Obama Is A Delusional Narcissist
Jun 2, 2015 Political
Obama is viewed as weak by a large portion of the world. He is routinely made a fool of by other nations and their people and he has made the US a laughing stock in some parts of the world.
But to listen to Bathhouse Barry tell it he made the US the most respected country on the planet:
“People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia, and today once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth. Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran.” Breitbart [Spelling errors in original corrected in this copy]
We get so much respect that Russia and China are doing what they want and slapping us in the face while doing it, Iran is negotiating with us while openly telling us they won’t abide by the deal and ISIS is threatening to come to this nation and kill the president at the White House. Not to mention the wars he ended are still ongoing and we have lost billions of dollars in equipment to terrorists because those we are “working with in Iraq and Afghanistan” fled and left it for them to take.
This does not sound like respect to me.
Then again maybe it means something different to Obama.
Of course he does have a history of drug use…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Sure Glad It Is Just The JV Team
May 12, 2015 Military, Religion of Peace
Obama once called ISIS the JV team. That team is spreading out and brutalizing everything in its path and it appears as if little stands in its way.
The animals of the JV team have captured and murdered people all across the Middle East and what they do to women they do not murder is just as horrifying.
ISIS JV team members gang rape females as young as 9. One such girl was repeatedly raped, beaten and tortured and became impregnated with the baby of one of her attackers. She is frail and broken and will likely not survive childbirth even if a C Section is tried.
These animals have no regard for human life but don’t worry, they are only the JV team.
Let’s all be thankful they did not send the varsity team…
Obama is an amateur and he has no idea how to run things. What needs to happen is we need to dispense with all the high school jargon about JV or varsity and send in the professionals.
Unleash our professional military on these animals with rules of engagement that will allow them to rain pure hell on those animals.
I know Obama does not want to upset his brothers in ISIS but the time has come to rid the world of these animals.
Unleash the dogs of war and be done with it.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
If You Like Your Promised Land You Can Keep Your Promised Land
Apr 14, 2015 Political
It seems that the Jewish people in America have short memories and are easily swayed by the words of a smooth talker in the persona of one B. Hussein Obama.
Obama met with Jewish leaders to calm their fears over the deal he has worked with Iran. Basically, Obama met with them to sell them some snake oil and let them know all was well. He met with them to let them know he shares their concerns and that he is concerned for Israel.
Give me a freaking break. He does not care about Israel. He bends that nation over every chance he gets. He hates Prime Minister Netanyahu and takes every chance he can to stick it to him and the people of his great nation.
So when Obama tells these people they have nothing to worry about because he is on their side it means they really need to worry. It is his version of if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Here is a clue Barry. When you are truthful with people and sincerely care about them you do not need to have meetings with them to let them know you support them because they will already know it. If you have to have the meeting then your lies are not working.
The real issue here is not that Obama lied. He always lies. The issue here is that many of the Jews who had misgivings now have different feelings and are talking about how calming the talk was and how all is right with the world.
Are they out of their minds? How many times does this group of people have the get screwed over before they wise up?
Mind you, these are not Jews from Israel (many of whom do not trust Obama and are worried about Iran and the deal) these are the Jews living in the US. They live here and have a daily view of how Democrats screw them seven ways to Sunday and they still support them. It is beyond me how they can continue to fall for the lies.
Either the American Jew is a glutton for punishment, is completely clueless or does not care about Israel.
They need to wise up.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Why Does Obama Trust Iran?
Apr 2, 2015 Commentary, Political
Barack Obama is hell bent on getting a nuclear deal with Iran. Iran is getting its way in all aspects of the deal though it will not stay true to it in any regard.
Iran wants sanctions lifted so it can continue to make nuclear weapons to put it in a stronger position. Obama is placing his legacy in the hands of people who lie and do not honor agreements.
He is also putting the fate of Israel in those same hands and they are the hands of people who have said that Israel must be wiped off the map and that this is nonnegotiable.
Those same people also continue to chant “death to America” and Obama is working to give them the means.
I don’t really care about Obama’s legacy. He is a failed president and the worst this nation has ever had. He should have to carry a tree around to replace the oxygen he wastes by existing. Unfortunately, his ineptitude has consequences for our nation, not just him.
If he were dead set on sticking his tongue in an electrical socket that would be on him and he is the only one who would get hurt. However, he is set on sticking all our tongues in that socket.
I do not want the legacy of this failed moron to be one where Iran delivered a nuclear device to our nation or actually succeeded in wiping out Israel.
I pray that G-d inspires Prime Minister Netanyahu to strike Iran and wipe out all of its nuclear facilities.
I also hope and pray that if Iran ever strikes us with a nuke it hits a convention of liberals where Obama and Kerry are attending with their families.
This deal is bad and will only get worse. Obama is incompetent and he will cause a lot of death and destruction so I hope that the deal falls through before it can be implemented.
Or perhaps, and this is a big perhaps, the Republicans in Congress can grow a spine and halt the entire deal. Like NOT lifting the sanctions that Iran so desperately wants lifted. Ignore Obama and the deal.
So why does Obama trust Iran? Probably because he believes the same things they do. He is working on Death to America and he is working on getting rid of Israel. He trusts them because they are alike…
There are dark days ahead folks and Obama is responsible for them.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Then There Should Be No Negotiations With Iran
Mar 31, 2015 Political
The Obama regime is negotiating on behalf of Iran in a move that will help that nation get nuclear weapons. They can call it what they want but John Kerry and Barack Obama do not like Israel and they want to strike a deal with Iran that helps that nation achieve nuclear weapons. He wants to strengthen Iran and weaken Israel which is why Obama released the information on Israel’s nuclear program.
[note]For those who lack basic comprehension skills, the information is from 1987 but was declassified a month ago.[/note]
I find it strange that barack Obama, a man who is against nuclear weapons and wants to get rid of them, is helping Iran achieve those weapons. Iran is unstable and run by a bunch of nuts who want to dominate the region and put an end to Israel.
That leads me to this.
The commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that “erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable,” according to an Israel Radio report Tuesday. Times of Israel
There should be no doubt as to these people’s intentions. Obama recently said he took Bibi Netanyahu at his word regarding the two state solution but for some reason he will not take these nuts in Iran at their word.
These people have been saying for a long time that they want to wipe Israel off the map. This latest information not only affirms this policy but states it is NONNEGOTIABLE.
SInce this is the case there should be NO negotiations at all. The Obama regime should pull out of talks with Iran, sanction them and tell them if they enrich Uranium we will wipe THEM off the map. We absolutely should not throw our ally Israel under the bus.
Unfortunately, Obama is not a leader and he will do everything he can to help Iran.
Given the above statement and the fact that the regime has not broken off talks there must be a reason.
And that reason is that Obama hates Israel. He is an antisemite and he agrees with Iran as to what Israel’s fate should be.
I am embarrassed for our nation. It is embarrassing that we have a child running things and we have allowed this antisemite to piss all over our ally.
I am disappointed that Congress has failed to step up and stop all of this. I know, I know, they are telling us what they are going to do but they have spines of jello so they will cave.
I am also quite disappointed in American Jews who, by and large, continue to support Democrats when that party is full of antisemites who continually aid Israel’s enemies.
In his book Audacity of Hope Obama writes:
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
The ugly direction is coming from the Muslims particularly those in Iran and Obama has been true to his word because he never indicated from which direction the wind had to come. He is standing with them and against Israel (among others).
Well I stand with Israel against those enemies, foreign and domestic, who would seek to destroy her.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: american jews, antisemite, Iran, Israel, lies, nuclear weapons, Obama