Democrats Will Offer Drilling Plan
Aug 16, 2008 Political
Demonstrating that they will change positions in order to win an election, the Democrats will offer an offshore drilling plan when the Congress reconvenes in September. The Democrats have been opposed to drilling despite record gas prices and huge amounts of money going to foreign suppliers. Though the Democrats have had a clandestine plan for vulnerable members to support drilling, this plan will mark the first time they have openly, as a group, offered a plan that will allow drilling on our own property.
I had predicted this would happen once Barack Obama had changed his position on drilling. Obama criticized John McCain for a similar reversal earlier in the year when Democrats did not support a plan to ease the price of gasoline which has risen since they took control of Congress. I knew once Obama threw his party under the bus in order to align himself with public opinion that it would not be long before the entire party began lining up to change their opposition to offshore drilling. As it turns out, they have embraced much of what John McCain wants (and that Obama followed on) so who is the real leader here?
In reality, this is a ruse. The Democrats are saying they will have a vote and the process will go along with them demanding that oil be released from the strategic reserve as part of any deal. The legislation will probably drag on until they recess prior to the election. If anything is passed they will recess confident that they will win the presidency and more seats in Congress. When they reconvene in January they will have the votes they need to overturn anything done prior to the election. If the Republicans capitulate and allow the release of oil then the Democrats will have gotten what they wanted and can reverse positions.
This is not a far out idea. They reversed their position on drilling in order to win the election. They would like to see prices go down prior to November so they can lull voters into a false sense of security. Once they take control they can undo all of it and voters will not be able to do anything about it. If they changed position to win the election what makes anyone think they won’t change again after it?
Nancy Pelosi is playing games with the public and with our energy future in order to win an election. She has been opposed to drilling and for energy independence her entire career and she is in the pockets of the environmentalists who want us eating dirt and walking everywhere. There is no way she will do anything that will permanently tick off that group of supporters.
People who vote to put these cretins in control of our government will get what they deserve. If voters were smart I would say that it might be good for them to suffer with the pain for four years so that they could learn a hard lesson. Unfortunately, the bulk of the voting public has the attention span of a goldfish and it never remembers how badly it was screwed in the last election. All the Democrats have to do next time is promise more hope and change and people will line up to sip from the Kool Aid cistern.
Democrats are dangerous to this country and we should never, ever trust them.
Tags: drilling, energy plan, McCain, Obama, oil, Pelosi, strategic reserve
Lieberman Faces Penalties from Vengeful Dems
Aug 14, 2008 Political
Joe Lieberman has faced some tough circumstances in the past couple of years. He faced a tough challenger in the Democratic primary and lost only to win the general election running as an independent. He decided to caucus with the Democrats thus giving them a one vote majority in the Senate. Lieberman could not force himself to switch parties or caucus with Republicans and now he will more than likely pay a heavy price.
Lieberman has been supporting John McCain and this is really rubbing the Democrats the wrong way. The very people who abandoned him in the primary are upset that he will not support Barack Obama for the presidency. On the campaign trail Lieberman said something that really ticked off the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi made it known that Joe will likely lose his committee chairmanship.
This should come as no surprise. The Democrats have wanted to strip Lieberman of any committee responsibilities for quite some time. They have not done so because they are worried about losing the majority in the Senate. However, if they pick up enough seats that they do not need him they will strip him of everything and he will be fortunate to even get table scraps from the party that once put him up as a vice presidential nominee.
I stated in the past that Lieberman should have switched parties or caucused with Republicans because I knew it would only be a matter of time before the Democrats turned on him (more so than they did in the primaries). Lieberman could not force himself to switch and now will suffer the consequences should the Democrats no longer need his services.
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that they have not stripped Lieberman because they want to keep the majority and she made it just as clear that he could lose quite a bit for backing McCain and for saying things about the sainted one. Pelosi is in the House and has no direct influence on Senator Lieberman but anyone who thinks Pelosi is the only one with vengeance on her mind is severely lacking in the ability to think. It is a foregone conclusion that Lieberman will get screwed if the Democrats pick up seats in the Senate. Since it looks like the Republicans will lose seats it is not looking good and Lieberman will have blown his chance at his own revenge. He should have screwed the Democrats right after the last election.
The only way Lieberman does not get screwed is if he either starts drinking the Obama Kool Aid or if the Democrats do not gain seats. Neither looks like it will happen.
I admire the fact that Lieberman has been loyal to his friend John McCain and I think it is even more remarkable when one considers what he will certainly lose because of that support.
Regardless of what happens in November, Lieberman should switch parties and move to the side that has treated him well.
SF Gate
Tags: lieberman, Pelosi, punishment
Don’t Let Pelosi Fool You With Slick Oil Talk
Aug 13, 2008 Political
I told you it would not be long. I was right on top of it after Barack Hussein Obama stated that he would be open to drilling for our own oil. I remarked at that time that it would not be long before people from the left who opposed drilling would jump on board. That has happened as of this week when Nancy Pelosi stated that she would be up for drilling our own oil with certain conditions. One of those conditions is a release of oil from the strategic reserves which is unwise to say the least.
Pelosi called the Republican request to drill a hoax and stated that she was trying to save the planet. She adjourned the House for a five week vacation without scheduling a vote and had all the lights and cameras turned off on the way out the door. When Republicans stayed behind and started making noise Barry Obambi changed his mind (dare I say flip-flopped) and stated he would be OK with drilling, and basically endorsed the plan John McCain has been pushing.
I knew it would not take long. Pelosi was (and still is) vehemently opposed to drilling. She knows that some of her Democrats are vulnerable and has secretly told them to push for drilling so they can win over people in their districts. Pelosi knows that she cannot go against Obama if she wants him to have a chance to win so she has to take a position under the bus in order for Obama to look like a leader. Pelosi is also aware that the ban on drilling must be renewed each year and it looks like she will not have the votes to renew it. If they wait too long all the names of the Democrats who dare to vote against it will be fresh in the minds of voters come election day.
But none of this should fool anyone. Pelosi is only playing to the majority of people who want us to drill for our own oil. The oil off our coasts, in ANWR, and the shale in the west will provide us with oil for many years to come especially when we consider how many places there are to get the oil. But none of this will matter because it is all smoke and mirrors. Pelosi believes that Obama will win and that she will pick up plenty of seats in the House and that the Senate will gain as well. With a Democratic president and a huge majority in Congress Pelosi will be able to bring the issue up for a vote after the new president and new Congress swears in. At that time they could put a complete halt to any drilling and take us right back to where we are now. She can do this and there won’t be a thing the American public can do about it.
Don’t let Nancy Pelosi or any other Democrat including Hopie Obama fool you. They will say anything to win but as soon as they do they will forget any promise they made and will impose their wills, their true intentions, upon us.
And just remember, there is no cure for buyer’s remorse. We will have to wait until the next election to express our dissatisfaction and by then most people will have forgotten. It has been said that we get the government we deserve.
Certainly we deserve better than this.
Democrats Say Screw You, We Want To Win
Aug 5, 2008 Political
The Democrats are not concerned with high energy prices and they do not care about people who are suffering because of it. They have made it clear that they will not allow drilling for our own oil and they have made it clear that they would rather go on a five week vacation rather than solve problems. It is evident that they are playing politics when one reads an article at Politico.
According to the article, Nancy Pelosi has been secretly telling vulnerable Democrats to support drilling and push the idea. She will continue to oppose it and allow the focus of the wrath to be on her. This is designed to fool voters into voting for the Democrats who are vulnerable by making people believe they actually disagree with the Speaker.
But what looks like intraparty tension on the surface is part of an intentional strategy in which Pelosi takes the heat on energy policy, while behind the scenes she’s encouraging vulnerable Democrats to express their independence if it helps them politically, according to Democratic aides on and off Capitol Hill.
Pelosi’s gambit rests on one big assumption: that Democrats will own Washington after the election and will be able to craft a sweeping energy policy that is heavy on conservation and fuel alternatives while allowing for some new oil drilling. Democrats see no need to make major concessions on energy policy with a party poised to lose seats in both chambers in just three months — even if recess-averse Republicans continue to pound away on the issue.
No need to make concessions since Republicans will lose seats. in other words, no need to do our jobs and do the work America expects of us. No, screw the people, we want to win.
Democrats are extremely confident that they will pick up enough seats to be push any legislation that they want and they are absolutely certain that they will have a Democrat in the White House to rubber stamp what they push through. The idea is to play voters as fools until they can win enough seats to make the Republican party inconsequential.
In other words, they are playing games now, while people are suffering, so that they can win. I have always said Democrats will do anything to win because they believe they know better than you how to run your life. They want to have no opposition from the other party so they can run roughshod over the country.
They are so confident that they are going to win big they do not feel the energy issue will hurt them. They believe that by allowing vulnerable Democrats to feign support for drilling they will have taken care of the only obstacles to their victory in November. They are so arrogant they do not mind if people are hurting and if their budgets are suffering. Why should they, we pay for everything they need in addition to paying for our own needs.
Remember this in November. Democrats went on a five week vacation without addressing the major issue on people’s minds. They went on a five week vacation at a time when many families are canceling vacation plans or staying at home because they cannot afford the fuel involved in traveling.
They really care about you. Vote them out in November and show them that we will not be used as their pawns.
Tags: energy, games, gasoline prices, lying, Pelosi, vacation
The Squeeker of the House
Jul 18, 2008 Political
Nancy Pelosi, the worst Speaker in the history of Congress, has evidently decided she did not like being called such by me and millions of other people who see her for the ineffective moron that she is.
Pelosi struck back in order to deflect from the low approval ratings she and her Congressional minions have posted and called George Bush a complete failure. The news reporting this claims that it is a departure from her usual attacks which take place in private but that is a bunch of bunk. She has been attacking the president for a long time and now she has stepped up those attacks:
“You know, God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject,” Pelosi replied. She then tsk-tsked Bush for “challenging Congress when we are trying to sweep up after his mess over and over and over again.” My Way News
The economy is slow and has the potential to collapse but we have had a great economy for seven years since Bush took over the Clinton recession and dealt with 9/11. Unemployment is low and though volatile, the stock market is hanging in there. Nancy and her Democrats are responsible for the down turn because it all took place while they were the majority. If they blame everything from the past on the majority Republican Congress it is only fair to return the favor. Nancy told us she had a plan for gas prices. They went from $2.19 to over $4.00 on her watch. She and her moonbat buddies are refusing to allow us to drill in the places where we know there is oil. There are platforms off the California coast over known deposits but they remain idle because of Congress. The Democrats have opposed any effort to help the energy problems so Nancy should keep her yap shut. Let’s not forget that Democratic policies are partly responsible for the housing problems. Give everyone a loan or you are discriminating.
The war is going a lot better and despite the best efforts of the Democrats to lose it, we are winning. The surge is working and we will soon employ those tactics in Afghanistan and squash the resistance.
As for them having to sweep up after the mess? The only mess left behind by a president was the stains Bill Clinton left behind. This Congress is the true do nothing Congress. They have not passed any of the budgetary items and will likely use continuing resolutions until after the election because they believe they will have Barack Obama as president and he will rubber stamp their wasteful bills.
Pelosi has been an absolute disgrace as Speaker and she lacks leadership skills. I doubt she could lead a group of people out of a burning building. When you watch her and the rest of the Democrats it looks like the blind leading the blind. It is truly amazing to see them in action. If Pelosi had any brains she would actually be dangerous.
Has this president made mistakes? Sure he has and there are some things that I disagree with him on but I know we have not been attacked since 9/11 and that attack was the result of Clinton’s weakness. How many attacks on US interests took place on his watch? We had 9/11 and the response made some people think twice about screwing with us.
The reality is that Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. She either has no brain or the Botox was injected too far and paralyzed what few brain cells she has. Either way, she is a disgrace and needs to be replaced by a button that does absolutely nothing more efficiently.
Tags: attack, Bush, disgrace, Pelosi, poor performance