Wright Flock Loses Black Sheep Obama

For quite some time now Barack Hussein Obama has been taking heat because he attended a church with a racist pastor who hates white people and has a huge chip on his shoulder. Obama had hoped that the furor over Pastor Wright’s remarks had passed and that his [Obama’s] speech about race had sealed the deal. Unfortunately, the man Obama described as an uncle more closely resembles the black sheep (pun intended) of the family. I believe that the Obama’s hold many of Wright’s views but don’t want to be associated with them so that he can be elected and Michelle can go on being proud for the first time in her life.

Wright was making the rounds this past week and he ended up at the National Press Club on what turns out to be the invite of a Hillary Clinton supporter. Barbara Reynolds helped get Wright as a speaker. Whether she did it to throw more fuel on the fire and help Clinton or did it to hear what he has to say is a matter of speculation. Regardless of the motive, he did not disappoint people and his anti-American hate filled speech is probably giving Obama more gray hair by the minute.

Obama, who has tried to distance himself from Wright, completely denounced his spiritual mentor and said he was outraged by statements Wright made. Wright told audiences that the attacks were not on him but on the black church as a whole and that the US government created AIDS to get rid of black people. Wright likens this to the Tuskegee experiments early in the last century:

Wright criticized the U.S. government as imperialist and stood by his suggestion that the United States invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against minorities. “Based on this Tuskegee experiment and based on what has happened to Africans in this country, I believe our government is capable of doing anything,” he said. Breitbart

Just for historical purposes, the experiments dealt with syphilis, a venereal disease. In the 1930s syphilis killed a lot of people and the medication they gave to treat it was often worse than the disease. The medications killed people or made them very sick and often did not cure the infection. A group of people decided to follow black men with the disease (they had it already, the government did not infect them) and see how it progressed. This was a time when there was no real informed consent and the “participants” (uneducated black men) in the study were not informed why they were being observed. Many patients were often not told the truth about conditions at that time in our history.

Syphilis was not brought under control until the invention of penicillin in the 1940s. However, many people in the Tuskegee study were not given penicillin and remained under observation to see how the disease affected them. There is no getting around the fact that these people were used and were the victims of what we would now consider unscrupulous medical practices though at the time they were not seen as such. The fact that they were not given penicillin when it was discovered is a terrible case of malpractice. However, there is no way to equate this to the AIDS virus (which came from a simian virus). Wright is spouting off conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact.

Before I get off this tangent it is important to note one thing. Wright blames the government for HIV and says that this is a way [for whites] to get rid of blacks. Then he brings up the Tuskegee study as if a bunch of white guys went around infecting blacks with syphilis. Two of the people involved in the Tuskegee study were black. There was a black nurse and a black doctor who studied the men who had become (on their own) infected with syphilis. It does not make it right, it only dispels this idea that white guys are trying to kill off blacks.

Is Wright now a thorn in Obama’s side? Wright told people in his speech that he is a pastor and Obama a politician so he speaks as a pastor and Obama says what politicians have to say [to get elected]. Does this mean that Obama agrees with Wright but says the opposite in order to gain higher office? Regardless of what he means, it is obvious that Wright has blackened Obama’s eye. It looks as if Wright has been offended by Obama’s constant denunciation of him and his preachings.

Is Pastor Wright now deliberately sabotaging Obama because Obama has distanced himself from his one time spiritual adviser? Has Obama become the black sheep of Wright’s flock? It seems like Wright is an intelligent man so he has to know that his multiple appearances will adversely affect Obama. Is he so vain that he is blind to the effect he is having or has he decided that Obama needs to pay for denouncing him? Does Wright think that trying to redirect the blame by saying white people are attacking the black church will play well with the very white people Wright thinks are racists?

It seems as if Pastor Wright has turned against Barack Obama. Is it because he is upset?

Or did the Clintons get to him?

Obama has Wright to mess things up and Hillary has Bill. You have to love watching the Democrats implode.

Big Dog

Time for Obama to Disown Racist Pastor

And it is time for him to start apologizing for what that preacher has said.

Geraldine Ferraro stepped down as an unpaid adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton after statements she [Ferraro] made about Barack Hussein Obama. Ferraro was absolutely correct when she said that if Obama was a white guy he would not be giving Hillary a challenge. If he was a white guy or another woman Hillary Rodham Clinton would be getting the bulk of the black vote. As it stands right now Obama is getting about 90% of that vote and he is getting it, for the most part, because he is black. Ferraro mentioned that she was selected as a VP candidate because she is a woman but failed to mention that Clinton would not be where she is if she was not married to Bill Clinton. Despite what her supporters say, it is an undeniable truth.

Obama does not want to play the race game, or so he indicates when he says issues, not race will prevail. For her part, Clinton had to jump in and apologize as if she had done something wrong or as if what was said was racist or wrong. The fact is, it was the truth and apologizing makes Hillary appear weak. Hell, when Ferraro stepped down it gave the appearance that she said something wrong and she did not. But when will Obama really remove race from the equation?

When will Obama apologize for the racist things his preacher, Jeremiah Wright, says? Wright has blamed white people (and black Republicans) for all the woes in the black community. Wright has called America the US of KKK and he has stated:

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,”

His contention is that the government targets black people and they are the victim of a plot to get the poor brothers. Wright is a racist pig and Obama needs to quit that church and sever all ties with him. If Obama wants the issues and not race to prevail then Obama needs to remove his own racists from the equation. Otherwise he is proving what we evil whites have known all along. Blacks get away with racism all the time but the slightest hint of racism from a white brings the wrath of the race baiters down. It seems to me that if Wright paid attention he would know that it is buffoons like him who hurt the black community by continuing to encourage them to suckle at the teat of the Democrats who will provide everything for the poor blacks who are supposedly not able to do for themselves. When you espouse dependency then you are admitting you are inferior to those who are not dependent and you become subservient to those who provide. People like Wright ensure that blacks remain enslaved. They removed the cotton fields but not the shackles.

Obama was married in that church and he has listened to Wright for 20 years. He must agree with what Wright says or he would have left the church. Surely if he and his peeps think that Clinton staff should step down for making what they perceive as racist remarks then Obama needs to leave his church and sever ties over what we absolutely know to be racist remarks from his pastor.

I can only assume that Barack Hussein Obama agrees with the message coming from that church and its racist leaders since he has stayed there for 20 years. Obama is a bright man and knows what is being said. Even an idiot would know what kind of message comes from that so called House of God and since Obama stays there he must like what he hears.

I want to know when the Obama followers are going to demand this of their prophet. I want to know when they are going to demand the same things they demand of his opponent.

Jay at Stop the ACLU has more quotes and expanded coverage.
UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal has a good story about this.

Click to see others posting on this:

Clintons Defend Racist Remarks

Looks like the Clintons are now finding out what Republicans have to go through all the time but what most Democrats get a free pass on and that is the issue of race. Any Republican who makes a remark that is perceived as racist is boycotted by those idiots Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. It becomes a circus while the race hustlers have people kissing their rear ends begging for forgiveness. Then, ultimately, the person who offended the black community loses a job or position or some other thing because God knows we can’t offend the race hustlers.

The Democrats always get a pass. Hillary speaks in a black voice and talks about plantations and she is excused. There are plenty of examples of this. Hell, it isn’t only race. It deals with sex as well. Let a Republican talk about women and he is a sexist pig with NOW having a cow. Let Clinton rape women and let Ted Kennedy kill them and there is nary a word. Let’s face it, Hillary is only a viable candidate because of her husband. She had an unremarkable career and only has name recognition because of him. Without his sexcapades she might not have even been elected to the Senate. NOW surely does not chide her for needing a man to get ahead. She is qualified because she slept with the president…

Back to the point. The Clinton campaign is trying to put an end to the outrage over some comments made by them which were taken as racist by many in the black community. Bill and Hillary are used to having their way with the black community but now that a brother is running for the White House (kind of ironic when you think about it) they are fair game just as any Republican would be. Bill had to go on the Sharpton radio show to kiss his butt and explain what he said. Bill told Al that the campaign was not a fairy tale after stating that it was (which started the mess for him).

Bill was on some satellite radio program where he talked in circles, lied through his teeth, and generally used a lot of words to say nothing of substance. The Clintons also have to worry about the South Carolina primary because the black vote is capable of making the difference. In addition, New York, once though to be in the bag for Hillary, is now considered in play. The Clintons have probably feared this the whole time but never really thought it would happen. Now people can complain about the race issue being brought up (it was not raised by Obama) but no one gave it a second thought when Hillary was playing the gender card.

It is fun watching them squirm and it would be great to see the black vote ruin her after all the years the Clintons pandered to blacks and then abandoned them after the votes were counted.

As for the racism, let us not forget that Obama is probably a racist as well. He hangs with Sharpton and other shady characters who hate white people and make racist remarks about them. As one of the other bloggers put it, Obama is a smile in an empty suit. However, that empty suit is just as racist as the Clintons are made out to be.

But the black guy will always get the pass on that issue. Look at Sharpton and all he has gotten away with. Kos was interested in helping the Republicans fight with each other blah, blah. It appears that the black guy and the racist woman in the Democratic party might cause a lot of fragmentation. If they are not careful the Breck girl John Edwards might sneak in.

It is getting fun and keep this in mind. If the Clintons did not think they had made racist remarks (they probably meant to and figured they would not be taken as such) then why are they all over the airwaves and TV shows defending what they said?

They know they are wrong and they are now pandering.

Hillary is Satan.

Related items:
Emperor Misha has a great post.
The Politico
Yahoo News
The State
The New York Times

Big Dog

Ron Paul a Racist?

I have heard these stories since Paul started gaining momentum and I think they are most likely a bunch of BS. I realize that Paul has indicated he has no problems taking money from white supremacist organizations and I agree with him in that regard. He cannot control who decides to donate to his campaign and he should welcome the money of people who want to support him. This is true of all the candidates. Some donors expect they will get something in return and a problem only arises when they do. If a politician gets a donation and then reciprocates there is a problem. This is how lobbyist scandals occur. The Democrats seem to be a bit better at staying out of trouble for this but many openly do this. Republicans do it and some end up in jail (as they should).

There is a report out from some Neo Nazi website that indicates Ron Paul is one of them and that he attends meetings:


I have kept quiet about the Ron Paul campaign for a while, because I didn’t see any need to say anything that would cause any trouble. However, reading the latest release from his campaign spokesman, I am compelled to tell the truth about Ron Paul’s extensive involvement in white nationalism.

Both Congressman Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, usually on Wednesdays. This is part of a dinner that was originally organized by Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis and Joe Sobran, and has since been mostly taken over by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

I have attended these dinners, seen Paul and his aides there, and been invited to his offices in Washington to discuss policy.

For his spokesman to call white racialism a “small ideology” and claim white activists are “wasting their money” trying to influence Paul is ridiculous. Paul is a white nationalist of the Stormfront type who has always kept his racial views and his views about world Judaism quiet because of his political position.

I don’t know that it is necessarily good for Paul to “expose” this. However, he really is someone with extensive ties to white nationalism and for him to deny that in the belief he will be more respectable by denying it is outrageous — and I hate seeing people in the press who denounce racialism merely because they think it is not fashionable.

Bill White, Commander
American National Socialist Workers Party [VNN Forum]

I don’t believe this for one minute though I suppose anything can be true. But logic tells me that this group would not out Paul if they wanted him in the White House (a house name I am sure they relish). If this were true and they outed him he would never be elected and their racist agenda would not be met. Therefore, I just cannot imagine it is true. This guy says he does not know about it being good to out Paul but his whole story lacks good reason. Why would a bunch of white racists meet in a Thai restaurant?

I don’t think Ron Paul is a white supremacist or a racist and this little “outing” did nothing to change that opinion.

***Warning: If you go to the forum you will read vile stuff from disturbed people.***

Big Dog Salute to LGF

Big Dog

No Way in Hell I’d be a Muslim for a Day

…or for any amount of time.

A school in the UK forced faculty and students to dress up as Muslims for a day to belatedly celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid. Most of the students are Christians and only two teachers are Muslim but everyone was forced to dress as Muslims. There was also a gathering but men were not allowed there because Muslim men do not like their women mixing with other men. Many of the people involved are not happy about this but went along anyway to protect their jobs and keep from being labeled a racist.

First of all, Muslim is not a race so that is out the door but even if it were factual they could call me anything they wanted because there is no way in hell I would have gone along with this. My children are grown and out of school but I can promise that my grandson will never participate in this kind of activity. Those who chose to do this rather than fight it have already indicated they are comfortable with being Dhimmis.

Imagine what the outcry would have been had a school full of Muslims been forced to dress as Jesus to celebrate Christmas? CAIR and every other group would be crying the blues about forcing a religion on other people and I would agree with them.

We have too many double standards in this world but I, for one, would never, ever, submit to this kind of stupidity. They could fire me, call me racist and say anything they wanted but there is just no way I would submit.

The world as we know it is coming to a very abrupt end and the Dhimmis are helping it along.

Of course, it is Halloween so maybe these folks are dressed as horrible monsters. I know I said never but I might actually do it for Halloween and go with a sword and a severed head. That would surely get some attention.

The Sun UK

Big Dog