Daily KOS Should Demand Action from Liberals in Congress

A writer named mcjoan at the Daily POS had this to say with regard to the White House while writing about a showdown on emails (they are with Hillary Rodham’s billing records):

On the Iraq War, the White House is just being obstructionist, trying to subvert the will of the American people.

This writer is under some false impression that the election of Democrats to the majority is a mandate to end the war. The election was about a lot of things, including the war, but the victory in no way implies a mandate. These are the same kind of people who, after President Bush was reelected, stated that there was no mandate for his policies. There were those who espoused that Bush’s victory over John Kerry was a mandate to stay the course in the war, a point of view dismissed by the left. If the will of the people was to end the war, why did Ned Lamont, the anti war candidate and Daily POS savior, lose to Lieberman in the General Election? For the record, I believe that Bush’s reelection was a rejection of Kerry and that most Americans believed Bush to be stronger on national security, especially given Kerry’s cut and run military service.

I find it amazing that some people have such blinded views that they fail to recognize their own hypocrisy. These are the same kind of people who failed to call Democrats obstructionists when they opposed the nominations of the President for judicial positions. Using their logic, there was a mandate for the President to appoint conservatives to the bench and yet, the Democrats opposed nominees time and again. The folks who slither around the POS were up in arms (figuratively since most abhor violence and Second Amendment Rights) about John Roberts and Sam Alito being appointed to the SCOTUS but that was, after all, the will of the people.

The Democrats threatened to hold up a number of issues when they were the minority. Their threats to filibuster anything they did not like were certainly obstructionist and resulted in the ill fated gang of 14 whose Democrats vowed not to do such things and then, while the ink was still wet, made more threats.

The Bush Administration is not subverting the will of the people. People in this country want to win. At least all real Americans want to win. The appeasers and those who have no stomach for the hard tasks at hand are willing to give in to the enemy and allow terrorism to spread. What is their plan for after we withdraw? If Congress forces us to surrender and leave then it is up to Congress, not President Bush, to come up with a plan for the aftermath. One would hope they do a better job than they did when they surrendered in Vietnam or there will be a bloody mess with millions killed when we leave and create that vacuum.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

I think I have a solution to this issue. Congress should draft legislation that calls for our troops to completely withdraw within 90 days. That legislation must include a provision that if the surrender results in a blood bath in Iraq or if we are attacked at home or at one of our entities abroad (any time after the withdraw), those who voted for the legislation must immediately resign. If cutting and running is truly the correct thing to do and it reflects the will of the people, as mcjoan indicates, then those who vote for such an act should have no issue with being held accountable for that vote. There would be no appeal process and those who were forced to resign would be barred from ever running for office again or from working as a lobbyist.

If the Democrats have the courage of their convictions then this should be a no brainer (which is what they are most qualified to handle). If they are espousing the will of the people then they should have no problem putting their necks out for what they believe to be the right thing and “the will”.

I bet that no Democrat is willing to do such a thing and that no follower of the great and mighty KOS would want them to. When it comes to courage, the war is not the only place Liberals are lacking.

Big Dog

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Harry Reid IS an Embarrassment

Kathleen Parker points out that David Broder caught hell for calling Harry Reid an Embarrassment:

Veteran political columnist David Broder set off a firestorm recently when he called Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid an “embarrassment” for declaring the Iraq War “lost.”

From the assault subsequently directed at Broder — from other journalists, political operatives, left-wing bloggers and even the entire 50-member Senate Democratic Caucus — you’d have thought Broder had had an intimate encounter with an intern. The Patriot Post

The first rule of liberalism is to attack the arguer, not the argument. Not one of these journalists or members of the Senate can debate this issue and come up with a plausible reason as to why Reid is not an embarrassment so in order to deflect this truth, they attack the person making the argument.

Let me say it once again, in case Broder did make his point clearly enough for the pinheads in the MSM and the Democratic Caucus, HARRY REID IS AN EMBARRASSMENT. He is more than an embarrassment. He is a low life scum sucking worm that lives off the backs of taxpayers while he breaks ethics rules with shady land deals. There is one thing that he definitely is NOT and that is a leader. He could not lead a group of people out of a burning building. Harry Reid could not find his rear if his hands were in his back pockets and that is one of the nicest things I have to say for this brain damaged leftard.

Now, the MSM and the Democratic Caucus are free to say what they want about me because I don’t really care. If any of these overpaid blow hards would like to debate the qualities of Dingy Harry Reid I will be happy to put the smack down on them.

Harry Reid is a loser and Nevada should recall this jackass. He has the dishonor of being the Jackass of the Month here at the Dog’s house and I am proud to conduct my bidniz’ on ole’ Harry.

Will Carter Like Numbers Get Bush Liberal Love?

A Newsweek poll shows that President Bush’s approval rating is at an all time low and is the same as Jimmy Carter’s at 28%. That is right, only 28 out of every 100 people approve of the job that President Bush is doing and that number compares to the numbers of Jimmy Carter, easily America’s worst President. We have not been attacked since 9/11 and we are fighting the terrorists in their own back yard so that we do not have to fight them here and the President has the same numbers as one of the former Presidents who brought terror to us by allowing the Iranians to hold hostages for more than a year.

I have never been one to worry about these kinds of numbers. Americans are generally blind to the good things that this country does and most Americans are easily led by the media and politicians who tell them lies. The economy is very strong and the stock market sets new records nearly weekly and yet we still have Democrats who say we need to fix the economy. Unemployment is low (lower than during Clinton) and inflation is low. Despite inheriting a recession and 9/11 Bush has kept our economy strong but you would not know that from the number of people who complain that minorities only join the military because there are no job options (not true but if that is the case it is another reason to get rid of ILLEGALS). Bush is not a perfect President but he is no where near as bad as he is portrayed by the MSM and the Democrats. Their goal has been to destroy him since he beat Gore (and yes he beat him) and as payback for impeaching Clinton.

Since Jimmy Carter is revered by the left and he is such a wise and wonderful man (Nobel and all) and since he is their wise old sage despite his dismal performance and low approval ratings, perhaps George Bush will garner the same respect. The left in America thinks Carter was a wonderful communicator and that he has it right with regard to the Middle East. They believe him to be like their wise and scholarly old grandfather and they believe this even though he caused misery here at home and allowed terrorists to crap all over us (like Clinton did later on). Since this kind of dismal performance is required to gain the respect of the Liberals in America I think it is time they all showed George Bush the same respect and reverence they show to Carter.

All Bush needs to do now is allow the terrorists to take over and he will be a hero in the world of the left. Pelosi, Reid, and Murtha might actually show him a little respect just before they had their heads lopped off by some radical members of the religion of peace.

Senator Feinstein; Money for War Should Go To My Husband

I have written about Senator Dianne Feinstein and her war profiteering involving her deliberate involvement in funneling over a billion dollars to her husband’s companies. Not very surprising is the fact that most major news organizations have ignored this story and the obvious violation of the law. What should anyone expect, she is a Democrat. Randy Cunningham is spending time in jail for using his office for personal gain and I am glad about that. I have often said that if a member of Congress is corrupt then that member belongs in jail regardless of party. Unfortunately, with Democrats the only concern is about a Republican culture of corruption involving how many the Democrats can put in jail or force from office. They used a pawn Democratic attorney to badger a Grand Jury indictment against Tom Delay so they could remove him from his position. They knew if he were still there they could not possibly win an election.

Feinstein received information illegally and then used that information to ensure taxpayer money was doled out to her husband’s companies. If the Democrats want to talk about no bid contract this would seem to be a good place to start. Halliburton my ass! It was URS of San Francisco and the Perini Corporation of Framingham, MA that received money without a real process because the person responsible for handing over the dough had a financial interest in the companies.

What they didn’t know was that her chief legal adviser, who also happened to be a business partner of her husband’s and the vice chairman of one of the companies involved, was secretly forwarding her lists of projects and appropriation requests that were coming before the committee and in which she and her husband had an interest — information that has only come to light recently as a result of the efforts of several California investigative reporters.The Hill

This is unethical and illegal. Dianne Feinstein needs to be brought up on charges and she needs to be in a cell along with Cunningham. The Attorney General can deflect a lot of attention from his office and the witch hunt it is enduring by focusing squarely on getting Feinstein. He should be relentless and ruthless in taking her down. If Republicans ever want to gain control again they need to demonstrate some testicular fortitude and get just as or more ugly than their Democratic opponents. If we do not play hardball with them they will walk all over us.

The MSM is ignoring this story which has been reported by me and several other Conservative bloggers. The irony of the story is that a liberal group is appalled:

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington, or CREW, usually focuses on the ethical lapses of Republicans and conservatives, but even she is appalled at the way Sen. Feinstein has abused her position. The Hill

Why is this group called Citizens for anything when they focus on Republicans and conservatives? Shouldn’t they be called Socialists for Conservative and Republican Ethics in Washington (SCREW) because they are only out to do just that to the right? If they are concerned with ethics in government they should be going after every unethical person regardless of party affiliation. William Jefferson of LA, Jack Murtha of PA, and Harry Reid of NV are all unethical people who have had illegal dealings and this group has said nary a word. It took 1.5 BILLION dollars to make them notice Feinstein. I think Cunningham’s numbers pale in comparison.

In any event, it is quite obvious that Feinstein used her position to get wealthy by funneling money to her husband’s companies. She knew what was going on and she facilitated it. She needs to be indicted.

It is quite amazing that Feinstein is delaying funds for our troops but was quick to ensure money went into her personal coffers. I guess she is all for spending money on the war if she can send it to her hubby.

Big Dog

Hillary Resorts to Giuliani Tactics?

Last week Rudy Giuliani stated that if a Democrat were elected President we would have another 9/11 type attack. This brought scorn from the Democratic hopefuls. They were not happy with the portrait painted by Rudy. But hold the phone! Hillary and Bill have resorted to the same tactic in order to fend off Hussein Obama:

Both Clintons are using the fear factor to ward off growing support for Obama. Time says the power couple are telling potential contributors that the U.S. could very likely experience a 9/11-scale terrorist attack during the next administration, and Hillary – because of her experience as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee – is the candidate best suited to handle such a crisis. NewsMax

Wow! Hillary Rodham and her husband Bill Clinton have taken to using the very scare tactics they have chided President Bush and the rest of the Republicans for. They claim that we use fear to influence people but what exactly are they doing? Here is part of what Hillary said about Giuliani:

“There are people right now in the world, not just wishing us harm but actively planning and plotting to cause us harm. If the last six years of the Bush Administration have taught us anything, it’s that political rhetoric won’t do anything to quell those threats. And that America is ready for a change. NYT

Looks like political rhetoric is OK when you are trying to raise money, squash an opponent, and win the Presidency.

Another example of do as I say, not as I do…

Big Dog