Gays Turn Other Cheeks, Go On Offensive
Feb 6, 2007 Political
When there is a battle over an issue one tactic is to go on the offensive. I prefer to always be on the offensive because then you are taking it to the enemy. For some time now the gay community has done its best to disregard the tradition this country, and the world, has honored in regard to marriage. They want members of the same sex to be able to get married. Poll after poll and ballot initiative after ballot initiative always show that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose this idea. That does not matter to the gay community and it does not matter to Liberal politicians who only think majority rules when they say that a majority opposes the war.
The gays have been on the defensive for a long time in that they have had to defend their position (pun intended) on the issue. Now they are striking out at the heterosexual community.
An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.
Initiative 957 was filed by the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. That group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington’s ban on same-sex marriage. NWCN News
The measure also calls for people to be tested to ensure they are able to have children or they would be denied a marriage license. The gay community is trying to force heterosexual couples to have children within three years or they would not be able to stay married because the gays contend that for too long they have been told that the one man one woman idea is so we can procreate. That certainly is one reason but the other reason is that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and values and this does not include same sex marriage. I don’t really care if the gay community likes that idea or if the Liberals like the idea that we still base our institutions on our religious heritage. If the gay community does not like it then they can find their own piece of property and start their own country. They can put Rosie in as the Butch Queen and marry each other till their heart’s content. As long as they are here and claim this as their homeland then they need to live by the laws and that means giving in to the desire of the majority. Honestly, how many more ballots does this issue have to be on before the gays get the hint that it ALWAYS LOSES? If it were not for activist judges and pandering politicians this issue would have died long ago.
As for this proposal in Washington, I do not think it is even a legal move. The government can not tell people that they have to have children. You see, Roe v Wade protects women here as well because if it is a woman’s right to choose to abort a child it is also her right to choose not to have one in the first place. If this law passes and they make a woman have a baby (and basically tell her that she has no control over her body) then they will have to do away with abortion because there will no longer be a “right to choose” argument for it.
As long as we are on this issue, what right does the government have to interfere in a marriage in the first place? Marriage is a religious ceremony and not a legal one. By getting involved in marriage the government is imposing itself in religion. They make laws governing marriage and this is against the First Amendment, at least as it has been interpreted by the ACLU and its hip pocket judges and politicians. It should be up to the Church to decide what constitutes a marriage. It is even reasonable to say that when a judge marries someone at the courthouse it is a violation of the Constitution.
So how about the gays back off and stop trying to impose their minority will upon the rest of society. Is it any wonder that people go out gay bashing? How much are we expected to take from a small portion of society? It is also time for the judges and politicians to stop pandering to the gay lobbies and to get on with the business of this country. The gay lifestyle is not normal and it never will be no matter how much the the special interest groups try to make us believe otherwise. Let’s stop trying to normalize abnormal behavior and get back to the basics of our founding principles.
Tags: Commentary, Political
Cross Edwards Off the List
Feb 4, 2007 Political
John Edwards should, in no way shape or form, be president of this country. First of all he has this BS theme about two Americas where all the rich people are in one America and the rest of us are in the other America. Only problem with all that is while Edwards is telling people how we need to redistribute income and how we need to even out those Americas and while he is trying to make people believe he is from the poor America, he is living the life of luxury. He is flaunting that very rich America that he chastises on the campaign trail. Edwards just had built a 26 thousand square foot house on a hundred or so acres. His house is the largest in his county and probably cost more than most of us will make in a lifetime. He is an ambulance chasing charlatan.
Now the pretty boy wants to raise taxes. He is not in office and he already wants to raise taxes and he is not bashful about telling people that he thinks the government is entitled to their money. He wants to put in place universal health care that is expected to cost 90 to 120 billion dollars a year. He said there has to be a revenue source and the only way to get one is raise taxes. He also wants to put a Communist arm of the government in place to monitor money to ensure that people do not get to keep what they earn.
“We should have brokerage houses report the capital gains that people are incurring because we’re losing billions and billions of dollars in tax revenue,” Edwards said. al-Reuters
John Edwards is not content with the fact that people who make a capital gain are doing so on money that they have already paid taxes on. They have the chance to put money away and the government wants to take a portion of what they earn in investment. What exactly did the lazy, worthless slugs in government do to deserve the money that you earned with your capital? The government just wants to swoop in and make off with your money that you earned. Well screw you John Edwards and screw you government. We all can not be like you rich jerks in Congress who invest in non taxable funds. We have to invest in items that you can extort our money from and we are tired of it.
It is not my job to pay increased taxes so someone else can have insurance. Tell those lazy slugs to go get a fricking job and pay for their own damned insurance. I know if my taxes go up to pay for someone else I might just have to cancel my insurance and live off the gubmint like a good slave. The government’s answer to everything is to raise taxes. John Edwards is no different except you can bet his investments are on tax free items. That is part of the two Americas.
Screw him and screw the whole idea of higher taxes. They are going to keep it up until we have an armed revolution. It will happen if they do not change their ways.
Tags: Political
Democratic Candidates Pick Theme Songs
Feb 3, 2007 Political
The Democrats who hope to be the next President selected their theme songs at the winter meeting of the DNC. Here are the songs they selected:
_John Edwards: “This Is Our Country” by John Mellencamp.
Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut: “Get Ready (Cause Here I Come)” by the Temptations and “Reach Out,” also by the Temptations.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York: “Right Here, Right Now,” by Jesus Jones and “Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” by Bachman-Turner Overdrive.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio: “America the Beautiful”
Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois decided against using any music in keeping with the somber tone he sought to convey.
Wesley Clark, who hasn’t indicated whether he will run, entered to Johnny Cash’s “I Won’t Back Down.”
Here are my picks for their songs:
John Edwards, “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story.
Christopher Dodd, “Running on Empty” by Jackson Browne.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, “The Bitch is Back” by Elton John and “Killer Queen” by Queen.
Dennis Kucinich, “For What its Worth” by Buffalo Springfield.
Barack Obama, “Back in Black” by AC/DC.
Wesley Clark, “One Tin Soldier” by Coven.
Now that more appropriately sums up the themes of the would be leaders.
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What Media Bias?
Feb 1, 2007 Political
San Fransisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has an appointments secretary who happened to be the wife of his re-election campaign manager, Alex Tourk. As if this was not enough nepotism to raise an eyebrow a new scandal has emerged as the three were part of a love triangle. Tourk’s wife, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, admitted to her husband that she and the Mayor had a sexual affair during the time the Mayor was in the process of divorcing his then wife Kimberly Guilfoyle (a Fox News babe). Tourk confronted Newsom with this and then quit his position. Rippey-Tourk says the affair was short lived.
What is interesting is that in the entire news article exposing this scandal the party affiliation of Newsom is not mentioned. I automatically assumed that he was a Democrat because the MSM rarely mentions the party affiliation of Democrats who get in trouble. This is not the case when a Republican is in hot water. Take the Mark Foley case. Nearly every story indicated that Foley was a Republican. The Herald Tribune mentions it in the second paragraph so that readers are made aware it is an evil Republican involved in the sex scandal.
One could certainly argue that the Tribune is not a San Fran newspaper so they probably have different reporting styles. However, a quick search of the San Francisco Chronicle (the same paper with the Newsom story) shows that their stories mentioned that Foley was a Republican. You can see them here and here.
It comes as no surprise to those of us who follow the news but there are still a number of Liberals who will claim that the news is biased toward the right and that they do not portray Democrats differently. Since studies show that an overwhelming number of members of the media consider themselves Liberal (and are registered as Democrats) it is easy to see why they report favorably on Democrats despite the mindless prattle from the left.
I don’t really care what Newsom did because that is between him and the involved parties. His political future is up to his constituents and I am not one. Given that he lives in San Fransisco and will be hailed as a hero for his decadent ways, it was probably not necessary for his allies in the MSM to cover his party affiliation. Except of course, to prevent the rest of the nation from seeing that scum runs across both sides of the political aisle.
UPDATEThe AP failed to mention it as well
Tags: Political
Al Franken to Run
Jan 31, 2007 Political
I know when you read that you assumed it meant he would run from someone he ticked off but he is going to run for a Senate seat in Minnesota. Franken will quit his radio show on Valentine’s Day and start working on his campaign. What? Oh, for those of you who did not know, Franken has a show on Err Amerika, a defunct Liberal radio station that is bankrupt and has no listeners.
Franken, who has a hot temper and likes to break bad with people, has tried many things that he was not particularly good at. He was a writer on Saturday Night Live and sometimes appeared in the skits. He is not very funny and he is supposed to be a comedian. He left comedy and wrote a few books that basically insulted people and called them liars. If that is successful writing there are a lot of moonbats at the Daily Kos who have a potential future (once they remove their tin hats). Then Franken went into radio on Err Amerika and he has failed at that. There are more people watching Andy Griffith reruns than listen to his show. Hell, there are probably more people who think Jerry Garcia is still alive than listen to his show. In any event, he is turning to politics.
He had better hope he reaches more people than his radio show did or he might be listed as “others” on the election night ticker. Franken is not what this country needs in Congress but I guess he figured he sucks at everything else so he might as well try to get into the loser club. He likes to tell folks he will be the only New York Jew in the race who grew up in Minnesota. I think he got that slightly wrong. He will be the only New York Jewish Putz…
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