Obama Fundraises After Saying It Is A Problem
Jan 22, 2015 Commentary, Political
During the State of the Union address B. Hussein Obama stated that constant fundraising, among other things, was part of the problem and not what many in Congress said they signed up for. He then asked them to imagine if they broke out of those patterns and did something different.
B, Hussein was basically saying that preoccupation with fundraising and other items made it difficult to get things done and that they could get away from that kind of stuff and do something different.
Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reports that “almost immediately” after the SOTU address an email from Obama went out and it; wait for it, asked for a donation to support Democrats.
“I hope you’re excited about the agenda I laid out tonight for 2015,” Obama’s email read.
Now it’s time to get to work.
Let’s go — make a monthly contribution to support Democrats now:
[Redacted – (by me) – link to donate]
Barack Obama
Obama and the other liberal/progressives have always been the type to live by the mantra that the rules only apply to others. You folks can’t get things done because of your constant fundraising but I can fund raise because I can multitask, I am better than you and hey, I won…
I agree that fundraising is an issue and far too much time is spent on it (particularly by folks like Obama) but it is hilarious that he would say one thing during the SOTU and immediately beg for money right after. Hilarious but not unexpected. He talks out of both sides of his face on many issues.
Democrats use everything to raise money. Someone gets shot, beg for money. Rush says something they don’t like, beg for money. Lose a debate, beg for money.
Say that begging for money is bad, beg for money.
We have two more long years of this guy to deal with.
That’s a depressing thought, send me some money…..
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: daniel halper, fundraising, hypocrite, lies, Obama, sotu
Darth Boehner And The RINO Empire Strike Back
Jan 7, 2015 Political
John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House even though he faced the strongest revolt since about the time of the Civil War. More than twenty Republicans cast a vote for someone else as Speaker. This is supposed to be their vote and they can do with it as they wish. These folks were upset that Boehner continually gives in to Barack Obama and the Democrats and they were particularly upset with the most recent budget deal that fully funds Obamacare and does not stop Obama’s illegal actions on immigration.
After Boehner won he started exacting revenge on those who voted against him. Two members have been removed from the Rules Committee and one has been removed as the sponsor (or cosponsor) of a bill.
According to a recent poll 60% of Republicans who voted wanted John Boehner replaced as Speaker. I am one of those people. Boehner has shown no backbone and his tear filled emotions do not portray an image of a strong leader. Certainly there are appropriate times to cry but this man blubbers when the lights get turned on.
Republicans who opposed Boehner knew there would be hell to pay despite assurances from the Speaker that this would not happen. Here is a shocker, Boehner lied. Of course he is not doing it directly. His surrogates are doing it to keep him from being the one pulling the trigger. It is a cowardly way to do business.
Boehner and the Republicans run around telling us how they plan to turn things around and govern as conservatives but it is all smoke and mirrors. Representatives were more concerned with committee assignments and office space than they were the well being of the Republic. They turned their backs on the people who put them in office.
Boehner now has a larger majority and will rarely need the votes of the small group of actual conservative members but I am willing to bet that things are going to get real nasty real fast.
It is a shame that Boehner, who ridiculed Pelosi’s and Obama’s leadership, has turned out to be quite like them. He is mean spirited and petulant and punishes those who disagree with him.
I remain a registered Republican because you have to have party affiliation to vote in my state’s primaries but I am done with the party.
I am a conservative and will support politicians who espouse conservative values.
On the plus side, this vote and the childish behavior of the crybaby Speaker will allow me to have quite a bit of fun the next time some Republican group calls to beg for my money.
Republicans, enjoy what you have right now because the way you act and govern you will not be in power very long. I would not be surprised to see the Senate flip back in 2016 as the nation gets a new Democrat/Socialist as President and it will all be due to your lack of conservative values.
Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because millions of Republicans stayed home out of disgust. How many do you think will stay home in 2016?
I won’t stay home because I see voting as a civic obligation BUT I will not be voting for my Representative. I imagine there will be plenty of folks who feel the same way.
The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress are not very different. They are different wings of the same bird and they are taking us in the same direction to the same place.
The biggest difference is Democrats are taking us there on a jetliner and the Republicans are on a freight train.
The end result is the same and with Boehner as the conductor there will be no switching tracks though he might upgrade to the express train.
I might be wrong and the reality is only time will tell but I doubt Boehner will get tough on Democrats after he has been working with them for so long. I would like to see him be as tough on them as he is on the real conservatives (particularly the Tea Party types) in Congress but that is unlikely to happen. He might surprise me but with rumors flying that he will help with amnesty for the law breakers here illegally and with his actions to push a spending bill until the end of the fiscal year I doubt we will see much to be happy with from him.
This country is in decline and the list names leading the charge starts with Obama and includes Boehner…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: boehner, childish, cowards, hell to pay, lies, Obama, Pelosi, speaker
Why Waste Money For Body Cameras?
Dec 4, 2014 Commentary, General
B. Hussein Obama is looking to provide federal money (read taxpayer money) to equip police departments across the nation with body cameras that are worn by police officers so that everything they do (every encounter) is recorded.
It is not the place of the federal government to be doling out our money for things that affect state and local law enforcement. If individual states or localities want these cameras then they should pay for them. Federal tax dollars do not belong paying for these things but that is an issue for another day.
For today I am wondering how Obama or anyone else thinks cameras worn by police officers would make a difference. I have no issue with police officers wearing body cameras though I fail to see what value they have.
Let me explain. The body camera would record what the officer and the person with whom that officer interacted did. It would show who did what and it would either corroborate or refute the stories of the participants. So far that all seems good and who could argue with that? Hell, if Officer Wilson had been wearing a body camera we would know exactly what happened between him and Michael Brown.
But would it have mattered?
[note]In Ferguson it would not matter. People were looking for a reason to riot and loot and cause mayhem. They would have done the same thing if Wilson had been indicted. The race pimps and the Media stoked that fire real good.[/note]
A camera in the Ferguson case might have shown Wilson to be lying but would it have resulted in an indictment? Given the evidence presented in the absence of a video I feel he should not have been indicted but I also know, based on cases where video IS available, he would likely not have been indicted even if the entire encounter had been recorded.
There are ample cases on the internet where police officers are recorded clearly violating the law and the rights of citizens. There are videos of officers shooting people (and dogs) for no reason. These police officers who are armed with batons, heavy flashlights (that can be used as a baton), Tasers, pepper spray and a firearm need only say they feared for their lives and they are deemed to have been justified in their actions even though these actions are taken against people who are UNARMED (since that seems to be a buzz word in the Brown case). I know I have said that unarmed does not mean harmless and I have seen plenty of videos where offices were perfectly justified in shooting unarmed people.
In those cases it is usually pretty clear. In those where the outrage is present it is usually obvious that the officer used excessive force. In these cases, where it is all caught in video, the officers are not indicted and are deemed to have acted appropriately and “within their training and department guidelines.”
So would a body camera make a difference?
The city of New York is having its turn at outrage over a Grand Jury decision. In this case an officer was not indicted for the death of a person who resisted arrest, was encountered by the officer and taken down. The guy ended up dying and it was all recorded. In the recording the person is taken to the ground and placed in some kind of choke hold and he is heard gasping and wheezing and saying that he can’t breathe. At what point does it become obvious the guy is in distress?
If this were a lone cop (the suspect was quite large) one might conclude that he did not let go because that could have been a ruse to attack the officer. But there are several other police officers present. All the cop on the ground has to say to his fellow officers is grab his arms guys, sir I am going to let you go so you can breathe but if you resist we will be right back where we started. With several other cops present there was no reason for this. [Please police officers save your righteous indignation and don’t waste my time telling me how tough it is on the street. Four or five armed to the teeth guys can handle a man who is having trouble breathing and who is NOT fighting. If not, turn in you badges.]
“All over America, cops are getting away with this,” added 22-year-old Demetri Green. “They’re the real gang in New York City. They’re the real gang in this county.” New York Daily News
[note]In my opinion there was no need to begin with. This man was accused of selling untaxed cigarettes. Was it OK for him to die because he was allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes? It is not like this guy committed some violent felony and his resistance was non violent. He was simply accused of selling something the state did not get a cut of.[/note]
In my opinion those who said Trayvon was shot for carrying Skillets (Skittles to the literate among us) and that Mike Brown was shot for walking in the street are idiots and ignored the facts in the case. Both of the people killed in these cases were VIOLENT. They were attacking someone. The guy in New York was not attacking anyone. He was selling an untaxed tobacco product.
The question should not be whether the officer followed procedure it should be was his response appropriate for the infraction and was the result of his actions an acceptable consequence of the person’s crime. In other words, was too much force used for a guy allegedly committing a non violent crime? Hell, they don’t treat people carrying small amounts of marijuana in New York the way they treated the victim here and he had a LEGAL product when the police killed him.
Given the video that shows the entire episode (the video came from a bystander) and given the reality that a lot of force was used for a non violent crime and given the man can be heard gasping and wheezing and saying he could not breathe and given the medical examiner ruled this a homicide a reasonable person could conclude that the officer went overboard and caused this man’s death. The Grand Jury did not see it that way and refused to indict.
It is rare for a police officer to go before the Grand Jury for these things and it is rare for any officer to be found guilty of a crime when he uses force while doing his job even if it is clear that what he did was wrong (and would be illegal if we did it). This is true even when video evidence is present.
So I ask, what good would body cameras do?
[note]It seems to me the cameras would only beneift cops. They could prove a citizen’s claim of abuse, foul language, or racial bias was untrue (as happened recently). Since clear video evidence of police wrong doing does not hold them accountable it is unlikely their own recordings would…[/note]
It will be interesting to see what happens in Ohio where it is obvious a cop murdered a child. The kid was playing with a toy gun and the police were called. When they arrive one of the Miami Vice wanna be cops shoots the kid dead seemingly before the police car comes to a stop. If this guy is found to have acted appropriately then maybe we really do need to burn the place to the ground and start over…
Obama Body Cam Request Takes a Hit
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abuse, body cameras, ferguson, lies, murder, New York, Obama, ohio, police excessive force, protests
What Can Be Done To Stop Obama?
Nov 20, 2014 Political
Very few people know for sure what B. Hussein Obama will say tonight but all indications are that he will bypass Congress and take matters into his own hands with regard to immigration. There is no doubt that whatever he does will violate the Constitution because he does not have the authority to appropriate money or to change laws. But he will likely do just that and if the Republicans do not stop him in his tracks the next thing he will do is start enacting gun control via Executive action. If he gets away with immigration he will be emboldened.
The Republicans need to smack him down and they need to do it quickly and without mercy.
There are a number of things that can be done but most will have to wait (though they can begin working on them now) until the new Congress is sworn in and Republicans have control of both chambers. I already discussed impeachment and while the Senate will not get enough votes to convict the trial could be long and drawn out particularly if the articles of impeachment are broad and cover his entire term in office.
This entire process would consume his presidency and keep him in check. His misdeeds would be exposed and a few of his partners in crime might get taken down along the way.
However, that is not all that can be done. Obama is going to give millions of illegals a legal status and permission to work. Governors who are opposed to this need to take people who fall into this category into custody to decide if they are in the state legally. Perhaps instead of using immigration the states can charge them with trespassing. DC, on the other hand, is federal land so let them go there.
In addition, states can encourage businesses NOT to hire people with recently issued green cards** (from the date Obama enacts his illegal plan). Just do not hire them and pick a citizen instead.
The Congress can also structure the budget such that money to pay for Obama’s illegal actions will not be appropriated. This can be done so that even if he vetoes a bill the parts of government that need to continue functioning can do so. There are smart people in the Legislative Branch who can figure it out.
One last thing I think they should do. The Senate should tell Obama they will NOT confirm any of his appointees until all of the lawless acts are reversed. Obama will need an Attorney General to fight his legal battles and provide council. If the Senate refuses to confirm an AG Holder will have to stay (and he probably wants out badly before he ends up in jail) or Obama will go without. The Senate should make it clear there will be absolutely NO confirmations until Obama is compliant with the law.
If Democrats in the Senate balk or use procedure to get in the way the Republicans can change the rules so they can get what they want. Harry Reid set the precedent for that.
It is time for Republicans to play hardball. America did not deal a huge blow to Democrats a few weeks ago in order to work together. They did it to stop Obama and his agenda. Republicans need to get in front of this and tell the public what they are doing and why. They need good messaging and they need to be relentless.
I have my doubts that anyone in Republican leadership can do this and if that is the case then we need to hand them their asses in the next election. They need to know that they can be voted out as well.
Do your jobs and get in there and hammer Obama for his illegal acts.
Otherwise you might as well go home…
**UPDATE: The news reports these folks will be able to work but will not be issued Green Cards. I am sure employers can figure out who not to hire. Lack of jobs will send them back where they came from.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: confirm, hardball, house, Immigration, impeach, lies, Obama, Senate
What Should Republicans Do About Obama?
Nov 18, 2014 Commentary, Immigration, Obamacare
Barack Hussein Obama is a lawless scoundrel who ignores the US Constitution in order to do and get what he wants. He thinks he is above the law and he thinks that he should be be allowed to do as he wishes, Constitution be damned.
The list of illegal things Obama has done is long and has been largely ignored by his stenographers in the media.
Obama is about to exceed the boundaries of his authority, HIS CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY, and basically grant amnesty via Executive Order. He will issue an EO that will ignore the immigration laws of our country, laws he swore to uphold when he took his oath of office.
There is no doubt his actions, which will likely take place when Congress is in recess (cowards do things like that) are illegal. He himself stated they were illegal and that he did not have the authority to do what he is about to do when he explained his inaction to people pushing for immigration reform. At one time, as evidenced by passages in one of his books, Obama blamed the problems in this nation on the influx of illegal immigrants. Now he needs new Democrat voters so all of the sudden the problem does not exist (the problems he outlined in the book) and he has all the authority in the world to do it.
He is acting outside his lane and he needs to be taken down for it.
The Republicans have been fairly impotent on the issue of Obama’s lawlessness particularly with regard to immigration. They have weapons at their disposal and they should use them.
Speaker John Boehner should announce that if Obama uses Executive Orders to address the immigration issue (or any other issue) that the House will draw up impeachment articles when the new Congress is seated.
There is not really an issue with the House passing the articles of impeachment because the only thing required is a simple majority and Republicans have more than enough people to meet that.
The problem is in the Senate. In order for Obama to be removed from office he must be convicted by two-thirds of the Senate and Republicans do not have enough votes to do that. Democrats would have to vote to convict and it is not likely they will do so.
So what is the real leverage? Well, Boehner should let it be known that the articles of impeachment will not be for just the EOs. He should make it clear that Obama will have articles drawn up for every perceived unlawful action. That includes Fast and Furious, the lies regarding Obamacare, Benghazi, and every other single item that can be remotely hung around his neck.
Big deal, right? I mean there are still not enough votes to convict because of the Senate.
Yep, but the Senate must still conduct a trial where each side gets to present evidence (and the Chief Justice presides). That means there must be discovery and all of Obama’s stuff can be subpoenaed. Think about all the Fast and Furious documents that the has hidden away. How about all the Benghazi stuff or the things that were sent around regarding the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Every item that could be gathered would be used against him (hard drive crashes aside /sarc) and it is quite likely that a number of his Democrat pals in Congress would be dragged through the mud in the fray. Think about Elijah Cummings of Maryland or Chuckie Schumer of New York having their dirty laundry aired as evidence of their involvement comes to light.
Tell Obama and the Democrats that if he issues the EOs the Republicans are going for blood with the impeachment and even if he survives he will be damaged and unable to function.
And if there are Democrats that decide not to convict they can be made to pay for that in the next election. I wonder how many Democrats would beg Obama not to use the EOs knowing that a full blown impeachment with dozens of charges and many witnesses with all the subpoenaed documents might implicate them or damage them politically.
The process would certainly derail government and keep Obama from doing any more harm. His legacy would be flushed down the toilet and he would go down in history as a failed and corrupt politician.
All of that over an EO? The Republicans need to get really tough and let Obama know what they will do to him if he oversteps his bounds. The Democrats all cried that if Republicans won they would impeach Obama. Well let’s make that come true for them.
Hammer that little schmuck’s ass to the table and keep it there. Make him pay for being corrupt. Let his kids see daddy’s evil deeds displayed across the world in the Senate trial.
The threat might stop him. But to be sure the Republicans should start drawing up the articles now. That should get some attention.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: executive order, house, illegal aliens, impeach, lies, Obama, Senate