Uh Oh, Obama Wanted To Fire US Attorney To Get Own Guy

Let me start off by saying that George Bush was well within his right to fire US attorneys and replace them with whom he wanted. They serve at his discretion. I know there are people who claim he fired them for political reasons and that might be true but Clinton fired all of them to get one out who was investigating a Democratic friend. That is as political as it gets. The key point is that the attorneys serve at the discretion of the president, no matter who that president is.

The left went bonkers over the firing of the attorneys by Bush. They are still fighting that battle and calling witnesses in order to determine if the firings were illegal. I imagine there are some instances where firing them would be illegal like if they were homosexual or because of color but lacking very defined things such as those, I can’t imagine that it was illegal to fire people who served at his discretion. That has not stopped the howling from the moonbats. How much howling will they do now?

Barack Obama wanted to replace Catherine Hanaway, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, and replace her with St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch. Hanaway is a Republican and McCulloch is a Democrat.

McCulloch turned down the job offer from Obama because he wants to stay where he is. However, this begs the question; will the moonbats investigate Obama over this? Hanaway has done nothing wrong but Obama wanted to fire her and replace her with McCulloch who just happens to be one of the Nazis who wanted to prosecute anyone who spoke out negatively about Obama.

This was obviously politically motivated. It is obvious that this is payback for McCulloch’s support and SS tactics on behalf of The Won. Poor Hanaway is a civil servant trying to do the best job she can and is not accused of any wrong doing. Why would they get rid of her?

I say it is because she serves at the discretion of the president and I will bet the liberals will say the same thing.

But that is not how they felt when it was Bush doing the firing.

Karl Rove is going to testify over the Bush firings. Obama could not have given him a better gift.

SENATOR: Mr. Rove, what gave President Bush the authority to fire these attorneys? Don’t you think that was wrong and what part did you play?

ROVE: I don’t think it was wrong because they serve at his discretion. It was no more wrong than Obama trying to fire Hanaway and replace her with McCulloch which recently happened and I want to thank Barack Obama for doing that. She serves at his discretion and he can replace her if he wants. As for what I had to do with it, I gave my opinion when asked.

KSDK St. Louis
Big Dog Salute to Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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Politics As Usual For President Elect Hope And Change

Change is on the way. You are the change we need. We need hope and change. This is our time and the time for change is now. With this mantra Barack Obama waltzed into the national scene. He portrayed himself as a regular guy, an outsider to DC politics as usual. The unfortunate reality is that Obama is a typical politician and there is no change in the future.

This guy touts the public education system and is beholden to the teacher’s union. However, he sends his daughters to private school and he did this long before he was elected on 4 November. Then he tapped the leader of public schools in Chicago (a basketball buddy) to be his head of education. The leader of the same school system he would not send his own children to.

Obama made sure he parlayed his Senate seat into a job for his wife where her salary more than doubled. He used questionable methods to have opponents removed from ballots so that he faced no opposition and he has nuanced his answers so that there would be no gotcha moment. Even people who cover for him have learned the Obama nuance as did Hawaii’s director of health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino:

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” KITV-ABC

Notice he never said Obama was born here, or that he is a citizen. He only states that the birth certificate is on file in accordance with state policies and procedures. This could mean that it is filed properly but more likely means that it is there in accordance with Hawaii policies that allowed foreign births to be registered in that state. This is nuance that the left has used as official word that Obama is indeed a citizen. Nowhere in that sentence does Dr. Fukina say that he affirms Obama is a citizen. Smart move because if it is discovered later that he is not, well that could mean jail time.

In any event, the average guy Obama and his change from the norm is on vacation in Hawaii. He is staying at a place that costs more to rent for one night than the monthly mortgage of most people (well most responsible people. Those who benefited from the Community Reinvestment Act might have mortgages that high).

The place where Obama is staying rents for $2500-$3500 a night and features 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, a pool and a spa. Now this might not seem like much. I mean, he is going to be the president of the US and he needs his Kennebunkport. Or, as his followers might suggest, a fortress of solitude.

What makes this a situation of politics as usual is that the listing for the place has been removed after the AP reported the details of it. Now it might be a matter of security but one would assume that if this were the case it would have been removed before he got there. Also, Oahu is an island and it is not too terribly difficult to guard a man who is staying on a private estate.

It is more likely that Obama did not want the unwashed masses who are losing their jobs because of Democratic failure to see him living the life of luxury. It would not be proper to have the people see The One living high on the hog in such bad economic times.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing but typical political maneuvering. There is no change in that and this is nothing more than politics as usual.

But hey, they got a great shot of of Obama with his shirt off. That should give the left something to fawn over for a while. I can see Chris Matthews’ leg getting all tingly over this.

Big Dog

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Just Say No To Oprah

Back during the general election Oprah Winfrey declined to interview Sarah Palin because Oprah said she wanted to keep her show free from politics. Of course, while keeping it free she had Obama on twice, his wife was on as well and Oprah made a big public spectacle of endorsing Obama.

Now that the election is over and Obama has won Oprah has requested Sarah Palin do an interview. Now Oprah is not the only one. Larry King and Barbara Walters would like interviews as well. Palin should consider those because even though King and Walters would love to give labial stimulation to glans Obama, they did not deny Palin the chance to interview during the campaign. She might not have done one but it is not because she was refused the opportunity.

Oprah, on the other hand, decided to deny an interview that many of her audience wanted to see. Now Oprah wants the ratings jump she would surely get with Palin on the adjoining couch.

Palin should do every interview except the Oprah one. She should deny any contact with Oprah or her people. Oprah is a lying, cowardly, racist puke who does not deserve the time of day. She too is part of the Chicago machine and though many consider her talented I would venture that she had Chicago help along the way. How much skill does it take to sit on a couch and talk about how much body fat you’ve lost?

Oprah might not have wanted to interject White Republican Female politics into her show but I have a feeling she will be more active in politics in 2012. Oprah is calling it quits from her show in 2011 which will give her a year to get involved and maybe even run for something though I can’t imagine what she would actually be qualified for except maybe the aforementioned labial-glans position.

If things go right, she will still be waiting for her Palin interview.


Big Dog

Obama Has to Win The Election First

Barack Obama’s spiritual adviser and inspiration for his book, Jeremiah Wright, has told his congregation (which included Obama) that the chickens have come home to roost. Looks like now Barack Obama is counting them before they have hatched as are his fellow Democrats.

Obama and the Congressional Democrats are working behind the scenes to craft legislation that includes billions of dollars in spending that they will try to ram through during the lame duck session of Congress and the Bush administration. They are starting Obama’s first 100 days a bit prematurely but they are waiting until after the election so as not to tick off voters who might not be too happy with all the additional spending. The Democrats say that this legislation is important and Obama says it should happen now but now to them means after they have safely avoided the wrath of voters.

It seems a bit premature to have Obama and the Democrats working on things for would be president elect Obama since he has not actually won the election. Yes, he is up by 6-8 points nationally and leads the electoral votes but these polls are small samples (and might not be weighted correctly) so they might not be an accurate portrayal of how the events will unfold. Besides, anything can happen in three weeks.

Barack Obama, or any Democrat for that matter, should be up by a substantial margin given all that has taken place. Hillary Clinton would probably be walking away with this election had she not been slighted by her party. The polls look good for Obama but there is a nagging fear among Democrats that things could change. That fear is not so overwhelming as to keep them from planning for the win.

This might all be part of a coordinated effort among the Democrats, the Obama campaign and the media. For several weeks they have used this manufactured economic crisis (which should have been left to self correct) as a bat with which to beat McCain and the Republicans. The media and the Democrats have been reporting that the race is all but over, Obama is way ahead, McCain has gone negative because he has nothing left to lose and leaving us with the impression that the election is a mere formality. It would not surprise me to find out the MSM is manipulating poll data to favor Obama especially when one sees such differing results. Only time will tell but the media lost all credibility this election cycle when they stopped reporting news and started being cheerleaders for Obama.

This might be by design in order to dampen the spirits of Republicans and to keep them from showing up at the polls. This could be part of a Chicago style assault in order to so disparage the Republican party that they throw in the towel and concede defeat. Given that Obama won his state and federal seats by unscrupulous tactics, it is not beyond the pale that his campaign and the media would work together to steal another election.

The Obama campaign has already put out talking points for tonight’s debate to highlight The One and to discredit John McCain. This, as I see it, is a preemptive strike to take the fire out of John McCain who has vowed to kick Obama’s rear in this debate. Obama has provided his allies in the media with ammunition to help ward off blows from McCain.

He is a slick little politician but he is not change. He is typical Chicago politics and he will say or do anything to win.

My friend Eric has a good primer for John McCain and it is worth the read for all others. It lays out the questions Obama has failed to answer and that the media failed to investigate.

Obama talks tough after poor showing

Barry Obama is fresh off his Hawaiian vacation and is not too happy because he got his head handed to him at Saddleback and now is five points behind John McCain in the national polls. In order to regain momentum after being punished at the religious forum Obama has decided to extend his tough talk past his post forum tantrum. He told a group in North Carolina:

“Our job in this election is not just ‘win,’ although I’m a big believer in winning,” Obama said during the rally. “I don’t intend to lose this election. John McCain doesn’t know what he’s up against.”

“He can talk all he wants about Britney (Spears) and Paris (Hilton), but I don’t have time for that mess,” Obama said. My Way News

Barry is trying to talk tough and wants people to believe he is a big believer in winning but that is simply not the case. Barack Hussein Obama is a big believer in personally winning because he is a politician and a self centered one at that. He is opposed to America winning and has described policies he will implement as president that would assure us of a loss in Iraq. He has already gone against the most successful tactic in the war and stated that they would not work. He wanted us to come home in shame so he opposed any new tactics and has refused to admit they were successful. Obama has even said he would not employ them even knowing what he does today. In other words, he would take the path of defeat.

Leave it to Barry to bring out the tough guy, punk in the hood, drug using, Chicago gangsta talk in this election. He mentioned that McCain does not know what he is up against. Barry, you are from Chicago. We all know what McCain is up against. He will face more votes from that place than there are registered voters. He will face voters who have been dead for years. He will face an electorate that will be bullied and intimidated by the Mayor and his thugs who will do anything in order to ensure your victory. This is what Richard Nixon faced in 1960 and it is what John McCain will face in 2008. Nothing has changed in the crime ridden Chicago political landscape in 48 years. Is he statement about McCain not knowing a veiled swipe at his age?

John McCain spent years being beaten and tortured by very bad people. He was abused and suffered physical and emotional wounds that took a long time to heal. What makes Barry think that John McCain will be threatened by a two bit hack from Chicago who has not quite gotten the hood out of his blood?

The reality is, Barry does not know what hit him. He has no time for Paris and Britney but he has time to play on the beach. The ads have hurt him and they have done so because they are accurate. Obama has celebrity status and he is viewed as a rock star. These are words that are used by his supporters and McCain seized upon them. Couple this with the messianic, cult like worship that his party, from the leadership down, showers us with on a daily basis and the McCain folks have a lot of ammunition courtesy of the other side.

What specifically is John McCain up against? Barack Obama is a Senator who is in his first term. He has spent more time campaigning than he has in the office to which he was elected. He has no legislative accomplishments as a US Senator and very few, if any, as an Illinois politician. His major claim to leadership is the fact he was a community organizer. That effort was marginal at best and provided no results for the community but a lot of money for his friends. Obama has no military experience, no leadership experience (I don’t think his claims count) and he has an unremarkable record. Obama has less experience for this job than Clarence Thomas had for the Supreme Court when he was selected. Obama said Thomas did not have the experience he needed when he was selected. What does that tell us about Barry? John McCain graduated from the Naval Academy two years before Obama was born and has more time serving this country than Barack Obama has on this planet.

The truth of the matter is that Barry thought he was on a cake walk. He has bought into his own hype. He believes he is “The One” and that the time is his. Hillary started out thinking that and look where she is.

Obama is talking tough because he thinks that John McCain has questioned his patriotism. McCain’s people point out they are questioning Obama’s experience. In reality, it is Obama who questioned McCain’s patriotism with his “Buy American, Vote Barack Obama” campaign. That campaign makes it clear that Obama is the true American Patriot but does not use the words to say it. I pointed out that Obama said he would never question someone else’s patriotism but that he did so in that new campaign. Obama only cries that his patriotism is being attacked so he has a reason to go on the warpath. He is making excuses so he can blame his lackluster performance on the attack ads. He believes that it must be the ads because everyone accepts the messiah.

Barry, be careful about the tough talk. People might expect you to back it up. You might think that the crafty veteran has no idea of what he is up against but I think he has been through much tougher times than anything you could possibly throw at him. I also know that if you start talking tough you might end up getting slapped around a bit by an old guy who has dealt with people tougher than you could ever hope to be.

As for your character. You have lied about too many things to count and you believe in killing infants. That says enough about your character right there.

You, young man, have no idea what you are up against…

Big Dog