Obama; The Vote Whisperer
Nov 7, 2014 Political
Barack Obama did not learn much from the ass kicking his party took on Tuesday. That was to be expected because he learned nothing in 2010 when he took a similar ass kicking. The big difference between then and now is that the Republican party took control of the Senate giving it control of both chambers of Congress.
It is also not surprising that Obama would not get the point because he is a narcissist. It can’t possibly be because of him.
When he gave his post election press conference he seemed to gloss over the people that turned out to vote against him and his policies (he did say they were on the ballot) and instead looked at those who did not vote. He discussed the election from the point of view that more people voted when he was on the ballot as if that is some revelation. More people turn out during ALL presidential elections.
But Obama seems to think that those who did not turn out now but who did then still want him to take the path he has chosen. He seems to think that because they did not show up they still support him.
Let me make it easy for him. If they still supported you they would have gotten out and voted. They would have seen the polls, they would have paid attention and they would have voted to stop what happened from happening.
Instead they chose to stay home. Obama, always the narcissist, seems to think that he still has a mandate from those people to continue on the path he is on regardless of what just happened.
No Barry. If they wanted you to continue they would have shown up. They cared so little about you and your failed presidency they could not be bothered to vote.
Barry’s belief is that the mandate he thinks he has comes from the people who did not vote instead of those who vote. In other words, those who voted did not vote the way he wanted so he will just assume that those who did not vote would have done it his way. He is the vote whisperer who can channel the desires of those who did not vote.
What he needs is to have his ass spanked by the Republican controlled Congress. He needs to get bill after bill that he can pass or veto. Let the country see who the real obstructionist is.
And if he works outside of his Constitutional authority he needs to be taken to the woodshed.
I will put it to Barry in words he can understand and that he actually used in the past.
We won…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: ego, election, lies, mandate, narcissist, Obama, results, whisperer
He’ll Leave White House Desk The Same Way
Oct 21, 2014 Political
Barack Obama was at a Democrat fundraiser in Chicago yesterday and he admitted that he left unpaid bills on his home desk when he left for DC. The transcript of this removed the reference to unpaid bills but the transcript has since been corrected. Maybe he needs a fundraiser to pay those bills…
“One of the nice things about being home is actually that it’s a little bit like a time capsule. Because Michelle and I and the kids, we left so quickly that there’s still junk on my desk, including some unpaid bills (laughter) — I think eventually they got paid — but they’re sort of stacked up. And messages, newspapers and all kinds of stuff.” The Weekly Standard
He thinks they eventually got paid? Well if he does not know then who paid them? Perhaps they did get paid but this is the mindset of the liberal progressive in the White House, bills not paid, no big deal, it is a big joke.
The ironic thing is that when Obama leaves the White House he will leave a lot of unpaid bills on that desk as well.
Let’s pray that they actually DO get paid someday…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: chicago, fundraiser, Obama, unpaid bills
Obama To Delay Naming AG Nominee
Oct 14, 2014 Political
Barack Obama will delay naming Eric Holder’s replacement until, surprise, after the midterm elections. Obama does not want the selection to be used as political fodder forcing Senate Democrats to indicate whether or not they support the nominee.
The Democrats are expected to lose Senate seats if not outright control of the Senate in the midterm elections. If they lose control Obama will push to have his nominee confirmed during the lame duck session while he still has a majority and while Harry Reid can change the rules to get what he wants.
I can imagine the entire thing playing out, assuming the Republicans win control. Obama, who is delaying naming the nominee (there are claims he has not picked anyone yet) will present the nominee during the lame duck session and urge Senators to rapidly confirm the person. He will say that any delay is unacceptable and based on partisan politics. He will tell us how important the Attorney General position is and how we cannot wait to have a person in the office.
He will tell us all how important it is to act quickly even though he has no problem with NOT acting quickly at this particular time.
To Obama it is not prudent to act quickly when an election is in the balance but it will be real important to act quickly if he is faced with losing the majority.
Now serfs, we can wait until after the election but we cannot wait until the new Senate is seated.
That would be unacceptable because…
Well because it is for the children.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: attorney general, delay, eric holder, midterm election, Obama, replacement
Underestimated Or Ignored
Sep 29, 2014 Political
Barack Obama claims that his regime underestimated the rise of ISIS and overestimated the ability of the Iraqi military to fend off that group. Obama made these statements in a 60 Minutes interview.
George W Bush warned that leaving Iraq before the place was stabile and not having a small force in place would result in some group filling the void. He was pretty clear this would happen.
Mitt Romney reiterated this during the debates with Barack Obama. Obama laughed him off.
It is now obvious that Bush and Romney were correct and Obama was wrong. But did Obama underestimate?
Probably not. He is a narcissist and thinks he knows everything. He was aware of what Bush said and Romney told him point blank what would happen so he knew.
He just chose to either ignore or not believe the information. I believe he ignored it because he did not want to give any credit to Bush or Romney. He did not want to say that they were right because he was supposed to be so smart.
He ignored it and now we are using our military to clean up the mess he made. It is pretty telling that the man who said that we could not solve the issues there with our military is now saying we need to use our military to solve issues there.
He should have listened and with ears that big he certainly was able to hear.
Perhaps he was unable because of where he keeps his head…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Bush, incompetent, isis, liberal, lies, Military, Obama, romney, war
Shouldn’t Obama Return His Peace Prize?
Sep 23, 2014 Political, Religion of Peace, Terrorism
During the last presidential campaign Mitt Romney was portrayed as a war monger stuck in the past while Obama was portrayed as the hip young guy in a new era where everyone loves us. No aggression necessary because Obama is well loved around the world. Elect Romney and you get more war and poor relations with the Russians and the rest of the world as well.
Romney was absolutely correct about Russia and Russian leader Putin keeps rubbing Obama’s nose in his excrement just to prove it.
Romney was correct about the consequences of removing troops from the Middle East (as was George W. Bush).
Romney was correct about Syria and now we are seeing just how correct.
Romney was the war monger but it is Obama who is conducting all the military operations. It was not that long ago (during the campaign) that Joe Biden (Idiot, DE) claimed that Romney wants to go to war with Syria. Elect that man and you will be at war in Syria.
He [Romney] said it was a mistake to end the war in Iraq and bring all of our warriors home,” Biden told an audience in York, Penn., on September 2, 2012. “He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran. National Review
Well, a new play on an old joke, they told me if I voted for Romney we would be at war in Syria and they were right. It is the Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Hussein Obama who is waging war in Syria.
I do not disagree with attacking terrorists but then again I never thought we should have stopped. Barack Obama and his progressive toadies were the ones talking about holding hands and signing hippie love songs while Romney was painting a picture of reality. Romney was absolutely correct and there is no way to refute that fact.
[note]Obama previously said the fighter jets now being used in Syria were outdated and unnecessary.[/note]
Romney was not the ideal candidate but he was leaps and bounds better than Obama. Romney had a grasp of what was going on in the world and has real world experience. If he had been elected it is highly likely that the economy would be much better and we would not have these conflicts and foreign policy nightmares.
The world knows that Republican administrations are strong on national security and will ensure America is safe no matter what it takes. The evil doers around the world know they can pick fights when liberals are in charge because liberals have no spine.
Obama accepted a Nobel Peace Prize that was nothing more than a participation trophy because he never did anything to warrant the thing. He was given the prize based on expectations. He said he was going to make peace in the world and they believed him so rather than wait and see they gave him the prize in advance.
Looks like they were wrong as Obama has waged war and has not given us peace.
Perhaps Obama should return that peace prize.
They can replace it with a dunce cap.
UPDATE: Maybe he won’t have a choice in the matter…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: biden, lies, nobel peace prize, Obama, romney, Syria, war