O’Malley Should Not Even Be Considered

I understand that Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland, has a big announcement planned for 30 May. He will be in Baltimore, the city that suffered under his polices when he was its mayor, to announce he plans to run for president.

O’Malley is a liberal moron who does not believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions, provide for themselves or protect themselves and their families. He is anti-gun and imposed strict gun laws when he was governor. He invited countless illegal immigrants and gave them “stuff.” He is part of the nanny state leadership that only knows how to rule over people, tax them to death and then waste the money collected.

He should never be president of this or any other country though Czar of some communist nation would be more in line with his beliefs and leadership style.

He has decided to take on Hillary Clinton and he will have a formidable task ahead. She is polling well among Democrats because most are too stupid to see the crime she is involved in. O’Malley is polling at about 1% so he has a long way to go.

I think Hillary should occupy a jail cell instead of the Oval Office and O’Malley is no better. He should not be elected president, period.

He does have a few things going for him in that Bill Clinton once praised him and said he would be president someday. Clinton also claimed O’Malley was a terrific governor and that Maryland was voted best run twice while O’Malley was in office.

Not sure who they polled on that but O’Malley raised several dozen taxes (and enacted some new ones) and he went so far as to tax the rain that landed on people’s property. O’Malley’s terms in office saw an outflow of people from the state to other states because of his inept leadership and tax and spend policies. The economy was poor during his reign and only remained better than a lot of other states because of Maryland’s proximity to DC. A very large number of DC politicians and other DC federal workers, lobbyists and journalists (many with well-paying jobs) live in Maryland.

Even with nearly recession proof jobs and the flow of federal dollars from DC the state fell on hard times under the dictatorship of O’Malley.

He might be a great leader to Bill Clinton but that does not say much. Or maybe I should say Bill thinks Hillary would make a great president so that says a lot about his assessments…

[note]It will be interesting to see what Bill says about him if he does in fact jump in the race.[/note]

I do not want to see Hillary Clinton or Martin O’Malley as president. I hope O’Malley gets trounced early and bows out and that Hillary gets beaten badly with the reports of her crimes so that even if she wins the Democrat nomination she can’t win the general.

If you are a moron like Snoop Dogg and want her to win so we can have a woman in the White House you are not smart enough to vote. People voted for Obama to have a black guy in the White House and look how that worked out.

He is a disaster.

If you vote for someone because of their color or sex you should be banned from voting FOR LIFE.

If O’Malley ends up winning he will certainly continue Obama’s quest to drive America into the ground. Hillary will do the same but she is older and unhealthy so maybe she will get a visit from the Reaper…

The nightmare will be if she wins and picks O’Malley as a running mate.

Then we can only hope they fly Malaysian Air…

Good Thing Maryland Has Tough Gun Control

I have said it before but it bears repeating, gun laws do not prevent criminals from getting and using guns any more than drug laws keep people from getting and using drugs.

Maryland is a liberal/progressive state that does not believe in the Constitution or freedom. That might have changed a bit with the election of Larry Hogan but his election appears to be more related to the economy and taxes than the gun laws though pro Second Amendment voters were certainly motivated this year.

In any event, the laws were enacted under Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown and the stated goal was to lower gun related crime. The real goal was to get votes and to restrict people but liberals can never say what they really want to do or they would be rejected outright.

Looks like these laws are working so well that Baltimore, which has long been the gun crime area of the state, has been listed as one of the most violent cities in the world.

Read that again. Baltimore is not simply one of the most violent cities in our country; no it is one of the most violent in the WORLD.

Think about all the violent places in the Middle East and all the places where people are ruled by tyrannical governments and Baltimore ranks right up there with them (and probably ahead of some of them).

The Second Amendment, despite what liberals claim, is there to protect a preexisting God given right for free people to keep and bear arms. The primary purpose is to ensure people are armed and able to resist a tyrannical government and that is why liberals want so badly to take that right away.

They know they are tyrants and they know they can never rule over people completely until those people have been stripped of their right to resist.

Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown are two such tyrants and they pushed their gun bill through in order to further restrict people and to tighten their grip on the collective throats of the citizens of Maryland.

Fortunately, Brown lost his bid to become the governor but that is only a small part of the problem. Annapolis is full of liberal/progressives who want nothing more than to force their will upon the people.

Gun control does not work with regard to its stated purpose and it will not work with regard to the unstated purpose of removing the means to resist.

At least so long as patriots are willing to stand up to the tyranny.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No To O’Malley for President…

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of Maryland, is thinking about running for the presidency in 2016. He has lived nearly his entire adult life in a political office and he does not want to get a real job so he is looking to move on up to another taxpayer funded position.

He wants to do for the nation what he has done for the People’s Republik of Maryland. The nation does not need that.

O’Malley has fudged crime statistics by changing how they are reported, he has infringed on our Second Amendment rights by imposing gun control laws that violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms (though he has armed guards around him all the time) and he has raised a number of taxes. In fact, O’Malley has never met a tax he didn’t hike.

The guy is worthless. When he talks he is lying and he should NEVER be considered for the presidency.

O’Malley likes to talk the same smack all the progressive morons talk. You know, about working together and pushing things for the poor. O’Malley does not work with the Republican minority in Maryland. He gets his Democrat sock puppets to push things he wants through and he uses his political appointments to help push his agenda.

He flip flops on any issue depending on political value.

He is an evil man who only does harm to the people. He is a typical progressive who thinks he must be involved in regulating every aspect of the people’s lives and that we are too stupid to live without his intervention.

He is a big supporter of open borders and giving illegals the hard earned tax dollars paid in by working AMERICANS. He is so hooked on helping illegals that he calls them New Americans. He supports their law breaking. The story that he opposed the illegals coming to Maryland is untrue. He did not want them going to a conservative part of the state because he was worried about their safety (Conservatives would not have treated them badly but would have worked to send them back).

Martin O’Malley is not a leader, he is not a problem solver and he is not a patriot. He is a statist who thinks big government funded through lots of taxes is the appropriate way to run a state and by extension a country. He does not follow the Constitution of the state or the nation. He is a progressive puke who thinks he knows better how you should live your life.

He is bad for America. Disregard him, ignore him and for all that is sacred…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


At Least Police Officers Are Safer

Police officers carry firearms for one reason and that reason is to protect themselves. There is nothing wrong with that because there are a lot of really bad people in the world and the police get to deal with those bad folks so they should be able to protect themselves.

I don’t think anyone would disagree with that.

Looks like the police are safer as a new report shows that the number of law enforcement officers killed by a firearm in 2013 is at its lowest since the Wild West days. More officers were killed in traffic related accidents than by a firearm (half as many died of a heart attack).

This is great news for police officers.

For the regular person who lives in a state that infringes on rights the news is not so good. Those states restrict or ban (with unconstitutional laws) the right of the people to keep and bear arms. While police officers carry firearms to protect themselves the people they serve are denied that right.

The People’s Republik of Maryland is one such place. The Socialist Governor Martin O’Malley (who wants to be President) and his band of thieves in Annapolis have passed restrictive gun laws that violate the rights of the people who are supposed to be free citizens of the state (his Lt. Governor Anthony Brown is running to replace him. Brown, an Army veteran, is a socialist and supports gun control). Maryland likes to call itself the Free State but it is nothing of the sort.

The number of murders by firearms in Baltimore alone is about 9 times that of police officers NATIONWIDE. The people murdered with firearms were the victims (though often other criminals) of people who have no regard for the law and who do not obtain their firearms legally.

But the Socialist politicians in this state think law abiding citizens (who happen to be THEIR bosses) are the problem and have enacted laws that only affect those who follow the law.

Police officers have jobs that put them in harm’s way. They carry firearms to protect themselves. The people who are denied the right to keep and bear arms are not supposed to be in danger when they go about their lives. But as I stated earlier, it is a dangerous world and criminals love to go after unarmed people.

The people who are denied by their oppressive government (and Maryland is not the only place) are prey to those who have no regard for and do not follow the law.

So while it is great that fewer police officers were killed with firearms the reality is the people who live in tyrannical areas of the country (Maryland being one such place) are at the mercy of criminals and more of us are being murdered by them.

Unfortunately, some police officers support more gun control and take great pride in upholding unconstitutional gun grabbing laws for their puppet masters in the legislature.

Happy New Year. May it come with the overturning of all unconstitutional gun laws so we the people can once again be free.

That, after all, is the best way (but not the ONLY way) for us to regain our rights.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If Obama Can’t Handle Romney…

Then how will he handle foreign leaders?

What do you mean Big Dog, Obama has been handling them for four years? Well, he has been bowing down to them but what I mean is this, the Obama surrogates have been all over the networks claiming that Obama did so poorly in the debate because Romney lied. While I concede that this was a debate and people play loose with the facts during a debate (both sides) I also know Romney used numbers agreed upon by several studies. So basically, it all depends on whose analysis one chooses to believe.

But what does this have to do with Obama and foreign leaders?

Well, the surrogates claim that Obama was stunned, performed badly and lost badly because he was unable to respond to the lies of Mitt Romney. Let us assume for a moment that this is the case. If Barack Obama is unable to effectively respond to his political opponent because he “lied” then how on Earth can we trust Obama to effectively respond to a foreign leader who is lying?

Suppose we have absolute proof that Iran has nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them and Obama confronts Iran’s leader on the issue. Now let us suppose that this leader, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, lies to Obama’s face and says that Iran possesses no such weaponry. Will Obama be able to effectively handle the issue in the interest of our safety or will he become flummoxed like he was in the debate?

Does it make anyone feel safer to think that a rogue nation like Iran could launch nuclear weapons against us and we would be helpless because our leader did not know how to respond to a lie?

This, of course, assumes that Romney lied in the first place but what matters is that Obama thinks he lied and that is the excuse we have been given for the poor performance.

The Obama camp just told us that something as simple as a lie is enough to throw Obama off and render him ineffective.

If this is the standard by which Democrats want to judge then it is obvious we all need to vote for Romney. He looked confident, was assertive and presidential and he was able to do that despite the lies coming from Obama.

The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, was part of the apology tour and chimed right in on the lie meme. Now if anyone knows about lying it is O’Malley because that man rarely tells the truth. He was also a bit mixed up with his analysis of Romney. He said that Romney promised everyone that they could eat cake and lose weight.

Martin, you can eat cake and lose weight. The issue is how much cake you eat. Since Democrats do not know what constraint is I would not expect you to understand but here is a study showing that you can eat cake and lose weight.

And this goes back to my earlier point. It all depends on the parameters and which study you want to follow…

But if I apply the Democrats’ logic, O’Malley lied because you can eat cake and lose weight.

Do you suppose Obama got confused listening to O’Malley?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
