We Will Still Pick Up The Tab For Obamacare
Aug 13, 2011 Political
When will the politicians in DC learn about the Constitution? The individual mandate of Obamacare has been shot down by several courts as unconstitutional but the regime is pressing on with implementation. It argues that some courts have found it Constitutional and that it will press on. All sides know this will make it to the Supreme Court. The regime wants that process to take as long as possible so it can claim that trillions of dollars have already been spent so why go back?
The law should have been stopped when it was ruled unconstitutional. There are disagreements among the courts so the law should be on hold until the SCOTUS reviews it and rules. The regime cannot have this because stopping now would take away its plan to have it implemented before a ruling takes place.
The government simply cannot force people to buy a product. The argument that people without insurance cost all of us because we pick up the tab for their health care is not a reason to force us to buy insurance. While it is true that we do end up paying it is because people decide not to pay their bills. People do not need insurance to get health care. They can go to the doctor and pay out of pocket. If they paid their bills we would not have an issue. But government has enslaved so many people and told them they have a right to something for nothing that we now have people who do not pay and who expect to get what they want for free.
Would it make sense for the government to require us all to buy and eat healthy food because those who do not make the rest of us pick up the tab for their unhealthy ways? If government can force healthy choices, then why does the government continue to allow the sale of tobacco? It impacts health care and the rest of us pay for the costs (even if we have insurance). Maybe it is because Obama needs his smokes…
The White House claims that the latest ruling from an appeals court will not stand because failure to have insurance impacts us all and therefore is authorized under the Commerce Clause.
The individual responsibility provision – the main part of the law at issue in these cases – is constitutional. Those who claim this provision exceeds Congress’ power to regulate interstate commerce are incorrect. Individuals who choose to go without health insurance are making an economic decision that affects all of us – when people without insurance obtain health care they cannot pay for, those with insurance and taxpayers are often left to pick up the tab. White House
Notice how it is an individual responsibility provision instead of a mandate? The pinheads in DC should know that you cannot legislate responsibility. If someone forces you to do something that is not the definition of taking responsibility.
The bigger issue is that we end up picking up the tab regardless. If people without insurance get health care services and don’t pay then the cost is passed on to us. Under the government plan the government pays for people who can’t afford health insurance. While Democrats have a hard time understanding this, when government pays for something it is really the taxpayer who ends up paying for it. Therefore, we end up picking up the tab either way.
The Supreme Court will end up ruling on this and will decide that the individual mandate (not the nicely named responsibility provision) is unconstitutional. I expect the liberals on the court will decide that it is OK to force people to buy a product but their anti Constitutional views will go down in flames by those on the Court that follow the Constitution.
If they can force us to buy health insurance what will stop them from forcing us to buy a Chevy Volt. It is our responsibility to buy green energy using cars and everyone, at one time or another, will end up in a vehicle. Plus the taxpayer owns part of GM so it is our duty to buy from them to get our money back.
How would a liberal who believes it is OK to force people to purchase a product feel if a bill were introduced that required all Americans to buy a gun? Crime impacts everyone and when a person engages in crime it affects commerce. The cost of criminal activity is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices and more police officers so, since it affects everyone and it affects commerce, we all need to buy a gun.
The liberals, including those judges who have ruled in favor of Obamacare (and those on the SCOTUS who will) would go nuts and declare that the government cannot force people to buy a product.
The big difference is there is a Constitutional provision that allows all citizens to own and carry a firearm without permission of government (though government routinely violates that provision – see Maryland) and there is no provision to provide health care to everyone. I do not think that government can force people to buy guns any more than it can force them to buy health care but if the SCOTUS decides that government can force us to buy a product then it can force us to buy guns and the Constitution says we can carry them. You know how liberals would act, now don’t you?
This is going to be interesting.
The liberals are going to push us until they get push back they do not like.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: commerce clause, health care, lies, obamacare, scotus, us constitution
Joe Wilson Was Right, Obama Lies
Aug 11, 2011 Political
On 9 September, 2009 Representative Joe Wilson shouted “you lie” after Obama made the claim that none of the proposals (Obamacare) would pay for the health care of illegal aliens.
The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
This prompted Wilson’s outburst and led to his apology and a rubuke from Congress (a partisan attack by Democrats).
The problem is, Wilson was right. The Department of Health and Human Services has announced the grant money that will go to to areas serving migrant workers and the immigration status of workers will not be checked.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday that it has awarded $28.8 million to 67 community health centers with funds from the Obamacare health reform law.
Of that $28.8 million, “approximately $8.5 million will be used by 25 New Access Point awardees to target services to migrant and seasonal farm workers,” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Spokeswoman Judy Andrews told CNSNews.com. HRSA is a part of HHS.
Andrews said that grant recipients will not check the immigration status of people seeking services.
Health centers do not, as a matter of routine practice, ask about or collect data on citizenship or other matters not related to the treatment needs of the patients seeking health services at the center. CNS News
This means that some of those migrant workers will be illegals and will get health care services paid for with Obamacare money. If they are not going to check (and why wouldn’t they) then they are allowing people who are here illegally to use the health care services.
In other words, as Joe Wilson put it to Mr. Obama;
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: illegals, joe wilson, lies, obamacare, taxpayers
We Need To Find A Generic Republican
Jun 17, 2011 Political
In recent polls for the 2012 presidential contest, a contest that is a year and a half away, Barack Obama beats or ties most of the announced or potential Republican candidates. Romney has traded places atop the polls but for the most part, Obama is ahead of the pack.
The polling that asks about the generic Republican shows that Obama loses. Obama loses to an unnamed, unknown generic Republican but beats the current field. This shows two things. America is generally tired of Obama and wants a change in leadership and that the current crop (thus far) is not the change in leadership that they want.
This could change over time as right now allegiances are spread across a wide Republican field but as it stands right now, Obama beats them when he can’t beat the generic candidate.
Unless someone jumps out of the pack of Republicans and espouses what those polled see in the “generic” candidate, Republicans need to find that generic candidate somewhere else.
The population is looking for a conservative with a proven record of financial experience who has not wavered on core principles. The current pack has few of those in it. Romney gave us Obamacare light and has changed his positions on several issues. He is a smart money man but to many, Obamacare light is a deal breaker.
People have a right to change positions over time based on experience and knowledge but too often positions change based on politics and that is not the mark of a principled person. Plenty of politicians opposed abortion (or federal funding of it) but changed over time for political gain. Look at how many have no problem with federal funding of abortion under Obamacare. Al Gore changed his position completely when being pro life was not to his political advantage.
These are not principled positions. The Republicans need that person who has a solid record of conservative values and have been principled in the approach to these sensitive issues.
Who will that generic person be?
Right now it is hard to say if one of the current contenders is the one or if a new person will have to emerge.
But one thing is certain, whomever it is, the left and its media wing will wage a full scale assault on that person. Power is a strong incentive to many people who have less than honorable intentions.
The Rasmussen poll linked above shows that voters are likely to vote for whomever the Republicans nominate and that is the generic Republican. This is misleading when one considers that the individuals currently in the race lose when polled head to head against Obama (except Romney who trades places depending upon the poll). If current economic conditions persist it is possible for Obama to lose to any candidate but if they improve the Republicans will need a strong, principled candidate in order to win.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: abortion, conservative, democrat, generic, lies, obamacare, republican
AARP Needs To Accept What It Asked For
May 21, 2011 Political
I keep getting recruitment requests from AARP and I keep shredding them because I will never join that organization. It claims to represent the elderly (supposedly those retired but they take people at 50) but it is a liberal organization that is only interested in making money. Years ago when the discussion was about privatizing Social Security AARP came out against that and claimed that Social Security was adequate and that it was not necessary for it to be private. Then at its website AARP offered a retirement investment plan so people would not have to rely on Social Security when they retired. They are more worried about making money than they are to looking out for the people they claim to be advocates of.
The same is true with Obamacare. The AARP endorsed Obamacare and did not care what impact it had on the elderly or Medicare as long as AARP was able to please its masters in the Democrat Party. During the Obamacare debate the AARP was all in favor of the elimination or radical change to Medicare Advantage, an insurance policy seniors purchase to cover costs not covered by Medicare. The so called being taken care of for life government medical program requires supplemental insurance or seniors go bankrupt.
Why does this matter? Because AARP sells Medigap insurance, that’s why. AARP wanted its competitor to be unduly burdened and now it looks like that has happened.
The Obama regime is rewarding AARP for its support by granting one of those Obamacare waivers to the rip-off organization. AARP will not be subject to rate review rules so it will not have to publicly release its information or explain health care payment increases. This is an unfair advantage given by the Obama regime to help out a supporter. This is how it works in this regime. A trillion dollars in stimulus money went to pay Obama supporters off. The use of taxpayer money to reward supporters is all that the stimulus was and the Obamacare waiver process is nothing different. Obama is using the waiver process to exempt his supporters from legislation that he knows is bad.
The legislation will not do what they claim and is designed solely to take more control of our lives. The special people who Obama exempts will not have such intrusions. AARP is one of those organizations.
AARP supported Obamacare with absolutely no regard for how it would affect the country or even the seniors it claims to support. Now that the law has passed and there are things that affect AARP adversely it decided that it needed a waiver and, unlike all of us, it was able to get one.
AARP is worthless and should be shut down and the only way for that to happen is for you seniors out there to cancel your membership. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.
If the seniors quit that organization en masse it would change its tune. Seniors, there is an alternative. Quit AARP and join the American Seniors Association.
Then again, AARP’s buddy Barack Obama bin Lyin thinks he can force people to buy a product (the linchpin in Obamacare) so I imagine it would not be long before Obama forced us to join AARP and buy their Medigap insurance.
And perhaps, on that day, the tree of liberty would thirst no more.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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It Must Be Getting Close To Campaign Time
May 14, 2011 Political
Whenever the elections roll around we are sure to be inundated by politicians telling us all the wonderful things they will do. When they get into office they change their minds and then when they run again, magically, they run on what they promised in the first place. Tragically, the population at large is not able to grasp this and continues to vote the same people back into office.
Mitt Romney instituted Obamacare in Massachusetts. He can argue that he went for something different and it was changed or that the states are test centers (they are) and this was a test that did not work but the reality is, Romney instituted a Socialist program that he is now trying to bash Obama for instituting nationwide. Obama, for his part, has thanked Romney for leading the way on this and, should Romney be the nominee, he will get beat to death with this issue. One thing he can be certain of, the liberals who support and want Obamacare will not vote for him even if he did invent it. They are wedded to their masters on the left.
Obama is doing much the same thing. He promised immigration reform in his first term and he did not get it done even though he had majorities in the House and Senate that would not have required ONE Republican vote. Yet, Obama is out bashing Republicans on this issue and talking about getting it done. He had the golden chance in the first two years. Whether he is reelected or not he will not have majorities like he enjoyed in those two years. Hispanics are being used for political reasons and many will still vote Democrat.
Obama is also a study in ever changing positions with regard to oil production here in the US. When he was running and gas prices were high he supported going after our own oil but that rapidly changed after he won and got even worse after the Gulf oil disaster. Obama put in place a moratorium and then ignored the judge who ruled against it by basically slowing the permit process. The claim has been made that oil exploration is up from a few years ago but what is not told is that the exploration is being done under permits approved under the Bush administration.
Here we are about 18 months from the next presidential election and Obama is now in favor of drilling for our own oil once again. He wants to look for oil around Alaska, part of the Gulf, and along the Atlantic Coast. Is this a phony move designed to gain support for him in the next election? His base will vote for him even if they are not happy with increased exploration but he needs to convince independent voters he is serious so talking about it early and often might get their support.
However, these things take time and if he wins again his history suggests he will put a screeching halt to any exploration.
One thing that is also overlooked is the liberals and their statements that finding and using our own oil will not make a difference in gas prices. Obama’s new found (or again found) support for drilling would seem to negate those arguments and the arguments that we do not need to go after our own oil because of the wonderful green technology out there. Technology that has yet to prove it can lower costs.
Remember, Obama also said he would half the yearly deficit by the end of his first term. He has more than doubled that deficit and there is no way he will half what it is now (and certainly not what it was). Look for him to move the goal posts on this issue as well by claiming that things were worse than he realized and he will have to work on it in a second term. The question is, does he realize how bad it is now? Why think he does when he did not when he made his bold claim of cutting the deficit in half?
People need to take notice of what he said he would do and what he has actually done.
Like Romney, he can claim one thing but his record is quite clear in a totally different direction.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: deficit, energy, Obama, obamacare, oil, romney, romneycare