Senator Byrd-Dogging Michael Vick?
Jul 20, 2007 Uncategorized
By now most people know about the accusations against Michael Vick with regard to dog fighting and the cruelty associated with his participation in that sport. There are reports that Vick helped kill dogs that were injured or deemed not mean enough in some of the most cruel fashions imaginable. Vick is accused of hanging dogs, dousing them with water and electrocuting them and with continually slamming them on the ground until they died. These allegation, if true, point out to serious mental disorders in Vick and his thug friends who are charged in the crime.
Senator Robert “Sheets” Byrd (D-WV) expressed his dissatisfaction to a nearly empty Senate chamber when he startled tourists by shouting out his condemnation of the allegations of dog abuse:
“Barbaric,” Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., shouted four times in a Senate chamber that was mostly empty except for two dozen somewhat startled tourists.
“Let that word resound from hill to hill and from mountain to mountain, from valley to valley across this broad land,” he thundered, raising his right hand. “May God help those poor souls who would be so cruel. Barbaric! Hear me!” AP (via WBAL)
Of course, given Byrd’s past life as a sheet wearing Klansman, this speech could have been an admonishment of him and his former linen clad friends. In Byrd’s world he can be rewarded (by election to and continued service in the Senate) for belonging to an organization that committed many more barbaric acts that were just as, or more cruel, to fellow human beings because the color of their skin happened to be black. Byrd continued:
“I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God’s creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt,” he said.
As well as those who brutally mistreat people because of their race.
I understand the outrage and any person who is not repulsed by the behavior of Vick and company simply lacks enough brain power to live in a civil society and should not be allowed in public without supervision (and certainly not allowed to vote). I can certainly understand that Byrd would be upset, as would any normal person, but the verbal display of outrage smacks of hypocrisy when one considers the Senator’s colored past. For him to chastise anyone for cruelty is beyond reason.
It is like the kettle calling the pot black…
Tags: Political Commentary
Listen to the Generals
Jul 15, 2007 Uncategorized
The debate rages about the war in Iraq with Democrats hell bent to appease their anti war base before the next election. Victory in Iraq is not a concern for them as long as they obtain victory at the ballot box. When the war first started many of those now opposed voted to go to war but have changed their minds based upon the fear they will lose their jobs if they do not do something to bring the troops home.
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Tags: Featured, Political Commentary
Are The Democrats Imploding?
Jul 14, 2007 Uncategorized
The Democratic presidential field, like the Republican field, is full of people who want o be the next president of the United States. Many of these candidates do not have a chance of winning and yet they linger on. This is a problem for the front runners who must pay attention to those of lesser status to avoid a costly mistake. John Edwards and Hillary Rodham think the field is too large and that it should be pared down to those ho have a chance of winning. After a recent debate an open mike caught their conversation about this issue:
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Tags: Featured, Political Commentary
RFK Wants Global Warming Deniers Tried for Treason
Jul 10, 2007 Uncategorized
Is Robert F Kennedy Jr. preparing to run for office in order to keep the tradition of having Kennedys infest government and screw up this country? It seems to me that his latest outburst might be a prelude to a run for office in order to fill his Kennedy family duty of systematically destroying the US from within.
In his tirade, RFK Jr makes his pitch for environmental lunacy by exclaiming:
“Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies. This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.”
The definition of treason is a betrayal of trust or an overt attempt to overthrow the government to which the person owes allegiance (which is why those who seceded from the Union could not commit treason, for those who commented on an earlier post). By denying Global Warming, or more appropriately by not accepting the version of Global Warming espoused by the Al Gore crowd, one is hardly committing treason. People are merely expressing their own views about the situation, views to which they are entitled under our Constitution.
However, the left loves to demonize anyone with whom they disagree and they love to stifle free speech that does not agree with their points of view. The left is more than happy to entertain people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, people who oppose the flying of a Confederate Flag, or Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison comparing President bush to Hitler but let someone say he does not believe that man causes Global Warming and the left wants them hung for treason.
Interestingly, the left is also big in its movement to impeach the President and Vice President in order to remove them from office. There are no impeachable offenses but the left is hell bent on pursuing the process and this is for one reason, to get rid of the head of our government who most believe was not fairly or legally elected to office. Every day the left is involved in acts that run contrary to the President and acts that harm our troops who most of them placed in harm’s way. One might say that this overt attempt to overthrow the duly elected heads of our government borders on treason. The cut and run philosophy of the left with regard to the war in Iraq could well be viewed as treason and certainly, John Kerry was guilty of treason when he met with our enemy. These items are often ignored by people like RFK Jr. who have no real grasp on the realities of life.
Perhaps we can get Teddy to take this fellow for a drive near the water.
Unrelated Trackbacks to Outside the Beltway ♦ Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak ♦ Right Celebrity ♦ Wake Up America ♦ DeMediacratic Nation ♦ Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner ♦ Pirate’s Cove ♦ Blue Star Chronicles ♦ The Pink Flamingo ♦ The Bullwinkle Blog ♦ Conservative Cat ♦ Right Voices and The Yankee Sailor
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: Link Fest, Political Commentary
Cindy Sheehan to Challenge Pelosi?
Jul 8, 2007 Uncategorized
Retired anti war wacko and momma moonbat to many, Cindy Sheehan, has indicated that she might run against Nancy Pelosi for San Fran Nan’s seat in the House of Representatives. Sheehan said that if San Fran Nan does not seek impeachment of President Bush by Jusly 23rd then she [Sheehan] will run against Pelosi. Sheehan says that she will move into that district and that she will give Pelosi a run for her money.
The thought of Cindy Sheehan as a member of Congress is chilling but no more so than Nancy Pelosi as a member of Congress. Both are horrible people who have their own interests at heart. I just think it would be quite ironic if Sheehan, the Democrat’s poster child, ran against one of them. If Sheehan runs I want her to win. I just think it would be great to see Frankenstein’s monster come back to hurt the creator.
Sheehan also let us know something that we Republicans have known for quite some time, Democrats are not Americans. Sheehan said; “Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership.” There you have it, Democrats and Americans which should tell us something right there.
Read the article and it will be easy to see how one dimensional and ill prepared Sheehan is. Her reasons for impeachment do not reach the level required in the Constitution but she wants it nonetheless. Still, she really is no different than Pelosi who thinks she is authorized to conduct diplomatic missions, and is clueless about the separation of powers. In all reality, Sheehan is no less prepared than Pelosi and since both of them are dingbats, it is even on that front.
What you sow so you too shall reap. Oh how great it would be to see the Democrats reap the dingbat they have sown.
BTW, Sheehan had a son who died in Iraq.
Tags: Political Commentary