Democrats; Party of Racial Division

For years and years the Democrats have painted Republicans as a party of old white guys that is not inclusive of blacks or other minorities. They like to point out that there are no black members of Congress in the Republican party and Howard Dean recently said that the Democrats look like the modern party while Republicans looked like they were still stuck in a time long ago. These geniuses never stop to consider that most blacks are registered as Democrats so it would be difficult to find black Republicans who would want to run for Congress. Why would they? If they are Republicans they are labeled as “Uncle Toms” and sell outs by other blacks. The tolerant party has no tolerance for those who leave the Democratic plantation.

Interestingly, the Republican Party under George Bush gave this country its first two black Secretaries of State. This goes unappreciated as cartoonists from the left portray Condi Rice as a big lipped Aunt Jemima to George the “Task master” Bush and those who call Colin Powell and others such as Michael Steele phony blacks for being Republican.

However, whenever we see stories about racial divides it is within the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton making racist remarks, John Kerry not hiring blacks to any position of prominence in his campaign, and now the Super Delegate fiasco. Many blacks are being threatened because they continue to support Hillary Clinton even though Barack Obama won in their states (or districts). These people are questioning the blackness of the SDs and are indicating that they need to support Obama because he is black and because that is what the people they represent have done. I indicated in an earlier post that I would normally agree with this kind of thinking (about doing what constituents want, not voting because someone is black) but that i feel it is different with the SDs.

The Super Delegates have no rules governing how they may cast their votes. If they were required to vote according to the will of their constituents then the rules would say so. The rules say they may vote for whomever they wish without regard to any external influences. Since this is the case they should be able to do so. If they happen to like Obama better then they can vote for him and likewise for Clinton. But this is not how people are looking at it and the tolerant party is full of people making threats.

I think the hypocrisy is funny and I know that if white Super Delegates were being threatened to vote for Hillary because she is white or because she won a certain area (in which case Kerry and Kennedy would have to change votes) there would be cries of racism and the race baiters would be out in full force. Since the blacks are making the threats it is overlooked and no big deal is made of it. I read a comment somewhere and the person indicated that it would not surprise him if there was some push to allow Obama to start with 200 Electoral Votes before the national election as a method of affirmative action. I can’t say that I would be surprised if it happened.

The fact is that the Democrats have used race as a method of dividing people for decades. They keep blacks “in their place” and do not allow them to stray too far from the plantation. Those who do are instantly labeled as sell outs and Uncle Toms and do not deserve to use oxygen. The racism that Democrats keep accusing the Republicans of seems to be concentrated right in their party. This is why the Democrats pray that their convention is not brokered because their racism will be on display. A bunch of old white guys could have the deciding factor in who gets the nomination for the left and that would fracture their party. They are aware of it and want the matter settled before then.

The bullying tactics used on the Super Delegates by members of the black community rival the tactics of the KKK. They are overtly racist and make no bones about this being a matter of Obama’s blackness and little else, including qualification, matters.

Like I have stated before, it would be good if people in the black community stopped drinking the Kool Aid from the Democratic Party and made up their own minds. Come to the Republican Party and become empowered over your own lives. You won’t need Hillary or Barack to provide you health care because you will be able to provide it for yourself.

Texas and Ohio Republicans please vote for Hillary so we can keep this fight on the left continuing up to their convention. Not only will it be destructive to their party, it will be great entertainment for the next few months.

The Politico

Big Dog

For my friend Adam: I told you Hillary was Satan.

The Old White Party, Now That’s Rich

Frank Rich, one of the idiots at the New York Times, has an opinion piece entitled The Grand Old White Party, where he discusses the GOP and John McCain. He depicts the GOP as a bunch of angry white men who exploit blacks in the south and southern racism in order to hold onto to power. With Rich, everything that happened in history is racially motivated. Rich seems to think that Barack Obama brings a fresh face to politics and that fresh face shows the GOP to be even more tied to its “racist” past than before.

Never mind that it was the Republican Party that ended slavery because even the blacks seem to have forgotten that as they have continually registered as Democrats for decades. Rich is heaping all this GOP, angry white racists, on his readers while ignoring that in this primary season it has been the whites in the Democratic Party who have been injecting race. Joe Biden and his comments, Bill Clinton and his and any number of others who question if Obama can win because he is black. Instead of focusing on the racism in the Democratic Party and the angry white men there (like Robert “sheets” Byrd, former KKK member), Rich wants to show the GOP as not being inclusive because it has no black members in the House or Senate. Rich is too stupid to understand that blacks make up about 13% of the population and 90% of that group generally (with few exceptions) votes Democrat (especially in presidential races). Therefore, there are not very many blacks available to run for office on the GOP side. What I would ask is, given the huge number of blacks who are Democrats how come their numbers are not larger among the Democrats in the House and the Senate?

I understand that Rich is a liberal and that he has drunk the liberal kool-aid. I can understand he is one who probably gets weak kneed when Obama speaks and is probably all ga ga at the prospect of voting for a woman or a black man. But what he is doing in this piece is shilling for Obama. First he shows the GOP as racists who do not include blacks and then he shows McCain as an angry white guy who has better opinions than most in the GOP because he has said things that Rich believes to be correct such as the Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism. That is patently stupid and it is obviously wrong. The Confederate Flag is NOT a symbol of racism, it is a symbol a bunch of apologists have assigned to racism. The civil war was not about racism and it was not about slavery (though without slavery there might not have been a war). But I digress, we can discuss the North’s war of aggression on the South some other time.

The entire opinion piece seems, to me at least, to be designed to build up Obama’s bonafides while casting the GOP as a group of racists so that when the general election comes anything used against Obama will be seen as a racist attack. It is designed to paint the GOP as out of touch with a country that has evolved to be so much more inclusive now that a woman and a black are fighting it out. In Rich’s world, the GOP is out of touch because it does not embrace the failed polices of liberalism (which has been called a mental disorder). The people who belong to the GOP have no problem with a black or a woman being president, just not this black (OK, half black) and that woman. We would be against these two if they were white men because we do not like the message. The vessel the message comes in is not important to the equation.

Of course, Rich thought John Edwards look presidential. It stands to reason that in Rich’s new diverse world a feminine looking and acting man would be presidential. Since Rich is big into stereotypes (but only when attacking the GOP) let me stereotype. Edwards looks like a faggot and is not presidential. Hillary looks more manly than Edwards (and many other men as well, the lesbians love that).

Before Frank Rich starts attacking the GOP for what he believes is our out of step and racist policies perhaps he should look at his own party and get them straight first. Besides the racial overtones from both camps (the Clintons and their racist remarks and the Obama supporters with the notion that not voting for Obama makes one a racist) there are plenty of party elders who are angry old white guys. Over half of the Super Delegates are old white establishment guys and they could very well decide the nomination in favor of Hillary Clinton even if Obama is leading at the time. Interestingly, the angry white guy who will lose for the GOP big time in 2008 (our demise according to Rich) is also the demographic that could be the undoing of the Democratic Party. If the party elders screw Obama, blacks might finally see what they actually mean to their party and flock to the GOP or stay home.

In either case, the Democrats would lose across the board in November. Nothing would be sweeter than to have the Democratic Party break apart in this fashion. They have used covert racism for decades to keep blacks under their thumbs. Yes, programs like affirmative action which the GOP hates, is nothing more than the left telling blacks they are not good enough to compete on their own so they need help. Just like welfare, public housing, minority business preferences, and a myriad of programs designed to help out blacks because they, according to their handlers in the Democratic Party, are not able to do anything without help. Covert racism plain and simple. It will be good to finally see the Democrats come out of the closet (to use a phrase espoused by another heavily Democratic demographic) at their national convention and show their racism right out in the open.

I wonder what Frank Rich will have to say then? Won’t matter because if his circulation keeps dropping the only people who will know what he thinks are the latte drinkers who hang out with him at Starbucks…

Big Dog

Others with interesting posts:
Faultline USA, , Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Blue Star Chronicles, Webloggin, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Adeline and Hazel, Stageleft, A NEWT ONE-Special Thursday guest!, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Do the Race Baiters Want Obama to Win?

Al Sharpton, the anti Semite, race baiter has certainly endorsed Barack Obama (at least by his actions) and Obama was proud to stand with the man despite his history of racial divisiveness, riots leading to murder and lies. Additionally, Jesse Jackson is supporting Obama. Though Jackson waited, I saw a picture of him with an Obama sign and after Bill Clinton’s jab at him in South Carolina, support for Obama was inevitable.

The question is, do they really want him to win? Sure they are supporting him but that can’t hold much weight. Obama was already doing well with blacks and he is holding his own with some of the white demographics. The presence of Sharpton and Jackson, depending on how involved they get, could hurt him. Maybe that is the plan.

The whole existence of these two involves race baiting. They go around extorting money from companies with trumped up discrimination charges and they have made a fortune by portraying the blacks as victims of the white society. I am not suggesting that racism does not exist because it does and it comes in all colors. Jackson and Sharpton are two huge racists. However, the country is not anywhere near the way they like to portray it and blacks generally have many opportunities. The biggest limit to the success of blacks is their dependence on the Democratic Party, a group that treats them as if they are not capable of making it without government intervention. There are many successful blacks who owe nothing to government programs. Their biggest chance for success came from the two parents they had in their houses, something that is sadly missing from over 50% of black households.

I believe that an Obama presidency would negate many of the arguments that the race baiters make when they decry the racist whites who are oppressing. How can they possibly make a claim that a black person does not get the same chances as a white person if the president is a black man? An Obama presidency would lay to rest many of the bogus arguments they use to extort money and to fatten their personal bank accounts.

America is certainly ready for a black or a woman to be president. We are just not ready for this black or that woman to be president and it has nothing to do with race or sex. It might just be in the best interests of the race baiting poverty pimps to derail Obama before he screws up their scheme.

A loss might actually reinforce their claims and fit better into their agendas, especially if the convention is brokered and Obama is not selected. That would allow the race baiters to claim discrimination and say that America is a racist country where white people keep blacks down.

I would not be surprised if that is not their actual agenda.

Big Dog

Hold NAACP’s Doc Cheatham to His Word

In the middle part of November a noose was found at a Baltimore City fire station by two paramedics, one black and one white. According to Henry Burris, the president of the Vulcan Blazers, a black firefighters group, there was a note with the noose that read; “We can’t hang the cheaters but we can hang the failures.” This was evidently in reference to a promotion exam given in the fire department in which several blacks placed in the top of the people who took the test. There were allegations that the test was leaked and that cheating was involved.

This noose, of course, caused a big stink. Nooses are taboo in our society because they bring up memories about a terrible past that no one alive today has been forced to live. Black leaders all over were indignant about this crime. Baltimore Mayor Shelia Dixon said that the hanging of the noose was a “deplorable act of hatred and intimidation.” WBAL Radio

Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP is an interesting character who sees racism in everything and makes allegations but is never man enough to apologize when he is off the mark has trouble learning from his mistakes. Last May it was alleged that a Moose head in a fire station had an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Cheatham discussed the racism and how horrible this was and gave his usual white people are bad mantra. However, a firefighter called in to a radio station and said it was a deer head, had a straight hair wig and that a black guy put the gold tooth in it. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations and statements and had this to say; “there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department.” WBAL Radio

Why is this important? Because Doc Cheatham chimed in on the discovery of the noose. He indicated that the noose was evidently a message about the probe into the exam and possible cheating and then he said:

“We’re going to demand that this be handled as a hate crime,” Cheatham said. “This thing really needs to end here in Baltimore city.”

So, not content that he blew it with the “moose head” Cheatham is demanding that this be treated as a hate crime and that it “end here.” I could not agree more and I am holding Doc Cheatham to his words though that might be tough since he has never been man enough to stand for the right thing. You see, it was discovered that a BLACK paramedic hung the noose. Cheatham never considered that it could have been a black guy because only whites are racist hate mongers.

Yep, that slap is going to leave a mark. It was reported that Gary Maynard (identified as Donald in another story), one of the two who found the noose, confessed to police that he left the noose and the note (it was a noose when they found it and was reported as a rope now that a black guy confessed). Maynard has been suspended but has not been charged with a crime (you know a white guy would have been charged right away) but I am demanding that he be charged with the hate crime that Doc Cheatham demanded it be “handled as.” Fire Chief William Goodwin stated that this scheme was “meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner.”

Therefore, it was designed to create an atmosphere of racial hatred and intolerance. So it was a hate crime and I DEMAND that it be treated as such just as Cheatham demanded when he thought the perp was white. I want this guy to lose his job, to have to attend racial diversity training and to be given whatever jail time is permitted and would have been given if he were white.

I am taking bets that Cheatham will dismiss this and go back on his demand that it be handled as a hate crime. He will somehow try to blame it on white people in the department for making this guy feel so bad that he put up the noose to draw attention to the plight of blacks in the department. I am willing to bet that Cheatham will NOT pursue this as he would have if a white guy confessed.

Cheatham will, instead, find a way to show how this proves there is a racial divide in the Baltimore fire department that needs to be corrected.

Perhaps he could start by explaining why black firefighters have their own group (Vulcan Blazers) and then demand it be abolished as racist and separatist, or perhaps he could explain if the evil white guys have their own firefighter’s group as a balance.

In any event Cheatham needs to stick with his original demand. If he does not he will be nothing more than a race hustler like Sharpton and Jackson (an opinion I have held of him for some time).

Then again, saying he is in the NAACP and a race hustler might be redundant.

UPDATE: The Baltimore Sun has the story and of course refer to the noose as a “knotted rope.” I bet that description would not fly in Jena, LA. Mayor Dixon thinks that since a black guy did it, it is “not a threat of that nature.” So, since a black guy did it, it is not as bad?

Marvin “Doc” Cheatham did not let me down. He blamed the acts of the criminal on the Fire Department:

But Marvin L. “Doc” Cheatham, president of the NAACP’s Baltimore chapter, said the fact that such an incident could occur shows that pervasive racial problems persist in the department.

“It really saddens us to hear that evidently things have reached a stage that even an African-American does an injustice to himself and his own people as a result of a negative culture in that department,” Cheatham said when asked to respond to the unions.

Cheatham is definitely a race hustler.

Other Source:

Big Dog

Congressman Uses McKinney Racism Defense

Congressman Danny Davis a Democrat in the 7th District of Illinois said he was the victim of racial profiling because he was pulled over early in the morning while driving a few of his friends. Two white police officers pulled him over and issued a $75 ticket because he went over the center line. Davis is crying racism and said he can’t think of any other reason he was pulled over other than he is black and had black people in the car. How about her drove over the line and that is the reason?

I know it is hard for some people to grasp but if you cross the center line real early in the morning the police believe you might have been drinking and they pull you over. If you have been drinking you get arrested for DUI and a ticket for failure to stay right of the center line. I wonder if the cops gave this guy a sobriety test. He might have been drinking and should have been arrested for DUI but instead got a break. He committed a traffic violation and got a ticket and it has nothing to do with him being black.

I am tired of people crying because they get a ticket. I have been pulled over a number of times when I worked swing shift. It seemed that every Friday or Saturday some of us who were on our way home from work were stopped just after midnight so they could see if we had been drinking. I am white and get pulled over. The teens in my area get pulled over all the time and they are white. This Congressman should be thankful they he just got a ticket and he should give up playing the race card.

Of course, someone will tell me that it is because of oppression 200 years ago but if you want to be treated equally start acting like an equal and quit crying when you are caught breaking the law.

CBS2 Chicago

Big Dog