B. Hussein Obama has it Half Right

At a campaign speech B. Hussein Obama took a shot at President Bush by stating that the entire world would give a sigh of relief when Bush steps down.

“The day that this president steps down, the entire world will breath a sigh of relief,” said attacking President Bush.

He faulted the administration’s policies on education, economy, energy, and the war in iraq [sic]. MSNBC

The day President Bush steps down the entire terrorist (Muslim) world will breath a sigh of relief. If a Democrat wins the White House the terrorists will be jumping for joy because they will once again go through life attacking us with impunity as they did during the Clinton and Carter years. CAIR will breath a sigh of relief because they will be able to be more open with their terror activities and the countries that have been on edge because of their ties to terrorism will be breathing easier because they know that the man who vowed to attack them if they got out of line will be out of office.

Israel will not breath a sigh of relief because they will be even more of a target for the radical Muslim terrorists that shoot rockets at them on a routine basis. Iran will breath a sigh of relief because it knows that it will be able to continue developing nuclear weapons and that once it has them it will be able to attack Israel and attempt to “wipe it off the map.”

Mr. B. Hussein Obama is only half correct on this one. Once George Bush is gone the Muslim terrorists will once again have free reign and it will be open season on America. I am just wondering, if a Democrat is elected, who they will blame for the next attacks. They keep blaming Bush for 9/11 though it was the prophet Billy who gave it to us.

Hussein is trying to make it appear as if the entire world hates George Bush. Sure there are a lot of people who hate what we have done. Most of them wish they had the testicular fortitude to stand up to terrorists but since they appease they expect everyone to do so. The only people who really hate him are the animals who fight in the name of the child molester Mohammad.

As with all Democrats, B. Hussein Obama fails to recognize the danger we face. If he gets elected he and the terrorists will be boys in the hood and we will get more places like this.

Why Did Democrats Raise Gas Prices?

Last Summer, prior to the mid-term elections, Democrats were out in full force discussing gasoline prices that were nearing, and in some case, above $3.00 a gallon. Idiots like Harry Reid blamed those prices on our dependence on oil and the oil companies gouging consumers. How can they be making such record profits while people are suffering? Harry said that part of the problem was that oil companies were not expanding their refining capacity, as if they can. Reid and other idiots like him will not allow new refineries to be built so who exactly is causing the problem?

Reid, Pelosi and an endless stream of Democrats drove a few blocks from the Capitol, left their cars running near by and gave speeches under gas station price signs. They all blamed George Bush and his foreign policy, his being in bed with big oil and everything from Katrina to racism in order to pin high oil (and thus gas) prices on him and the Republicans. The majority is to blame for the high cost of gasoline because all the evil Republicans are in bed with big oil. Vote for us and you will have lower gas prices and we will end the war (George Bush’s war that we voted for).

Here it is, a year later and now the Democrats are in charge. The price of gasoline is a dollar higher than it was a year ago (in some places) and is as high or higher in others. The Democrats have raised the price of gasoline after they promised that if they were the majority they would lower gas prices. If the Republicans were responsible when they were the majority then the Democrats are responsible now that they hold that honor. We will not allow the donks to have it both ways in the Dog’s house. They are responsible because they promised to lower the prices when they were elected and they raised them instead. It is not President Bush’s fault; he has not vetoed any Democratic bill that deals with energy, just a pork laden funding bill for the war that contained provisions for usurping the President’s authority.

Let us just assume, for the sake of argument, that the Republicans and our President are responsible for the gas prices. They are not but let us pretend. Why are the Democrats not out at gas stations crying about the cost of gas and telling everyone how unfair it is? Is it because they already got your vote and don’t need anything from the sheeple this year? The donks have been breaking one campaign promise after another so why think they would keep their promise to lower the cost of gas? They lied out there on those hot Summer days when they told everyone that the other guy was responsible and that they would fix it. They new that the global market decides the cost of gas and that the only things that can be done here to help out are lower gas taxes, discontinue boutique blends, and build more refineries. None of these things are on the table for the Democrats so the cost of gas will not go down because of anything a Democrat does.

I stated last year, when these idiots were making the ridiculous claims, that no party is responsible for the price of gas. I still believe that because it is correct but, given that Democrats were so willing to place the blame on the Republicans when they held the majority it is only fitting to hold these donks to the very same standard. Since it was the fault of the Republicans when they were in the majority it is the Democrats’ fault now that they are in charge.

So again I ask, where are the Democrats who stood on street corners last year? Why are they not fixing the price of gas instead of raising it? Why are they not out at gas stations telling us that they screwed us (like they did with the Republicans)? The Democrats in office already know the real story. They played politics with the issue, an issue that no one can fix as evidenced on their impotence with regard to the issue.

They also knew that there are enough stupid people in this country that a lie will help them win. Wake up America, before it is too late. Democrats will do anything to win and they want to destroy this country.

Giuliani is Toast

Rudy Giuliani has given himself the kiss of death among the Conservative base by declaring that he finds abortion morally wrong but believes in the right to murder unborn children:

Saying he believes abortion is “morally wrong,” Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani told an audience at Houston Baptist University this morning that he respects a woman’s right to choose to have the procedure.

“I believe you have to respect their viewpoint and give them a level of choice,” the former New York City mayor told a crowd of about 300 students and faculty at the school’s Mabee Teaching Theater. Chron.com

He might appeal to the Democratic base but they do not vote in the Republican primary so he just did himself in.

Big Dog

Dems Back Off Promises, No Wonder Approval is Bush Like

The Congress has an approval rating as low as the President’s and has for quite some time, even when his was much higher. This gets reported at times but the big news outlets that report on Bush’s approval ratings being in the tank hardly ever include that the approval of Congress is just as dismal. It is no surprise that the ratings are low, people are tired of the criminals that occupy Congress. They are a bunch of self serving people who care more about getting reelected then doing the right thing.

Couple this with the Democrats backing off some of their campaign promises (no surprise there) and you have the making of low approval ratings. The Democrats have backed way off their so called lobby reform (you know to end that culture of corruption) and are now not so sure they like what they were proposing:

Now that they are running things, many Democrats want to keep the big campaign donations and lavish parties that lobbyists put together for them. They’re also having second thoughts about having to wait an extra year before they can become high-paid lobbyists themselves should they retire or be defeated at the polls.

The growing resistance to several proposed reforms now threatens passage of a bill that once seemed on track to fulfill Democrats’ campaign promise of cleaner fundraising and lobbying practices. ABC News

The Democrats do not need this issue now because they do not need to beat up Republicans with it in order to win elections. They are now content to sit back and rake in the lobbyist dollars. Why should they worry? The MSM will not report Democratic corruption or it will be mentioned in passing and then dismissed. William Jefferson is corrupt but we do not hear anyone in the MSM calling for his resignation. He is not in a cell next to Randy Cunningham. Dianne Feinstein is a war profiteer who used her position in the Senate to push defense contracts to her husbands business in violation of Senate ethics rules and the law. Her family wealth went from around 15 million dollars to 50 million during the time she was breaking the law and yet she is not breaking rocks in a federal prison.

The MSM will give Democrats a pass on all this so the Dems don’t really need to worry about lobby reform. They can continue to fleece Americans and act surprised when we don’t smile while bent over. The Democrats have used their positions to gain wealth for years. The list of wealthiest members of the Senate has Democrats from top to bottom and they did not get that way honestly.

The Democrats are a disgrace but Congress in general needs an overhaul. DC needs an enema.

Big DogRelated:

Democrats Still Supporting the Troops, Not!

The Democrats are so focused on hurting President Bush that they are neglecting the men and women in the military who are on the front line of the war on terror. There are those, like the dolts at the Daily POS, who say that Bush is not supporting the troops because he vetoed the funding bill. He did not veto the bill because of the funding, he vetoed the bill because it took away the powers vested in him under the Constitution. The Democrats took weeks to pass legislation that they knew would be vetoed. These are the same people who said they would make sure the troops were taken care of.

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The latest effort to support the troops is a bill that would provide funding until the end of July and then if there is no progress (no word on who will measure progress or by what standard) then the Democrats will cut off funding for the troops. This is how the Democrats take care of our troops and ensure they have what they need to fight our enemies.

The Democrats long for their glory years of Vietnam where they cut funding and brought our troops home in disgrace. They are looking to again effect change by showing cowardice and thus allowing our enemies to crow in victory as the leaders of Vietnam do to this day. Their actions are pathetic and they are not fit to be the elected representatives of the people. America will only remain the land of the free as long as it remains the home of the brave and with the Democrats the end is on the horizon.

We are headed back to the days of a military with low morale and lack of desire as we had during the Carter and Clinton presidencies. The troops know when they are appreciated and they know when they are being supported and they also know who actually supports them. That is why they vote overwhelmingly Republican.

And therein lies the issue. Perhaps the Democrats are paying them back for supporting the “wrong” party.

Related item:
My Way News

Big Dog

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