Who Are You Going To Believe?

Barack Obama has a problem with the truth as does his running mate Joe Biden. This is not to say that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have not had their issues with the truth because they are politicians and often the facts depend what reference is used. There is a distinct difference between using resources that support your position and telling outright lies.

After the last debate we were bombarded by the Obama regime all telling us that Mitt Romney lied. Why, Obama was so stunned that Romney has changed his position (though there is no evidence that he has done so) and just flat out lied that he could not effectively respond.

Changed positions? Is it a changed position for Obama to tell us that if he did not fix things in four years he would be one term? Is it changed for Obama to say racking up debt on the credit card of China was unpatriotic when Bush did it but OK when he does it? Is it a changed position for Obama to say he does not support gay marriage then say that he does (when he needs support from the gay community)? Why are all these items ignored?

Politicians change positions but unfortunately, most of the time they change for political expedience rather than an evolved and well thought progression (or regression as the case might be).

When it comes to lies though it is often difficult to say the politician was lying at the time. A politician probably really believes he will change things or accomplish what he says when he arrives in office only to find it difficult. When a politician says something he absolutely knows he cannot do then he is lying.

Barack Obama said he would cut the deficit in half in his first term. He has not and has in fact doubled it. This was a lie because he knew he could not do this. He had to know that his big time spending plans would not allow him to cut the deficit in half.

Obama just told a whopper of a lie when he said that the we (the American taxpayer) got back every dime of the bailout. Last week Obama claimed that we got back every dime used to bailout the financial system.

The problem is the CBO says that we will lose about $24 BILLION dollars and about $65 BILLION remains outstanding.

So we not only did not get it all back but a lot remains at large and we are expected NOT to get it all back. This is just in the financial part of the bailout. Let us not forget that GM got BILLIONS and we will not get that back.

[note]How much is a BILLION? If you had a BILLION dollars and spent $1000 a day it would take you 2,740 years to spend it all.[/note]

If that is not bad enough it looks like Joe Biden, fresh off his demented old man performance at the debate, has been caught in a lie. We already know that he lied about the Embassy security in Libya. Even though Hillary Clinton fell on her sword for a lying president (not the first time she has ever done that) the reality is the regime lied about what happened and the security issues. Perhaps if Obama attended his daily security briefs he would be better aware of what is going on. Unfortunately it appears as if the only way he would get those briefs is if they were written on a golf scorecard.

Anyway, Biden lied about the issue regarding religious institutions (among many other things) being forced to provide contraception to their employees. Paul Ryan asked a great question about this. If what Biden said was true then why is the Catholic Church suing the regime over the issue? Biden claimed that he was telling the truth (he hardly ever tells the truth) but the Catholic Bishops have weighed in and said Biden is lying.

The duo of Obama and Biden is dangerous for this nation. A second term where Obama is unbridled would result in damage that would be difficult to recover from and would take years, if we were able to recover at all.

It is time to end the Obamanation.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Job Obama Is Qualified For, Maybe

Barack Obama has never had a real job and has never had to hire people (so he never created jobs) and he certainly has never had to meet a payroll. Considering how he runs the nation’s budget it is probably a good thing that he never had to run the finances of a business because he would not be in business very long. Obama has over a trillion dollars in deficit for each year he has been in charge.

Please do not tell him what comes after a TRILLION.

Obama was not really qualified to be a state senator where he voted present most of the time in order to avoid taking a position on tough issues. When one has a shadowy past it is best to avoid taking a specific stand on an issue.

Obama was not really qualified to be a US Senator and only got there by using the backhanded Chicago style politics to get his opponents out of the race. Obama was so unqualified that he voted against suspending the Stafford Act requirements for New Orleans (which actually passed) which he then lied (using his black folk voice) about to whip up racial discontent.

Obama was not qualified (and still is not) to be President of the US. He admitted that when asked about it but that admission did not stop him from running.

He won and then spent four years proving he was not only unqualified to lead the country but lacked qualification to run anything. He has no business sense, he has no idea how jobs are created and he thinks money grows on trees in the yards of rich people (those who make more than 250 thousand dollars a year).

But I think I have found a job Barry is qualified for. In fact, he was practicing for this job over the weekend. That job is as a pizza delivery person. Obama took some time out from his debate prep to deliver pizzas to a local campaign office (he delivered pizzas a few weeks ago as well). Obviously this was a photo op for Obama but the reality is he looks like a natural. Since Obama will be out of a job come next January delivering pizzas might be a fall back for him.

The only problem is that Obama delivered pizzas that were already paid for. Given his lack of math skills and problems he has demonstrated in managing money it is unlikely he will be able to properly collect the amount due for the pies.

And even if he could effectively do the math required his philosophy is that people should be on a level playing field and have things provided for them.

Yeah, Obama would be good if all he had to do was deliver the pizzas. If he had to handle the money the company would go out of business pretty quick.

Maybe Obama could get a pizza delivery job where they only accept credit cards. He is good with one of those.

Well, he is good at using one. Paying the bill is another issue completely…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Obama Cover Up

A few weeks ago a US Embassy was attacked and our Ambassador was raped and murdered. Three other people were murdered as well. This all happened on 9/11. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, and Susan Rice as well as many other toadies all claimed that this was carried out in response to an anti Muslim movie that few had actually seen.

It was obvious from the start that this was not about a movie but the regime stuck to that story. It has been shown that security was lax despite many requests for beefed up security. Obama and his people denied additional security to people who were extremely concerned about the situation on the ground. Obama and his people failed to see the need for additional security on, of all days, 9/11.

The regime concocted a lie about a movie and went so far as to arrest an American citizen (the movie maker) because he dared to make this movie and incite Muslims.

But wait, there’s more. The State Department has reported that the movie had nothing to do with the attacks and that it never made such a claim. It is bad enough that a citizen was arrested for exercising free speech but it is even more disgusting that he was arrested based on a lie, a lie that the regime concocted.

Why is the State Department coming clean? Well, people from that department are appearing before Congress today to discuss the situation. I imagine the lower level peons don’t want to get socked with perjury charges.

In any event, Barack Obama lied to America. We are not talking about some minor lie or campaign promise or talking point; we are talking about lying to cover up total and absolute incompetence and failure from Obama. We are talking about a lie designed to cover up inept leadership that resulted in the murder of four Americans.

This is not the first time Obama has lied to cover up his involvement in the death of an American. Obama and Eric Holder lied about the regime’s involvement in Fast and Furious which involved illegal activity by the government that resulted in the death of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol Agent. Obama covered that up by asserting Executive Privilege.

He is not able to do that with regard to the complete foreign policy failure in Libya. Too many people are involved and too many careers will fall.

Obama is in trouble. His next debate with Romney will be on foreign policy. It is obvious that Obama is a failure in that arena and Romney will hammer him on it. Oh, what is that? Obama will keep screaming that he killed Osama bin Laden. Then Romney can come back with, yes, Bin Laden is dead under your watch and so are our Ambassador and three other Americans. The last debate saw the regime spin that Romney lied and could not be trusted. Well, Obama lied about every aspect of this mess in Libya and Romney will be able to point that out.

As for Hillary, she can kiss any chance to run for president goodbye. She was a complete and total failure in this area and most Americans will not trust her to run the country.

It all boils down to this. In 2008 we were asked which of these two we would trust with the 3 am call (there was even an ad asking us). That call came and neither was up to the task.

Someone died and Obama lied…

AP via Yahoo News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If Obama Can’t Handle Romney…

Then how will he handle foreign leaders?

What do you mean Big Dog, Obama has been handling them for four years? Well, he has been bowing down to them but what I mean is this, the Obama surrogates have been all over the networks claiming that Obama did so poorly in the debate because Romney lied. While I concede that this was a debate and people play loose with the facts during a debate (both sides) I also know Romney used numbers agreed upon by several studies. So basically, it all depends on whose analysis one chooses to believe.

But what does this have to do with Obama and foreign leaders?

Well, the surrogates claim that Obama was stunned, performed badly and lost badly because he was unable to respond to the lies of Mitt Romney. Let us assume for a moment that this is the case. If Barack Obama is unable to effectively respond to his political opponent because he “lied” then how on Earth can we trust Obama to effectively respond to a foreign leader who is lying?

Suppose we have absolute proof that Iran has nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them and Obama confronts Iran’s leader on the issue. Now let us suppose that this leader, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, lies to Obama’s face and says that Iran possesses no such weaponry. Will Obama be able to effectively handle the issue in the interest of our safety or will he become flummoxed like he was in the debate?

Does it make anyone feel safer to think that a rogue nation like Iran could launch nuclear weapons against us and we would be helpless because our leader did not know how to respond to a lie?

This, of course, assumes that Romney lied in the first place but what matters is that Obama thinks he lied and that is the excuse we have been given for the poor performance.

The Obama camp just told us that something as simple as a lie is enough to throw Obama off and render him ineffective.

If this is the standard by which Democrats want to judge then it is obvious we all need to vote for Romney. He looked confident, was assertive and presidential and he was able to do that despite the lies coming from Obama.

The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, was part of the apology tour and chimed right in on the lie meme. Now if anyone knows about lying it is O’Malley because that man rarely tells the truth. He was also a bit mixed up with his analysis of Romney. He said that Romney promised everyone that they could eat cake and lose weight.

Martin, you can eat cake and lose weight. The issue is how much cake you eat. Since Democrats do not know what constraint is I would not expect you to understand but here is a study showing that you can eat cake and lose weight.

And this goes back to my earlier point. It all depends on the parameters and which study you want to follow…

But if I apply the Democrats’ logic, O’Malley lied because you can eat cake and lose weight.

Do you suppose Obama got confused listening to O’Malley?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Got Mittslapped

Barack Obama has been used to getting his way. For the past four or five years Obama has been shielded from tough questions by his handlers and a compliant media. He was able to verbally assault Hillary Clinton without any pushback because the media were in the tank for him. He has been able to do the same to Mitt Romney during campaign speeches and in the nightly news sound bites. Hell, he has even been able to put out ads saying what he wanted because very few bother to question the king.

Then last night arrived. It was the first presidential debate and pre debate polls showed that Americans by and large expected Obama to trounce Romney. Obama, after all, is a gifted speaker and the smartest man in the room. Just ask his sock puppets in the media and they will confirm.

Last night was Obama’s 20th wedding anniversary so according to tradition he should receive China. He got plenty of China as he was schooled on the dangers of borrowing money from China.

Mitt Romney started off strong and got stronger as the debate went on. Obama was left behind from the start, appeared stunned, looked down a lot and appeared agitated on a number of occasions. Romney was confident, prepared, well versed, and dare I say, presidential.

There were no real gaffes from either candidate (though both played loose with some of the facts) but Obama had a smirk that was evident throughout and made him appear petulant.

Usually after a debate the candidate’s surrogates spin the event in an attempt to make their candidate the winner. This was attempted by the Obama surrogates (including Maryland Governor Martin O’Moron) but their efforts were to no avail. The Democrat controlled media were in full meltdown over Obama’s performance.

Yes, he was so bad that even they could not cover for him. Even they could not lie and say he won. In fact, their own polls (liberal polls mind you) showed that Romney trounced Obama. On Fox News the focus group of undecided voters nearly all turned to support Romney after the debate.

MSNBC and CNN were in full tilt meltdown because Obama was exposed. They have been covering for him for years now and now that he was out there on his own he was unable to demonstrate competence. He was unable to live up to the fairy tale story the media created for him. He failed miserably.

Yes, Obama got Mittslapped.

Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
