Maybe Obama Caused The Middle East Riots

The Democrat controlled media have been telling us that some little known anti Islam movie that has been out for months is the reason our embassies were attacked and our Ambassador murdered. The White House has been trumpeting this line even though the facts refute the narrative. It matters not to them as they suspend the rights of an individual by taking him in for questioning in order to appease the radicals who really don’t care.

Jimmy Carter tried appeasement and it was a disaster.

No one heard of this movie until the attacks and then it became a convenient scapegoat. But I have a different theory. I believe that Barack Obama incited the violence by continually bragging that HE killed Osama bin Laden.

After OUR NAVY SEALS killed Bin Laden Barack Obama took credit for it as if he went there and pulled the trigger. He claimed that we “don’t spike the football” but as the election grew closer Obama brought the football out and he spiked it.

And he spiked it again.
And again.
And again.

Veterans are not happy with Obama because he has taken all the credit for the death of Bin Laden. The veterans don’t want recognition and would prefer that the matter remain quiet so as not to draw attention to themselves. That would put them and their families in danger. Obama though, is spiking that football for political gain so I think he is much more responsible for the acts of war we have seen than some unknown film maker.

Here is an ad that was produced by veterans:

They are obviously not happy. It is no surprise that the majority of those serving and those who have served are not thrilled with Obama. They know he hates the military and would love to scale them way down.

They hate it that he is running around acting like he actually humped a pack to the Middle East and went on the raid. They hate the fact he is taking credit for the work THEY did and that he is doing it for political gain.

And I hate that his spiking the football got an Ambassador murdered.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Is A Failure

Barack Obama has a high opinion of himself. So high, in fact, that he boasts he can do other people’s jobs better than they can.a He does not need to attend his intelligence briefings because is so smart he can read the summary. I don’t know if he can do anyone else’s job better than they can but I do know he can’t do his own very well.

Obama has been dismal with our economy and we are absolutely not better of today than we were when he took office.

And the economy is not the major failure. As it turns out, a lot of our embassies are under attack. A US Ambassador has been murdered as have at least three other people. The violence has spread to a number of countries as the Muslim world attacks our embassies and burns our flag. They then replace our flag with the flag for al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama said the world would be a happy place when he was elected. He told us the relations between us and Muslim countries would improve. He foolishly believed that he is so wonderful that they would never do bad things.

He even went so far as to meddle in their affairs and help change their governments. This helped the Muslim Brotherhood take charge and things have gotten much worse. The fact that he has members of the Muslim Brotherhood in our White House is not any better.

Muslims are attacking us. This is an act of war because they are attacking US soil. Obama’s response to the violence was to jet off to Vegas for a fundraiser. While the bodies of our murdered countrymen were being flown home (after being dragged though the streets) Barack Obama was out raising money to get reelected in a town he said people could not just go off to and spend money.

The media wing of the Democrat party has given him a pass and focused on his challenger, Mitt Romney. Evidently, when Romney spoke on the attacks and the US official response of apology it upset the MSM that their messiah was under attack. Maybe they were upset because Romney looked more presidential than the guy who is supposed to be the president.

Barack Obama has been an absolute failure and he will go down as the worst president in history, a distinction Jimmy Carter currently holds. Under Carter, one US Embassy was attacked. Under Obama we have dozens being attacked and this is destabilizing the Middle East.

Is this the October surprise coming early. Is this how Obama thinks he can win? Will WWIII start and will Obama tell us we can’t change leaders during that kind of crisis?

I would not put anything past Obama and his regime. They are a bunch of lowlife Socialists who hate America. They are determined to destroy us from within.

My answer is hell yes, we can change leaders during any kind of crisis. This is how our government is set up and how it works. Reagan took over from Carter during the Iranian hostage crisis and solved the problem. LBJ took over after Kennedy was assassinated and the transition was smooth.

What will not be smooth is the balance of our nation’s history if we reelect Barack Obama. He has failed us. He has apologized around the world and has demonstrated weakness allowing the people who hate us to be emboldened.

Say what you will about George W Bush but no one attacked us or our embassies after 9/11 when it became clear he would hurt anyone who tried. The Muslims did not think America would retaliate with such ferocity after 9/11 and Bush proved them wrong. They knew he meant it when he threatened to retaliate for any attack and they did not attack.

Obama runs around kissing people’s behinds and apologizing for this nation. He is not a leader, he is not the smartest person in the room (in fact he is the dumbest in any room he enters) and he cannot lead.

The nation and the world are in crisis and we need to take a page out of Rahm’s book and not let this crisis go to waste. It should be used to demonstrate how weak Obama is and how poor he is leading us.

It needs to be a rally cry to get rid of him in November.

If I were president we would recall ALL our diplomats and close all our embassies and we would not send money to any of those countries for any reason. We would then plan and execute strikes on those responsible and remove them from the gene pool. We would never send money to those nations again.

I am tired of taxpayer dollars going to nations that only want to hurt us and who are willing accomplices in the murder of our people and destruction of our property.

They declared war and I would give them one that those who survived would never forget.

Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

Obama is a failure. As a game show used to say, you are the weakest link; goodbye.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Dumb And Dumber, The Intervention Of An Addict

Anyone ever had an addict in their family??? I have. what drives any form of addict is the bloodthirsty need to have power or control over another or a situation. It is the nucleus to the disorder…and trust me, it is a HUGE disorder…for every addict to remain so, they must have one or more co-addicts. hat being a willing person or partner who doesn’t engage in the addictive act, but does nothing to stop the active addict.

What I witnessed by both Republicans and Democrats at their convention was the disease of addiction and their willing co-addicts. That feeling of watching something occur and asking yourself if you really did just see what you saw. Surreal. The debris inside the eye of the storm flying everywhere, must have been what it felt like to be a delegate of anyone but Mitt Romney. And let’s not give the Dems a pass either…same for any Democratic delegate who places God as their supreme guide in life decisions and behavior.

Those of us on the outside of that eye of the storm can see things for exactly what they are, and it isn’t a pretty sight for either party if they continue this assault on rules, laws, and citizens. Judging from how many citizens don’t bother to vote, and how many dead citizens continue to vote, I’d say this is an utter failure. How about you?

To push away all those elected delegates by the people of their states, and change the rules at the last second to get your boy the 1144 delegates he needed, was less than the “big tent” you claim you are Republicans. And to push God out of any reference in your little party in Charlotte was equally divisive Democrats. You’re not winning anyone over.

How many of you would like to have another choice? How many would like to hear Gary Johnson in the debates, who is on the ballot in all 50 states? I know I would. I would like to hear what a former Governor of New Mexico, who was one of only four Governors to leave office with a budget surplus, has to say. I would like to hear what the former Governor has to say about cutting taxes, because he did so 14 times and still left the treasury with 222 million to the 28 million when he arrived. I would like to hear what the former Governor who won two terms with a wide margin has to say about school choice, since he was the first to lead the challenge on a statewide voucher program. I would like to hear about a former Governor who actually cut 1200 government jobs without firing one government employee. I would like to hear from the former Governor who vetoed 750 bills during his tenure, more than any other Governor in the country. I would like to hear about health care from a former Governor who has participated in several Iron Man triathlons and summited Mt. Everest in 2003. 

If the Republicans throw another game in November, just remember, there was a third choice…he just wasn’t invited to the party…maybe because he isn’t a power hungry, controlling addict?? Maybe he isn’t drinking the Kool Aid that requires an intervention.

You Go Barack-Ward

A Democrat at the Democrat convention had the typical Uncle Sam hat with buttons on it and one of those buttons was quite interesting. Evidently one can purchase buttons that read; “Once you vote black you never go back. Obama 2012”.

I imagine that this is not viewed as racist by the left but I find it to be so. The implication is that one needs to vote for Obama because he is black. The button does not tell us that Obama did some kind of wonderful job so he should get our votes. No, the button tells us to vote for Obama because he is black and when we vote for a black once we will never do anything other than that. Why is it that Democrats always point out what people look like?

I have some ideas for more accurate and non racist buttons for the Democrats. Some of the buttons might have to be bigger but they make plenty of sizes.

How about:

  • Once you vote for welfare you will never get a job.
  • Once you vote Democrat you will never be free.
  • Once you vote Democrat go vote again (and again).
  • Unless you vote Barack you will be black and blue [Sponsored by SEIU].
  • Once you vote Barack you will never have recovery.
  • Once you smoke crack you will vote for Barack.

I believe that in keeping with the Democrat platform of murdering babies on demand the proper campaign button would be:

Abort Obama

We can do that in November.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Misleads On Job Numbers

Obama numbers

Obama by the numbers

Surprise!! The Democrats are lying.

In the last month and particularly last night, the left has been throwing out the number 4.5 MILLION. The Obama regime and its surrogates keep telling people that 4.5 million jobs have been created by Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm). This is a lie. When Obama took office there were 111 million private sector jobs in this country and in July 2012 (the last month of available numbers) the number was 111.3 million. This means that the net gain over the entire time Obama has been in office is 300,000.

The job numbers are a complicated mix of different sectors and different reports. The private sector had a net gain of 300,000 and the public sector has been losing jobs (1 million lost despite bailouts from the Obama clan). As CNN concludes:

The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession.

Additionally, the jobs that are trickling in are not like those we lost. Low wage jobs like food service and retail sales are being added nearly three times as fast as higher-paid occupations. [From linked article]

The truth is that the so called recovery has been the slowest on record and that people are still hurting. There are fewer people working, the work pool is shrinking, millions more are on food stamps and people continue to lose their homes while the cost of everything continues to rise.

Obama has been an abysmal failure. He told us that he could fix it in one term or he would be a one term president.

Now he wants you to vote for him again because he did not complete the job. Poor Barry needs more time.

What makes anyone think he will be able to fix it in two terms when he failed to fix it in one despite his assurances that he could?

Ask yourself; are you better off now than you were four years ago? The only people who are better off are Obama and his friends. The Obamas travel around on vacation and he plays endless rounds of golf at our expense while Obama’s friends continue to get huge sums of taxpayer money.

They are better off at our expense.

We, on the other hand, are doing much worse and will continue to sink until we fire Obama and his band of liars and thieves.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
