Nancy Pelosi’s Oil Hoax
Jul 15, 2008 Political
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the worst Speaker in the history of Congress, opposes America using her own resources. Pelosi is opposed to any kind of oil exploration that involves American property. Oh sure, they talk about already leased property that is not being drilled by oil companies but they fail to tell you it is because there is very little oil there. We know where trillions of barrels of oil are located and we have the technology to extract those barrels but Congress, full of idiots like Pelosi, refuses to allow us to drill. Nancy Pelosi has called the plan to drill a hoax.
“Once again, the oilman in the White House is echoing the demands of Big Oil.
“The Bush plan is a hoax. It will neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence. It just gives millions more acres to the same companies that are sitting on nearly 68 million acres of public lands and coastal areas.
“If the President wants to bring down prices in the next two weeks, not the next two decades, he should free our oil by releasing a small portion of the more than 700 million barrels of oil we have put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
“It’s time to tell the oil industry: ‘You already have millions of acres to drill. Use it or lose it.'” Pelosi Website
This air head is so out of touch, even for a liberal, that it is mind boggling. I have already addressed the millions of acres. If any appreciable amount of oil was there the companies would have drilled for it. As for the oil man calling the shots of big oil, Pelosi is following the playbook of the environmental whack jobs who funnel money to her and her Democratic colleagues. One of these two is trying to solve the problem. Pelosi says that the plan is a hoax and that it would not lower prices. The fact is, if we were to remove the restrictions then the market would see a decrease in oil prices because of the very speculators Congress says drove the prices up. Oil companies can be pumping oil in 2 to 5 years and we will be well on our way to lower fuel prices. So what if the prize is a few years away. I don’t imagine farmers say “well, it is spring and we have no crops to sell so let’s NOT plant any for later.” The only way to reap future benefits is to start NOW.
The Democrats continually say that drilling will not solve the problem (it will) but they never offer any other solution. Pelosi is the one who promised us she and her fellow Dems had a plan to get this all under control. Where is that plan? The only thing I see from them is obstruction. If Bill Clinton had not vetoed drilling in ANWR we would be getting that oil now and the price would not be a problem.
But let’s get this straight. Pelosi and her ilk do not want us to drill and they claim that it will not make a difference. But, according to these geniuses, releasing some of the strategic oil reserves will. I think the oil reserves might provide relief but even if we released it the relief would only last about 2 months. Then where will we be? Right back on the world oil market paying high prices but doing so with an empty tank where our reserves used to be. Only in Congress will trillions of barrels have no affect but 2 months of reserves will. This, by the way, is how they manage our money.
This is the problem with politicians and Democrats in particular. They cannot think into the future. They are reactive rather than proactive. They only care about what they can do to get through the next election. Pelosi would love to have the reserves released in the next few weeks so that prices would go down going into the November elections so that the voting public will forget that the ENTIRE oil crisis has been caused by those in power. She does not give a rodent’s derriere what happens to the price after November because the election will be over.
Keep in mind folks, the taxpayers pay for their leased vehicles, the insurance, the registration, and for ALL the gas they put in them so they are not feeling the pain at the pump. Pelosi couldn’t care less what you have to pay for gas. She only wants prices to go down so Barry Obambi can get elected. Then she and her ilk will have 4 years to screw up even more (assuming they win the mid-terms).
Nancy Pelosi’s “plan” to release the oil from the strategic reserve is the real hoax in this story. Her “we have a plan” claim was a hoax and the idea that a move, which might affect the market for a few months, will solve this issue is a hoax. Nancy Pelosi is not a forward thinker and she is not a leader. She certainly does not care about people or this country. If she did she would stop blocking us from using our own resources to get out of this mess.
Remember this on election day folks. President Bush lifted the Executive Order banning drilling and now the process is being held up by Democrats in Congress. Democrats who do not care about you.
It adds insult to injury to know that after you put $100 in your gas tank your taxes put $100 in theirs.
They have a 9% approval rating. What say we bounce them all out and start with some fresh people with fresh ideas.
Oil is Slippery Subject for Democrats
Jul 9, 2008 Political
The Democrats in this country have gotten us in a pickle with regard to energy, specifically oil. In the 70s they asked us to conserve and over time all drilling in this country ceased. Sure, oil companies have leases but they are in places where it will be hard to find oil. We know of the places where the oil is but the Democrats still refuse to let us go after it. Obambi wants us to conserve but our oil consumption is lower now than it was back then.
Democrats have told us that it would take 10 years to get oil (which they said 10 years ago) and that we need alternative energy. Affordable alternative energy does not yet exist but oil does. We should be drilling for our own oil while developing new energies for the future. We cannot sit on our hands while the price of oil goes up and while we continue to compete with other nations for whatever OPEC decides to pump out. Now that we are winning the war it is no longer front page news and the Democrats know they will not win an election based on it. They also know that gasoline prices are on people’s minds and they also know that the people see the Democrats as the ones obstructing access and keeping prices high.
The Democrats very badly want the price of gas to go down until the election because that will be a winner for them but they also do not want to lose the environmental whack jobs who have helped to create the problem. Democrats are turning to president Bush to help them out. Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter to the president asking him to release the strategic reserves so that the price of oil will go down and lower the price of gasoline. There is enough oil in our reserves to supply our country for two months without any imports. Using our own oil for two months and not importing any would certainly help the prices go down but it would be short term and end up costing more when we needed to import again.
The Democrats are desperate because they do not want to lose an election over the price of gas, especially since they caused the problem. Now they are changing positions, not because people want them to but because they want to win. If it were not an election year they would care very little about the price of gas because high prices make people drive less and Al Gore smile. Dick Durbin stated that he would be willing to open new places to drill and said that Harry “oil makes us sick” Reid might buy off on it as well. It is funny that they went from “we can’t drill our way out of the problem” to we need to drill our way out of the problem. The point that is missed is that Pelosi has admitted that increasing OUR own supply will lower prices. She admitted it when she asked that OUR oil in the reserve be released. Democrats sometimes miss the irony of their positions. They favor increased taxes and say tax cuts don’t help and then send back our money in a stimulus check because if you have more of your money you will spend it and help the economy.
In the case of oil, Pelosi has made the argument that we need to drill for our own. We need to be hitting the shale and ANWR as well as the coastal regions. States are still able to say no but if they do they can’t have any of the oil we get. It is as simple as that. They can buy from the Saudis while the rest of us enjoy our own.
In any event, this is a great opportunity for the president. He should strike a deal with the Democrats that he will release the strategic reserves but only after Congress passes a bill that allows drilling in ANWR and all the other places where we have oil. He needs to ensure the language of the bill is airtight so that they cannot change anything and he needs to make sure that ALL areas are open to drilling. As soon as that bill is signed into law he can release the reserves. If he were smart he would let John McCain broker the deal so that he would get the credit. Then the GOP needs to take ALL the credit and make films and other ads showing the Democrats saying we can’t drill out and all their other opposition. Best of all, it would put Obambi in a position where he would have to vote for drilling or against it. He has already expressed his opposition so if he voted yes the left would BBQ him and if he voted no he would be seen as someone who opposed the lower prices who wanted to screw people. It would put him in a very bad position.
If the president plays this right it would show the Democrats for the obstructionists they are and it would allow the president to loosen the death grip the Democrats have on our economy. More oil means lower prices and that means a better economy. If the GOP does it right they can get the corn ethanol requirements removed and allow us to import sugar beet ethanol from Brazil. The cost of food would go down because there would be more corn for human (and feed animal) consumption and the cost of transport would be lower as well.
I am willing to bet they could get this done very quickly if they wanted to and the cost of oil would be going down real soon (even if we won’t get it for 5 or 10 years it will go down on speculation). As an aside, I have heard they could get oil flowing in two years if they got the go ahead to drill.
Perhaps the best part is all the speculators who drove up the price would get screwed to a wall on the price of a barrel of oil. Watching them jump from tall buildings would be reward enough. OK, Obama being put in a bad place and cheaper oil are the best parts but the speculators getting screwed ranks right up there.
Drill here, drill now, pay less.
My G-d people, if we can’t sustain ourselves with our own oil we should be ashamed to call ourselves a superpower.
Democrat’s Plan Doubled Oil Prices
Jun 9, 2008 Political
On April 24th 2006, Nancy Pelosi released a press statement that was reported to address the Republican’s empty rhetoric with regard to gas prices. In the press release from over two years ago Nancy wrote:
“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.
“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”
It is now June of 2008 and the price of oil has doubled in the last year and it is up 44% since January. If the Democrats had a plan (I highly doubt that) then they either forgot to implement it or it was implemented and was a horrible failure. Much like any other time Democrats claim to have a plan, they are long on talk and short on action. In fact, are usually lying about what they “plan” to do. There is a lie up front in the price gouging claim. They have conducted about a dozen investigations and have found no price gouging. The only gouging is by state and federal governments who reap trillions of dollars in taxes and don’t have to do anything for the money.
The real thing we need to know is why has the plan not been implemented? If it has, why has it not worked and what kind of plan was it to give us such huge increases? Nancy Pelosi promised America that she and her Democrats had a plan and now things are worse than they were a year ago. I think I can speak for everyone when I answer why this is the case.
Empty rhetoric…
Here is an idea. Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Tags: empty rhetoric, gas prices, lies, oil prices, Pelosi
Pelosi Credits Iran for Surge Success
May 29, 2008 Military, Political
Not long ago Nancy Pelosi admitted that the surge in Iraq was working. This goes against the words of the Obamessiah who said that the surge was not working and neither was anything else and that we have lost the war. Pelosi had to do something so as to keep the message clear so what did she do? She creditied Iran, of all entities, for the success of the surge.
Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal.
And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians. [emphasis mine]
This would be the same Iran whose goodwill has led to IEDs in Iraq that are maiming and killing our soldiers and the same Iran whose goodwill has provided weapons to the terrorists we are fighting. To Nancy Pelosi though, those Iranians are of such goodwill that they are responsible for the success of the surge. Anyone want to tell me why it is that neither Pelosi nor any of these other scumbag Democrats can give the credit for the success of the surge to our soldiers? That is, assuming we can get them to admit that the surge has been a success. Pelosi went out of her way to give credit for the work of our troops to the ENEMY.
Why did she do that? First of all liberals cannot give credit to our troops because they loathe the military and they feel that uneducated rubes join the military because they have no other options. Another reason that Pelosi gave praise to Iran was to undermine the Bush Administration. Iran is building nuclear weapons and there is chatter that military action will take place (I don’t think it will, at least not large scale and maybe not by us) against them to stop it.
Pelosi’s praise weakens the argument that Iran is a threat to the stability of the region and to the US. Most importantly to the Democrats, Pelosi’s mention of Iran and negotiations is a deliberate attempt to gloss over the inexperience of Obama which he demonstrates with his naive “negotiations without preconditions” position. Pelosi has now made it appear as if all we needed to do was talk to Iran and they would work with us. They negotiated and are, at least partly, responsible for the success of the surge. She did nothing more than try to give credibility to B. Hussein Obama and his position of weakness with regard to negotiations.
It is a crying shame that the Speaker of the House would give any credit to our enemy but then again we are talking about someone from the left.
Let me clear this up for Nancy Pelosi and all the other liberal twits who are unable to understand what is going on. Not only was the surge a success but it was a success because of the hard work of our military and only because of their hard work.
Iran has been nothing but a thorn in our side and they have caused the death of many of our troops. Nice to see Pelosi give such people praise.
Ace of Spades
Stop the ACLU
Tags: iran praise, Obama, Pelosi, selfless service, soldiers, surge
Pelosi the Mediator is Loose with Facts
May 29, 2008 Opinion, Political
Nancy Pelosi has indicated that if the Democratic nomination process is not settled prior to the convention she will step in to get it settled. She said that Democrats cannot afford to go to the convention without a chosen nominee. Seems to me that Nancy Pelosi is rewriting the rules for the Democratic Party. Their rules say that there are super delegates and that those selected as super delegates are free to choose whomever they want for president regardless of any other influence including the popular vote, delegate count and number of states won. The purpose of the super delegates was to ensure the people got it right (in other words, make sure we can get who we want) and to select a candidate if none wins outright. Pelsoi seems to be indicating that she does not want this process and that she will step in to make sure that all of it is settled before the convention, the time set aside to actually settle such issues.
Nancy also said a few things in response to questions about the electorate and the current president. Nancy demonstrates the typical liberal mindset with one answer and then distorts the truth with another.
“I totally agree … this war is a big lie. It was a lie to begin with, and it continues to be a lie … at some point, maybe the lies just got too heavy for him to carry.” [in response to a question about Scott McClellan’s book]
Republicans “will try to use it [California gay marriage ruling] in the rest of the country” during the election, but voters are “tired of people who will take you to war and get you involved in (these) cultural battles. … They want to know: ‘Are you getting me a job?’ … They’re tired of these cultural issues being the currency of the realm.”
This president will go down in history as the worst, whether you’re talking about jeopardizing our national security… (or) the worst record of job creation.” SFGate [emphasis mine]
In response to the first item, has Nancy Pelosi read the book? She agrees with it 100% and yet she has only been privy to the excerpts we have all seen. If McClellan states that all Democrats are criminals and molest young children will she still agree 100%? Perhaps it would be prudent for her to read the book before commenting on it. I see it, so far, as a man who is trying to make some money off his bitterness especially since many folks are saying he was not part of the big meetings and was rarely included in those things. I seem to remember that Tony Snow wanted to be included in meetings before he agreed to replace McClellan. If it was standard practice he would not have needed the assurance. I will wait to pass judgment on the content until I have read it. Pelosi has done with this book just as she has with the war on terror in Iraq. She has made judgments without having the facts in front of her.
Nancy Pelosi says that Americans want to know [from government] “are you getting me a job?” Since when is it the responsibility of government to get people jobs? Getting a job is an individual responsibility and it is up to every person to take this task on without the government. The Constitution of the United States has nothing whatsoever in it about getting people jobs. This is the problem with liberals. They think it is the responsibility of government to do everything for people including getting them a job. Nancy showed her true liberal colors with that statement and she left no doubt that she believes (as is her liberal indoctrination) that it is up to the nanny state to take care of everyone. She cannot imagine for one moment that people should do this for themselves. However, just to make it clear, those who want jobs (and are willing to go get them) can find them. The unemployment rate is low and it has been throughout the entire Bush presidency. His unemployment numbers are nearly identical to Clinton’s and Democrats tout that economy as the best ever. This leads me to the last item.
Her opinion of George Bush jeopardizing national security is a joke at best and complete stupidity at worst. There were far more terrorist attacks on the US or its interests during Bill Clinton’s presidency than during Bush’s. The 9/11 attack was the direct result of Bill Clinton refusing to attack terrorists each time they attacked us. He allowed them to attack embassies, naval vessels, and he pulled our troops out of Somalia after the Blackhawk down incident. This emboldened bin Laden to attack America, a country he viewed as a paper tiger. This is according to bin Laden himself and all the censorship and secret document theft by Clinton and his minions cannot change that fact. If Clinton had taken out bin Laden on any of the occasions that he could have (and there were at least three) then 9/11 probably would not have happened.
As for the job creation or the economy in general, the Bush economy is as good as the one Clinton had and in some measures better. Bush inherited a recession from Clinton and 9/11 occurred eight months into his presidency. Despite this, job growth is as high as Clinton’s, unemployment is the same and the largest amount of home ownership in history has taken place on Bush’s watch. The problems we are having now (not unlike the dot com bubble burst) are a result of US monetary policy and political correctness. Our monetary policy is poor and we continue to print money out of thin air. The more unbacked (as in a gold standard) dollars that they flood into the market, the less value each of them will have. As far as PC goes, we allowed race baiters to change how loans are given. Jackson and Sharpton cried that denying blacks (as well as other minorities) a home loan was racist despite the fact that the decisions were based upon credit worthiness. Rules were relaxed and people who should not have been given loans were. Now they are defaulting and the baiters are crying that the banks are at fault for lending to people who could not afford it.
The reality is, many people (minorities and not) took advantage of the great housing market but they bought homes they could not afford. Some lenders engaged in shady practices and dimwitted people entered into contracts for things like adjustable rate mortgages. When the rates adjusted people who bought more than they could afford lost their homes. With regard to jobs in this country, it is a fact that the unemployment numbers are the same as they were under Clinton. If Bush has been an economic failure then so was Clinton. They cannot have it both ways. One last thing. People should not fall for the balanced budget BS that they harp on. The budget was never balanced. They did a lot of stuff on paper that would have made it balanced if all those things were adhered to. In other words, if they did it all the budget would be balanced in the future. Congress likes to spend and they have spent us into debt.
If the Democrats want to insist that the budget was balanced then they need to give the Republican Congress credit for it. Congress deals with the budget and if it was balanced it was balanced by a Republican Congress. As I stated though, it was never balanced and has not been for quite some time.
Nancy Pelosi showed her true liberal colors and she distorted the truth. This is what they always do. Remember, she and her Democrats were going to fix the gasoline price problems, they were going to stop the war, they were going to do it all. One of them recently admitted that thye lied to America because they knew they could not. Keep this in mind when you hear them spouting off, they will lie to you in order to get your vote.
Pelosi has been the worst Speaker of the House in the history of Congress. She is inept and she cannot get things done without attaching items to war spending packages. None of her plans would ever pass on their own merits so she and her cronies resort to procedural games to get stuff passed.
Finally, Nancy Pelosi said that this would be a bad year for Republicans and it is shaping up that way. If the Democrats win I hope they win big so that they can pass everything they want. This is what happened in Maryland and now a lot of people have buyer’s remorse because of the extremely high taxes imposed by the fuhrer here. A Democratically controlled Congress will do the same and I have the same hope for any of America’s poor and elderly who put them there. I hope you have to choose between cat food and heat in the winter. I hope you are so burdened and put out by their imposing taxes and policies that you suffer the worst pain you have ever had. I want it to be a matter of life or death for you the entire time they are in office.
Sometimes people need to experience pain before they learn. Consider it a great learning experience.
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