Are You Smarter Than An Eighth Grader?
Sep 24, 2015 Political
Evidently Barack Obama is not.
A young conservative from Georgia named CJ Pearson has been putting up a bunch of videos where he takes Barack Obama to task for the liberal things he does.
Pearson, who appears to be quite bright, was following Obama on Twitter but he has been blocked from commenting or viewing The POTUS’ Twitter feed.
Whoever runs the feed (we know Obama does not do his own Tweets, no time with golf and all) claimed that Pearson was not blocked but as luck would have it Pearson has a screenshot of the notice telling him he is blocked.
Is anyone surprised that Obama (or in this case his peeps) would block a young conservative from the Twitter feed (where tax dollars are probably used to pay the person who tweets) and then lie about it?
Obama and his mindless drones LIE all the time.
In the reality show “Are You Smarter Than and Eighth Grader?” Obama has shown he definitely is not.
I hope Pearson is successful in helping a lot of other young folks see the light and turn from liberalism.
They are our future and right now that future looks bleak…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: blocked, cj pearson, lies, Obama, twitter
Syrian Refugees Can Help With The Terror
Sep 14, 2015 Religion of Peace, Terrorism
The Obama regime is looking to bring about 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States where they will undoubtedly receive lots of taxpayer money so they can have a place to live while they are taught English. They will probably get a place to live and money (all from the taxpayer) and will not become productive members of society.
These people are NOT our problem. It is not our job to take them in. There are plenty of Muslim nations that have lots of room and rich oil sheiks who can foot the bills. These people need to be relocated to other Middle Eastern countries, not into the US.
The pictures of the refugees all lined up is striking in that they are all male. I have yet to see a picture with women or children in it. One would suspect that a people escaping violence would include women and children. There are reports that members of ISIS are in those lines looking to come to the US. We are told not to worry because the regime will vet these folks.
Sure, like it vetted Hillary’s email set up?
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri is calling on all Muslims in Western countries, particularly the US, to conduct lone wolf attacks. Isn’t it convenient that Obama is helping out by importing Muslim men, many of whom are no doubt terrorists, into the nation so it will be that much easier.
In the view of big government statists nothing would be better than a crippling attack that frightens the population so that it will demand even more government control. Help us please! Please do what you want to us just keep us safe.
Not on my watch. We are Americans and we are forged from steel. If these lone wolf punks start trouble here then they will find out what it means to encounter a well armed citizenry.
Since Obama is hell bent on importing terror to this nation might I suggest (a suggestion I borrowed from my friend Kender) that they be placed in San Francisco, Chicago and Berkeley. I would add that they should be moved into DC and that all Obama voters should be required to take them in.
The defecation is soon going to hit the rotating cooling device and when it does the patriots of this nation will rise up to defend her once again.
I only have one piece of advice for the government.
Stay the hell out of our way.
Over a quarter of a million Muslims allowed in US annually
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: isis, lies, Obama, refugees, terrorists
Obama: Israeli Interference Unprecedented
Aug 10, 2015 Commentary, Political
Barack Obama is fighting to get his half-baked deal with Iran approved by the US Congress. The fix is generally in and it will pass while giving some members cover. Chuck Schumer is opposed (he is up to lead Democrats when Reid retires) but that is OK because other Democrats will rescue the deal. It gets passed, is veto proof and folks like Schumer can tell low information voters he was against it.
[note]It will pass in the sense that the Congress will vote it down and Obama will veto it. Congress will not have enough votes to override the veto which is what Democrats are looking to ensure right now. It gives Schumer cover but gets Obama what he wants.[/note]
Israel is involved in the lobby efforts to nix the entire thing and Obama says this kind of involvement is unprecedented. I am unsure if he means Israeli involvement is unprecedented for Israelis or if he means unprecedented in general. In other words, is he saying it is unprecedented for Israel to do this by standards of what it has done in the past or is it unprecedented in that no country is ever this involved?
In any event, why is Obama so concerned about it? Why is he worried that the Israelis are expressing their concern and trying to get members of Congress to stop a bad deal?
Obama was not concerned when he and his State Department were involved in the Israeli election so much so that they tried to influence the election.
This is the rub. If Obama means it is unprecedented in the history of Israel for it to be so involved then perhaps they finally have an issue to rally around.
But, if he means it is unprecedented for one country to involve itself so heavily in another country’s business then I think he is sadly mistaken.
One only need look at how involved Obama and his State Department were in the last Israeli election. They worked very hard to defeat Netanyahu.
I have to believe that Obama is referring to the latter since he discusses not being able to recall a similar episode of outside intervention.
So, like I wrote earlier, he should look at what he and the State Department did because that was a very good example of outside intervention.
I guess if Obama is working to intervene in another country it is OK but when that country turns around and does it Obama is not happy.
Don’t worry Barry the fix is in and you will get what you want.
I only wish that everyone who supports this would be held personally accountable should Iran develop and use nuclear weapons. It would be nice to see politicians held accountable for a change…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: iran deal, Israel, nuclear weapons, Obama
Kenyans To Obama; Don’t Discuss Your Love Life
Jul 8, 2015 Commentary
The folks in Obama’s homeland have a message for him. They want him to avoid the topic of homosexuality. I know it might be tough for Obama after he has worked so hard to promote the sodomites and since he thinks everyone should just do what he says but his homeland is having none of it.
It should surprise no one that Obama is a big supporter because he has always led from the rear…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: homsexuality, kenya, Obama
Obama Shaping The Narrative Again
Jun 22, 2015 Political, Second Amendment
Some moron shoots up a church and his racist rants are disclosed. The anti-gun liberals, including the chief liberal Obama, come out in force to push for more gun control.
The tactic Obama uses is to pounce on the event as soon as it happens, to invent the story and then to push that story to his political advantage. While the compassionate among us mourn the loss and search for answers and for the details of what happened Obama invents the narrative and plants it in the minds of people so he can push for what he wants.
During a podcast interview Obama had this to say:
He said it’s important to respect that hunting and sportsmanship are important to a lot of gun-owning Americans. “The question is just is there a way of accommodating that legitimate set of traditions with some common-sense stuff that prevents a 21-year-old who is angry about something or confused about something, or is racist, or is deranged from going into a gun store and suddenly is packing, and can do enormous harm.” CBS
There is no evidence that this man bought the gun. It has been reported that he received it as a present so no gun law or increased background check would have stopped him from getting it. If he got it that way it is likely a straw man purchase and that is already ILLEGAL.
Let us assume Obama knows what he is talking about and the man did buy the gun. He had a felony on his record and was on psych meds. He would have been excluded from buying the firearm so if he did then the background check system THAT THE GOVERNMENT SET IN PLACE failed.
It is already against the law for certain people to buy firearms, it is already against the law for people to buy them for others (in certain circumstances) and it is absolutely against the law to murder someone. So what makes any rational person think that some new gee whiz law will suddenly make all people OBEY those laws?
I also point out that the Second Amendment is not about sporting or hunting, it is about the ability to defend this nation from invaders or from a tyrannical government.
[note]In another article Obama states that most gun owners support the laws he wants. This is a lie and another example of him inventing a story and then pushing it to get what he wants. If most gun owners supported this stupidity it would already be law.[/note]
Obama is setting the narrative so he can get what he wants and that is gun control. And we must keep in mind that gun control is not about guns it is about control.
Obama and all liberal anti gunners want to control YOU. It is important that they take away your means to resist before they run roughshod over you.
Liberals are cowards and they know it will be easier to control you if they disarm you. These people do not want to try to control you while you have the ability to fight back because they will lose and they know it. We showed that once during the Revolution.
Resist all calls for gun control and realize that the real reason so many people died is because a deranged person went to a place where guns ARE NOT ALLOWED and shot people. The people who obeyed that law are dead.
If any one of them had been armed the results would have been quite different. In reality the guy might not have even attempted. You see cowards only go to fight where people are not armed and are unable to fight back.
This is why liberals want to disarm you before they engage you.
They are cowards.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: church shooting, gun control, lies, nra, Obama