Did Obama Get Thirty Pieces Of Silver?
Mar 26, 2015 Political
Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16). I wonder if Obama was paid that sum as well after he betrayed our allies in Israel by disclosing their nuclear weapons secrets.
There is a report on the Israeli program (the program includes assessments of other nations as well) that was produced in 1987. The document WAS classified until just recently.
It is no secret that Obama does not like Israel and he absolutely hates Prime Minister Netanyahu so much so he sent people and used taxpayer dollars to try and unseat him in the Israeli election.
That did not work so now Obama is getting vicious. The document was declassified last month and the regime had it published thus violating a long standing agreement not to disclose the information.
There is no doubt the release was aimed at harming Israel because the information regarding all the other countries and their nuclear programs has been redacted.
The actions of Obama are petulant and are not what one expects from a leader. He has disgraced this nation by stabbing an ally in the back.
There is nothing good that can come from releasing this information and Obama knows that. He knows it will embolden Israel’s enemies and will open the nation up to further harassment from its neighbors.
There are many things in this world that people can forgive but betrayal is not usually one of them. When someone betrays your trust it is hard to ever trust them again.
Obama might have intended to only harm the Israelis but he harmed this nation as well. How many other allies will look at this and wonder if Obama will betray them as well? How many nations (particularly Israel) who might have secret information about us will feel free to release that information and harm us? There are plenty of unintended consequences that will come from this and none of them will be good.
I have never understood how American Jews could support Democrats yet they continue to do so. I hope this is the final straw that will lead many of them out of the bondage that is the Democrat party.
Obama is a tyrant and I can only hope that when Netanyahu acts he does not hurt America. I do not think he is a petty leader like Obama so I doubt he would do anything to our nation like Obama did to his. But if he did who could really blame him?
I have an idea that might help Bibi respond and help America (and the world) while giving Obama what he deserves.
If any of your intelligence assets have copies of the documents Obama has locked up now would be a good time to release them. Birth certificate, college transcripts, college applications, passports and anything else you might have (or could get) would help the cause if they could see the light of day.
It is important to note that after Judas’ betrayal he returned the silver and hanged himself.
Did Obama hang (metaphorically) himself (and G-d forbid this nation) with this betrayal?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: betrayal, Israel, judas, nuclear program, Obama, petulance, secrets
Maybe Obama Should Have Listened
Mar 25, 2015 Military, Political
Or perhaps he is finally getting it (I doubt it).
Barack Obama announced yesterday that he will not go ahead with his planned troop drawdown in Afghanistan. His original plan was to cut the nearly 10,000 troop strength in half.
During a meeting with new Afghan president Ashraf Ghani Obama announced the change in plans.
He has been warned for years about cutting strength in that fragile region of the world. He went ahead with his plan to remove troops from Iraq and the lack of a strong presence there helped create the monster known as ISIS. His actions have cost the US all the gains made during the hard fought wars.
One can debate whether we should have been there in the first place but the reality is we went there and since we did we had an obligation to keep the gains we made.
Obama was warned time and again that drawing down too soon would end in disaster. He did not listen and now that region is in a whole lot worse shape then when he took office.
He thinks he is the smartest man in the room so he did not listen because he was hell bent on doing everything he could to end the wars he never supported.
I want our troops to come home as much as anyone else but I know they do not want to come home if it means losing everything they gained. Their Commander in Chief betrayed them and they don’t like it.
[note]The rules of engagement need to be eased so our fighting forces can unleash hell on the enemy. We cannot bridle our warriors and watch them die. Let them fight and eliminate the bad guys and end this once and for all. HOOAH[/note]
Perhaps he got the message and it finally dawned on him that cutting troop strength in Afghanistan when ISIS and other bad players are raising hell would not be a wise idea.
Obama is keeping our strength up in Afghanistan and now it is time for President Ashraf Ghani to step up and get his country in shape. We can help the guy but they need to work harder than they have in the past.
They cannot continue to live under the blanket we provide without taking on more responsibility.
If I recall correctly Mitt Romney was more inclined to let the Generals decide the issue though he did agree with Obama on some points. Obama was determined to take the decision himself. It seems that every time you turn around Mitt Romney was right about the things going on in the world. The MSM and liberals bashed him at every opportunity but more and more we are seeing he was right.
But how can you compete with the smartest president evah?
How’s that working out for us?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: afghanistan, Obama, president ghani, romney, troop strength
Worker Got What He Voted For
Mar 19, 2015 Immigration, Political
Information technology workers went before the Senate Judiciary Committee on immigration reform and provided testimony that the US needed to protect skilled US workers. Many testified anonymously because of agreements they signed with employers.
One such worker testified that he lost his job when he was replaced by a foreigner with an H-1B visa. The article claims he is one of more than 400 workers from the same company, Southern California Edison (SCE), who lost jobs to foreigners.
This worker claims to have voted for Obama but is disillusioned over losing his job because of the president’s immigration policies.
“I’ve paid my taxes, obeyed the laws and have been a good citizen supporting the community with donations,” the former SCE worker wrote. “I voted for President Obama and was appalled that he implemented a rule change, which allows work permits to H-1B spouses. My future votes will only go to candidates that support reforms to the H-1B visa program that preserve the American worker.” National Review
Looks like this person got what he voted for. I feel sorry for him and others like him but something tells me he is not the only affected worker who voted for Obama (and other Democrats). Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform the nation. He apologized for America and he discussed his ideas about immigrants long before he was elected. People knew, or should have known, what they were getting.
[note]These are skilled workers who were replaced by other skilled workers who happen to be immigrants here legally. Imagine how the unskilled (or low skilled) workers who will be replaced by millions of ILLEGAL immigrants will feel.[/note]
Obama lacked experience, was a community agitator and catered to illegals before he got elected. These folks are supposed to be smart so they should have seen what was going on.
They probably did and did not worry about it figuring it would not affect them personally. They are like all the people who supported Obamacare but are now unhappy because it is affecting them, something they figured (because Obama promised) would not happen.
So all I can say is elections have consequences and if you had paid attention during the campaigns you would not be before the Senate begging them to rein in an out of control anti American tyrant.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: immigrants, lost jobs, Obama, obamacare, replaced, Senate, tyranny, workers
Israel Beats Obama With a Bibi
Mar 18, 2015 Political
It is no secret the Obama regime used taxpayer money and had its interest groups in (as in go to) Israel in order to influence their election. Obama and his regime do not like Israel and they especially do not like Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He is a strong leader who makes Obama look weak and ineffective.
The election looked too close to call right up until it was held yesterday. Pools showed a tight race and that Netanyahu might get beaten. Obama and his toadies were no doubt salivating at the idea of Netanyahu losing. They invested a lot of time and money in defeating him and it looked like they might just do it.
But the people of Israel had a different opinion. They showed up at the polls and their votes will no doubt lead to Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister with an overwhelming victory.
The left in America are not happy. They wanted Netanyahu gone so he would stop making their messiah Obama look bad. The petulant folks in the White House could not muster the decency to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory. White House aide David Simas would only congratulate the people on having an election.
I do not know how American Jews view Bibi’s victory because so many of them are liberals who support the Democrat party. They continue to support the people who want nothing more than to see an end of the Jewish state. It seems self destructive and given the history of the Jewish people one would not expect that. I pray they wake up and abandon those who are not their true friends.
In any event, Netanyahu won and I congratulate him on his victory. He is a statesman and a true leader. While Obama spent his youth getting stoned Bibi spent his serving in the military and he is a real man’s man. No wonder the metro sexual in chief does not like him.
I am happy to see Obama and his flying monkeys (Wizard of Oz reference for the race hustlers) were not able to influence the results. They should not have been involved in the election and if they only lost their money it would be great but they funneled taxpayer dollars into their anti Netanyahu battle.
Now America, it is your turn to elect a true leader.
2016 fast approaches.
David Axelrod makes a moronic (and hypocritical) statement.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
GOP Is Not Shutting Down DHS
Feb 14, 2015 Political
Barack Obama and the Democrats are.
The last budget deal funded everything except the DHS through the end of the fiscal year (ends 30 September 2015). DHS was funded through the end of February because of one thing and that is Barack Obama’s unlawful Executive Order on illegal immigrants. Obama is moving forward with his plan to allow millions of illegals to receive some sort of legal status and of course, all the benefits that American taxpayers can provide.
The Republicans funded DHS short term so they could work the issue out. Democrats do not want to work things out and are now crying about the things they used to do and are doing the things they used to cry about.
Democrats say the DHS should not be held hostage because of immigration and that the issue should be a separate issue in a separate bill. Really? They loved to put bad things in must pass bills to force Republicans to vote for them when they were in charge.
They are also filibustering in the Senate. They hated it when Republicans did so and decried the party of NO. Now they are the party of NO and are doing the very thing they said was wrong to do.
I have no problems with either party using whatever parliamentary procedures they can legally use. This is how politics work. But it is hypocritical for either party to do one thing and cry later when the same thing is done by “the other guy.”
As far as I am concerned they can shut down the DHS until Obama and his illegal actions are stopped. We did not have a DHS prior to 2001 and we survived up until then. Shut them down for as long as it takes to force Obama to stop violating his oath and OUR Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi is telling people what is right and wrong with all of this as if she actually has a clue. She lacks a brain and should be in jail for her illegal actions and for violating her oath.
Pelosi is upset at short term continuing resolutions and says they are not the way to do things. Her party used CRs for years because they never passed a budget. They always let things get to the brink of disaster and then forced votes in the middle of the night or during the holidays in order to coerce people to pass bills no matter how bad they were. She is also as responsible as anyone for the number of CRs that have been used in years past.
Shut up Nancy. No one wants to hear what comes out of your mouth because it has no brain to connect to and if it did it would be a mush filled liberal brain that is devoid of logic or intelligence.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, Democrats, dhs, executive action, illegal immigrants, lawless, lies, Obama, Pelosi