Pelosi Sides with Obama
Feb 15, 2008 Political
I wrote yesterday that the people who are elected to represent us should vote in accordance with the wishes of the majority of their constituents. I realize that there are many issues that come up that do not require this or that a district is about evenly split so a politician needs to use good judgment (there is a contradiction in terms) but for the most part, they should follow the wishes of those who put them in office. Some people do not agree with this and there has been at least one who resorted to childish insults because of my position. Regardless, Nancy Pelosi thinks I am right.
Today, Pelosi said that the Super Delegates should vote in accordance with the wishes of their constituents. Now I don’t necessarily agree that this should be so with the SDs because the rules allow them to vote however they want though many would be foolish to tick off the people who will vote for them (at least for the ones who hold elected office).
Don’t veto the people’s choice.
“I think there is a concern when the public speaks and there is a counter-decision made to that,” she said, adding quickly, “I don’t think that will happen.”
She said the governors, lawmakers, DNC members and others picked as super delegates are chosen through a grassroots process and are accountable to the party’s voters.
“I do think that they have a respect — it’s not just following the returns, it’s also having a respect for what has been said by the people,” Pelosi said. “It would be a problem for the party if the verdict would be something different than the public has decided.” SFGate
I agree that this should be done. However, I also believe that Pelosi is being a hypocrite when she says this and I believe it is because she supports Obama in the race. She has not endorsed him but she is leaning that way and it is obvious by what she has said that she wants him to win. Perhaps she will feel threatened by Hillary as president. Here is why she is hypocritical; she keeps voting against the wishes of her constituents. She voted to keep funding the war and she has not voted to stop it.
I am in favor of staying until we achieve victory so I am happy about this but it runs contrary to what she is saying here. She voted for a minimum wage increase that people wanted (everyone wants more pay) but then she excluded the tuna company in her district so they could keep wages low. She has never taken a position against a colleague who voted for or against something contrary to the voters. As a matter of fact, when Republicans vote in accordance with the wishes (not nearly enough do this) of their constituents, Pelosi criticizes them. Let a congressman from a military district vote in favor of funding the troops and she says he is being obstructive despite the fact that military families want their troops funded. Nearly all voters in their right minds (and certainly a majority) want Congress to cut spending and stop using earmarks but none of them do that and Pelosi is not telling them to.
Though it might appear that she agrees with me I guess it only appears that way because she has had to change a position in order to help the candidate she wants to win. Of course, she is also probably worried that ticking off Democrats could put her back in the minority and she won’t be banging that gavel next year.
Reading the comments at the SFGate, the source of this story (linked above), people keep saying comments from Hillary supporters who think she should get the delegates and that Florida and Michigan should be seated. I need to know something from the Democrats. If Hillary and Obama go to the convention and neither has won outright with Obama leading by more than 100 votes (just leading is probably good enough) and the SDs award their votes to Hillary making her the winner will we be able to say Hillary was selected and not elected?
Gore sued George Bush and lost. The appeals went to the SCOTUS and they determined that the recounts had to stop (I actually think they could not recount in select areas) and George Bush won. Since that time Democrats have called him illegitimate and said he was selected, not elected. They claim the SCOTUS put Bush in office against the will of the people.
If the SDs do that with Hillary then their actions would be no different than those of the SCOTUS in Gore vs Bush (except that Bush won). I would just be interested in hearing how the liberals will rationalize this because no matter how you slice it, they are both the same thing. Actually, how liberals describe Florida in 2000 is closer to my hypothetical situation because in mine, Hillary really is behind.
Bush was only behind in the minds of the liberals.
Tags: dns, gore v bush, Pelosi, scotus, selected not elected, super delegates
Pelosi: Iraq is a Failure
Feb 10, 2008 Political
Squeaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said that Iraq was a failure and that the surge has not produced the desired effects. Pelosi made certain to praise the troops while attempting to disparage a strategy that is working albeit not as quickly as we might like. The ground game is much better, fewer of our troops are dying there than citizens are on American streets and here we are not engaged in a “civil war.”
It is amazing to me that Pelosi and her brood insist on telling the Iraqis at what speed they need to move and how they should be progressing when our own Congress is off more days than it works, accomplishes little, and has divided the country. I see Pelosi’s remarks as nothing more than empty rhetoric designed to inject the Iraq war into the presidential campaign in a fashion that does not openly demonstrate the left’s hate of our military. Pelosi wants Iraq to be a failure because it will help her party with power and she cannot really show failure without making it all up.
Iraq is moving along slowly. Our country took a long time to establish as did those Japan and part of Europe after WW II. These things do not happen overnight but with little mention of the war lately (because it has been good) the Democrats need to ramp up the negativity so they can try to win more seats and the presidency. They want it to be bad because what is good for the country is bad for the Democrats and they cannot have that. Pelosi joins fellow Democrat (and fellow idiot) Harry Reid in declaring failure. If only Democrats would fight our enemies as hard as they fight to win and keep office, we would win and win quickly. It gets difficult to fight the enemy over there and the enemy here at the same time.
Pelosi also said that Afghanistan was not settled because President Bush took his eye off the ball. This is one of their canned phrases and it is one that rings hollow. Bill Clinton is the one who took his eye off the ball. He created the atmosphere that allowed us to be attacked because he failed to respond to force with force. He allowed bin Laden to live on at least three occasions. He and his toadies deny this but many in the know have attested to it as true. Perhaps this is what Sandy Burglar stole form the National Archives, information showing Clinton took his eye off bin Laden. Actually, he allowed bin Laden to escape.
This is because Bill Clinton could not pull the trigger. He would not give the order to shoot. Clinton has a nasty history of not completing tasks (think blue dress) and his inaction allowed our enemies to attack us. There are many on the left who deny this but there is too much evidence to ignore it and bin Laden himself said that Clinton’s weakness in Somalia is why he attacked us, thank you very much.
Pelosi is a partisan hack who has no idea whatsoever as to what is taking place in Iraq. Pelosi visits with our enemies instead of our troops so she has no idea what is taking place. Not that she would take the word of our troops over the word of our enemies anyway.
I said it before and I will say it again. It is too bad the Capitol was not hit on 9/11. By sparing that building and the people in it, they were able to become complacent with regard to our security. If many of them had died then we would be having a different discussion. The wrong people died on 9/11.
Screw Nancy Pelosi. She is a troop hating, liberal twit who could not lead a group of people out of a burning building. She will certainly rot in hell, hopefully sooner than later.
The Politico
I wonder if Pelosi told these guys about our failure?
Tags: anti american, iraq war, Pelosi, surge, troop hater
Illegals Might Get Rebates
Jan 30, 2008 Political
If it isn’t bad enough that the government is rushing to send out rebate checks when they are probably not needed and not bad enough that they are sending them to people who paid no taxes, the government might also send rebate checks to ILLEGAL immigrants. The bill, as it is written, specifically states that ILLEGALS are not allowed rebates but since many ILLEGALS use false ID to get jobs and to pay taxes, they might end up collecting a rebate.
It isn’t bad enough that they come here illegally and they get jobs illegally but now they might be collecting a rebate check illegally when millions of Americans will not get one. As I stated, I don’t think the rebates are a smart move and I believe they amount to nothing more than a payoff during an election year. Regardless, the government should not be sending checks to ILLEGALS. To top it off, an ILLEGAL who paid taxes but has been deported might have a check sent to his native country. This is insane.
I don’t care that they paid taxes because they came here ILLEGALLY and they obtained jobs ILLEGALLY. As far as I am concerned they should lose what they paid in and be sent home. The problem is that the IRS is not a law enforcement agency (except when it locks you up for not paying) so it has no idea who is legal and who is not.
As an aside, lost in the rebate issue is the admission by Democrats that tax cuts are good and stimulate the economy. Besides being an election year payoff, the Democrats have admitted that giving people back their own money (in this case someone else’s) brings more revenue into the treasury. Nancy Pelosi stated that each dollar of broad tax cuts leads to $1.26 in economic growth and the mere act of giving it back to stimulate the economy shows they know tax cuts are good. I have news for her, this is true even when the economy is good. Lower taxes mean that people have more money to spend.
But we should not be giving it to ILLEGALS…
The Crypt
Others with interesting posts:
The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, Right Truth, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, , Pet’s Garden Blog, Allie is Wired, Nuke Gingrich, third world county, A NEWT ONE- PLEASE UNITE NOW!, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One- bloggers rountable, Celebrity Smack, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Caption This Photo
Jan 15, 2008 Political
The Congress is back in session ready to cause havoc so let’s have a little fun with them. Caption this photo. Put your captions in the comment section. Try not to be vulgar, or at least be clever with it.
Here is one to start us off:
Ooh, Harry is that a Slim Jim in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
I’ve got your pork right here.
Tags: caption this photo, Pelosi, Reid
Democrats in, Congress Godless
Oct 10, 2007 Uncategorized
Nancy Pelosi defended the actions of the Capitol architect who took it upon himself to decide that the word God and any other religious phrases may not be placed on the certificates that accompany Flags ordered by constituents. Nancy Pelosi and the architect are denying people their right to free speech. People have a right to have whatever they want, within the limits of good taste, added to the certificates. In case these people do not know it, the Flag and its accompanying certificate are not free. People order them and PAY for them. Since they are paying for them, they should have a right to get just about whatever they want on them.
The case stems from an Eagle Scout who wanted, “In honor of my grandfather Marcel Larochelle, and his dedication and love of God, country, and family” written on his certificate. When he received it, the word God was not on it. He paid for the Flag and certificate and the PC police at the Capitol decided that the word was inappropriate. Who is this jackass and what power does he have to decide what people have written on certificates that they pay for? Additionally, if he was not going to put what the kid wanted on the certificate, he should have returned the money and the form with an explanation.
Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is so anti religion and liberal (but I repeat myself) that she lacks the courage to tell the guy to print what people pay for. How dare this woman decide that this is appropriate and to declare that she does not see the point of the Congressman who was upset about it? I am willing to bet this jackass architect accepts his pay in US dollars that have the words “In God We Trust” imprinted upon them. I am willing to bet Pelosi has no problem accepting the millions of dollars in graft she gets even though those dollars contain the very same words.
I believe that all Americans should stop ordering Flags from the Congress. Just stop completely and let them figure out something else to do with their time. I also think we should refuse to pay our taxes because we would not want to offend any of these jackasses who don’t like to see God’s name in print. These jackasses are only religious when they are running for office ala Hillary and B. Hussein.
Check that idea about not paying taxes. That could be risky given how the federal government sends jack booted marshals to arrest you and harass your friends if you refuse to surrender your money to those who extort it from you. You could fly planes into buildings and Democrats will praise you and demand that you not be tortured but fail to pay your taxes and they send SS storm troopers from the Federal Marshal’s office to beat the money our of you or take you into custody. When the Mafia did that it was called extortion. When the federal government does it, it is called the tax system.
Just ask the Browns and their friends.
Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to: Nuke’s, third world county, DeMediacratic Nation, The Populist, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: Democrats, Flag, God, Link Fest, Pelosi, Political Commentary