeling that something wasn’t right, something was out of place. After all the good vibes with the debate, I now find myself wondering if Obama was sincere, or if what I heard was just talk aimed at “emotional women,” like I’m not smart enough to vote on what I think rather than how I feel.

And the more I think about all his comments Tuesday night, against the backdrop of the reality that things have gotten much worse in the last four years, not better as he seemed to claim, I’m not sure I trust Obama anymore. I’m more concerned now than I was in ’08.

I think that Obama is still a good person and he wanted to do good things, but I’m bothered by the fact that he didn’t take responsibility for where our economy is now. That troubles me the most. It seems like he hasn’t grown into the job and hasn’t done much of anything he said he would do, and he’s still blaming George Bush. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed citizens and poor families has grown a lot.

So why am I writing you?

I know Mitt Romney is a genuine person who really does love his family, who really does care about people from all walks of life. Part of me doesn’t like the fact that part of me likes Romney! I am conflicted. I’m not writing to say that I am voting for Romney, but I have decided not to vote for Obama.

Don’t tell Dad or I’ll never hear the end of it!


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Should Have Taken Candy From The Baby

There was a town hall format presidential debate last night and Mitt Romney had his hands full because he had to debate Obama and the moderator, Candy Crowley. Crowley did not stick to the debate format that was agreed upon by the candidates but that should not be a surprise because she said she was not going to do so. There is a reason that Crowley did not follow the agreed upon rules and that is so she could help Obama out during the debate.

That might come back to bite them both in the rear. More on that later.

Obama came out more feisty and ready to swing in this debate. The left knew he would after his dismal first debate performance and the left also knew he would need cover. The cover started when Crowley had the questions submitted prior to the debate so she could screen them. She then picked questions that would play to the topics believed to be Obama’s strong points. She claims that the questions were not provided to either candidate early but some of the responses gave me the impression that Obama was aware of what was going on.

In any event, Obama hid behind Crowley’s skirt during the debate and let’s face it that is a big place to hide. The Chinese army could hide behind that skirt. Ironically, but not surprisingly, that was not the first time that day Obama had hidden behind the protection of a woman’s skirt. Earlier in the day, Hillary Clinton took responsibility for the complete foreign policy failure in Libya thus providing Obama cover.

He took responsibility during the debate but let’s face it, Hillary manned up before Obama did.

Now back to the act that might bite them both. During the debate the topic of Libya came up and Obama addressed it. Romney made the claim that it took Obama 14 days to call it an act of terror. Obama claimed that he called it an act of terror the very next day in the Rose Garden. Romney asked him two or three times if that is what he was claiming and Obama told him to proceed (as if he realized he was lying and wanted to move on) and then Crowley did the unthinkable. She injected herself into the debate and said that Obama had, in fact, called the Libya attack and act of terror the day after it happened. This seemed to stop Romney in his tracks because he was stunned at the revelation. He was rebuffed by the moderator.

Obama told people to look at the transcript.

Well, I and tens of thousands of other people have done just that. Barack Obama DID NOT call the Libya attack an act of terror in the Rose Garden the next day. He mentioned terror attacks in general as part of his remarks but only as they related to 9/11 and the general attacks on our people. He DID NOT call the Libya attacks acts of terror as he claimed during the debate and as his debate partner “confirmed” for him. They both lied and they did so in a concerted effort to thwart Romney.

This will come back on both of them. You see, Obama was drowning in his Libya lie and Crowley threw him an anchor. The Libya issue will now have new life and be the talk of everyone with fewer than three weeks left until the election. Obama will be shown to have lied. The meme will continue over and over that he lied AND that Crowley helped him.

Liberal journalists have already fact checked and reported that Obama did not call it an act of terror and Crowley admitted after the debate that Romney was correct.

If anyone out there had any lingering doubts that the media were biased and wanted to help Obama win Crowley took those doubts away. She ruined her credibility, the credibility of CNN and the credibility of the liberal media in general because she prostituted herself out for Obama (and he walked across the stage like a pimp so it worked out well for her).

Crowley made it clear before the debate that she did not intend to follow the format rules and she kept her word in that area. She injected herself into the debate as a fact checker only to have her fact checking shown as totally untrue. Suppose she had done this to both candidates?

Suppose she had injected herself in the debate when Romney claimed that Obama had cut federal leases for oil drilling in half. Maybe when Obama was saying that was untrue Crowley could have said no, Mr. Obama, he is correct you did do that (fact checkers have shown that Obama cut them about 60% for off shore and 33% on land). Perhaps when the question about equal pay for women came up and Obama talked about how he was all in favor and worked for that Crowley could have pointed out that Obama has historically paid female staffers less money than male staffers.

And perhaps when Barack Obama was defending Planned Parenthood and claiming that defunding it would mean a lot of women would not get mammograms Crowley could have injected her fact checking self into the debate to inform Mr. Obama that Planned Parenthood DOES NOT provide mammograms.

I mean, if her job was to fact check the debate one would expect that she would do so for both sides. But then again, she was only there to help Obama.

And she did so by lying for him.

Ladies and gentlemen who won that debate last night depends on whom one supports. Obama supporters think he won, Romney supporters think he won and about 33% think it was a tie. Undecideds in focus groups moved toward Romney so it looks like it was a good night for him.

Obama needed a knockout, not just a win, and he did not get it.

Romney gave a strong performance even though he had to fight a handicap match with Obama and Crowley tagging in and out all night.

Get used to saying it.

President Mitt Romney.

And just as importantly get used to saying this:

FORMER president Barack Obama…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
