More Bad News To Come

The bad news this week was that Obama was “reelected” by a majority of the morons in this country. The corruption ran deep from illegal votes to deliberately keeping the military from having their votes counted, if they even got to vote. It sucks but it is what it is and we are stuck with Obama for the next four years.

Yes, that is bad news but there is more bad news on the horizon. A lot of companies have begun laying off employees and many cite the reelection of Obama and his signature “achievement” Obamacare. Coal workers, hospitality workers, defense contractors, and other larger companies are telling workers they no longer have jobs. Michelle Malkin calls it the layoff bomb and yes, that bomb has exploded.

We know that Obama and his minions forced companies affected by the budget mess that will occur in January to keep from sending out layoff notices in direct violation of the law so it would help him politically. I wonder how many of those folks who voted for Obama will end up in the welfare line?

Business owners were waiting until the outcome of the election before taking decisions on their future. If Mitt Romney had won they would start hiring and would work to build their businesses which would have helped to strengthen the economy.

But they got Obama instead and now they are taking tough decisions to keep from being hurt by Obama and Obamacare. The manipulated unemployment numbers from last month will receive a correction this month and Obama will again have higher unemployment. It is part of his plan to force the masses into his Socialist dream.

You folks who voted for him and have no job, tough. You deserve to be on the side of the road with a sign begging for food.

Those who did not vote for him and are hurt by this I am sorry for you but you know how to survive. look for conservative business owners and talk to them.

If you are a conservative business owner, consider firing your employees who voted for Obama and hiring people who did not.

The Washington Times
KSL Utah

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Can’t Find A Doctor, Blame Obama

But I bet Obama blames Bush.

Obamacare, the terrible law opposed by most people, is set to fully implement in the later years of this decade and when it is fully in place there will be an even larger shortage of doctors. This comes as no surprise to those who noted that you can’t add 30 million people to the eligibility rolls and expect to have access to health care with the same number of doctors.

The New York Times discusses the future shortage under Obamacare as if this is some new revelation.

Amazingly, after supporting this terrible law the NYT finally comes to the game to discuss a major problem associated with it. If the NYT had been diligent in doing its job then perhaps it could have made these arguments during the debate over Obamacare.

Instead, it cheered Obama and the Democrats for their blatant act that enslaved people to government.

The situation will be even worse than this article reports because many doctors will stop practicing medicine when they see how Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

Of course, if the Communist in the White House gets a second term he might just use his Dear Leader powers to force doctors to keep working.

He could just impose a tax for not practicing medicine and call it a penalty.

John Roberts already told him it was OK to do that.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Obama Win The Battle Only To Lose The War?

Last week the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare can stand but only after the Judicial Branch majority became legislators. The Court basically rewrote the law that Congress passed and inserted the word TAX to replace the word PENALTY. This flies in the face of everything the left has been saying about the law. Obama emphatically denied that the penalty was a tax. Now that the Court has changed the law the reality is that Barack Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.

When all is said and done Obamacare will impose nearly a TRILLION dollars in taxes on Americans. Keep in mind, this is not an income tax it is a tax on something other than income. Some of the tax increases will pay for the massive expansion of government but the most onerous tax is the one where a person pays a tax for doing absolutely nothing. I have seen in several places an imaginary exchange that highlights how this works:

CUSTOMER: No thank you, I would NOT like a pack of gum.
CLERK: OK, the tax on that will be $2.35.

If Americans ever went to a store and declined to buy something and were forced to pay a tax for doing so they would be marching on DC with pitchforks and torches and lynching those in Congress.

But the very same thing has taken place under the health care law. If you report that you do not have health insurance (whether you can’t afford it or declined to buy it) you will have to pay a tax. This is a nightmare for Obama and I think he would have rather had the mandate ruled unconstitutional than have it upheld as a tax because now he has to defend breaking his promise. Remember, the taxes on the middle class would not be raised one dime, per Obama.

Obama and his sock puppets are already trying to rewrite the SCOTUS decision that involved rewriting the law. They are out saying that this is not a tax and is a penalty. Sorry liberals, you cannot have it both ways. If you are going to implement Obamacare because the Court ruled in your favor then you have to implement it based on the ruling.

This is not an accident. The New York Times has described this as a penalty and made the claim that the SCOTUS upheld the penalty.


It is the largest tax increase in our history and it demonstrates that Barack Obama is a tax and spend liberal and nothing more.

While he is out saying the ruling is a win for the middle class the reality is that the middle class will get hit hard by the taxes. Wealthy people, by and large, have health insurance so they will not be affected by the tax for not having it. Those who cannot afford it will get screwed and they will pay other taxes to fund the monstrosity as well.

This is by no means a win for the left no matter what they claim because the ruling allows several things to take place. It allows states to opt out of the Medicaid expansion (which will leave a lot of poorer folks with no insurance and a tax for not having it) which is a big deal. The ruling also allows any future Republican majority in the Senate to repeal the law with a simple majority of 51 votes. Because this is now a TAX issue it will only take 51 votes to repeal it.

The ruling also had some intangible benefits. It has motivated a huge segment of society that now knows the only way to repeal Obamacare is to get rid of Obama and get a majority in the Senate (assuming the majority in the House holds). Around 66% of Americans disapprove of Obamacare and those people will be out in force on election day. They will be out to repeal Obamacare via the ballot box because the system of government that the Founders gave us failed them when an activist Court rewrote a law to make it Constitutional.

John Roberts might have felt he had to do this to preserve the integrity of the Court (though I fail to see how that happened) but he was wrong in what he did. I know, he has the law degree and he is the highest judge in the land but he is WRONG. And if he does not think it was wrong to rewrite the law then he does not belong on the bench. I am open to him demonstrating where the power he exerted is authorized in the Constitution but I doubt he can find it. The Legislative Branch WRITES the laws and the Judicial Branch interprets them to see if they are Constitutional. There is no provision that allows them to rewrite the laws.

Roberts might have done this in an effort to force Obama to defend a huge tax increase and to show he is a liar. He might have done it to make it easier to repeal it. He might have done this to keep the Court from being viewed as political (too late, the ruling was political and not Constitution based) and then again, he might just be a coward.

I don’t know. I think that if he did all these things he might just be a genius by giving Obama defeat while making him think he achieved a victory.

I don’t think this is what courts are supposed to do but the deed has been done and we have to drive on from here.

In 2010 the major issue was Obamacare. The Democrats took a beating because of that ONE issue. They will claim that the economy is what matters to everyone and while that is true does Obama really want to run on that issue?

Those who were not inclined to vote or who were not reliable voters might not have voted based on the economy but they will get out and vote based on Obamacare.

Americans can go through bad times and we know this is part of life. What we will not do is allow government to overreach and to make us slaves to them. That was the message in 2010 and it is the message in 2012.

In November we will take out the trash.

As a last thought, it has always been a joke that if the government could figure a way to tax you for breathing it would. Since we now have to pay a tax for being an American who does not participate in a certain activity it would appear as if government figured out how to tax us just for breathing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


John Roberts Betrayed This Country

The Chief Justice of the United States became an activist judge along with the liberal justices when they ruled the Individual Mandate in Obamacare as Constitutional. They became activist when they redefined the fee as a tax. Barack Obama and all his Democrat minions said this was NOT a tax and that point was made in the arguments before the Court. Roberts nonetheless, ruled it was a tax and will now go down in history as an activist justice who looked out for his legacy rather than the rule of law in this country.

Your liberty & freedom were just sold out. A boundless government is peering around the corner. Dan Bongino, candidate for US Senate MD

It is time for the American people to have a second revolution this November and remove every member of Congress who voted for this and to remove Barack Obama for forcing this upon us. This will be our only chance of resolving this issue.

Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency and he needs to repeal Obamacare as he said he would do or we will need to dump him as well. All members who voted for this need to go. We need to make them pay for forcing us to buy things against our will under the guise of calling it a tax.

[note]Obama lies, freedom dies[/note]

And remember this all you half brained morons who voted for and still support Obama, now that the Court has called this a tax Barack Obama and his Democrats are responsible for a huge tax increase on everyone in this country.

From Monica Crowley…..”Good luck to Team Obama, who must now defend a monstrous tax increase, especially on the middle class.”

I have no respect for the presidency and I have no respect for Congress. I also have no respect for the Supreme Court which has become a puppet of government and has ceased being a watchdog for our Constitution.

It is now up to We the People to ensure this is reversed by electing people who will get rid of it.

From Bill Bissenas Facebook page: “And in other news today, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to make Obama a one-term President.”

You can bet that none of the people who were crying that the Court and its activist right wing would overturn the law are crying about the activist Court redefining the penalty as a tax.

Conservative business owners need to ask people if they are conservative or liberal and refuse to hire liberals. We need to make each and every person who supports this SUFFERS.

I am tired of being nice about it and I am tired of being defecated upon. No longer, it stops this November.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Was Arizona A Sacrificial Lamb?

One would like to think that any court, especially the Supreme Court, would rule based on the Constitution. In an ideal world the judges would look at a case and compare it to what is allowed in the Supreme Law of the land and then decide if it passes muster or not.

Unfortunately, our country is not like that as many judges ignore the Constitution in order to push a political or idealistic agenda. For instance, there is no way that a case involving the right of an American citizen who is not otherwise disqualified (criminal, mental illness, addiction, etc) to own a gun should be shot down by any court. The fact that Second Amendment cases have been 5-4 decisions in our highest court speaks volumes about how some justices view the Constitution and the citizens who own that document.

Today the Supreme Court struck down three of four provisions of the Arizona Immigration Law, a law that was written with the same wording as the federal law and one that did nothing more than enforce ALREADY existing federal law.

Chief Justice Roberts voted with the majority on this and there might be a good reason. Justice Kagan recused herself because she was Solicitor General and was involved in the case against the law. If Roberts votes the other way the decision is split at 4-4 and the lower court ruling that invalidated the entire thing would be upheld. At least this way Roberts ensured that the most important part of the law, that which allows police officers to check immigration status, was upheld.

There is another take on this that I have heard and it is that Roberts voted this way because Obamacare is going to be overturned (or parts of it are) and Roberts wants to be able to show the Arizona case as proof that he is thoughtful in his process and that overturning Obamacare was not political.

It is sad that this takes place but the Court has been a political entity since FDR fiddled with it. Justices are selected based on their political ideology and less so on their judicial qualities. Presidents put people on courts not who will uphold the Constitution but who will provide political decisions in a party’s favor. If justices ruled by interpreting the Constitution (and this means reading what the Founders wrote about what it means and not some liberal living document mumbo jumbo) then there would be no issues and there would be fewer 5-4 decisions.

There would also not be a necessity for justices to vote one way to demonstrate that their decisions are not political. There would be no outcry over judicial activism and we would not have Barack Obama and his liberal minions berating the court and trying to intimidate them.

[note]Another case decided today mirrored the Citizen’s United Case but at the state level. It was decided the way the CU Case was. What are the odds that this happened as a slap in the face to Obama for calling out the Court in his SOTU Address?[/note]

Supreme Court Justices are supposed to interpret law in accordance with the Constitution and base their decisions ONLY on that document. There should be no reference to foreign law or public feeling or opinion polls and there darn sure should not be decisions that run contrary to the words of the Constitution and those who wrote it.

We have these things because nine people sit on a court and play games.

As an aside, Justice Scalia wrote agreat dissenting opinion in the Arizona Case. His was well reasoned and followed the Constitution. It is too bad others could not do this as well.

I think that Roberts voted the way he did in order to keep the entire law from being shot down because of the split. But I can’t help but wonder if he feels as if this were a blessing because now he is on record as voting with the liberals on the Court in favor of Obama’s position so that when Obamacare is shot down (if it is) he will have cover.

It is a shame that our system of government has come to this and unless changes are made we will soon hit a death spiral from which we cannot recover.

On Thursday of this week we will know how Obamacare plays out. We will know if the Court takes its job and its duty to the Citizens seriously or if they have committed us to the loony bin of a banana republic.

Time will tell. I think at least part of the law will be struck down but with politics instead of adherence to the Constitution the MO of the SCOTUS, one can never tell.

Justice Kagan recused herself from this decision because of her role as Solicitor General. She should have recused herself from Obamacare but since she was placed on the Court by Obama to uphold it you can bet she will vote on it.

Though it might get interesting if she did recuse. That would make it a 4-4 and things would really be boogered up.

We will see Thursday if we are a nation of laws or a nation of men.

In Arizona Sheriff Arpaio already answered regarding law…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
