Pelosi’s Ethical Congress
Sep 16, 2008 Political
Nancy Pelosi made the same claim that every political leader of Congress makes and that is their version of the mob will be the most ethical in history. They are usually going to be the most open as well. Turns out that Pelosi’s reign is not over an ethical Democratic Congress but one that is full of abusers and law breakers. The past few years have seen the likes of Dodd, and Jefferson and now we have Charlie Rangel.
Rangel has been a criminal fro a long time. He wastes taxpayer money driving around in an expensive leased vehicle that the taxpayers get soaked for. He has more than the number of rent control apartments than he is allowed by law and he now has troubles with his taxes. Rangel owns property in the Dominican Republic and is facing an ethics investigation (as if that will matter) for evasion of taxes (related to income from the property), failure to report income and failure to disclose required items on his financial disclosure statement.
Rangel is chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee which means he has a lot to do with the tax laws in this country. Somehow, he was unable to follow the laws that he helped get passed. His finances are so messed up that he has had to hire a forensics accountant to figure out the problems.
Rangel is not being removed from his position. Why would he be? He is a Democrat so he is allowed to break the law and get away with it. Speaker Pelosi, Ms. more ethical Congress, is not (at least so far) removing him from his position. Republicans have a rule that if they are under investigation they must step down until it is over. The ethical Democrats have no such rule or their would not be enough of them left to run things.
Charlie Rangel has also said that he just had trouble with the language difference (as if he could not find someone in Harlem to interpret it). He is willing to pay what he owes and let’s be done with it.
Not so fast. If one of us had this problem the IRS would be bashing through our doors like a SWAT team and raping us with interest and penalties until we were left bankrupt. We would not be allowed to say we had trouble understanding anything. We would not be able to say “my bad” and just pay the taxes. No, we would get screwed to the wall.
I expect nothing less for the guy who is in charge of the tax rules. He needs to go down in flames. Pelosi needs to remove him from his position and he needs to be thoroughly scrutinized. He also needs to pay back taxes with interest and penalties no matter how much it adds up to.
This should take care of that arrogant jackass and it should remind the rest of them they are not above the law.
Wanna bet Pelosi does not remove him?
FWIW, I know there are Republicans who have problems. I want them in hot water as well.
The Bishop Takes The Queen
Sep 9, 2008 Political
Queen Nancy Pelosi made some rather ridiculous statements regarding the Catholic Church’s position on abortion and despite being corrected by sever members of the clergy, she continued with her misguided statements. Now her Archbishop would like to have a word with her. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer wrote a letter to the Queen requesting an audience with her to discuss whether she should receive communion. Pelosi agreed to the meeting.
The Church is pretty clear on its position regarding abortion. How Nancy Pelosi got the idea that she was qualified to challenge that position is beyond me. Perhaps she was trying to rationalize her pro murder position but whatever the reason, this was clearly “above her pay grade.”
Here is a novel idea. Perhaps Pelosi should stick to her duties as a Congresswoman and leave the religious stuff to the experts. I am sure the Archbishop will agree not to get involved in Congressional business if Pelosi stays out of the Church’s business.
The Hill
Tags: abortion, archbishop, communion, Pelosi, queen
Pelosi and Hoyer No Match for Thinking People
Aug 26, 2008 Political
A group of protesters chanting “Drill Here, Drill Now” in front of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer were confronted by the House leaders when Pelosi asked if it was OK to drill their brains. Nancy, it is only OK to drill a person’s brains when that person wants to become a liberal Democrat. Then and only then may you remove brains.
Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, stated:
“sophomoric chanting” won’t solve the energy crisis and that “all thinking Americans know” — stressing the word “thinking” and looking at the crowd — that America doesn’t have a quarter of the word’s fossil fuels yet uses a quarter of the world’s energy. Politico
Hoyer couldn’t find his ass if his hands were in his back pockets and he is talking about people who think. Here are a few thoughts for him:
- Was it not Obama who said he was open to drilling for oil and did not Nancy Pelosi then follow suit? According to Hoyer, are they unthinking?
- Have not the Democrats been using sophomoric chants throughout the convention? Pelosi had them chanting that Obama was right and John McCain was wrong.
- Hoyer keeps talking about solving the energy crisis but Democrats have been touting alternative energies for years. Nothing has panned out yet and we can’t get rid of oil until we have something else that works as well.
- If they are now acting as if drilling won’t matter is it safe to assume the remarks about being ready to drill were a ruse to fool people into voting for them? (as I predicted earlier).
- Is Pelosi aware that we could have oil flowing in 1-3 years (not 10) and that an increase in supply will reduce the prices far more than a few cents?
- If the protesters are “2 cents in 10 years” as Pelosi called them, does that make her no sense ever?
These people do not care about the country. They only care about being reelected and they will say anything to accomplish that. They have had an abysmal record since they took control despite all the lies Pelosi told to embellish their record. They are do nothing losers and they should all be voted out of office.
Hoyer is a mental midget who suffers from such a chronic case of cranial rectitis that he needs a silica umbilicus to see where he is going.
Tags: confrontation, drill, hoyer, McCain, Obama, oil, Pelosi, protesters
Democrat Women Send Mixed Message
Aug 25, 2008 Political
Nancy Pelosi, a practicing Catholic who does not know the Catholic Church’s position on abortion, has been telling people how she broke a marble ceiling in Congress by becoming the Speaker and how Hillary Clinton inspired a ton of young women. The message is that young ladies (and evidently a couple of old ones) can do whatever they want because they are independent and strong.
But they must not be so strong in Florida where a Democratic Congresswoman, Corrine Brown of Jacksonville, was unable to sandbag her own house during Tropical Storm Fay. She called the mayor who dispatched a crew of inmates on a work crew to sandbag her house. Her neighbor asked for some help from the crew but they laughed at him. Evidently, women are not able to do as much as Hillary and Nancy think.
Come now, you skeptics don’t actually think that the mayor would waste taxpayer money doing a favor for a member of Congress, you know, one of the critters who works for you? As a matter of fact the mayor, John Peyton, said that he did not give her special treatment. She called and since she is a woman, a single mother, and sounded scared, he sent her help. I am willing to bet that this mayor would do that for any single mother who is scared. So let’s put this to a test.
Another storm is brewing off the coast of Florida. All you folks who have Payton as your mayor need to keep a close watch on the weather. If it gets rough where you are, call the mayor and tell him you are a single mother and you are scared. He will send you help in a jiffy. What’s that? You don’t have his number. You have the office number but not his private ones (any of them). Well this just won’t do. If Peyton only helped because she was a regular citizen in a bad way then he needs to give his numbers out to everyone so that all the other regular folks will have a way of calling him direct when they need help.
If everyone else does not have his number maybe, just maybe, he dispatched that crew to help because she was a member of Congress. If that is the case he gave her better treatment than the people who they both happen to work for. I mean since Nancy and Hillary told us women can do it all and there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome (except one well spoken half black guy from Chicago) then maybe she got special treatment after all.
It is time to throw them both out of office because they seem to have forgotten who they work for and that is unacceptable.
This is misuse of government funds, it is abuse of power and it is wrong. Every resident who lives in that area was entitled to the service before any elected official because they work for the people, not the other way around. That is not to say that it should be done, rather it is an idea of a conceptual pecking order. In reality, the people should not have government swooping in to take care of their property. This is a homeowner responsibility.
It is Democratic attitudes like this that gave us the attitudes that caused melt down in New Orleans. Then again, maybe most of those folks in NO were single mothers who were scared.
Tags: Clinton, congresswoman brown, fay, Pelosi, special treatment, storm
Pelosi 3:16
Aug 18, 2008 Political
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his second begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (unless aborted), but have everlasting Hope and Change. Pelosi 3:16
It is interesting that the Obama folks all go bonkers when John McCain airs ads calling him “The One” and equating him to characters of Biblical proportion. The reason it is interesting is because the Democratic party does everything it can to make Obama look like he was sent here by God to fix the Earth. To listen to the Democrats (both the elected and the moonbats who support them) one would think that Obama was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Nancy Pelosi did nothing to change the perception of Obama as the one when she stated that God sent him to us:
He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him “a leader that God has blessed us with at this time.” [emphasis mine]Politico
Wow, a Democrat invoking the name of God in politics. Try that in a public school and see what happens. How disturbing is it that the Speaker of the House actually said that God has blessed us with Obama? The Democrats who think Obama is the messiah should be happy that they were not in power when Barry was born. If Roe v Wade had happened two decades earlier Obambi might have ended up as a blob of cells on a platter. If a guy like him had been in office he could have been killed even after he was born.
But I digress. I am having a hard time understanding the Democrat’s ire at McCain’s portrayal of Obama when the Democrats look at him in the same light in which he was portrayed in the McCain ad.
This past week Americans were fixated on Michael Phelps and his history making feat of winning eight gold medals in the Olympics. As impressive as that was, in order to be at Obama level Phelps would have also needed to receive frankincense and myrrh.
If Obama is a gift from God then we must have really ticked him off. Bring us locusts, grasshoppers and black sores anytime. Those plagues would have to be better than the plague of Socialism Barry will inflict upon us.
Tags: chosen one, God's gift, messiah, Obama, Pelosi, sainted one