Dems Will Say, Do Anything To Win

Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri is in a battle to keep the Senate seat she currently occupies. While her ideologies are out of touch with those of most of the people in her state she keeps getting reelected. It was baffling to most folks how she could get elected in a place where a moderate or conservative should have a better chance.

A recent undercover video from Project Veritas might well explain how McCaskill continues to win.

She lies.

In the video McCaskill, as well as many of her campaign workers, admits to being deceptive on her positions and that those positions change depending who she is speaking to. Her position on the Second Amendment is anti Constitutional but she does not want people to know that because there are Republicans who she needs to vote for her. She is opposed to a border wall and will willingly ignore immigration laws to help dreamers and to push DACA.

But this is all kept hush hush so that she will appear to be moderate. She takes tons of money from Chuck Schumer (his PAC) and her political beliefs are identical to Obama’s (their words, not mine) but that information is not allowed to leave the room. It must be kept under wraps so she can win reelection.

How is that for a kick in the pants? She will not do what is right (or at least be honest about her positions) because it is more important for her to win reelection.

Case in point, McCaskill is in favor of impeaching President Trump (or as Maxine Waters would say Impeat poddy pie) but they do not talk about it. They want to appeal to moderates who don’t want him impeached. When asked how she would respond to the moderates if she were reelected and went forward with impeachment a campaign worker stated he would tell them to “Get over it.”

This is your Democrat Party. These are the folks who lied about Romney’s taxes (Harry Reid who stated he didn’t win, did he, when asked about his lie) and those who hide their true intentions just to stay in office. Remember, these are the people who weaponized the FBI and initiated illegal surveillance on then candidate Trump. These people are evil.

Rush Limbaugh once said the left had to lie because if they told the truth they would never get elected.

Well now we know the truth and it is time for the great folks of Missouri to ensure McCaskill does not get reelected.

Read the article and see the video here.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Typical Liberal Hypocrisy

Liberals are well known hypocrites. They pass laws that do not apply to them, they pass feel good legislation and then balk when they are affected by it or they do things counter to what they said is best for the rest of us. Some anti gun liberals have concealed carry permits or armed guards or both. These people do not bat an eye at imposing gun control to keep the population disarmed while they carry a firearm for protection or are escorted by armed police officers. Michael Bloomberg, the idiot from New York, is one such hypocrite.

In California two supporters of a homeless bill of rights, legislation that negates many of the vagrancy laws, have been caught having the police shoo “homeless” people from their neighborhoods and places of employment.

People from Project Veritas pretended to be homeless and did everything allowed under the legislation (sat, loitered, begged) in front of the home of one of the sponsors. They were there for a while and nothing happened. Not long after the politician backed out of his driveway and drove past them the police arrived and told them they could not be there.

They were also at the government building where one (or both) work and they were accosted by officers from the DHS. The police state is alive and well as the DHS police threaten them and violate their rights.

This is typical behavior from the brown shirts in the police state and it is typical behavior from liberal politicians.

They pass feel good laws and all is fine unless it affects them. If they are bothered by what they impose on everyone else they call the police and have you harassed.

The video highlights the hypocrisy.

Ironically, the DHS officers demand to see what is on the camera as if it is illegal to record in public. All this from workers at an agency that wants more video surveillance cameras to record everything we do.

We need more recording of what the people who work for us are doing. Hell, the recent number of murders at the hands of police officers is justification for everyone to record.

And for the absolute defense of the Second Amendment.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
