Do the Race Baiters Want Obama to Win?

Al Sharpton, the anti Semite, race baiter has certainly endorsed Barack Obama (at least by his actions) and Obama was proud to stand with the man despite his history of racial divisiveness, riots leading to murder and lies. Additionally, Jesse Jackson is supporting Obama. Though Jackson waited, I saw a picture of him with an Obama sign and after Bill Clinton’s jab at him in South Carolina, support for Obama was inevitable.

The question is, do they really want him to win? Sure they are supporting him but that can’t hold much weight. Obama was already doing well with blacks and he is holding his own with some of the white demographics. The presence of Sharpton and Jackson, depending on how involved they get, could hurt him. Maybe that is the plan.

The whole existence of these two involves race baiting. They go around extorting money from companies with trumped up discrimination charges and they have made a fortune by portraying the blacks as victims of the white society. I am not suggesting that racism does not exist because it does and it comes in all colors. Jackson and Sharpton are two huge racists. However, the country is not anywhere near the way they like to portray it and blacks generally have many opportunities. The biggest limit to the success of blacks is their dependence on the Democratic Party, a group that treats them as if they are not capable of making it without government intervention. There are many successful blacks who owe nothing to government programs. Their biggest chance for success came from the two parents they had in their houses, something that is sadly missing from over 50% of black households.

I believe that an Obama presidency would negate many of the arguments that the race baiters make when they decry the racist whites who are oppressing. How can they possibly make a claim that a black person does not get the same chances as a white person if the president is a black man? An Obama presidency would lay to rest many of the bogus arguments they use to extort money and to fatten their personal bank accounts.

America is certainly ready for a black or a woman to be president. We are just not ready for this black or that woman to be president and it has nothing to do with race or sex. It might just be in the best interests of the race baiting poverty pimps to derail Obama before he screws up their scheme.

A loss might actually reinforce their claims and fit better into their agendas, especially if the convention is brokered and Obama is not selected. That would allow the race baiters to claim discrimination and say that America is a racist country where white people keep blacks down.

I would not be surprised if that is not their actual agenda.

Big Dog

Discrimination in Baltimore

The City of Baltimore is a septic tank and the people there are only to happy to live down to that assessment. There is violence all the time and success is considered achieved if they have fewer than 300 murders each year. The school system is a shamble and the man who was city Mayor is now the state governor so it will only get worse on a much larger scale.

One thing that is absolutely horrible in the city is public transportation. The buses are not safe and the animals from the schools ride them in the morning and afternoon (those who actually go to school) and they cause problems. The bus drivers are oblivious to what is happening and they have orders not to call the city police if a problem occurs but to call the transit cops instead.

Recently, a white lady was harassed by a bunch of middle school kids who happen to be black. They would not let her sit in any of the seats. When she finally sat down and refused to move when told “this seat is taken” she was assaulted. The kids beat the hell out of her and fractured the facial bones around her eye. They threw her out of the bus. If she had been black and the kids white the words hate crime would be plastered all over and that cretin Marvin Cheatham of the NAACP would be demanding that the assault be treated like the hate crime that it is. He has chimed in so much with the hate crime mantra that I know what this coward would say. However, since the attackers are black this will not be treated as a hate crime.

The investigators have determined that since this was a dispute over seats there would be no hate crime charges. Where are Jesse and Al demanding that hate crimes be charged? After all, wasn’t the dispute in Jena Louisiana over seats? The white kids did not want the black kids sitting under a tree (at least this is what we were told). So the dispute in each case is about a seat. In LA, the race baiters show up and demand that the black kids be released and charge that the white kids committed hate crimes by hanging a noose blah, blah. In Baltimore the lawyers for the black kids say their clients were provoked by the woman who might have spit at them. When does that (and it is alleged) give school kids the right to beat a woman senseless?

It is a double standard in Baltimore and these kids will be displayed as model students and great kids when I bet most of them have a record a mile long, hardly attend school, and probably can’t spell BUS. The lawyers have already indicated that their clients were not involved and asked how anyone could be sure since they were wearing the same kind of school uniform (so they all look alike??).

It is just criminal that this is dismissed as a fight over a seat and this is just the tip of the iceberg. There have been about five attacks on buses in the past month and some of them have been black on white with plenty of “you white this and that” included in the fracas. There is talk that people who have to take the bus are going to ensure they have protection with them. I have not ridden a city bus in decades but if I had to and some school kids attacked me their next bed would have a lid on it.

Ironically, I would probably be charged with a hate crime. They would be right though because I hate idiots.


Big Dog

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The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog,, and Adeline and Hazel, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.