Cyber Ray Outs The Big Dog **Embarrassing Video**

Cyber Ray has published some information that was originally supposed to be about me, but after checking with me it was discovered that even though the resemblance is uncanny, the skills are not the same.

Visit Rumors of Blogger ‘Big Dog’ put to rest! in order to see the shameful truth.

The Birth of a Conservative Movement

Ladies and gentlemen,
On 8 November at 0130 (that is 1:30 am for you civilians) it was obvious to all that the Republican Party was in for a rough time. Instead of crawling under our beds as the Democrats have done for the last 12 years, the first response from my fellow Conservatives was “how do we start getting ready for 2008?” You see, we do not blame it on voting machines, or disenfranchisement or cheating or any thing else. In elections, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. To a Democrat, who believes that it is his birthright to be elected and lead, a loss equates to cheating and all other problems. Notice, they were completely happy with the process this time. Did you hear any Democrats say “Dammit, I am winning big here but we need a recount because a cop car scared poor blacks away”? That is the difference in philosophies.

We decided that night and into the next day to launch a grass roots site of our own that we hope will compete with some of the other sites in the political arena. I am proud to announce that after many long nights working with some really great folks, the site is up and running. The official launch is at midnight but we all felt our readers should get advanced notice so they could see it first. The site has editorials and writings from our contributors and they are all linked on the front page. This is more like a news and information site and we will use it to inform and teach.

This is the mission statement of the site:

The mission of America’s Victory 08 is to organize conservatives in a concerted effort to put conservative politicians in office. AV08 believes that politicians who espouse the following views are worthy of office and those who do not, are nor qualified to lead this country. Politicians who will garner our support must:

– Be Completely Dedicated To Winning the War in Iraq
– Be Completely Dedicated To Broadening and Winning the War on Terror
– Secure Constitutionalist Judges For Our Courts
– SECURE Our Border, Without Amnesty, Without Exception
– Represent Strong Moral Values (on abortion, gay marriage, etc…)
– Work on Reducing Spending, and Balancing Our Budget

This group’s mission includes educating the public on the benefits of conservatism and to exploit the failures of liberalism and liberals. Our view is that conservatism works every time it is tried and that liberalism is a weak position that creates dependent classes of people and forces them to be beholden to the government. We view independence as a civil right and believe that conservatism builds that independence by fostering an environment where people succeed unencumbered by the government.

In invite you to visit America’s Victory 08 and read some of the articles that are posted there. All contributors can be contacted via the contact form. If you would like to comment you have that option on the very first post, the written items do not allow that.

This is the first paragraph of my first article:

Leaders in the US Army are taught to put the needs of their soldiers above their own. This is an important principle of leadership and, in practice, it allows an atmosphere of mutual respect to develop. When this happens, a bond is formed where members of a team willingly sacrifice for the good of the others. When leaders put their own needs and desires first, people become disenchanted with them and eventually leave. Of course, it is not easy to pick up and walk out of a military unit but when the opportunity presents itself, soldiers will either leave the service or opt for another assignment in order to escape the grasp of a bad leader. Good leaders, on the other hand, have soldiers who will follow them into the gates of Hell.

You can read the rest of it here.

Of course, you can sign up to receive daily notices if something is published and you can add the feed to your favorite feed reader.

[tags]America’s Victory,election,republican,democrat,mission statement[/tags]

Charlie Rangel Submits Draft Proposal

For years we have been hearing how George Bush was going to reinstate the draft and the Democrats loved using that in the 2004 election. Emails were flying around from college kids worried that Bush would make them fight “his” war. They dd not stop the misinformation even when it was shown that several Democrats, including Charlie Rangel, had been the culprits in trying to revive the draft.

Now that the Democrats are in charge Rangel is trying to bring the draft back again. I do not think his efforts will be successful because the President, despite claims to the contrary, is opposed to the draft. He will likely veto any bill that actually makes it to his desk. Rangel is a moron and his motivation is that the draft will keep leaders from engaging in war. Rangel, a veteran, fails to see that sometimes war is necessary and he fails to see that a draft will make it easier to get more people in the service. Rangel’s plan would call for people between 18 and 42 to register. First of all, this is insane. How many 42 year old people will be ready to go fight? Also, they are well established and have families and higher incomes then the military offers. Secondly, the draft will bring in people who are really not qualified to sere, though John Kerry might disagree.

“If we’re going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can’t do that without a draft,” Rangel said.

He said having a draft would not necessarily mean everyone called to duty would have to serve. Instead, “young people (would) commit themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic, whether it’s our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals,” with a promise of educational benefits at the end of service. Washington Post

How could people go about being drafted to fulfill one of these non-combat jobs? When you are in they put you where they need you. Notice it is also tied to some social program for education. I am not opposed to educational programs for veterans but Rangel’s idea is designed to provide education for everyone and that smacks of socialism. Besides, not everyone wants to join the service or go to college.

Rangel has been trying to get the draft for years, though he voted against his own proposal in the past. He is an idiot who knows that the draft would only hurt the impoverished because the wealthy, like the children of members of Congress, will get out of service. The volunteer service is comprised of people who decided on their own to join and who were willing to make the sacrifices required, regardless of social stature.

Remember this, little Democrats because if he somehow gets his way it will be your children as well who get drafted. You can no longer cry that Bush is doing this because the truth is in the open. I told you before and now you have it right from his mouth. Rangel and his ilk will screw up this country in the next two years.

Who Didn’t See This Coming?

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had this wonderful idea to provide health care for everyone. The law that he enacted would require everyone in Massachusetts to have health care. People with work health plans had to sign up and those who did not have health care would sign up for government sponsored health care. Of course, the burden of paying for it fell on business and taxpayers. The increase was only supposed to be minimal (as if any program that costs millions of dollars can be minimal)and everyone would be happy.

Unfortunately, the program will cost a lot more than originally predicted. Once again, a government sponsored program costs a lot more money than what people were told. How many times are people going to be sold a bill of goods before they wise up? According to medilexicon:

Officials of Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s (R) administration are “now telling Wall Street that they expect” the state’s new law requiring all residents to obtain health insurance by July 1, 2007, “to be quite expensive,” even though “supporters promised that health insurance could be provided with only a slight increase in expenditures,” Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, writes in a Washington Times opinion piece. According to Pipes, officials now say “the new plan will increase Massachusetts government health spending by $276.4 million in 2007” — a $151 million increase “over what the public was told the plan would cost as recently as April.”
“Although federal taxpayers are expected to pick up some of this tab, the majority of it will fall on Bay State taxpayers.” She notes that some families will be expected to pay up to 7.7% of their annual income on subsidized health insurance, making it “hard to see how the state will get even close to the 100% participation rate.” In addition, the $295 per employee contribution “ceiling” being imposed on employers to help fund the plan will likely “prove to be a floor” because “the extra money must come from somewhere,” and “[s]tate activists, legislat[ors] and the Democratic gubernatorial hopeful are already grumbling that businesses need to pay more,” according to Pipes (Pipes, Washington Times, 11/5).

This is a perfect example of why the government does not belong in things that should be taken care of by the free market. There are uninsured people and some of those are the young who choose not to have money taken out of their pay because they feel they are young and healthy. There are others who just do not want to pay for it and then there are those who are indigent and can not afford it. In reality, no one will go without health care because those who do not have it use the emergency room as their primary care. This is not right but it is also not right to say people can not get care.

With the Democrats in charge again universal health care will be making a resurgence and this plan is one they have lauded as a good one. They are unconvinced that social medicine programs do not work. Despite the fact that they are terrible in countries that implement social medicine, the Democrats are convinced that they can do it right. No matter what plan they come up with, it will be terribly run, overstaffed with bureaucrats and inefficient. No government program ever runs efficiently.

The cost of health care would decline of the lawsuits declined. Companies must charge a fortune for medications to recoup the R&D costs and to cover litigation. Doctors are being sued all the time and juries dole out extraordinarily high monetary damage awards. We need tort reform and we need ordinary citizens to be able to group together to get lower group rates for insurance. Small businesses should be able to go in together as a group to get rates that larger companies get.

We could, however put a dent in the cost of health care for people by making politicians spend half of their campaign money on it. They spent 2,8 billion dollars on the last election. Forcing them to pay half would put 1.4 billion dollars in health care. They won’t do that because they do not want to spend their money on things, just yours and mine.

[tags]Health care,Massachusetts,uninsured,doctors, nurses,taxes,Big Dog[/tags]

Comcast Update

I contacted my hosting provider and they indicated they were having a problem with Comcast and that they were working to resolve it. I will keep you posted on their progress.
