More Proof Obama And Holder Are Murderers
Oct 3, 2012 Political
Mr Obama, YOU did build this…
We did not need much proof that Obama is a murderer. He supports allowing babies born after an unsuccessful abortion to be left to die. He supports abortion on demand and at any time during the pregnancy. He supports murder whether the decision is above his pay grade or not.
Obama and his Attorney general are also complicit in the murder of Mexicans and at least one (and possibly a few more) Border Patrol Agents. When the Mexican drug cartel enforcer, Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez (El Diego), was captured in Mexico he had weapons from fast and Furious in his possession. Yes, the man who was responsible for the mass murder of school children and rival drug cartel members in Mexico committed his murders with guns that Eric Holder and Barack Obama allowed to walk into Mexico.
Obama and Holder have broken the law, acted with reckless abandon, and allowed guns to illegally walk into Mexico where they were used to murder people.
To top it off they have both lied about their involvement and Obama has taken proactive steps to cover up the illegal activities by sealing documents relevant to the case.
Obama and Holder lied and people died.
Imagine how up in arms (pun intended) the liberals and their sock puppets in the media would be if George Bush had allowed firearms to be illegally walked into a country where they were used to murder people. Imagine how the left would suddenly love and care about Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry if he was murdered with a weapon provided by George Bush. Since Barack Obama and Eric Holder were involved in the murder the media are silent.
It is disgusting that this happened and it is disgusting that Americans and Mexicans were murdered as a result of illegal activities by Barack Obama and Eric Holder.
It is just as disgusting that this was all done as a ruse to convince people that American gun laws needed to be stricter. This was done to arm Obama with plenty of ammunition (pun intended again) so he could go after more gun control.
Obama and Holder broke the law in an effort to force more gun control (and to eventually outlaw guns) and people ended up dead.
Now they are covering up the crimes they committed.
We need to remove them from office and November 6th is our chance to do so.
In a just world they would both be serving time in a federal prison.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: brian terry, fast and furious, gun running, holder, lies, murder, Obama
Obama Will Pay Contractors To Violate Law
Oct 2, 2012 Political
The federal government passed a law known as the WARN (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification) Act. This law requires employers with more than 100 employees to give at least a 60 day notice of an impending (or possible) layoff. Some states require a longer notice but the federal government says that 60 days is the minimum.
Last year during the budget debates the members of Congress agreed to get the budget in shape OR automatic cuts would take place. A huge portion of the cuts will come from the Defense budget which means that a lot of defense contractors will lose contracts and the money associated with those contracts. This also means that they will have to layoff or fire a lot of employees.
So, in accordance with the WARN Act these contractors (if they have more than 100 employees) must notify any of their employees who might be affected (layoff or fired). That 60 day period means the layoff notices, those notices REQUIRED under federal law, would go to employees about a week or so before the November 6th presidential election. Oops, looks like a lot of ticked off contractors will head to the polls knowing that they will likely lose income because of Barack Obama and his pathetic policies combined with the Democrats in Congress who refuse to pass a budget.
Not so fast. In an effort to keep workers from getting those notices prior to the election the Obama regime is asking contractors NOT to comply with the law. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the Obama regime is asking contractors NOT to send notices to their employees which means they are asking them to break the law.
Not only that, the regime is telling these contractors that if they do not comply with the law the government will reimburse them for legal costs associated with the cancelled contracts. So, Obama tells them to violate the law and then says he will pay them for any legal costs associated with breaking the law.
This is obviously ILLEGAL and shows the Chicago mob mentality that permeates throughout this White House and the Obama regime. These people are part of a criminal enterprise and they do not care who knows it.
Some contractors have taken the promise of a federal payoff and indicated they will not send out the notices. It looks like the bribe might work.
But make no mistake people, if there is no budget agreement people in the defense industry WILL get laid off. They will get laid off at the same time they would have if the notices were sent in compliance with the law. The only thing that is different is they will not get a notice and the federal government will pay legal fees associated with that.
If you work for the affected companies do not be fooled. Notice or no notice you will get laid off. Just to be clear, Obama is bribing YOUR bosses to ignore the law and screw you so he can get reelected.
The rest of you in America, pay attention. The money the government will pay in these bribes will come from YOU. The government can only function through money it confiscates from us. It will use the taxes we pay to bribe companies to ignore the law.
Do you want to keep people who do these kinds of things in office?
Some members of Congress have vowed to keep tax dollars from being used in this fashion but I have little confidence they will actually pursue this course of action. Let’s face it, most have little testicular fortitude.
I expect the notices to go out in compliance with the law and I expect liberals to be up in arms that Obama is asking companies to break the law. I know it is tough for you libs but pretend it is Bush asking companies to break the law and act accordingly.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bribes, chicago mob rule, contractors, lies, Obama, tax dollars, violate, warn act
Fast And Furious Times At Ridgemont High
Oct 1, 2012 Political
The comedy Fast Times at Ridgemont High showed teenagers navigating through high school and exploring their sexuality (which for this comedy means teens having sex). There is no comedy in Mexico as Spanish language TV Univision linked the deaths of 16 teenagers to Operation Fast and Furious, the illegal gun running operation conceived and executed by Barack Obama and his regime.
The illegal activities remain locked away under seal of alleged protected presidential communications. In other words, the “most transparent” administration in history has sealed records showing that it conducted illegal activities, activities that resulted in the death of 300 Mexicans, 16 of whom were school students.
The illegal gun running operation also resulted in the deaths of Americans including a Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry.
There is no doubt that guns illegally provided by Barack Obama were used to murder people and there is no doubt that Barack Obama has engaged in a cover-up.
There is also no doubt that the lives of many people have been forever changed because Barack Obama allowed guns to be illegally purchased and provided to members of drug cartels. Barack Obama has blood on his hands and that is why he has hidden those memos.
Univision also found 57 weapons that were not reported. Imagine that, Obama allowed a lot of firearms to illegally enter Mexico and cannot fully account for them. Who lied to Congress about this and why is that person (or persons) not in a jail cell?
The families of the Mexicans who were murdered, all of them including the teenagers, deserve to know what happened and why. They deserve to know why Barack Obama cared so little about their lives and their safety that he armed drug cartels with weapons.
One wonders if the Libyans who raped and murdered Ambassador Stevens and murdered three others used arms provided by Barack Obama when he supported the Arab Spring.
Of course if he did we will never know beause he will claim Executive Privilege.
Yes, in the original movie teens were having sex.
In Fast and Furious they just got screwed…
Here is a link to the Univision report on Fast and Furious. WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES OF VIOLENCE AND DEATH.
Liberals might think Fast and Furious is old news but it is likely that for many of Univision’s viewers this is the first they have heard of Obama’s policy that resulted in the murder of Mexican citizens.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: fast and furious, lies, murdered teens, Obama, ridgemont high, sex
Muslim Obama Defends His Prophet
Sep 25, 2012 Political
Barack Obama claims to be a Christian despite many claims from others that he is a Muslim. I think he certainly acts like a closet Muslim deliberately lying to us in order to push an agenda. It does not help that his former brother Muammar Gaddafi said Obama was one of us [Muslim] and Obama said that John McCain had not attacked him over his Muslim faith. The newspapers from Kenya call him Kenyan born, his publisher calls him Kenyan born (in a pamphlet Obama had to approve) and singer Madonna called Barack Obama a Muslim.
It seems that everyone got the memo but Obama himself as he continues to deny his Muslim faith.
Obama has told us the Muslim call to prayer is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world and Barry can recite it quite well. I guess he should since he had all that practice growing up.
Now Obama is defending the child molesting prophet of Islam, Mohammad [PBUH – Piss Be Upon Him]. You know, the guy who had sex with a pre-teen girl he had taken as his wife. Where I grew up men would be shot for that. Too bad they did not kill Mohammad for his pedophilia and we might not have all these troubles today.
Be that as it may, Obama was out doing one of the things he does best and that is blame someone else. Obama was blaming You Tube and a sorry movie for the violence that led to the murder of Americans and made them bumps in the road.
While Obama was blaming someone else for his failure he said; “The future must not belong to those who slander the holy prophet of Islam.”
Really? Who the hell is Obama and where does he get off making this kind of claim? The holy prophet was a child molester and the people who follow him are a bunch of radicals living in the past. They are people who have no regard for human life or any one else’s religious beliefs.
Muslims routinely murder people who are not followers of Islam and they insult Christianity and Judaism ALL the time. When we the last time you heard Obama say the future must not belong to those who slander the Son of God? When was the last time he made such a claim to those who insult the Jews?
He has not nor will he ever. He is an ass kisser who is part of the Muslim faith. He is working overtime with its followers in order to bring about Muslim domination.
The UN is considering making blasphemy of Islam a crime. Obama spent NO time fighting back against that idea because he is one of them and he believes in it.
Let me say it first. NO LAW will keep me from saying what I want and NO ONE will successfully enforce any such law against ME.
I don’t know what the future holds but I know Muslims are radical and they want to take over and will do so by force. They are working very hard on taking over and they are having success with the assistance of Barack Obama.
I am sitting back waiting just dipping my bullets in pork grease and dog crap.
And if I ever find Mohammad’s grave I am going to pour bacon grease on it right after I piss all over it.
There, was that insulting enough for you schmucks?
I slandered your child molesting prophet and the future already belongs to me and those like me. Patriots who are ready, willing, and able to stand up and fight for our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
I can’t help but wonder though. Obama is great at blaming everyone else but he is also great at campaigning. Perhaps he is saying these things to get millions more in illegal Muslim donations like he did in 2008 (you libs know it is true).
Perhaps he is discussing the prophet for profit…
In any event, they can all go straight to hell.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cild molester, insult, jesus, lies, mohammad, muslim, Obama, prophet, un
What’s A Few Bumps In The Road To Obama?
Sep 24, 2012 Political
Barack Obama is well known for using people as he sees fit and then throwing them under the bus. He threw his Pastor and his grandmother under the bus during the last campaign and when they arrived there it was very crowded. It is safe to say the driver of that bus experienced bumps from running over those Obama left in his wake.
It is one thing for a politician to throw people under a bus. Politicians are cold, calculating people who will sell their souls in order to get and keep power. But it is entirely different when the politician is the president and he throws the dead bodies of American citizens under the bus.
On the CBS Show 60 Minutes Barack Obama described the crisis in the Middle East as bumps in the road. It is not bad enough that Obama’s policy of bowing down and apologizing coupled with appeasement has led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in the Middle East (and maybe the White House) but Obama’s pandering has resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy and his inability to ensure our interests are protected resulted in the rape and murder of our Ambassador and the deaths of three others. Barack Obama has the audacity to call these developments bumps in the road.
I am sure that the families of these people do not see this as a bump in the road. Their lives have been torn apart and turned completely upside down because the president of this country is unable to lead, is unable to protect and has failed in his basic responsibility, to keep this country and its citizens safe.
These people worked for Obama (either directly or indirectly) and it was his responsibility to ensure they were safe but he failed at that, he failed them and he failed our country.
While Obama seems to be comfortable dismissing the murders of our people as evidenced by the ease with which he dismissed their deaths while throwing them under the bus, no one with any grasp of reality can possibly be comfortable with the murder of our people.
The only bumps in the road are those encountered by the driver on the Obama bus and those bumps now include the bodies of American citizens murdered because of his complete incompetence.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: bumps in the road, dead americans, failed president, lies, middle east, Obama, romney