Terrorists Use Democrat’s Talking Points

Jack ABSCAM Murtha has been a disgrace to his service and a disgrace to the Congress. He has also provided, along with all the other Democrats, talking points to the terrorists we are fighting. Here is what bin Murtha said about the plan to increase troop strength:

…Five months ago, we put an additional 10,000 troops in Baghdad. Attacks increased and a record number of Americans and Iraqis were killed. I see no difference between this and the President’s plan to “stay the course”… (from Huffington Post email)

Murtha is entitled to his opinion but he has been a nay sayer all along and I imagine he is probably trying to figure out how to pad his own pockets from the war effort more than anything. It would not be the first time he tried to make money off the Arabs…

Now, here is what a spokesperson for Moqtada al-Sadr had to say about the troop build-up:

“The American people have to prevent their sons from coming to Iraq or they may return in coffins,” said Sheikh Abdel Razzaq al-Nadawi, a senior official in Sadr’s movement in the Shiite holy city of Najaf. Breitbart

Murtha said violence increased before leading to American deaths and it will again and this towel head said that Americans need to prevent their sons from coming home in coffins (no mention of daughters because women are not worth anything to these subhuman idiots). So here we have it, the terrorists and the Democrats use the same talking points.

I am not surprised. The terrorists know that the Democrats are against the war and the bad guys see the Dems as the way into America. They will attempt to exploit the weakness of the Dems and attack us again so that CAIR and Ellison can impose Sharia law here.

I am disappointed in this plan that the President has come up with. It disappoints me a lot that he would send 21,500 more young Americans to fight. I think he should have sent 215,000 more troops and just waxed every terrorist ass in the region. As it stands the rules of engagement are going to be different and we are going to cut off Iranian and Syrian influence. Why not send ten times as many troops and mop the place up. We could turn the sand red with their blood. Hey, the buzzards have to eat too.

I really hope we just kill, kill, kill and do so without mercy. I am tired of messing around and want us to just wipe them all out. Kill every bad guy and kill off their families as well so their hatred will not continue to fester. We need to be swift, brutal, and lethal. We need to strike fear in the heart of every bad guy and we can start by dipping our bullets in pig grease. We can fill shells with pig’s blood and we can splatter it all over them. Congress is always happy to spend pork, so let’s send a lot of it to Iraq.

Hillary Going to Iraq

Unannounced Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is heading back to Iraq. She has been there a few times and disrupted the work of our soldiers. At least one was forced to pose with her for a photo, one he did not want to pose for. I do not know why she is going to Iraq because she loathes the military and she would not understand war tactics if they were written in crayon. I bet she will go over, walk around a bit and then come home and say that every troop with whom she spoke was opposed to the Bush plan to increase military strength in that country.

I am wondering if there is any way we can pay one of the groups over there to just take her away. If she could get captured by one of the groups there would be no opposition as to how many troops we should send. The libs will demand that we send every troop in the inventory to rescue the queen. We will be told that collateral damage does not matter and that we may kill as many civilians as necessary to bring home the “honorable” Senator. That would be a great time to send in massive numbers of troops and kill every bad guy in the region.

Only two problem. The first is that none of our troops would actually look for her. The second is that we would be condemned by the world for torturing those folks who had to be with her while she was held captive.

Oh well, so much for wishful thinking…


Minimum Wage Exemption is Mighty Fishy

Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy

In the book, Do As I Say, author Peter Schweizer points out that while many Democrats publicly talk about one thing they privately do quite another. There are those who talk about how terrible oil companies are but own oil stock. Some abuse the name Haliburton but own their stock. The book has plenty of examples of how the Democrats want you to do one thing while they, being elitists, do quite another. It looks like despite all her talk about an open and honest government, Nancy Pelosi is playing that Do as I say game.

The increase in the minimum wage has been the rally cry for the donks for quite some time. They complain that the minimum wage is too low (despite the fact that few people work for minimum wage) and they vowed to fix that. The put together a package that would increase the minimum wage to $7.25 over two years. This is good for America they say. Many economists feel that this will result in people losing jobs and in increased burden on small business but small business and the economy be damned because the donks have spoken. Well, sort of. You see, Nancy Pelosi has this little piece in the minimum wage bill exempting a tuna company in her district from complying. Yep, if you are connected to the Speaker you can get exempted from this legislation that is good for every company, except this one tuna company.

“I am shocked,” said Rep. Eric Cantor, Virginia Republican and his party’s chief deputy whip, noting that Mrs. Pelosi campaigned heavily on promises of honest government. “Now we find out that she is exempting hometown companies from minimum wage. This is exactly the hypocrisy and double talk that we have come to expect from the Democrats.” Washington Times

Amazing how that works. Is it possible to sue this wench for malfeasance? She pushed this legislation through in this 100 hour agenda and now we are finding out that it contains an exemption that amounts to politics as usual for the Democratic Party. I guess being a mother and grandmother made Pelosi aware that tuna is important to children’s lunches and she can not have it cost too much because of labor costs so she had to exempt it to save the chirren.

So, somebody tell me again why it is a good thing to have the Democrats ramming legislation through in the first 100 hours. Why is it good that this legislation did not go through committees and why is it good that no one from the minority party has had any input in any of the legislation? Seems to me, being the cynic that I am, this was all done deliberately so that Pelosi and her band of thieves could break the law and hand out special favors.

I urge President Bush to veto the minimum wage bill and use this exemption as the reason. If Pelosi wants to ram legislation through and have her agenda, it is going to have to apply to everyone. If they put this through again then he can just veto but the first veto should explicitly state that it is because Pelosi is giving favors to a business.

Childless Woman not Fit to Serve Country

…Unless she is childless due to abortion?

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Senator Barbara Boxer of California, who just last week received accolades from the Big Dog for rescinding an award to a member of the terrorist sponsoring CAIR, stepped in a pile of stinky stuff yesterday. While discussing (which is really just Democrats browbeating Republicans) the President’s new plan for more troops in Iraq Boxer made the observation that she [Boxer] would not suffer because her kids are too old to serve (and too liberal no doubt) and then she said to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, “You’re not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family.”

What Boxer said was, you really are not going to be affected by this troop surge because you have no children. She told Condi, “Well Condi, since you decided to pursue a career and have never had children, you are not really fit to make these decisions because you, well, don’t have a dog in the fight so to speak.” I, of course, would interject here that we all have a dog in the fight. The survival of our country. But to liberal idiots that means nothing. I would like to know, as an aside, why Boxer did not say “My kids are too old and even if they weren’t, I am an elitist who could keep my children from serving while the poor kids of the working class protect us.”

I am not surprised by this attack from a Democrat. All week long we have heard about how Screecher of the House Nancy Pelosi is somehow uniquely qualified for the job because she has children and grandchildren. Boxer is expanding upon the theme with her attack on Rice. Imagine how this would have played out if a man had said it to a woman or if a Republican said it to a Democrat. Imagine how it would have played out if some Republican said “Well, Pelosi is a mother and grandmother so she is not qualified to make sound judgments about things that involve children because of her emotional involvement with the issue.” The MSM and the liberal idiots in the Democratic party would be mixing up extra batches of moonbat kool-aid and demanding apologies and resignations. But, an attack on Rice is somehow justified.

You see, since Dr. Rice took a decision not to have children, she is unfit, or unqualified to make decisions about the war. A conscious decision not to reproduce is a bad thing. However, if this had been a moonbat who aborted 10 pregnancies and was thus childless, she would be held up as a symbol of strength and woman hood and a wonderful representative of the party. She would be hailed as uniquely qualified to discuss actions that involve children being killed because she herself would be able to speak from experience. The biggest problem I see with the whole abortion issue and members of the left is that their parents did not decide to abort them. Imagine how much better off we would be if Boxer’s mother had flushed her down the toilet. Imagine how much better off we would be if the parents of Clinton (both), Kerry, Reid, Kennedy, and the rest of the moonbats running this country into the ground had undergone that painless procedure to rid themselves of unwanted products of conception. From what I see with these idiots, someone threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth.

I think we should start blasting emails and faxes to Boxer’s office and demand that she apologize for her disrespect of Dr. Rice. A hint, the members of Congress like to do things to mess with you but they do not like to hear from you unless you can vote for them. If you fill out their contact forms they ask for and address or zip code or both and if you are not from their area they tell you to contact your own elected members. Search their website for the address to their local office and use that, it will let you send the comment then.

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Good Thing the Early US Felt Differently

The president unveiled a plan to put more troops on the ground in Iraq. This plan met with disapproval of the Democrats though the Democrats have complained all along that there were not enough troops on the ground in Iraq. The president also indicated that the rules of engagement would change and be less restrictive on our troops so that they do not have to go through some checklist before deciding to shoot at someone. The troops will go after those who have been causing the problems instead of trying to appease them and we will be cutting off the influences of Iran and Syria.

Barack Hussein Obama is one of the Democrats who is not happy with the increase in troops. Hussein, by the way, is running for president, shh, don’t tell anyone the secret. Obama had this to say about Iraq:

“We’re not going to baby sit a civil war,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told NBC’s “Today” Show. He said the Democratic-controlled Congress would not undercut troops already in Iraq but would explore ways to restrict the president from expanding the mission. Breitbart

First things first. They are not in a civil war as defined by competent authority and I am surprised Obama did not get the memo to stop using that phrase now that the elections are over. Additionally, Hussein seems to think that he and the others in Congress can tell the president how to manage the troops or the troop’s missions. As I have pointed out a number of times, they can not. I would think that all these supposedly intelligent people would know this and I would hope that a man who wants to be president would know that. This is not Sharia law Hussein.

But let us get to the meat of this. Hussein Obama says we do not want to baby-sit a civil war (we will accept the civil war for the sake of the argument). I understand the concern over 3000 military members who have been killed but we lost tens of thousands during the American Civil War and I don’t remember reading that anyone decided they did not want to baby-sit that effort. Why hell, if people had felt that way, instead of being a member of Congress Hussein Obama would be owned by a member of Congress. Obama would likely not have gone to school and we would still have slaves to this day. Jeez, I guess it was OK to baby-sit a civil war to help black people get from under oppression here in the US but it is not OK to do the same to help the brown skinned people of Iraq achieve the same. Hussein Obama must be a bigot and hate brown skinned Middle Eastern people.

Hussein, you would be serving Massa right now if good people had not fought and died in order to baby-sit the civil war that moved your ancestors off the plantation. I would think that since you never served or had to fight for anything you would at least allow those who are in the service and who control the service to prosecute the war and allow the people of Iraq the same opportunities afforded your blood line. Pretty pathetic for a man who wants to be president.