Obama’s Passport Breach, No Big Deal
Mar 20, 2008 Political
Two contract employees at the State Department used their network privileges to look at Barack Obama’s passport application and possibly other items that are personal in nature. The two employees were fired and there is an investigation into the motive and what was compromised. The Obama campaign, as any good group of Democrats will do, blamed George Bush for this breach:
Obama spokesman Bill Burton issued a stern statement Thursday night, saying: “This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years. Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes. Fox News
I say this is no big deal and I say that because the Democrats have already set the precedent for this not being a big deal. Privacy is not an issue with them and they showed that when Michael Steele, a Republican from Maryland, ran for the US Senate. Two employees of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee illegally obtained Steele’s credit report solely for opposition research. The two employees worked for Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York. The FBI investigated the incident and the DSCC denied any involvement but no one has gone to jail. Was there even a report on this that brought it to closure? I believe Schumer’s fingerprints were all over this and that is why those two employees are not breaking rocks in prison. They can implicate people.
As far as Obama’s passport goes, it is a pretty big stretch to say that this was done for political purposes especially since it has yet to be fully investigated. In addition, it is pretty hypocritical for the Obama camp to act as if Democrats would not do such a thing. The assertion that the administration had little regard for privacy holds little water when one considers what the Democrats did to Micheal Steele. That incident was definitely politically motivated. This incident might have been Obama supporters trying to find out his home phone number. We won’t know until it is completely investigated, an investigation that will be more thorough than the one the Democrats conducted.
I believe that this claim by the Obama campaign is a diversionary tactic drummed up (the incident is not drummed up, the response is) to try and divert attention away from Obama’s racist remarks and the racist remarks of his Pastor. This issue has been beating Obama up and he has been losing support because of it. His campaign used the incident to paint the typical Democratic picture of George Bush as someone listening in to Aunt Mildred and her cookie recipes with no regard for privacy. They want us to know it can happen to Obama too and he will fight for the little guy against evil people like George Bush. Where was Obama when Steele’s credit report was illegally used for political purposes?
Obama is an empty suit. He harbors anti white feelings and he is a closet racist who follows the teachings of an overt racist. Obama’s dirty little secret got out too soon and it is hurting him. Nothing like creating a Bush scandal to divert the focus.
I say, no big deal. There is not a lot of information on a passport application. This is not a security clearance paperwork, it is for a passport. If those workers looked at it and had no legitimate reason then they were wrong. They have been fired so now let us move on and talk about important stuff like how many racists support Obama.
As an aside, maybe they looked at the places he has visited. I wonder if he went somewhere he does not want disclosed…
Jesse Jackson is a Typical White Person
Mar 20, 2008 Political
At least according to Senator Obama he is.
Barack Obama just keeps stepping deeper into the hole his association with Jeremiah Wright has created and the more he talks the deeper he gets. In his speech about race, Obama talked about his white grandmother who would be worried if she saw black folks on the street. Obama used his grandmother to try to defuse the situation that has his poll numbers dropping. In so doing, he equated her to a racist pig who served as his pastor. Basically, Obama said his white grandmother was a racist pig. After sticking his foot in his mouth on that one he rammed his leg the rest of the way in when he tried to clarify what he was saying:
“The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know. . .there’s a reaction in her that doesn’t go away and it comes out in the wrong way.”
So, his grandmother is a typical white person who is weary when she sees people she does not know. Of course, he changed it from black people to somebody she does not know. I don’t know that most people have a strange reaction to seeing people they do not know. There are tens of thousands of people passing each other on the streets and most probably don’t give it a second thought. I remain vigilant when I am out in the public and not because I am a typical white person under Obama’s definition but because remaining vigilant keeps me from being a victim of crime regardless of the criminal’s color. It is always wise to be aware of one’s surroundings.
Back to Obama though. He indicated that his white grandmother was a typical white person who is weary of black folks (once again, he used race in the original speech). This means that Jesse Jackson is a typical white person. You see, Jackson once stated:
There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. — the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as quoted in US News, 3/10/96 News Busters
Jackson, like Obama’s grandmother, knows that whites are less likely to commit the crime. Black on black crime is a real problem but blacks are more likely to commit a crime on a white than another white is. Jackson is relieved by seeing white people because he knows it is very unlikely that he will be victimized by them.
The victim culture coupled with gangs, gangster rap music and liberal social programs produces people who see violence as the only way to succeed. When rappers have made millions by singing about shooting, killing, and drugging that is what the youth learn. Send those same kids to a church like Obama’s and they learn to direct that anger and violence toward whitey.
I don’t know how typical Obama’s grandmother was but I know if Hillary Clinton or John McCain stereotyped blacks there would be hell to pay. I also know if Condi Rice said her grandmother was atypical black who lived off welfare and never amounted to anything she would catch hell as well. It seems that Obama is not held to that standard.
It is unfortunate too because he held Don Imus to a different standard than he holds Racist Wright. Obama said that Imus should be fired. The same should hold true for a black man making racist remarks. This whole ordeal should show that Obama is an empty suit who only cares about being elected. He does not believe in a different kind of politics because he plays the same games as seasoned politicians.
I also find it strange that Obama’s grandmother said things that made him cringe but he never indicated that Wright did the same…
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Tags: , jesse jackson, Obama, racism
Remember, Abortion is a Liberal Concoction
Mar 16, 2008 Political
Legalized abortion is a concoction of the liberals in this country. They were the ones who fought to get it legalized and they are the ones that are constantly out in front on a woman’s right to choose to murder her unborn child. Certainly, there have been conservatives who have had abortions and to think otherwise would be insanity. However, conservative by and large oppose abortion and fight vehemently against it. Liberals believe that it is a woman’s right to choose. They also believe that people who are conservative are racists so why is it that Planned Parenthood, a liberal organization that fights any limit on abortion, has been caught accepting donations from people who want their money to be used to abort black children?
Planned Parenthood is a liberal organization. There can be no doubt about that. They espouse abortion on demand for anyone who wants one and they believe that children should be able to get abortions without parental consent or notification. Yet, this liberal organization has been shown to favor aborting black babes in order to gain money.
Planned Parenthood has apologized for their “mistake” but are they sorry for the idea or sorry they got caught? In any event, we once again see liberals as the real racists in this world. No conservative is out saying that we should end abortions, except for black babies. Conservatives want an end to ALL abortions and do not care what color the bay is.
We have seen the ugly head of racism here recently and it involves liberals. We have racist remarks by members of the Clinton team and racist remarks by associates of Barack Obama. Now we have word that Planned Parenthood is all about aborting blacks to get rid of them.
Perhaps blacks should start espousing more conservative values and move back to the Republican party. They would be a lot safer on the right.
Idaho Statesman
The Advocate
Tags: abortion, genocide, planned parenthood, racism
Democratic Dilemmas and Lunacy
Mar 12, 2008 Political
Let’s start off with the topic of Geraldine Ferraro. She made a perfectly honest statement about Barack Hussein Obama and stirred up the race controversy. Ferraro said that Obama would not be where he is if he were a white guy and that is correct. She failed to mention that Hillary Rodham Clinton would not be where she is if she did not have that last name. However, the outcry from the Obama babies has been loud. Ferraro decided to step down so she could speak her mind without her opinions being attributed to Clinton. She had to stop what she was doing because she made what was perceived as a racist remark. Welcome to the world that Conservatives live in every day Gerry baby. One of our guys says anything that can be perceived in some microscopic way as being racist and jobs are lost, the race baiters run around like Michael Jackson with a head full of fire. Now you know what happens when political correctness runs amok. At least you did not have to kiss Al Sharpton’s ring and beg for forgiveness. FWIW, you are absolutely correct and race plays a big part in all of this. Obama gets 90% of the black vote and most people vote for him because he is black and for no other reason.
Richard Belzer, the stand up comedian libtard has insulted our troops. He stated; “You think everyone over [in Iraq] is a college graduate? They’re 19 and 20-year-old kids who couldn’t get a job.” Hey dumbass, they have a job. It is a job you could never do because you are not man enough. You never had the testicular fortitude to hold a job such as this even before you had testicular cancer. Belzer is a typical liberal who is unable to take responsibility for his actions. He asked Hulk Hogan to demonstrate a wrestling move and Hogan put a sleeper on him. When Hogan let go Belzer hit his head and required sutures. He sued for Hogan and received between $1.5 and 5 million dollars. What a twit! While we are talking about jobs Dick, how hard is it to memorize and utter words that someone else wrote for you? Your job is so insignificant that you were out of work when the writers went on strike. Belzer, you are a worthless idiot who insults better Americans than you could ever hope to be. Half of those soldiers could do your job and all of them could stomp you into a puddle of liberal pooh.
Eleanor Clift of Newsweek has still not gotten over the fact that George W. Bush won the 2000 election and that this was demonstrated time and again with recounts. No matter how they did it, Bush won. That did not stop this mindless drone from stating; “…After all, he [Gore] already won the popular vote for the presidency. It was only because of a fluke at the Supreme Court that he was denied his turn at the wheel. No one could deny that he’s ready on day one to assume the presidency.” A fluke of the Supreme Court? The court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court’s scheme for recounting ballots was unconstitutional and voted to end the recounting. It is funny to note that various schemes were used to recount later on and Bush won some and Gore won others (which shows that something is wrong if we cannot reproduce the results) but Gore would have won if they went with the way Bush wanted the recounts to take place and Bush would have won with the method Gore wanted. It is also important to note that the major networks called Florida for Gore before the polls closed and reports at the time indicated many people waiting in line to vote left the polling place. These areas were heavily Republican and one can only wonder how that early call affected the outcome. In any event, Clift is an idiot who has not gotten over 2000. It was eight years ago Eleanor. Get on with your life for goodness sake.
Whoopi Goldberg suffered a 17 month coma; “Now, when it all went down at 9/11 and [President Bush] said ‘we’re going get him,’ I was like ‘come on Georgie, let’s go.’ But he didn’t go where he said we were going. See, that’s where I got, because I woke up the next morning, we were in Iraq. I was like, what? I don’t think we’re in Afghanistan.” The coma is the only explanation for her inability to tell that these events were 17 months apart. Liberal selective memory helps them live in a world of delusions.
These are the kinds of things that libtards say and do each and every day. Liberalism is a mental disorder and millions of people suffer from it. One day we will be rid of them because they are committing genocide on their own but until that time we still get to laugh at them. I know we are not supposed to laugh at the mentally ill but they are just so darn funny.
Many items came from the Patriot Post.
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Ferraro Dreams; If Only Obama Were White
Mar 11, 2008 Political
Former VP candidate and Hillary backer Geraldine Ferraro has thrown down the race card with regard to Barack Obama. In this high stakes game of political poker Ferraro threw down the Ace of Spades by stating that if Obama were not black he would not be where he is.
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”
I do not disagree with her because if Obama were a white man he would not be drawing 85% of the black vote. Hillary would be getting it as the wife of the first black president. Most black people are voting for him for two reasons, he is black and he is a Democrat.
I will take Ferraro’s statement further and say that if Obama were a black Republican he would not be getting the votes that he is. he would have been out of this race a long time ago having been shunned by the black community as an Uncle Tom. The Democrats have so thoroughly put a strangle hold on the black community that they will not vote Republican unless Obama gets screwed by his party and the nomination goes to Hillary. Ms. Ferraro made a valid point but she was too narrow in her focus. His being black is only part of the equation but his being a Democrat is the other part. Blacks support him for those two reasons. God knows it is not because he actually says anything of substance. Amazingly, if whites voted for someone solely because he was white they would be labeled racists.
Now I want to turn Ferraro’s words inward. Hillary Clinton would not be where she is if she were a man. She would not be where she is if it were not for the fact that she is married to a former president. Clinton was elected to the Senate by an electorate that felt sorry for her because her husband cheated on her. She had no qualifications for the job. He life has been spent as a First Lady of one sort or another and she has had NO leadership experience in the real world.
She was elected because of her last name and she was the heir apparent because of her last name and for no other reason. People figured that if she were elected it would be a back door third term for Bubba and the prospect of him back in the White House excited people (except for parents of young interns). Hillary has no major accomplishments, she has a thin resume, and she was a carpetbagger in New York.
Yes, Ms. Ferraro is correct that Obama would not be where he is if he were white but Hillary would not be where she is if it were not for her last name. If Bill Clinton had never been elected to the presidency she would never have been elected to the Senate and she would not have been seen as a viable candidate for the White House.
ABC Political Punch
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Debbie Lee on A NEWT ONE!, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Faultline USA, DragonLady’s World, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, , Pursuing Holiness, Stageleft, Right Voices, Chuck’s Place, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: Clinton, democrat, ferraro, Obama, racism, republican, sexism